The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1816: Touch porcelain

In less than twenty minutes, Encore, whose eyes were always on the door of the mall, had already seen the figure gradually familiar came out of the door of the mall.

"So fast?" Enkeke was stunned. In her opinion, why would it take half an hour? Wouldn't you just grab one and run away? Well, it is very possible! I imagined that when the **** was buying underwear and underwear, the waiter might appear on his face. Encore couldn't help but feel happy and felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

Seeing that the **** had already walked to the car, Encore quickly stopped smiling and reached out to help push the car door open.

Li Zedao threw the bag in his hand into Encore's arms and said, "Change your wet clothes. I smoke a cigarette outside, and there is also a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao in the bag. I will spray it myself later."

There happened to be a medicine counter in this big shopping mall, and Li Zedao bought it by the way.

Before Encore could say anything, Li Zedao gang closed the car door and turned around, smoking a cigarette.

Encore took his eyes back from his back, opened the bag, and took out the clothes one by one. Looking at the black lace underwear and palm-sized panties, his small face was already hot.

She really didn't expect that she would actually want to wear underwear and underwear that a man bought for herself, and this bastard, who would buy it, should buy such a sexy...big pervert!

Then, Encore's eyes widened slightly, because she found that this **** didn't just buy it casually, but seemed to choose it carefully.

The size of the underwear is right. Needless to say, the key is that it is a well-known brand. Any one set costs more than 1,000. So, he went to the store counter?

As for the jeans, shirts, and leather boots, the styles are similar to what he wears now. In other words, he bought it according to the style of clothes he wears now. In addition, there is a piece in the bag. bath towel.

Suddenly, Encore's heart warmed inexplicably. This **** is not as **** as he thought. He is very careful.

He raised his head slightly, looked at the back not far away through the window of the car, his teeth bit his lip, thinking that if you dared to turn your head and peek at you, you would be dead.

Five minutes later, Encore changed into the dry clothes bought by Li Zedao’s help, opened Yunnan Baiyao and sprayed it on his left ankle, and wiped his wet hair with a bath towel. Although it was not dry, Anyhow, no dripping.

Then he pushed the door to Li Zedao, who was always carrying his back, and shouted, "Zhou Yan, I'm all right."

Li Zedao heard the words and flicked the cigarette **** in his hand into the trash can not far away, turned around, opened the driver's door and got in.

"You don't change your clothes?" Enkeke was taken aback. She wanted to get off the car and let Li Zedao change his clothes. Then I remembered that when Li Zedao came back, he only had a bag in his hand, so he didn't buy clothes for himself at all.

"You didn't buy it for yourself? Didn't you buy it too? What should I do if I have a cold?" Encore reproached, "No, I will buy it for you now...Uh...I mean, you should buy it yourself quickly ."

Suddenly, Encore remembered that she shouldn't show up right now, and even more reacted, she actually said to help him buy clothes... Then, she was startled by this subconscious thought.

"Go back and change again. It's not far from where I live." Li Zedao glanced at the woman with a slightly surprised expression.

"Oh." Encore nodded and said nothing.

As the car continued to drive on the road, Encore's heartbeat began to speed up again, so, really want to go back with him? Would you like to get off here? But after getting off the bus, where can I go besides returning to the hotel where I stayed? Most importantly, I have to see that annoying face again after I go back.

But if you don't go back with him, will there be any danger? He doesn't look like a good person... Isn't it right? Isn't he like a bad person, but what if he is good at disguising?

Just when Encore's heart was in a mess, Li Zedao turned on the CD player in the car, and soon soft soft music sounded.

Encore stunned slightly as she heard the intro melody very well. This is a love song called "Encounter" created and sung by Zhou Xiaolu.

When this song came out at that time, it can be said that it caused quite a stir. It swept many charts for several consecutive periods and became one of the most popular songs.

Even at the concert tonight, she also sang this popular song.

Soon, Zhou Xiaolu's so ethereal singing sounded.

"Are you really a fan of Zhou Xiaolu's brain?" Encore couldn't help asking.

"Yeah." Li Zedao simply snorted as a response. Now he doesn't want to talk, but wants to listen to the song quietly. Therefore, he hopes that the woman behind can also shut up.

But Enkeke obviously didn't know Li Zedao's thoughts, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Then... tomorrow, tomorrow I will take you to see Zhou Xiaolu?"

"No." Li Zedao said lightly. It would only bring her unhappiness to appear in front of her again, and it was good now.

