The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1872: Lunar and Shaoyang

There are so many people downstairs who saw themselves walking into this unit holding the little boy, so the helper called by the fat woman rushed over to find trouble or if the little boy’s family came back to find a child, someone would definitely tell them of.

At this time, the fat woman was still making a sound like killing a pig and scratching her body frantically. Naturally, she didn't have time to call someone over. Besides, if someone who was venting her anger came and knocked on the door. The sound won't be like this at all, softly, as if worried about disturbing the people in the house, but will simply smash the door open, right?

Besides, Li Zedao had clearly heard a person outside, and that person's breathing was rapid, and he seemed distraught, so he was basically certain.

At that moment, Li Zedao reached out and picked up the little boy who was always smirking. He walked to the door of the house that was knocked gently again, and reached out to open the door.

"Hello, may I ask... Boa? Boa... My Boa, you scared mother to death..." When the woman in plain clothes standing outside saw the little boy in Li Zedao's hands, His face was already full of excitement and relief.

The boy still had an abnormal smile on his face, but he also spoke, calling out in a vague tone: "Mom...Mom..." Then he stretched out his little hand at the woman.

"He... he is my son..." The woman looked at Li Ze with a little timid but grateful expression.

"I know." Li Zedao nodded and handed the child over. Let alone her reaction at this time, besides, the child has already called "mother", she is undoubtedly the child's mother.

The woman hurriedly reached out and took it, hugged tightly, and kissed the little boy's face fiercely. Her voice choked: "Boa, you scared mom to death. It's all mom's fault. Mom shouldn't You stay there alone..."

Li Zedao opened her mouth, after all, she did not ask why she left the child there alone, whether she planned to abandon it but couldn't bear it, so she returned to search.

Happy people are the same, but unfortunate people have their own misfortunes, so similar inquiries are equivalent to sprinkling salt on other people's wounds.

"Sir, I have heard the story of an uncle downstairs. He said that you rescued my Bo'er from the **** dog's mouth and clashed with the dog owner. Then I hurried in. In this unit, I’m on the first floor and the first floor, knocking on the door of each family... Thank you, thank you so much.” The woman looked at Li Zedao and briefly described her choked voice, and she would kneel down in front of Li Zedao when her legs became weak. .

For women, she has no more resources to repay the favor she has received. She can only say thankful words over and over again, and intends to kneel and knock her head on the floor.

"You don't need to do this, the child is fine." Li Zedao hurriedly reached out and supported her, not letting her kneel. He really couldn't bear this kind of thanks.

Besides, for him, he just did a very trivial thing, and he didn't lose anything because of it, and didn't expect to get anything, including the gratitude of this mother.

"Thank you...then I will go with Bo'er first." The woman bowed to Li Zedao again with a grateful expression, then turned and walked towards the stairs, and went down the stairs.

It seemed that she didn't plan to take the elevator downstairs and leave. As for why she chose to take the stairs instead of taking the elevator, Li Zedao didn't know much about it and didn't think too much.

It was just a trivial episode in his life to save the little boy easily. This matter will soon disappear in his mind, and it is estimated that he will not remember it later.

When Li Zedao retracted his gaze and closed the door, both Mia and Encore looked at him with passionate eyes and hugged his arms.

"Oh, dear boss, watching that mother thank you with gratitude, even going to kneel down, I feel weird in my heart." Mia said, "but it's very comfortable."

"This is the joy of doing good." Anke said with a laugh. Every time she donated money, she imagined the grateful faces of those in need of help and repeated thanks, and she would feel this way.

"Oh, it turns out that I will always help others like the boss in the future." Mia looked at Li Ze with hot eyes.

Li Zedao was very pleased, he felt that he had completely influenced a demon.

"In the future, you will stop washing, cooking, and cleaning the room. Together with Coco and Susan, you will take care of the heavenly genes." Li Zedao looked at Mia and said.

"Oh, you have put me to sleep. I am also the boss's wife now, so naturally I won't be cooking and washing clothes." Mia blinked and smiled triumphantly.



The woman hugged her son tightly as if she was afraid of losing her child again. Soon she came down from the eleventh floor, swept the lively little garden and did not stop, but hugged the child and walked quickly. go away.

