Patients with AIDS are extremely sensitive to the three words "AIDS", and thieves are extremely sensitive to the two words "thief". Similarly, liars are naturally very sensitive to the word "liar".

Is the liar willing to be pointed to the nose and said you are a liar? The answer is naturally unwilling.

Therefore, the pot-bellied man was like a cat being stepped on its tail and exploded. His face flushed and pointed at Li Zedao and shouted loudly: "Boy, are you too arrogant? Give someone a treasure bowl worth one hundred thousand dollars. If you break it, you still say that they are a liar? Are you so unreasonable?"

"How do you know that the bowl is worth hundreds of thousands?" Li Zedao sneered.

The man thought that the bowl was the price that Lao Tzu used to feed the dog, and how could Lao Tzu not know the price set by Lao Tzu?

Naturally, he couldn’t say that. He pointed to Li Zedao and loudly accused: “Because this brother had brought the treasure bowl to me for identification before, yes, it was indeed a property of the Ming Dynasty palace, let alone fifteen. Ten thousand, even two hundred thousand is worth! You break other people's things and slander them as a liar. You really lose your conscience!

"My fault." Li Zedao said sincerely.

"Nonsense, it's not your fault or whose fault?" Seeing that this kid was scared by his righteousness and confessed his mistake directly, the potbellied man was still very satisfied, "Well, let me be this notary, you get 150,000 yuan Come out to compensate this man, and that's all for it, how about it?"

"I mean, I shouldn't reason with you. It is a very stupid behavior to reason with you. In that case, I can only let the ambulance pick you up." Li Zedao looked at the man's eyes. It doesn't make a difference to look at an idiot. He thinks he is too kind, so what's the point? Isn't it enough to just hit someone?

"Oh, still want to hit someone?" The potbellied man twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he stepped forward decisively and stared at Li Ze in anger and righteousness.

Of course he didn't believe that this kid really dared to beat people, even if he did, his small physique could beat himself? dream! Not to mention there are five people on their side. So if this kid really dares to do something, that would be great, just to teach him the principles of life.

He roared out of righteous indignation: "Come on, are you going to try? You have to dare to do it, I guarantee you can't get out of this antique street...ah..."

The man let out a miserable scream, because Li Zedao's hand had passed by and grabbed his hair, making the man feel that his scalp was about to be torn off.

In the next second, Li Zedao's hand violently pulled down, so the pot-bellied man threw himself to the ground, and his face hit the ground heavily, making a scalp. Hemp muffled.

Then, the man remained motionless and made no sound, as if he was dead, and blood quickly penetrated from his face and stained the ground, looking so shocking.

Everyone was simply dumbfounded, and no one thought to say that this kid said that he would do it, and the start was so fierce that he wouldn't tell you any more nonsense.

Li Zedao looked like a okay person. While clapping his hands, he looked condescendingly at the man who had forgotten to wailing and sluggishly selling the treasure bowl sitting on the ground. He sneered and said: "You are obviously the same guy on the ground. Boy, what to pretend? A mouthful of red wine and steak taste, and your mother is sick and dying? If your mother is dying, you still have money and mood to go to a western restaurant to eat steak and drink wine? Just grab a broken bowl Are you embarrassed to say that ten thousand is worth 150,000? You want to pretend to be poor if you just want to pretend to be poor if you just want to wear your clothes?

The man is even more dumbfounded. This guy is a dog, or why is his nose so good? I know I ate steak and drank red wine... I ate this last night, and I brushed my teeth last night and this morning.

"Do you understand temperament, temperament? Don't you know that you are full of nouveau riche temperament? You see that your pure gold watches are sticking out of your sleeves." Li Zedao said angrily.

"..." The man hurriedly pulled his sleeve to cover up the gold watch treasure.

"There are also you dead liars. If you want to do it, hurry up, if you don't want to do it, hurry up and get out." Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at the few standing people, and curled his lips.

"Who did you say is a liar? You even dared to beat people..." The other few were so popular that they all rushed towards Li Zedao when they turned into anger, trying to give this guy a bitter lesson.

As soon as these people moved, Li Zedao moved too. He simply passed a few feet, one by one, and directly kicked these people to the ground one by one. For a time, four or five people lay on the ground, all holding their stomachs over there. His face wailed in pain, but he said that he couldn't get up anymore.

Upon seeing the man sitting on the ground and crying, the muscles on his face twitched wildly, and his wide-eyed eyes almost fell off. He found that this kid was much more dangerous than he thought.