"Do you think I'm lying to you? I can really take you to see Zhou Xiaolu, and even ask her to invite her to dinner. My relationship with her is still very good..." Enke could not believe his words for Li Zedao.

"Either get out of the car or shut up!" Li Zedao said.

"..." Enke didn't want to get out of the car, so he shut up, but if his eyes could kill people, Li Zedao would have died ten thousand times. She has never thought about saying that there is a man who ignores his existence so much, and ignores him. He dares to attack himself?

After a song, Li Zedao turned off the CD player and stopped the car on the side of the road, then grabbed the umbrella and pushed the door to get out of the car.

"Hey, why are you going?" Even though his nose was crooked by this bastard, Encore couldn't help asking.

"Pee." Li Zedao said.

"Puff..." Encore was stunned, and he was happy.


It's not that Li Zedao hasn't encountered Tang Porcelain, but he has never seen an acting so flamboyant.

He had already stopped the car steadily, but the middle-aged man in the raincoat in front of the car fell down beside the front of the car very slowly, his body was knocked apart, it was really too fake. , You just don't want to die.

Encore, who pretended to be a little stupid to Li Zedao, didn’t think that Li Zedao had hit someone, but rather worriedly said: “Why did that guy walk along and suddenly fell to the ground? Do we want to give him a 120 ?"

Why does Li Zedao think this Ann star is a bit stupid? A smarter woman who would be so stupid to go home with this man who didn't know him for a few minutes? Not to mention that she is still a big star.

Moreover, Encore's actions also "harmed" Li Zedao, he had to say in his heart that he really didn't even have the slightest potential to be a pervert.

"I touched porcelain." Li Zedao briefly explained.

"Touching porcelain?" Enkeke's eyes widened suddenly, and then he realized, "What should I do? I call the police?" Although she has never encountered such a thing, she has also heard of these people touching porcelain. They are extremely arrogant. They will blackmail you unscrupulously, smash the car without giving money, and sometimes the person who touches the porcelain is not just a person who comes out to work, but there are people hiding them around. Once the "compensation" cannot be negotiated, these People will swarm up and beat you directly.

"I'll get out of the car and take care of it." Li Zedao said, he already clearly felt that there were still a few people hidden in the dark corners around, and they were obviously in the same group as the middle-aged man.

"Really don't need to call the police?" Encore was a little worried.

"If you can solve the problem by yourself, don't bother the police uncle. The police uncles are very busy." Li Ze said, then pushed the door and jumped out of the car.


It was raining outside and there was a lot of rain. After Li Zedao got out of the car, his already soaked body was watered again.

"Oh, it's broken, my waist is broken, how did you drive? Don't you know the speed limit in this alley is 20? Your speed was 80, right?" The middle-aged man saw that Li Zedao got off the car and started to lie down The front of the car twitched, wailed, and his words and deeds were still so ostentatious that they could not be faked.

Li Ze said that the corner of his mouth twitched, thinking that if the speed was eighty, you would have been knocked into **** long ago.

"Either roll yourself, or just lie here, choose your own choice." Li Zedao said lightly. It is not feasible to reason with this kind of person and the law. The only effective method is to directly maimed him, so that he can deeply understand that he is not slamming porcelain, but steel!

"Oh, dare you be so arrogant after hitting someone? I tell you, if you don't give 10,000 yuan, don't even want to leave!" The man was so angry that Li Zedao said that, he started clamoring.

The middle-aged man was very depressed. After touching so many porcelains, it was the first time he encountered such an arrogant man, he even uttered wild words and wanted to beat himself up? Do you know if you are lucky if I didn't beat you?

"In that case, lie down here." Li Zedao helped the other party make a choice.

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zedao's hand stretched out suddenly, and the big hand suddenly grabbed the man's head, as if holding a basketball, and then slammed into the wall on the side.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the man's face slammed into the wall.

As soon as Li Zedao released his fingers, the man's body fell directly there, like noodles, with a few taps from time to time.

Looking at that wall, a shocking blood stain has already been left.

Encore, who witnessed this scene in the car, was stunned, her expression was as if she saw a pig flying in the sky, she never thought to say that this orthopedic doctor who should be quite clever in her opinion would be so. She felt that the person who touched the porcelain was already dead.

The four people staying in the dark also looked at Li Zedao in a daze. The scene just now irritated their nerves so much that they could not react for a while.

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