"I really envy you brother, your face is white enough, and you will soon be able to see the honor of the most beautiful and noblest woman in God's Domain. This is really a blessing for Sansheng." As if afraid of being heard , Boss Sha's voice was lowered.

But that face was a silly smile.

He naturally knew that once this little white face reached that place, it was equivalent to stepping into the ghost door with one foot, but what about?

If possible, Boss Sha also wants to be a little white face, and also wants to be sent to her Majesty the Empress, to see her beautiful face, anyway to continue to stay in this place, it is equivalent to stepping into a ghost door.

No, this is hell, a terrible hell.

In fact, several of them were arrested as tributes before, but they were too ugly to be rejected, and they were sent to this place to become one of their members.

Li Zedao's heart sighed, so the guess in his heart was correct?

"Brother, I really envy you, I really envy you." Then, Boss Sha patted Li Zedao on the shoulder, his face full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

He knew that the little white face in front of him would definitely not be one of them.

He will definitely be nurtured by that horrible beautiful woman, destroyed by her, and in the end, he will be swallowed by her.

He hated his old mother, why he was born so ugly, so that he didn't even have the qualifications to be raised.

Li Zedao really didn't know what to say, he wanted to tell Boss Sha, I also envy you, at least you still have a little freedom, but I don't.

That night, Boss Sha and his group surrounded Li Zedao. They were blowing the cold wind and looking at the **** waning moon in the sky.

They were wasting their saliva for an unprecedented time, singing songs that seemed so sad that Li Zedao could not understand.

There is no way, they are too full and have to digest.

Li Zedao felt very annoying at first, and finally sang along in his heart.

Although he didn't know what ghost they were singing, he could feel the humbleness in these people's hearts, the confusion and fear for the future, the helplessness of being unable to resist fate, and the kind of affection towards relatives. Deep thoughts.

A drop of water suddenly fell on the corner of Li Zedao's mouth, salty.

The next morning, when the first ray of eyes that seemed so hot in the morning shone on Li Zedao's face, Li Zedao heard the voice of Boss Sha that seemed so respectful.

Li Zedao sighed, pricked his ears to sound.

Outside the wooden house, Boss Sha took his men and stood there with a little cringe, and they all worked hard to squeeze a humble smile on their faces, lowering their heads, not dare to look at the woman in front of them.

The woman was tall and fat, like a giant, and Boss Sha and others were like a child in front of her.

His long, sparse brown hair was curled badly, but his eyes were triangular, his nose was flat, and his mouth was still big.

In short, this is a rather ugly woman, so ugly that Old Sha always feels quite sorry for his own eyes at the first glance, and feels that he will vomit out all the food and drink in the previous five days.

At the same time, behind the fat woman, several men followed.

The men looked quite sturdy, with extremely brutal eyes staring at Boss Sha and the others, as if venomous snakes were staring at their prey.

There was also a large wooden bucket in front of these men, and the bucket was filled with a large bucket of water.

"Welcome to Lord Mary, and all the adults," said Boss Sha, feeling that his little heart was shaking.

Every time he faced these brutal snake-men, he felt that he had come to the Guimen Pass, and whether to go inside or back, these brutal snake-men had the final say.

In front of these snake-men, they are humbler than the yellow sand on the ground.

The fat woman's triangular eyes revealed a very ferocious aura. She lowered her head and glanced at Boss Sha. Boss Sha felt that the hairs on her body were standing up, as if there was a terrifying little snake crawling around on her body.

"Don't stay away from this lord? You are too stinky!" The fat woman frowned and said. The voice was extremely rough and hoarse, as if the throat was blocked by a handful of fine sand.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Boss Sha and the others were only willing, and quickly stepped back.

They have long been used to such humiliation.

"Bring out the'tribute' this time. If you don't even look down on me, you know the consequences." The fat woman said again.

Boss Sha's body trembled, and he quickly replied: "Mary Mary will definitely not be disappointed."

"Huh! It's better!" the fat woman said coldly.

Boss Sha waved his hand, one of his subordinates quickly turned and trot into the wooden house, lifted Li Zedao out, put it in front of the woman, and then quickly curled up and retreated behind Boss Sha.

Li Zedao tried very hard to open his eyes to see the surrounding situation, but he still failed.

The eyelids are as if they are hung with a heavy stone, they are extremely heavy, and they can only be lifted up and down as rubbish. The so-called dignity is trampled at will.