They originally wanted to deceive the hosta in the woman’s hands, but they didn’t expect that the kid who didn’t know where he came from was killed halfway. They actually bought the hosta at a high price, causing them to lose directly. It's about 100,000.

To cut the road to wealth is like killing a parent! Can such deep hatred not be reported? No, so they decisively took the bowl that was used to feed the dog in the store and simply cleaned it up, and then appeared in front of the kid like the woman, crying that the family was sick and had no money to treat and wanted to sell the ancestral treasure.

Unexpectedly, this kid is too much, his eyes are so bright that he is not fooled.

If you fail to make a plan, you have another plan.

This one hundred and fifty thousand dog pot is broken, lose money!

To their surprise, this kid dared to swear even if he didn't lose money, and he dared to beat people even if he swears! It doesn’t matter if you hit someone, you can hit it like this. If you hit four or five people alone, it’s like playing...If you know this kid can hit this way, even the murder of his parents can not be reported. Let the law come. Just sanction him.

Seeing the boy's unkind gaze on him, the man was simply startled, but he was eating on his face. What if his face was ruined? Hurry up and shouted loudly: "Come here, help, kill people in broad daylight..."

The movement here had already attracted the attention of some people. Now, as the men were so stubborn, a lot of people were surrounding them all at once.

The onlookers obviously brought a lot of security to the man. He pointed to Li Zedao and cried out his misdeeds: "It is him, this bastard, he not only smashed my ancestral treasure worth 150,000 yuan. Bowl, he still beats others with bullying...Look at the one lying motionless on the ground...Is it dead? Who will call the police for me to call an ambulance... Ah..."

The man simply let out a stern scream, as if he had been exploded by an eighty-year-old man.

Because Li Zedao didn't know that many people were pointing at him, he simply stepped forward and kicked the man's stomach fiercely under the eyes of everyone. The pain made him scream again and again.

Li Zedao didn't mean to let him go, and stepped on him with one foot after another.

"Ah...Help, kill people..." The man curled up on the ground, trying hard to protect his key parts, screaming again and again.

"Don't fight, don't fight, you will really kill you if you continue to fight."

"Boy are you too arrogant?"

"Where is the police? Why haven't the police come yet?"


The onlookers criticized Li Zedao, but after seeing the four or five people lying on the ground, they realized that this kid was very good at fighting, so everyone took a lot of words, and no one dared to really stop it.

Finally, a voice full of majesty and righteousness sounded: "Stop!"

Li Zedao stopped, but did not "stop", he continued to step on the man's body fiercely one foot after another.

"Boy, didn't you hear me if I told you to stop?" There was already a hint of anger in this majestic voice.

Li Zedao stepped on it again and glanced back at the owner of the voice. The corners of his mouth were already slightly tilted upwards.

Who is this man who is full of anger and anger is not Wu Ming? It seems that these people are Wu Ming’s old acquaintances, maybe they are in the same group. These people are basically his employees. After all, they can calmly kill their own wives, and they can sell fakes as genuine products while talking and laughing. The guy at is not the kind of person who likes to take care of other people's affairs, not to mention being brave, even if an old man and an old lady slipped in front of him, he would treat it as if he hadn't seen it.

Of course, if the person who slipped and fell was a beautiful female student, then Wu Ming would definitely stretch out his hand to help him up.

"What did you say?" Li Zedao asked while looking at Wu Ming. He glanced at the black-clothed man behind him, and he recognized that this was one of the four bodyguards Wei Yaoming had seen before.

It seems that these guys lying on the ground are indeed Wu Ming's people. Now that they are beaten in the street, some people hurriedly reported this to Wu Ming. And Wu Ming should be a dog raised by Wei Yaoming. The dog raised by the dog was bullied. As the owner of the dog, Wei Yaoming naturally couldn't let it go, so he asked his bodyguard to deal with the farce with Wu Ming.

"I said, stop!" Wu Ming's face was already a little gloomy, and he dared to speak to himself in such an arrogant tone. Do you think you are Shao Wei?

"Who are you?" Li Zedao asked knowingly.

"I'm Wu Ming from Baibaozhai." Wu Ming said, with a hint of arrogance on that gloomy face. As the owner of the largest antique shop on this street, as a celebrity in the antique circle, as a super rich man with nearly 100 million assets, he does have the capital to be proud of.

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