"Lunar, you can put me down, I will be strangled to death by you." When the two walked out of the complex and came to a corner with few people, the little boy in his arms suddenly said.

The voice looked old and hoarse, and the tone was full of disgust. How could this be what a four or five-year-old boy could say?

An inexplicable smile appeared at the corners of the women’s lips, and the whole person’s aura suddenly changed drastically. It was not the tense and cowardly kind that had never seen the market before, but it gave people an extremely cold and dangerous one. feel.

At the moment, she threw the little boy out like a trash, but the little boy did not fall to the ground with a heavy **** as he had imagined, but stood firmly there.

Looking at his dirty little face, where is the silly smile on his face? On the contrary, it gives people an unimaginable feeling of vicissitudes.

"Shaoyang, your acting skills are good. I don't know how you are. You really think you are a mentally handicapped kid. Come and call mom to listen." The woman teased with an inexplicable smile on her face.

The little boy raised his head and glanced at the woman, then faintly responded: "You are not bad, you succeeded in making such a vigilant person really think that you are an impatient mother who has lost her child and has never seen the world."

The woman giggled and made a charming laugh like a young woman, but because of such a look, it naturally gave people a feeling that this woman was possessed by a pornographic ghost, which really made her scalp numb.

"Isn't it cool to rub my face on my breast just now?" The woman's voice was already tender, full of teasing, "Isn't it hard? Oh, I forgot that you were looking for such a body, little dick. It’s so small, and it’s not fully developed yet, so it’s definitely not hard.

"The body you're looking for isn't much better. It's just the airport. Just rub your ass." The little boy retorted with a black line. Soon that little face showed a very wretched look, "Shaoyin finds. That flesh body is pretty good. It needs a figure and a cheek. It's really attractive."

"She's tempting and not tempting, but it's a fart for you. Your little **** is just like a toothpick, and it's not hard." The woman sneered.

"Taiyin, I warn you, I'm anxious if I'm talking about the flesh of Lao Tzu." The little kid had hands on his hips, and the dirty little face was full of evil anger.

"I am still afraid of you as a kid?" The woman giggled, her face was full of disdain, and even rolled up her sleeves. "Would you like to find a place to fight now? Over the past thousand years, where is my mother? Wasn't it like playing with you the second time?"

"It's just you shameless old woman who has the face to say such things that make people laugh." The little boy looked up at the woman, and the dirty little face was full of mockery. Pointing to an office building not far away with more than 20 floors, "There is a way to go to the roof of that building with Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will teach you the principles of life."

"Who is afraid of whom?" The woman sneered all over her face, her figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in place.

The little boy flashed in the same figure, no trace of it.

In less than two minutes, the two people had already appeared on the top of the twenty-six-story building that was a hundred meters away. The two stood facing each other, facing each other in a decisive battle.

Of course, one looks like a rural woman suffering from vicissitudes of life, and the other is a four or five-year-old kid, so the confrontation between the two really gives people a rather funny feeling.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, making the sound of gold and iron fighting.

The atmosphere on the scene solidified, and the air that was originally a bit chilly seemed to freeze.

They are all waiting quietly, waiting for a fatal blow to each other.

Although they all look down on each other, they all recognize each other's strength from the bottom of their hearts, so no one dares to be careless.

Suddenly, a piece of confetti that had been scraped from nowhere flew towards the middle position where they were standing. At the moment when the confetti was about to fall, an extremely majestic and old voice suddenly sounded: "Stop. !"

In an instant, it was as if the glass was smashed to pieces by a hammer, and the already solidified atmosphere on the scene was also simply shattered by this indisputable sound.

"Lunar, lucky you." The little boy curled his lips. When that guy is here, this fight will naturally not be able to go on, otherwise it will be very tragic if you don't give that guy face. That guy's methods are very abnormal, and he dare not provoke it easily.

"It's you lucky, otherwise you would have been thrown from here a long time ago." The woman sneered, respectful and jealous of the master of the voice, so naturally he couldn't help but listen.

After the two tit-for-tat, they looked up at the old man who didn't know when they had already appeared there as if they had made an appointment.

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