At the same time, Li Zedao, who was panting heavily, stepped on his neck with one foot, and felt quite fortunate that he was barely gaining the upper hand.

In fact, after seeing the unconcealed greed in Teng Lamu's eyes, Li Zedao had a vague countermeasure in his heart.

Therefore, he took the initiative to offer the conditions and exchanged the golden cover and himself for the life of Concubine Shui Ling.

Sure enough, as Li Zedao had expected, Teng Lamu agreed, and there was really no reason for him to disagree. After all, he really couldn't bear to ruin the golden cover at his fingertips.

Finally, when Li Zedao took out the ball of light, there was a big fool hidden in the ball of light secretly. After all, he was the owner of the golden cover and could control the golden cover at will.

As a result, the idiot was so successfully grasped by Teng Lamu and exploded!

"Cough cough..." Black blood ran out of the corners of Teng Lamu's mouth.

He clearly felt that his body was rapidly becoming stiff, and his body functions were also rapidly losing.

His eyes were full of grief and anger, and it was difficult to accept the facts before him.

He is clearly in control of everything, he clearly has the upper hand, and he can't die if he wants him to live, how come he has fallen into such a tragic situation?


Upon seeing this, Tenglar's eyes were cracked, and he wanted to rush over with a roar.

"Don't move, or I will trample him to death!" Li Ze said with his feet harder.

As a result, more blood seeped from the corner of Teng Lamu's mouth.

Tenglar didn't dare to move, his eyes were extremely scarlet, and the look in Li Zedao's eyes was like looking at a dead person.

He could have caused the buzzing Gu worms around him to pounce again and kill him, but his only brother fell into the hands of others for no apparent reason. This feeling of throwing a rat restraint really made it awkward.

"If you don't want to die, swallow this pill!" Li Zedao coldly glanced at Teng Lamu under his feet, and then flicked his finger, and a pill was shot into Teng Lamu's mouth.

Teng Lamu couldn't care about whether it was poison or not. After all, he clearly felt that his life was passing quickly now, and it was estimated that he would die without a few breaths.

He quickly swallowed it together with the blood that was about to vomit out.

In an instant, Teng Lamu only felt that his vitality was not being lost, and his little fortune was saved.

It's just that the body can't move at all, and he can't try any strength.

"If you don't want him to die, help her untie the Spirit Devouring Gu!" Li Zedao raised his head and looked at Tenglar with scarlet eyes.

"You'd better not hurt my brother, otherwise I will let you suffer the pain of ten thousand Gu heart-biting!" Tenglar shouted through gritted teeth.

"Kacha!" Li Zedao simply trampled Teng Lamu's other arm into mud.

After all, he is a strong one, so Teng Lamu said nothing, looking at Li Zedao's eyes as if looking at a dead person.

He really understood why the clan mother would be killed by this kid in that mountain range, he also understood that the blood sword would miss his attack afterwards, and he also understood why he fell into such a field.

It's one thing for this kid to hold all kinds of treasures, and more importantly, his mind is too terrifying.

"" Tanlar's pupils widened, and he felt like he was going crazy.

"Untie Gu!" Li Zedao said, raising his feet again, this time aiming at Teng Lamu's head.

Tenglar's eyes turned red, and he turned around and yelled at A Ruhan, "What are you still doing? Uncle Gu! If my brother dies, I will chop you into sludge and feed Gu worms!"

"Yes..." A Ruhan was taken aback.

Quickly put his hand next to his mouth and made a series of weird sounds.

In fact, it is extremely easy to decompress the Gu poison of this Spirit Devouring Gu. It only needs to draw out the Gu poison in the body of the Middle Gu.

The difficulty is that this Spirit Devouring Gu only obeys the command of the master.

With the sound of A Ruhan's voice, a very small gu worm emerged from the index finger of the water concubine spirit's right hand. It was just that it was inside the golden cover, so the gu worm could not fly out at all.

When Li Zedao saw this, his eyes were scarred scarier.

This is the Spirit Devouring Gu that almost tossed the water concubine spirit to death?

The sword light flashed!

Li Zedao pulled out the long sword at his waist, raised the sword in his hand, and directly cut the Spirit Devouring Gu in half.

I was completely relieved, Sister Shui was finally fine.

As for the lost essence and blood, it takes more time to take some pills to make up for it.

Seeing the Spirit Devouring Gu was split in half, A Ruhan's heart twitched, her small eyes became scarlet and vicious, and she stared at Li Ze in the aperture.

You know, for Gu people, this Gu worm is equivalent to their child, and now that the child is killed, she feels very resentful.

"The gu poison has been resolved, can you let go of my brother?" Tenglar asked murderously.

