The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2181: Shameless mouse

Li Zedao's thoughts moved, no wonder that the old Jian Pitian Pitian had to teach his Leiqi sword art. It turned out that it was because the dean ordered it. Li Zedao once thought that Li Zedao was the illegitimate son of the longevity real person.

"And let my sister be by your side to protect your safety... As for why the old man did such a thing, my sister is not clear."

Concubine Shui said: "But what is certain is that the dean does not have the slightest malice against you, otherwise you would have died, little brother.

Li Zedao nodded with difficulty, sat down in despair, and immediately scratched his own hair, not knowing what to do for a while.

Naturally, it is still the moment for Biao acting.

"Hey, when it comes to acting skills, I have reached the point where I am so prosperous. Those national actors can't compare with myself at all. Even if their acting skills are similar to myself, they are not as handsome as myself...Lonely."

Li Zedao felt lonely, feeling how lonely Invincible is. Although the world is big, there is no match.

Concubine Shui Ling walked to Li Zedao with tenderness in his eyes, Qianqiansu touched his hair with her hand, and comforted: "Little brother, the reason why my sister let you know about this is because we have already encountered the descendants of Nuwa, sister. Worrying about you being bewitched to come back to them and be one of them and do such a cruel and inhuman thing."

"Sister Shui, who doesn't know, won't." Li Zedao shook his head, his expression so painful.

"Little brother, you can't think so much better."

Concubine Shui Ling said, "This group of guys who don't have the courage to see the light will sooner or later be destroyed by the powerhouses of God's Domain. Little brother, if you stay away from them, you can avoid disasters... Even in the eyes of my sister, it must have been your mother. You desperately escaped from those people and gave birth to you later. I don’t want you to be one of them. So little brother, don’t live up to your mother’s expectations."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, and nodded in pain: "Sister Shui, I won't be one of them, I won't... They actually did such a tragic thing, they should really kill..."

Li Zedao hadn't finished saying a word, Shui Feiling raised her brows slightly, her eyes overflowed with murderousness, and the corners of her mouth curled up with a touch of extreme disdain.

The mouse who dared not see the light, did not waste a lot of saliva, and finally couldn't help but pop up!

While breathing, there was already that fluffy whip in her hand, and the whip even contained circles of blue cyclones containing terrifying energy.

Concubine Shui shook her hand, and the whip fiercely flicked behind her.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, as if something exploded, causing the ears of Nangong Meili and Su Caiman to buzz, their complexion turned pale, and their chests depressed severely.

But he also knew that the powerful enemy hiding in the dark had invaded, so he hurriedly drew out the long sword at his waist to prepare for the enemy.

Especially for Su Caiman, her small heart almost jumped out of her throat.

I thought if I was forced to conceive after being arrested and then I was taken by caesarean section... just kill me now.

Li Zedao appeared in front of Nangong Meili for a flash, protecting it behind him.

This action made Su Caiman feel sour again, feeling that his master is too inhuman, anyway, I am also your servant.

Even if you don't treat me as a servant, you should treat me as a beauty anyway.


As the two terrifying cyclones collided violently, a black shadow that had approached silently flew upside down at a very fast speed!

The shadows are fast, and the speed of Shuei Ling is obviously faster!

She was in the shape of a ghost, and she appeared in front of the dark shadow while breathing.

"Want to go?"

Concubine Shui Ling sneered, and continued to pull out the whip in his hand, and then the whip was wrapped around the black shadow's neck tightly!

Concubine Shui Ling shook his hand, and the dark figure rose into the air in embarrassment, and then fell heavily beside the fire. As soon as she was about to stand, Concubine Shui Ling's feet were already heavily on his chest.

"Puff!" Sombra opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of muffled blood.

Under the shining of the fire, Li Zedao, Nangong Meili and Su Caiman could see the appearance of that dark shadow.

This is a thin and short man.

The man was dressed in black, with a dark complexion, pointed-mouthed monkey cheeks, and his two yellow front teeth were completely exposed. He was almost skinny as if he was malnourished.

Moreover, behind him was a long, thin, black tail exposed to the air.

"This is... the tail of the rat?" Li Zedao took a cold breath after seeing this, feeling extremely sick.

Li Zedao once caught the ling mouse and fed it to the cat raised by Shui Fei Ling, so he was familiar with the ling mouse.

No matter how you look at it, this guy looks a bit like a spirit mouse, especially the tail and the two yellow buck teeth.

So, this guy is the freak born after **** by some messengers of Nuwa?

