What surprised Li Zedao was that less than two hours ago, he watched them walking towards the village cabbage. Shanju and Chunhua were among the group of people, and their hands were **** with coarse cloth!

The three girls were crying, their faces pale as paper, they looked so pitiful and helpless, and their eyes showed despair.

After seeing Li Zedao sitting there, there was a strange look in the originally desperate eyes of the three girls.

Cabbage's voice trembled even more: "Benefactor..."

"Cabbage, this kid is the one who saved you from the robber?" Hearing this, the dark-faced old man headed up suddenly became excited, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes looked so unkind.

Others also stared at Li Zedao with rather unkind eyes, as if Li Zedao had done something wicked to them.

Cabbage ignored the old man. She bit her lip and looked at Li Zedao, her expression was so painful and hopeless, and her voice trembled: "Benefactor, you...hurry up..."

They originally thought that they escaped the clutches of the clutches smoothly and could reunite with their families, but unexpectedly, they were quickly **** by angry villagers. These angry villagers even included their relatives. !

Only then did they wake up, in the eyes of these villagers, their rescue was a huge disaster for the village.

You know, that gang of robbers is not just the few people, it's a gang of robbers close to a hundred or so. If they know that their partner has been killed, they will not wash the village in anger?

Therefore, these villagers **** the three cabbages, and they wanted to take them to the robber's den.

At the same time, they also cleaned up all the homes of each household. They planned to use their only money and food, with their humility, and the three of them with cabbage, to explain clearly to the robbers the reason. To exchange for the robber's understanding.

Li Zedao's IQ was there, so when he saw the pain and despair on Cabbage's face and the anger of these villagers, he already understood what was going on.

He suddenly felt that his chest was firmly pressed by an inexplicable rising anger, which really made him feel very uncomfortable.

It turns out that people can be selfish to such an unimaginable level, even if they are people who are born to obtain more resources by living on the higher plane of God's Domain!

For their own benefit, in order to survive, they can step on all dignity and all morality on the ground, their hearts can become quite dark, and they can sacrifice anyone... as long as the person being sacrificed is not Do it yourself!

Even afterwards, they will stand at the highest point of morality and point to you. If you don't get caught by the robber, you are the sinner of the village!

"Boy, who asked you to save the three of them? Do you know how much disaster your actions will bring to our village?" The old man pointed at Li Ze angrily.

"Yes, who made you nosy?"

"Cabbage and the others went to the King of the Mountain. It was a great blessing for them. They will live a life of rich clothes and food, and now they are all right... This is going to kill them..."

"If our village is bloodbathed by the Mountain King, you are the one who killed you. You are a demon who kills people without blinking."


These villagers pointed at Li Zedao, you scolded you every word, even if they didn’t know that this kid was very good at beating, even the ten bandits had been cleaned up by him, so they didn’t dare to act rashly, otherwise they would rush. In the past, he tore Li Zedao to pieces and avenged the bandits.

"Don't do this, it's nothing to do with the benefactor..." Cabbage whispered as she kept tearing down.

What did he do wrong? Is it wrong to draw a knife to help you see injustice?

What did you do wrong again? Why did she hurt herself like this as her closest relatives before?

"Pop!" Her little paper-white face slapped the old man hard.

"Shut up, there is no place for you to speak!" The old man cursed with a ugly face.

Then his hand with thick calluses lifted up again, intending to continue to draw on the face of cabbage.

At this moment, Li Zedao shot.

The knife light flashed past, and the old man's entire palm was cut off.

The blood sprayed out like a fountain, spraying cabbage directly.

The cabbage exclaimed, and the whole person fell directly to the ground in fright.

The old man’s old face suddenly stiffened, staring at his **** broken arm, his eyeballs almost jumped out of his eye sockets, and the next second, "Ah..." an extremely screaming cry It sprayed out of his mouth, and then he fell to the ground and rolled.

The other villagers were frightened at once. Obviously no one had expected Li Zedao to be so cruel, and he chopped off the wrist without saying a word.

Li Zedao raised his head, his blood-red eyes glanced at the frightened villagers, and then a few lethal words came out of his mouth: "Either roll or die!"

The twenty-something person was so scared that he turned around and ran. When he didn't dare to stay for a second, and when he fled, no one lifted the old man who was rolling on the ground.

Their selfishness was once again fully exposed.

