The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2603: Wall grass

Princess Long stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes. She didn't expect the grandfather to have such a life experience.

The two people spoke at the gate of the city.

Before being forced by Li Zedao, Shenlong City had to issue an announcement to the entire Divine Realm, stating that the Snake Clan is still a loyal citizen of Panlong, and no one or any force is allowed to crusade in the great desert.

In other words, the Yellow Gate, who has hatred with the Snake People, must not attack the Snake People. Therefore, the strong men from the Yellow Gate guarding the city gate did not continue to use realgar fluid to check pedestrians entering the city. Are there snakes in it?

However, the cost of entering the city still has to be charged.

"What are you still waiting for? Two thousand gold coins!"

The man guarding the city gate impatiently yelled at Li Zedao, who was staring at the thick loess-covered city wall. He also looked at Princess Ling’s distinctive pair of purple pupils with rather rude eyes. All of a sudden, I was deeply attracted by these eyes.

I thought that the eyes of this woman were too beautiful. Would you like to find a way to get her to remove the white veil on her face?

Li Zedao did not respond.

He once again remembered the various fragments of coming here with Shui Feiling before entering the desert.

Don't know how she is now? How is the baby in her belly?

The old ghost said that it would guarantee that she and the child in her belly would not die. Li Zedao didn't want to believe the old ghost's words, nor did he trust the little turtle.

He knew that the little tortoise and the old ghost, including the former director of Baili, had a very strong purpose in the importance they attached to themselves, otherwise they would have blood from Nuwa, and they would have killed themselves long ago. .

When the man saw that this kid didn't pay attention to him, his anger suddenly appeared, pointing at Li Ze and cursing: "You are **** deaf, right? Didn't hear what I said?"

The cold light in Princess Long's purple pupils flashed past, her hands were slightly clenched into fists.

This guy stared at her with rude eyes, she could not take it seriously, but she couldn't bear to say such rude words to Xiang Gong.

In an instant, a terrifying breath suddenly burst out of thin air, hitting the man's face fiercely, and directly smashing all the things he was about to say back into his stomach without saying it, but also smashing him into the air. Get out.

Blood was spraying continuously from his face which had collapsed.

After two breaths, the man fell heavily to the ground, but he remained motionless and turned into a corpse.

When the other guards who guarded the city saw this, their eyeballs almost jumped out of their eye sockets, and their brains roared violently, unable to believe what their eyes were seeing.

You know, they dare to run wild at the gate of Huangcheng City, they have seen it, but they dare to kill people directly, they are really unheard of.

Arrogance is like Yingzhou Academy, and I dare not run wild in Huangcheng, let alone murder!

What was even more frightening was that none of them saw this man and woman who did it, and the guard who had the peak cultivation base of the Spirit God Realm was killed like this!

These people stared at Li Zedao and Princess Long with scarlet eyes, and the unprecedented anger spread madly in their hearts.

Of course, there is a hint of fear in the anger.

Princess Long did not have any interest in continuing to kill people. She regained her former nobility and arrogance and said, "Let Huang Quan come out."

The men who guarded the city gate looked at each other a few times, and their expressions looked ugly again.

Those who dare to kill their Huang Clan in Huangcheng are fine, and even dare to call the sect master's name directly.

"Can you call the sect master's name?"

"Why are you polite with them? Kill them."

"Who is a madman? How dare you lie to my Huangmen and kill my people from Huangmen? Take my sword!"

One of the men couldn't stand the humiliation, so he roared and drew his sword angrily.

In an instant, a fierce sword aura fiercely attacked Princess Long.

Princess Long thinks these guys are really stupid, no matter how weak they are, they are also strong in spiritual spirit cultivation. They should have some vision.

But even after they had downplayed and killed someone, they still couldn't see that their fists were far stronger than they thought. They were so stupid!

If so, let's die one.

Raised his fist at will and hit the sword energy that seemed too weak to her.


The sword qi shattered directly and disappeared invisible.

The next moment, a terrifying breath blasted the man's chest fiercely.

In an instant, the man's body became tight and the blood in his body coagulated, and he smelled death.

"Boom!" There was a dull muffled sound.

A big blood-sparkling hole blasted out of the man's chest by the unmatched breath.

The man's eyes were round, filled with intense panic, and he fell to the ground.

The entire gate of the city suddenly became silent.

The pupils of those guarding gates were rounded, their minds were blank, and the inner anger was completely replaced by fear.

Until now, they really realized the horror of this woman, and realized that this woman really didn't put Huang Quan, the master of the gate, whom they regarded as a god.