Master Mary's triangular eyes swept across Li Zedao's face a few times, those triangular eyes lit up slightly, and the scarlet tongue stretched out, licking her thick lips gently.

But it's been a long time since she had encountered such a handsome tribute, so handsome that she couldn't help but want to eat him.

The majesty glanced at Elder Sha and the others, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "This time the'tribute' is not bad, and the Empress should be very satisfied."

"Thank you Lord Mary." Boss Sha was relieved, almost moved to cry.

At that moment, Master Mary waved his hand, and the man standing behind her stepped forward, grabbed Li Zedao, and tore off the only fig leaf left on him three or five times.

Li Zedao was angry, aggrieved, and helpless, thinking that he must not let this handsome guy regain his strength, otherwise you will look good!


Li Zedao was thrown into the big bucket full of clear water by the man. His body was completely immersed in the water, only his head was exposed.

In an instant, Li Zedao only felt cold and unspeakable.

After being tossed for such a long period of time, he could suddenly take a bath, and he was moved by Li Zedao and almost cried.

"Pop!" A lid was buttoned heavily on the barrel.

Li Zedao was caught off guard, his head was severely smashed, and the Venus appeared in front of him.

He can't use aura now, so he is no different from ordinary people. It's uncomfortable to suffer such a heavy blow.

Immediately two men lifted the barrel, one on the left and the other on the right.

"If Her Majesty the Empress is very satisfied with this tribute, then all of you may be able to get two antidote to life and death pills." The fat woman glanced at Boss Sha and said.

Taking a few slaps to give a sweet date will make the humble slaves obedient. She knows this truth better than anyone else.

Sure enough, Boss Sha and everyone else shook their bodies, and immediately their faces were filled with gratitude and tears, and an expression of wishing to dig their hearts out for each other.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and Master Mary."

Boss Sha and the others weakened their knees and knelt to the ground, their entire bodies crawling on the surface of the sand, and respectfully sent Master Mary and the group away.

After Master Mary and the others walked away, Boss Sha and others stood up, all faces were full of ecstasy, and then full of guilt again, feeling that they were too much, especially those who went under the tree many times. People who pee.

If it is said that the first pee was to hide Li Zedao's traces, then the next few peeing, it is simply to sprinkle the anger in his heart on him.

This approach is really inappropriate.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who was thrown into the big bucket, felt that he had left **** and reached heaven. Compared with the pit that was thrown into the dark day and often urinate, this wooden bucket is undoubtedly heaven.

Of course, it would be better if the head didn't suffer such a heavy blow.

After being comfortable, Li Zedao's heartbeat was gradually accelerating.

Just because he had heard the words "Her Majesty the Empress" many times before.

In this ghost place of the Great Desert, there is really such a person who is honored as the Empress, that is, Boya, the leader of the snake people who was forced to hide in the Great Desert.

There are many rumors about Boya.

They all say that this is a beautiful woman snake, a terrifying powerhouse with a spiritual fairy mirror cultivation base, and a beautiful woman with extremely fearful strength and extremely cruel methods.

What is even more interesting is that this female emperor likes to raise handsome men very much, and treats them as pets as well as food.

Li Zedao's little heart was trembling, so his guess is correct? Those people who saved their lives are all under this beautiful woman snake?

They see that they are handsome so that they can give themselves as a so-called tribute to that beautiful woman snake?

These people are going to take themselves to see that beautiful woman snake now?

Soon, his peerless and handsome face and his body will be completely exposed to the beautiful woman?

So, what was the last thing you didn't want to encounter when you entered the desert is now encountered by yourself?

Li Zedao's little heart trembled badly, and his scalp was tingling abnormally. He felt that he was too much troubled. He had just escaped from the wolf pack and was sent to the tiger's mouth.

Why should God treat yourself like this? Just because you are handsome?

Master Gui, if your old man does not show up again, you will lose a stubborn fan who tries his best to flatter you!

At this moment, Li Zedao's heart was full of grudges.

Although it is very clear that people should rely more on themselves, but on the premise of relying on themselves, there is still such a great turtle to rely on. Isn't that a good thing?

Efforts to throw all the messy thoughts out of his mind, Li Zedao calmed down and continued to enter the state of cultivation.

As for what horrible things will happen next, what horrible pictures you see, you can only resign yourself to fate.

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