Li Zedao glanced at the old man on the ground, without the slightest sympathy in his eyes, and kicked him directly on his stomach.

The old man's body flew out altogether, and hit a big tree heavily, with a mouth open, and blood kept coming out of his mouth, his eyes began to lose sight, and he couldn't live his life.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, helped the frightened cabbage that had fallen soft to the ground, and then tore off the rag tied to her hand.

"Thanks...thank you benefactor...vomit..." Cabbage was in shock.

Not to mention the blood on her face, the strong smell of blood was even more severely stimulating her nerves, causing her stomach to be extremely twisted, retching, and simply vomiting out stomach acid.

"Give me your hand." Li Ze said.

"What...what?" Cabbage looked up at Li Ze and said.

Li Ze reached out his hand and grabbed her little hand.

The cabbage broke free subconsciously, and didn't break free, and her little face suddenly became hot.

"There is an acupuncture point on a person's hand. Massage that acupuncture point and you will feel more comfortable." Li Zedao glanced at the cabbage and said, then gently rubbed the acupuncture point on her little hand.

Cabbage only feels that her heartbeat is about to jump out, she has been in a mess, and has forgotten about vomiting.

After a few massages, Li Zedao let go of Cabbage's hand, without any intention of taking advantage. This girl was born in a poor family, and naturally couldn't live a life of eating to open her mouth to stretch out her hands, so her little hands are not delicate, and there is really nothing to take advantage of.

After that, Li Zedao tore off the piece of cloth on Shan Ju and Chun Hua's wrists, and then said, "Let's go, I will send you back."

Li Zedao walked over and lifted the body of the old man lying on the ground.

Before the old man died completely, Liu Zedao's hand that was holding his neck slightly hardened, and then the old man's neck crooked aside.

The old man is a chicken, and Li Zedao is planning to kill the chicken for the monkeys in the village! So the old man must die, he is dead, the three girls are safe.

The three girls did not see the scene where Li Zedao simply cut off the old man's neck. In their opinion, the old man was already dead when he was kicked out.

Although the people in the village tied them up and sent them to the robbers like a fierce spirit, their hearts were completely dead.

But now that the old man is dead, I feel sad. After all, this old man is the head of the village and he usually takes care of them.

Of course, they won't go back to the cannibal village. As to whether the village will be bloodbathed by robbers, they can't control that much.

"We, can't go back, there is no longer our home..." Cabbage's eyes looked at Li Zedao with complicated hope and said softly.

Shan Ju and Chun Hua's eyes are equally complicated. They actually hope that Li Zedao can take them away. They are willing to serve him together, help him wash and cook, and give birth to him... But this benefactor doesn't have this idea.

"Don't worry, with me, the villagers dare not help you out to the bandits." Li Zedao said, "Besides, those bandits are about to go to hell."


The dense forest is here by Fragrant Village, and the mountain on the other side of the forest is called Qingmo Mountain. There is a Qingmo Village on Qingmo Mountain. The band of bandits made up of hundreds of people live here.

The owner of the Green Demon Village is named Guoba. Although his name is old-fashioned, he is a man of great wisdom... at least he himself and the group of people under his hands think so.

With Qingmo Mountain as the center, there are dozens of small and large villages in the surrounding area.

But there was only one village that was really washed by the blood.

This unlucky village is a chicken, and the other villages are a group of monkeys. The rice crust led people to destroy that village by the most cruel and **** means for the sake of other villages.

Lao Tzu can do anything, so cooperate well and be Lao Tzu's slave obediently, and take the initiative to send money to women, so don't make Lao Tzu happy.

The other villages were scared. They were afraid that they were the same as that village. The men were slaughtered and the women and the money and food were taken away. The village was burned afterwards.

Therefore, they were obediently obedient, and each village took the initiative to pay a certain amount of money to Qingmozhai every month, and if there was no money or food, they took the woman as a mortgage.

Therefore, the people in Qingmozhai have no worries about food, clothes, and no women to warm up the bed. There are a lot of gold coins and food accumulated in the treasure house, and a lot of good wine. Their life is quite moist and chic.

At this time, the cottage is full of voices, coveted, drinking, drinking, meat eating, gambling, gambling, sharpening knives.

There were even a few women who had to squeeze a smile on their faces and twisted their waists stiffly. Their clothes were half untied, and they worked hard to make various teasing movements.

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