Princess Long still said: "Let Huang Quan come out."

These people finally reacted, they made a sound of incomparable fear, and they desperately swept toward the city, as if there was a ghost chasing them behind.

After Xiao Banzhuxiang worked, Huang Quan's tall figure appeared there.

He glanced at the two corpses on the ground, and those big scarlet eyes stared at Li Zedao and Princess Long, but his face was full of solemnity.

He couldn't see the true strength of this man and woman, but he only felt that he was telling him that this man and woman was terrible, not only because of the origin, but also the strength!

Once he dares to act rashly, his fate may be tragic.

Just when will the two terrifying powerhouses appear in God's Domain?

"Who are the two? Why did you kill at my Huangmen?" Huang Quan took a deep breath and asked.

Princess Long took out a sign.

Huang Quan's pupils shrank violently, and his brain roared violently. The black face suddenly became extremely pale, and his forehead was sweaty.

Zijin Dragon Brand!

It turned out to be the Zijin Shenlong brand! Only Dragon Vessels can have the Zijin Shenlong card that is qualified! Therefore, this woman is a dragon vein from Shenlong City!

How did the dragon veins come to this place? Coming to appease the snake people?

Huang Quan felt that his guess was right. After all, Shenlong City had issued such a notice that caused an uproar some time ago.

The notice stated that the Snake People are still loyal citizens of Panlong, and no one is allowed to go deep into the desert to encircle and suppress the Snake People, otherwise they are against the Dragon Palace!

When Huang Quan received such a notice, he only felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were hurting.

"You said rudely to me, and even drew my sword to try to kill people, so I killed them. What's the problem with you?" Princess Long said lightly.

Originally, she didn't need to explain, but she felt that Xiang Gong seemed to have special emotions about this place, and maybe she knew Huang Quan, so she simply explained it.

Huang Quan’s face was immediately replaced by awe, and his head was lowered deeply, and he said: "Two distinguished guests came to Huangcheng, the little one was not well received, and the subordinates even offended...small crime Damn it!"

"We want to take a tour in the desert, and ask the Huangmen master to prepare some necessary things." Li Zedao looked at Huang Quan and said.

Because of the water concubine spirit, he was very kind to Huang Quan.

Huang Quan felt flattered in his heart, and quickly made a deep impression: "Yes."


In the big desert, two camels stepped on the extremely soft sand and moved forward slowly.

Li Zedao's voice was softer than the sound made by the **** camel stepping on the sand. He probably told Princess Long about all his experiences in the gods' domain.

Of course, he concealed the fact that he came from the world.

Li Zedao couldn't talk about this, and didn't know how to say it.

The realm of God is still the realm of a long, long time ago. There is no advanced technology here, everything is so primitive, and even people in some places drink blood and are no different from beasts.

But the mortal domain is no longer the mortal domain of a long, long time ago.

Their physique degenerates to a rather weak level, and any weak person in God's Domain can become the strongest expert in Moral Domain.

But their brains have evolved to a terrifying level.

In short, the people of God's Domain are not suitable for going to the mortal realm, and even the people of mortal Realm are not suitable for coming to the mortal realm.

Therefore, the colorful fence and the conveyor belt have to be repaired again, otherwise terrible things will happen.

"So, I'm just a poor bug."

Li Zedao looked at Princess Long and laughed at himself: "I don't have a stand at all. It's just a wall grass. The funny thing is that I can't protect the person I want to protect even if I fall down desperately."

Li Zedao felt a strong sense of tiredness, and only felt so tired.

Princess Long doesn’t agree with Li Zedao’s evaluation of herself. She said: “Before the Miangong, you really couldn’t protect the people you want to protect, but you are not to blame. After all, the enemy’s strength is far beyond what you can deal with. In the face of absolute strength, apart from despair, apart from compromise, apart from hypocrisy and snakes, apart from selling your soul, apart from trampling your dignity and pride into the mud, what can you do?"

Li Zedao nodded in agreement, what else could he do besides making a shameless effort to survive?

You can't die with dignity, right?

"Under such circumstances, Xiang Gong, you can still keep your original mind and work hard to move forward. This is something that ordinary people can't do."

Desperate people refuse to move forward because of fear and choose to stand still.

But they have forgotten one thing. Death will be waiting for them, but if they continue to move forward, they may find a way to escape.

Princess Long's purple pupils, which exuded charming colors under the strong sunlight, stared at the man earnestly.

This man who was once certainly desperate, he did not compromise.

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