Li Zedao feels that these guys are really hungry for food in order to continue their blood, so do they have the courage to attack such a disgusting Spirit Rat?

If you want to continue your blood, you can use Mystery Fox, how beautiful the descendants are.

After Nangong Meili and Su Caiman took a few glances, they only felt that the scalp was numb, so she quickly moved her eyes away, she really didn't have the courage to take another look.

It is really hard to imagine that such a group of people with such terrifying looks exist in God's Domain.

At this moment, his severely protruding round eyes flashed with scarlet and vicious gloom, staring at Concubine Shui Ling.

Immediately afterwards, his eyeballs turned and fell on Li Zedao, the vicious gloom in the color even worse, gritted his teeth, and looked like he wanted to kill Li Zedao.


His expression looked so agitated, and his voice looked so sharp and vicious.

"You are doing this to insult yourself, you are insulting us! Insulting such noble blood that the Virgin has given us! You are not worthy of such noble blood, you are not! You really think that this group of God's Domain is extremely hypocritical and hypocritical Can the guy treat you well? Naive, too naive!"

treachery? Extremely hypocritical? Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly.

These words seem to reveal some information. It seems that God's Domain invaded the Mortal Realm through the broken conveyor belt or Nu Wa brought the twelve envoys into the God's Domain, no matter which version it was, it was not correct.

The truth may be in the hands of this group of people who are not visible.

But she also understood why Shui Fei Ling had just shaken out the fact that Li Zedao had the Nuwa bloodline. The real goal was to make this ugly guy hiding in the dark couldn't help but jump out and kill him.

I have to say that this woman's mind is really terrifying.

"Of course, if you are willing to look back, we will still accept you."

Li Zedao sighed softly. This group of people is still willing to accept themselves as a traitor, not because they are kind, but because their population is too small.

"I don't care who's blood is flowing on my little brother, whoever wants to move him, who I will kill!" Shui Feiling said murderously, but looked at Li Zedao with gentle eyes.

This was not to refute the man's words, nor was it to reassure Li Zedao, she just thought so in her heart, and then she said it.

"Oh? Really? You hypocritical and vicious woman!" The man's voice was full of violent and vicious voices, "How dare you slander our noble Virgin in vicious words, you **** it! Damn it!"

"You can go to death!" Shui Fei Ling said coldly.

"Wait..." the man yelled anxiously.

Facing death, he did not regard death as home as he had just shown.

Shui Feiling exerted a slight force on the feet that stepped on his chest.


The bones on the man's chest were simply broken by Shui Feiling, and his chest sank directly.

The scarlet viciousness in the man's eyes was immediately replaced by extreme pain, and guts of blood came out from the corners of his mouth.

Seeing that the men were about to be trampled to death by Concubine Shui, Li Zedao suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

This uncomfortable mood came suddenly, inexplicably, and somewhat familiar.

Once the school organized to watch a patriotic movie, the movie truly showed the inhumane aggression of the island country against China back then, wantonly massacring unarmed people.

At that time, Li Zedao had such a bad feeling in his heart. It was also at that time that a seed of extreme resentment towards the island nation was planted in his young heart, and he really wanted to take a knife into the screen. I'm fighting against the island country devils who deserve to be cut!

And now, he has a similar emotion.

So, is this because of the same blood?

However, blood originated from the soul, not from the body!

That Li Zedao's body has long been occupied by himself. As for his soul, he might have been refined into a soul pill or a Horcrux. How could it have the same bloodline?

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, so, this absolute elite from the mortal realm is actually also a descendant of Nuwa, with Nuwa's blood flowing through him?

It is precisely because of this that the real person Changsheng didn't realize that Li Zedao had changed his person? It seems that this is the only reasonable explanation.

Do you want to save him?

Li Zedao immediately dispelled this idea, he knew he could not save him, and there was no reason to save him.

Judging from the horror scene in the pit, it is not a pity that this person died once, even 10,000 times.

Just when Li Zedao felt uncomfortable and depressed, the man's head tilted and he could not die again.

Obviously, just now Shui Feiling's foot not only broke his bones, but also crushed his internal organs.

Concubine Shui Ling's feet moved away from his chest in disgust, and her eyes fell on Li Zedao: "Little brother, feel uncomfortable?"

"It's kind of." Li Zedao nodded truthfully, saying that it was not uncomfortable. This enchantress would definitely not believe it. After all, he didn't have any acting skills, his true emotions were written on his face.

"After all, the blood is connected, it feels sour inexplicably...but, he damn!" Li Zedao said, this is not perfunctory, but from the bottom of the heart.

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