"Uh..." Yang Jingguo was frightened, his scalp numb, and his crotch was even more chilly, thinking that he was already so obscure, how did the old man know? Damn, who told the secret? Be careful I shot you down with one shot.

"I think...then Li Zedao and our Qinglian are so good." Yang Jingguo quickly changed the subject and had to compromise.

At the same time, he felt sore in his heart. He felt that he was too deprived of status at home. He was crushed by the old man, ignored by the young man and ignored by the other half... , Anyway, he wanted to secretly throw away the washboard at home, but he didn't have the guts to do that.

For his wife, Yang Jingguo has a very strong sense of guilt.

"God, is that kid worthy of my precious granddaughter?" Director Yang cursed angrily, "Okay, that's it, be careful I beat you up if you're jokes!"


So after that day, Yang Qinglian began to deliberately pay attention to Li Zedao's movements. After that, Li Zedao and her group returned to China, and she followed to Phoenix City, even on the same flight.

On the flight, she saw Li Zedao and his beautiful women. Li Zedao didn't notice her...Of course, she might have noticed, but simply ignored them.

Of course, during this period, Yang Qinglian was also working hard to reflect on herself, changing herself little by little, her temper, her worldview, outlook on life and values.

She felt more and more that what Li Zedao said in the restaurant that day was justified, and more and more felt that she was indeed arrogant and domineering before, indiscriminately saying that if you step on it, you will trample you to death. You say a little more nonsense, that approach is really improper.

"How do you do it?" Yang Qinglian patted off the fine sand in her hand, knocking her head a little irritably and headache.

After exhaling a few heavy breaths, she decided to walk backwards on the beach.

Walking backwards is a useful fitness method. Every time Yang Qinglian has a headache or is in a bad mood, she will walk backwards for a certain distance. After that, the irritability can basically be better, but if this method is still no way If her irritability is eased, she will find a hapless guy to give it a hard punch.

She opened her arms, and stepped back evenly and slowly. After a short distance, her irritability had calmed down a bit.

"Forget it, report to the police station tomorrow, and then get along with that Li Mengchen." Yang Qinglian muttered in her heart, and then raised her head to look at the white clouds in the clear sky.

"You wait, I will definitely not let you go." Yang Qinglian mumbled to herself. After speaking, he took a deep breath, and then sat back heavily, intending to sit on the soft sand for a while.

But when she sat down, Yang Qinglian suddenly felt that something was wrong. Because the sand should be soft, but now she is sitting on a hard thing, especially the buttocks, as if being pushed by something.

Instinctively, she twisted her hips, it felt...

Yang Qinglian's expression instantly solidified, and her body suddenly became extremely stiff. She seemed to have guessed what it was after her butt.

At the moment, her head lowered like a machine little by little, and then the corners of her mouth twitched violently, her mind roared violently, and a huge wave was already in her heart.

Her guess is correct!

There is such a head that is heavily pressed down by his buttocks, and it is the nose on this head that is staring at the ditch...

So, is there such a neuropathy lying on the beach to make up for sleep or drinking too much during the day? Then one of his people who didn't pay attention, just sat down on their face.

"Ah..." A few seconds after her mind crashed, she gave a blushing exclamation. She jumped up and rushed forward two steps. Her chest was violently ups and downs, and her wide-eyed eyes were full. They were all messy, their little faces flushed, and the flesh was twitching violently, almost losing feeling.

I actually sat on a guy's head in such a...erotic pose...

When the word "pornography" appeared in her mind, Yang Qinglian's body trembled at a faster frequency.

"Buckling!" Yang Qinglian gritted her teeth and clenched her small hands tightly into fists. Now she is not only trying to beat people, but she also wants to kill!

Just when Yang Qinglian was so angry, the owner of the head behind her slowly sat up, grabbed her dark flowing hair with one hand, and said in a vague and lazy tone while yawning. : "Um...what did you press on my face?"

"Uh..." Yang Qinglian's face became even hotter when she heard the voice behind her, and she was ashamed to leave her grandma's house. Now she wants to dig out a big hole on the beach and give herself to Buried.

However, the murderous aura in his heart was slightly suppressed.

