The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1839: Contribute

The audience was in an uproar again, they all looked at Li Zedao with the look of monsters, this guy dared to call Dong Shaoqing a stupid...Even if that is the truth, you can't tell it.

Dong Shaoqing looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, her eyes were as if she was looking at a dead person, when he grew up so big, it was the first time he was scolded for being a stupid, which made him angry and inexplicably fresh...Dong Shaoqing I was so mad at my own mischief

Li Zedao stared at him mockingly, with an extremely awkward smile on his face, unwilling to give in.

For a while, the atmosphere on the scene simply solidified, and there was an extremely strange dead silence in the huge hall.

The auctioneer who was in charge of the auction on the stage didn't dare to speak casually, and he didn't dare to urge. Dong Shaoqing naturally couldn't offend him. He seemed to be unable to provoke him who dared to challenge Dong Shaoqing.

He had to stand there carefully, not like a passionate and experienced auctioneer, but more like a young actor who had forgotten his lines after he got on stage.

"The same reason I want to give to you, I don’t care who you are, no matter who is standing behind you, you only need to remember one thing, no one has ever dared to **** something from me! You are the first "Dong Shaoqing also spoke, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face, his expression sharp and gloomy.

Of course, the muscles on his face proved that he was not as calm as he seemed on the surface.

"It's the last one, right?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

I saw in Li Zedao that this decent guy was going to be out of luck. Maybe he would meet with God again, and indeed no one was fighting with him for something afterwards.

Of course, Dong Shaoqing thought the same way. In his eyes, this **** was already a dead man. The smile on his face became even hotter at the moment, and he didn't answer his seemingly idiotic question, saying: "So, who do you want to be richer than me?"

"I'm not as vulgar as you, nor so boring. I just think you are not pleasing to your eyes. I want to steal what you are looking for. It's as simple as that." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Damn, don't pee yourself. According to the photo, even if you look like a bird, I dare to harass my wife, I'm arguing with you!"

"..." As a recognized idol group, Dong Shaoqing was severely hurt by these words.

"50 million!" Dong Shaoqing shouted loudly, adding another 20 million! Then he glanced coldly at the auctioneer who didn't dare to speak.

The auctioneer trembled and hurriedly shouted: "50 million! Mr. Dong Shaoqing bids 50 million, is there a higher bid? Well, the first time for 50 million, the second time for 50 million, five Don't..."

The auctioneer paused, did not continue to shout, and looked at the fierce man with a very fast heartbeat, expecting him to continue to increase the price.

Dong Shaoqing was also looking at Li Zedao, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his expression was provocative. He actually didn't mind the **** continuing to raise the price, and then he didn't mind giving him the knife.

It was shameful enough tonight anyway, even the woman was snatched away, this knife was snatched, naturally it was nothing.

Others are naturally staring at Li Zedao, waiting for his wonderful performance. They have reason to believe that this abnormal headmaster will continue to raise the price.

Li Zedao's expression was slightly distressed and solemn: "Actually, I am a very kind person. I am really sad to learn that such natural disasters have occurred in the northwest region. I really want to contribute my own strength. , Just now, I worked hard to contribute my strength..."

Some people didn't react for a while, and didn't know what Li Zedao meant, but those who had already reacted, without exception, the muscles on their faces were twitching, which is really wonderful. They really did not expect that there would be such a shameless person in this world.

What he meant was that when he first attacked Dong Shaoqing, a pair of Lao Tzu was very rich and used money to kill you. The upward bid was to contribute his own strength to the disaster area...

But what he said cannot be said to be completely wrong. After all, if he did not raise the price, Dong Shaoqing would have given a check of one million instead of fifty million!

"Now, I have contributed my strength and I am very satisfied, so I don't want that knife, let it be for you." Li Zedao looked at Dong Shaoqing and shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

Dong Shaoqing's face was stubbornly stiff, and an extremely terrifying breath appeared in his eyes. He was so angry that his body was trembling slightly, his throat was a little sweet, and there was liquid from the corners of his mouth at any time. The room flowed down, and I almost wanted to call the bodyguard to drag this stuff out to feed the dog.

"Hey, I have already given up, can you drop the hammer? Don't you know how impatient this idiot can't wait to get the broken knife?" Li Zedao shouted at the dull-faced auctioneer.


