The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2001: Mission Pavilion

No one can avoid the challenges posed by others, and no one refuses to accept the challenges posed by others... At least since the establishment of the Fuzhou Academy, this kind of non-acceptance of war books from others has never happened.

On the one hand, even if you accept the challenge, you won’t have to worry about your life. At most, you will get a little bit of injury. You don’t need to be afraid of the injured. There are powerful doctors in the academy and various pills to help you treat...

But it's not free treatment. You have to pay a certain amount of gold coins. If you don't have gold coins, you can use credits to pay. You don't even have credits... Then write an IOU!

Besides, it's not a shame that the skills are not as good as the people, and it's just to find the place later.

But if you don't accept the challenge, it's tantamount to taking the initiative to show weakness. These proud people will naturally not do this kind of initiative to show weakness.

On the other hand, only constant battles can make a breakthrough.

Of course, in order to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to retaliate, for example, I have grudges against you, so I challenge you every day and beat you every day, so the college also has regulations, that is, after the challenge is finished, within a month, both sides Don’t challenge the other party.

Therefore, Li Zedao knows very clearly that if he does not accept this battle, he will become the first person in the academy to reject the challenge of others since its establishment. By then, he will surely become famous and become laughing stock.

Li Zedao is very worried, don't accept it, shame is one thing, the key is that everyone will know him, it is impossible to keep a low profile, so he can't be a low-key and handsome undercover at all.

Accept it, judging from the fluctuating aura on this guy, he is about to catch up with the real Xuanhuang person, that is to say, he should be a strong person in the spirit cloud realm.

Fighting with all your strength, naturally you don't need to be afraid of him, but in any case, he now hides his strength.

"If you don't speak, I will assume that you agree." Dongfang Xingchen said coldly.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, and it seemed that he couldn't accept it.

"I'm going to apply to the academy, and in ten days we will have a showdown in Yanwu Pavilion!" Dongfang Xingchen said again, "Of course, I like to enroll early, so I won't take advantage of you, so I won't be laughed at by others! If you win me by chance, I will give you 100 credits. If you lose, you can give me ten credits."

"It's too much, forgive you for not being able to take it out." Dongfang Xingchen said again.

Li Zedao is lazy to even complain, isn't this nonsense? Now those fifty freshmen, besides himself and Nangong Meili, who have credits?

"Then...well." Li Zedao was helpless, and could only nod his head to accept.

Seeing Li Zedao nodded in agreement, Dongfang Xingchen didn't say anything anymore, and after watching Nangong Wan'er nod his head in greeting, he turned around and left.

"It seems that some of the freshmen don't want to make you feel better." Nangong Wan'er looked a little gloating on the side.

Li Zedao glanced at the girl speechlessly.

Although this Dongfang Wan'er looks soft and has the temperament of the little sister next door, she looks pure and lovely, but in fact it is very bad. She is almost dead now, but she is gloating over there.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Li Zedao said irritably, "I guess it's only a freshman who knows that I was awarded ten credits by the academy? Plus that guy has a surname Dongfang, it's almost impossible to belong to the Dongfang family. So, it was Dongfang Lingqi or Dongfang Xiaochu that asked him to come over and trouble me."

"This Eastern Star is indeed a member of the Eastern family." Nangong Wan'er smiled, "He is the cousin of Eastern Lingqi, and the younger generation in the Chinese tribe is not small. He came three years ago. Zhou Academy, let’s be one year old."

"But that Dongfang Lingqi is really shameless. If he sees that you are not pleasing to your eyes, he will come and challenge you by himself. What is it to find his cousin?" Nangong Wan'er expressed considerable contempt.

"How do you know it is Dongfang Lingqi and not Dongfang Xiaochu?" Li Zedao asked.

"Because I hate Dongfang Lingqi more, so it must be him." Nangong Wan'er said naturally.


Nangong Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with sympathy in her eyes: "Judging from the fluctuating aura of Dongfang Star, that is the realm of Lingyun Realm, and he must have mastered many extremely powerful spiritual skills, although you It is the first place, but your strength is at best the Lingyun Realm lower grade. Unless you master one or several extremely powerful spiritual skills, and after praying for God’s blessing for ten days, Dongfang Star has diarrhea and collapses, otherwise you will wait. Get hit."

"Diarrhea?" Li Zedao's eyes lit up instantly, "This is a good note."

"Do you really want to play yin? Brother-in-law, I didn't expect you to be such a villain." Nangong Wan'er was disappointed.

"Obviously you reminded me." Li Zedao was very innocent.

After dinner, Nangong Wan'er still wanted to take a good taste of the scenery of this imperfect college. Li Zedao was too lazy to accompany him and went back to the No. 50 courtyard alone.

Back to courtyard No. 50, Li Zedao closed the doors and windows, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to feel the majestic breath of heaven and earth according to what the master had taught him.