She was gasping for breath, feeling somewhat lucky, that is to say, this person just fell asleep, so she didn’t know that she was sitting on his face... It’s just that she was sitting on such a guy with a ghostly ass. Face, and the other party is still a man...

The virginity of my **** is gone... Yang Qinglian really wants to cry without tears.

At the same time, there were two voices in her heart fighting fiercely.

One of the voices said: "Since he doesn't know, he should leave first. It will only be more embarrassing to continue to stay. Even if it makes a big deal, there should be people watching. Then everyone will know that you are sitting down. That bastard's face."

"No way, no way, I can't just leave it like this, even if he doesn't know, even if he is unintentional, but the truth of the matter is that this **** did violate his buttocks. It's really damn, he must be beaten severely. Kick him down into the sea to feed the fish!"

"But, I accidentally sat on his face by myself."

"What do you mean by being careless? Is that being careless? It's all the **** bastard's fault. If he isn't lying there, can you sit there? If you are sleepy, go home and sleep. If you lie down here, sleep. What? So, beat him to death and avenge his ass!"

"But...Yang Qinglian, you said you want to change yourself. You said that you will not be arrogant and domineering anymore. You have to be sincere, and you have to work hard to change yourself and change the problems that he doesn't like. Although he likes to bully others, But he doesn't like you to bully others..."

Yang Qinglian exhaled heavily, trying to calm herself down, and the little hand that was clenched into a fist by her was also loosened little by little.

"Forget it, go back to take a bath, especially the butt, you must wash it a few more times." Yang Qinglian wanted to cry without tears, and all she could do now was to admit that she was unlucky. If this had happened before, the **** was already in the sea. Gone.

Yang Qinglian decisively felt that this guy was really lucky, that he could still live well after taking such a big advantage.

"Sure enough, what I said on the Internet is correct. After I like someone, I will always change myself for him involuntarily." Yang Qinglian muttered in her heart.

Inexplicably, an unprecedented sense of shyness came to her heart, making her so numb and uncomfortable, and it made her face dry and hot. At that time, she rubbed her face with her hands and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, Yang Qinglian clearly heard an extremely speechless voice coming from behind.

"Hey, in front, how do I think you just sat down on my face? Although I am handsome, you can't use my face as a chair. Should you apologize to me?"

Yang Qinglian’s feet that were about to step out immediately stiffened, and she almost fell to the ground. The muscles on her face were so violently twitched that she almost lost her feeling, and her heart was even more affected by a large group of alpacas. Crazy trampling is really messy to the extreme.

So, he knew he was sitting on his face?

Therefore, after taking advantage of such a huge advantage, the **** behind him even sold out, even, he felt that he was taken advantage of and was wronged?

"This bastard..." Yang Qinglian only felt that the blood in her body was flowing back, and her whole body was like a volcanic crater that suddenly started to emit black smoke, and something was ejected at any time.

Then, her little hand clenched into a fist again, and she turned her head abruptly, and she was about to slap the cheap **** violently. She wanted to beat him into a pig-headed face with the most aggressive means. Kick him into the sea to feed the fish!

The moment she turned around, a figure appeared in her sight, but it was a familiar figure, a figure that could be said to be thinking day and night.

Therefore, Yang Qinglian crashed her whole body altogether, and her round eyes almost rolled down. She really couldn't believe what she saw. The curse that was supposed to come out of her mouth was even worse. She swallowed it abruptly.

"Yes... it's him? So, actually just sat on his face just now?"

Suddenly, Yang Qinglian fed the dog with anger in an instant, she was filled with joy, her face flushed, she was embarrassed and shy, but she was so at a loss, she didn’t know what to do, what to say. it is good.

"However, this way of meeting seems pretty good," Yang Qinglian muttered in her heart.

"I really have a lot of fate with him. I was bullied for the first time in my life, my heart was moved for the first time in my life, and for the first time in my life I took the initiative to chase, and for the first time in my life I felt that I was too much and wanted to change myself. Being taken advantage of... it's all because of him." She muttered shortly after.

"Uh, why are you?" Li Ze said, seeing Yang Qinglian, the corners of his mouth twitched, his expression speechless.

So was...revenged by this woman? No wonder she just saw her body trembling over there, because after the revenge, she felt so excited and so excited?

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