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Li Zedao looked at Teng Laer's eyes as if he were looking at a fool. How can such a good hostage be let go?


"Don't follow, let alone order Gu worms to surround yourself, otherwise I will kill your brother!" Li Zedao said viciously.

When the next hand hugged Shui Fei Ling tightly, the other hand dragged Teng Lamu like a bag of garbage, overwhelming the golden cover, and quickly left.

Tenglar did not chase, nor did he order Gu worms to entangle Li Zedao.

He was like a furious beast trapped in a cage, panting heavily but couldn't do anything, because he really couldn't ignore the life and death of his brother.

Not far away, the little tortoise and the purple butterfly witnessed all this from beginning to end.

"What exactly is that?" Purple Butterfly's voice was moved.

It had seen Li Zedao killed thousands of gu worms with such a thing before, and felt that this thing was quite good. Now, he once again used such a thing to abolish a strong person with the highest level of spiritual gods. It was conceivable that the power of this kind of thing was much stronger than she had imagined.

What made Purple Butterfly amazed even more was that it originally thought that if the little turtle did not make a move, that little Daozi would be played to death.

Unexpectedly, the situation changed suddenly! The matter turned out to be a 180-degree reversal. The little Taoist hidden something in the golden cover, and that thing exploded all of a sudden, and it was the peak of the spiritual **** realm. The strong cultivation base exploded and there was no room for resistance.

In such a desperate situation, he can be so calm and have such a terrible mind, this kid is really not an ordinary person.

"Big fool."

The little tortoise’s voice was also moved: “It’s a kind of poison pill he created that will explode. Even the strong spirit mirror, once injured by this kind of poison pill, he didn’t get Xiaodaozi’s unique antidote. Down, you will definitely die."

"I understand why this kid can become the person in Panlong's prophecy." Zi Butterfly had to admit that this little Daozi does have an extraordinary place.

The little tortoise cast a glance at the purple butterfly with disdain, what kind of pretense do you think you are me? You know what a shit.


Worried about being corrected by that Gu man and those terrifying Gu worms, Li Zedao did not dare to remove the golden cover on the way back.

I want to know that there must be a Gu worm quietly following.

It's just that because of the consumption of too much aura, Li Zedao's actions are extremely slow. From a distance, it looks like a big golden ball rolling slowly on the ground.

Looking at the Gu sacred mountain in the distance, Li Zedao's face was pale to the extreme, panting, and sweating like rain. At this time, the spiritual energy in his body had reached the edge of exhaustion.

"Yes... after holding on for a while, it's here." Li Zedao gritted his teeth, stuffed another pill into his mouth, and then continued to control the golden cover.

"I underestimated you."

Teng Lamu, who was dragged forward as if dragging a bag of garbage, spoke with a terrifying low voice.

At this moment, he looked so sad and indignant through the golden cover at the gray sky above, still unable to accept what was happening before him.

How could he fall into the pit dug by others?

Is it because of greed? No, no, because this kid is too cunning.

Because of his grief and anger, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

Teng Lamu knew very clearly that if he could not survive, this cunning guy would never let him go.

Li Zedao was silent. Instead of wasting his energy to talk to this bastard, he should use that energy to move a short distance forward. After all, the closer he is to Gu Shenshan, the safer his situation will be.

It would be even better if the snake bird was there, and he could return to Gu Shenshan as quickly as possible.

At this moment, "buzz..." a series of strange muffled noises came.

Li Zedao heard this sound, his little heart twitched abruptly, his scalp became extremely numb, and his heart sank completely to the bottom, without seeing the sun.

The most worrying thing happened after all.

Gu worm! Thousands of gu worms were rushing from all directions, and the scene was so terrifying.

Upon seeing this, Teng Lamu let out a grinning laugh and said, "It seems that my elder brother has made a choice. Between protecting the honor of the Gu **** and the life of my younger brother, he chose to protect the Gu God and protect the territory. His honor, he won’t be dead because of me, so you are dead, haha, you are all dead!"

Li Zedao was even too lazy to look at Teng Lamu in front of him, but looked back at Teng Laer who had already chased him and his two subordinates, Aruhan and Tamu.

At this moment, Tenglar's eyes were scarlet scarlet, resentful but painful, obviously still struggling in his heart, making the most difficult choice.

As Teng Lamu said, Teng Laer did make a choice between his brother's life and the protection of Gu God and Gu Jiang honor. He chose the latter, so he chased him.

"Let go of my brother, I can swear to the great Gu God, don't embarrass the woman in your arms!" Tenglar said in an extremely cold voice.

This is the biggest concession he can make, otherwise, you and the woman in your arms will be buried with my brother!

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