Sure enough, the aura here is more than that of Fanyu, how many times stronger it is.

However, Li Zedao didn't dare to comprehend "The Scroll of Heaven's Mystery". On the one hand, this place is another plane after all. It is inevitable that there will be some danger when you first arrive. It is not good to sleep too much.

On the other hand, "The Scroll of Heavenly Mystery" is ultimately a thing of Nuwa. If the aura of Heavenly Mystery appears on my body again, if someone knows the goods, I will undoubtedly die.

Yes, Li Zedao clearly felt that the aura of the day he had originally had had disappeared without a trace.

I don’t know how long it took. When Li Zedao opened his eyes, he clearly felt that his aura had become stronger again. At this speed, I believe that it will not take long before he can break through the top of the spiritual cloud realm and enter the spiritual **** realm I don't know what kind of state it is. Just thinking about it, Li Zedao is quite looking forward to it.

At this stage, which is basically still in the dark, the only thing Li Zedao can do is to try his best to improve his strength, and if there is any accident, then he will have the capital to save his life.

At this time, the room had become dim, and the Ye Mingzhu inlaid on the candlestick on the table released a mysterious light. This light was not too bright, but it was also much stronger than the candle.

While feeling once again that the college was too rich, Li Zedao got out of bed and opened the window to look out.

The sound of the surging water is still there, making people feel heroic.

Looking up, I saw a moon that was already close to a circle hanging on the sky, and as described in the book, the moon was blood red, as if it was covered with a blood red tulle. Yes, it looks full of sad beauty.

At this moment, the jade card hidden in Li Zedao's arms flashed a dazzling and mysterious light.

Li Zedao took a look, and suddenly found a line of text on the jade card.

"Please arrive at Yanwu Pavilion ten days later and accept the challenge from Eastern Stars. Those who are late will be treated as if they were fighting."

Li Zedao stroked the jade card with surprise on his face. It seemed that this thing was more "high-tech" than he had imagined. As for the principle, Li Zedao didn't know.

"Ten days later..." Li Zedao's mouth was already slightly curled up with an inexplicable sneer. It doesn't necessarily matter who will embarrass others by then.

Early the next morning, without waiting for Nangong Wan'er, Li Zedao left the courtyard and went to the dining hall. After enjoying a breakfast, Li Zedao asked the servant about the specific location of the mission pavilion.

Li Zedao came to God's Domain with a great mission, and he was nominally Nangong Meili's fiancé, so it was natural not to get too close to Nangong Wan'er.

Otherwise, there will be sparks, that would be bad.

Li Zedao could naturally control herself, but she was worried that Nangong Wan'er could not control herself, after all, her charm was so great.

The mission pavilion is close to the gate of Buzhou Academy, so Li Zedao almost has to cross the huge sacred platform before he came to the mission pavilion.

What surprised Li Zedao was that the architectural style of the mission pavilion was also similar to that of the library, almost the same as the pyramid.

After a few glances around, there are many such pyramid-type buildings around.

Could it be that the pyramids in Egypt have something to do with God's Domain? Was it built by the people of God's Domain? Wouldn't it be... Then the pharaohs of ancient Egypt are actually descendants of the people of God's Domain, right?

Although Nu Wa seems to have completely eliminated those who invaded God's Domain, who knows if there are any fish that slip through the net?

After walking in with curiosity, Li Ze saw that there were indeed students wearing auspicious cloud robes gathered here, obviously all of them came to receive tasks to earn credits.

I saw this huge stone monument hung on the stone wall in front of it. Seeing the material, it was surprisingly the same as the jade card in Li Zedao's arms.

I saw lines of gleaming handwriting on the huge stone tablet, and the content was naturally the tasks issued by the academy and the credits awarded after completing the tasks.

At the same time, there are several middle-aged men sitting there in front of the stele. When you decide which task to accept, you can go to the middle-aged man to register.

Li Zedao curiously looked at the tasks.

The tasks are difficult and simple.

Simple, such as being responsible for cleaning the latrine for a week, and then earning ten credits...Of course, such a task is naturally extremely difficult for Li Zedao's new student no1.

Moreover, only ten credits were earned after cleaning for a week, which is simply squeezing the student's labor force.

Difficult ones, such as entering the dangerous and perverse plain, looking for the precious snow fruit, each time you find a precious snow fruit, you can award ten credits.

In addition, there are everything to help the college raise Pegasus, plant vegetables, and help medicinal materials from the Pill Pavilion.

There are even tasks to protect people and help **** things!

After inquiring about a servant working here, Li Zedao realized that Fuzhou Academy provided security services to all families, all forces and even civilians of the nine tribes.

As long as you pay enough gold coins, the college can protect your safety. Of course, the protection period is limited, up to one week.

Most of the time, the college will entrust such protection tasks to students to complete.

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