Dong Shaoqing really wanted to get that knife now. He wanted to use that knife to get rid of this bastard.

"Uh...five...50 million for the!" The auctioneer was almost crying, and had to smash the hammer down, and then instinctively said very formulaically, "Congratulations, Mr. Dong Shaoqing for taking this royal guard Baodao, please give him warm applause for his kindness..."

When he said this, the auctioneer almost cried, really wanting to puff his mouth hard, can you speak, can you speak? Just shut up if you don't know how to say no one treats you as dumb...


Extremely abrupt applause rang out. The reason why it was said abruptly was because there were only two people applauding, Li Zedao and Encore.

"Actually I don't have 30 million, I don't even have 300,000." After the applause, Li Zedao looked at Dong Shaoqing and said with some embarrassment, and immediately mocked his face again, "Fool, you think I don't know you are here. After yelling out 50 million, didn’t you want to continue yelling down?"

"..." Dong Shaoqing's face was completely distorted, his eyes were already bloodshot, and an extremely vicious expression came out.

He stared at the **** who he couldn't wait to rush to chop it up immediately, and said word by word: "Go out, you are not welcome here."

"I bought a watch last year!"

If Dong Shaoqing had a knife in his hand, he would definitely be tempted to stab Li Zedao. If he had a * in his hand, he would definitely be tempted to throw it at him. If the bullet was not for money, he would definitely send it. He hit.

He has nothing, and he can't be as vulgar and arrogant as he is, open his mouth and stupid things, so he can only ask him out and greet his family women in his heart!

It's too hateful. He has been in this world for more than 20 years, and he has never met anyone more hateful than this bastard.

"If you don't want to contribute to the disaster area, you think I want to come, idiot!" Li Zedao glanced at Dong Shaoqing contemptuously, then turned his head and hugged Enkeco's slender waist. "My wife, let's go back. Go to sleep at home."

"Well, husband, let's go back to sleep." En Keke smiled very cooperatively, watching Li Zedao's eyes full of obsession.

As a result, everyone knows that these two awesome characters are showing up, and then they can’t wait to find a place to go to bed, they are again given the high profile of Encoco and that hunk. Shocked, shouldn't such shy things be sneaky?

"I'm talking to Sister Yun." Enkeke whispered to Li Zedao, then walked to Sister Yun, who was basically emotionally collapsed and numb, and said emotionally and reluctantly: "Sister Yun, I'll go first. Thank you for your care over the past few years. If you need my help in the future, please call me at any time."

"You..." Sister Yun hates that iron cannot become steel, so she doesn't know what to say. She felt that Encore must be crazy, otherwise, why would she do such a shocking thing, and now she still said such inexplicable things? Also help me...Auntie Yo, you can't protect yourself from the mud bodhisattva crossing the river, okay?

Encore stretched out his hand and gently hugged Sister Yun, and said, "Then I and my husband will go first, bye."

"It's up to you." Sister Yun waved her hand weakly. By now, any words she said were pale, and any actions she made were in vain.

The only thing she knew was that Encore's star journey would end here... it was still the lightest. She could also predict that this ignorant little white face might not even know how she died.

As for the others, Encore didn't need to say goodbye to them. He would cross his arms around Li Zedao's arm, and the two walked out of this magnificent hall under the gaze of everyone's so wonderful eyes.

"Shao Dong, do you need to stop him?" a man standing in front of Dong Shaoqing whispered in his ear. At this time, Dong Shaoqing had already walked to a corner with no one.

Of course, knowing that Dong Shaoqing's mood is extremely bad now, so no one dared to step forward and touch the mold.

"They are in a hurry to die, why are they stopping?" Dong Shaoqing looked at the two figures walking out as if looking at two corpses, but the tone and tone seemed to come out of hell. .

"I know what to do," the man responded.

"No, you don't know." Dong Shaoqing said word by word, "It's too cheap for them to let them die. I want them to die."

After Li Zedao and En Keke walked out of the magnificent hall, they realized that there was a problem. They both came with the car. Now they want to leave alone. Naturally, there is no car to send them away. Of course, they are making a fuss. At this charity dinner, Dong Shaoqing was slapped openly in the face, making him faceless, so even if Encore was the driver, he probably didn't dare to send her off.

But Li Zedao didn't matter, looking at An Ke, he said with a smile: "It seems we have to go back."

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