The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2608: You promised

Li Zedao was stunned slightly: "I don't understand."

The old ghost said: "Before Panlong fell asleep, he once said that one day in the future, Nuwa's descendants will once again mess up the entire God's Domain, and then the God's Domain will bleed the corpse across the wild and even completely destroy it."

"At this time, a descendant of Nuwa will appear, saving God's Domain from the fire and water."

"Because you have the aura of heaven, and the luck is so good that it can be said to be quite weird, so the little turtle firmly believes that the descendant of Nuwa who can save the gods is you."

Princess Long's purple eyes looked at Li Zedao and looked so surprised.

The prediction about Panlong was vaguely heard by the old dragon emperor, but she didn't expect Linggui and Lingzhu to think that Xianggong was that person.

What's more weird is that the spirit pig and the spirit turtle didn't even tell the dragon master, so that the dragon master didn't know about this matter, otherwise it shouldn't have that kind of attitude towards the xianggong.

Princess Long had a terrible headache. She had known that the relationship between the eight spirit gods was quite bad, but she didn't expect it to be so bad.

It's such an important thing, I don't even know how to breathe each other.

Li Zedao understood, it turned out that this was the most fundamental reason why Little Tortoise and Old Ghost, especially Little Tortoise, valued itself, because it thought it was that person.

The little tortoise has round eyes and is very depressed.

Old ghost, my sister! When has the turtle been unwavering? Can this kind of thing be unswervingly believed? Master Gui's heart is also full of doubts, OK? Your sister!

The old ghost said naturally: "In my opinion, if you are really the descendant of Nuwa in Panlong’s prophecy, you can naturally avoid any danger, so I won’t tell the ignorance, it’s not too big for you. difference."

"But I can disgust him, it will make me feel good."

Li Zedao nodded in agreement: "Hei Ye said it is true! On the other hand, if I were not that person, then I would die if I died. Anyway, I have the blood of Nuwa, and I should have died long ago."

The old ghost said: "That's it."

Li Zedao exudes a terrible aura, his eyes are bloodshot, and his tone becomes harsh: "Now, Lord Hei thinks I am that person?"

The old ghost was unmoved and responded indifferently: "I don't know. This kind of thing will only be known when the answer is revealed."

Li Zedao said, "It doesn't matter if I am that person or not, in short, because of Hei's move, I failed to find the Skyshaking Axe, so I failed to bring the Skyshaking Axe back. Does Heiye have to take responsibility?"

Before the old ghost said anything, Li Zedao looked at the little tortoise: "Master tortoise is the most upright. You come to judge the truth, isn't it the truth?"

When the little tortoise heard it, he felt so comfortable in his heart that Xiao Daozi's eyes were as vicious as ever, and he knew that the tortoise had always been upright.

In addition, the old ghost actually framed it and said that it firmly believed that Li Zedao was the person predicted by Panlong, which made Little Turtle quite unhappy.

He Gui Ye is such a rigorous person, without 10,000% certainty, how could he make this conclusion?

unacceptable! The old ghost is slandering himself crazy because he is jealous of his face and his intelligence!

So its tortoise eyes widened, looked at the old ghost, and said awe-inspiringly: "Old ghost, you really have to bear some responsibility for this matter..."

Thinking of the brutality of the old ghost, Little Tortoise quickly added: "At least you have to lose a little bit? After all, if you weren't a fool, Xiao Daozi might really bring the Heavenly Axe back."

The old ghost ignored the idiotic turtle beside him, and settled the account with him after he was sent off the trail.

I haven't beaten it for a while, I am afraid it has forgotten which of the eight spiritual gods is the strongest.

It looked at it and said faintly: "I remember when you asked me to save that woman, I said that only you can save her and bring back the Sky Axe, and she can live."

"Because of you, Hei, I can't bring back the Skybreaking Axe." Li Zedao's eyes became cold.

"What did I do? It's my business. It's your business if you didn't take it back. You can't push all your failures onto me."

The old ghost said faintly: "Besides, you can immediately turn around to find the ignorant sect master, and go to the Heavenly Shaking Axe. As long as you can bring the Shaking Axe back, I will honor my previous promise."

The kind and upright little tortoise on the side could not help but yell at the old ghost. It's so shameless. The child is gone. Why do you have the face to say such a thing?

Promise your sister!

"Heiye don't worry, I will join forces with the ignorant sect master?" Li Zedao's eyes turned scarlet.

"That's your freedom." The old ghost said lightly, as if it were a trivial matter.

The little tortoise on the side grimaced frantically, thinking that a ghost claw would slap the dead meat ball to death, and Nima would die if he didn't pretend to be a calf.

Li Zedao was silent, his hand slightly clenched into a fist.

He thought that with his current strength, it was enough to make the old ghost give in, take the initiative to admit his mistake, and save the life of Concubine Shui.

Unexpectedly, the old ghost's attitude is so indifferent. If you want to leave, I will not stay. You want to beat me to accompany you. You want to join hands with the eight masters. That is also your attitude, which makes him feel a strong sense of powerlessness. .

Can't you really fight this terrible pig?

What if you accidentally hurt Princess Long and Concubine Shui Ling who is still in a coma?

Now that the matter is up, I can only withdraw first, and then think of a solution after the matter of Shui Feiling.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said: "In this case, the transaction is over, I will take her away."


After leaving these words indifferently, the old ghost floated towards the end of the passage.

Little tortoise didn't know what to say, and now he can only follow the old ghost's ass.

It is not clear whether Xiao Daozi will rush into action, but it is undoubtedly more secure to stay with the old ghost.

The little tortoise couldn't help but praise himself cruelly in his heart. He was so smart.

After Li Zedao took Princess Long through the dark and cold passage in front of him, his eyes suddenly became enlightened, and he had already entered a huge space.

There were torches around the space, but the purple-blue flames were cold and biting, and it was the legendary wildfire.

Li Zedao's gaze naturally fell on the stone platform not far away, where a woman was lying quietly.

Princess Long naturally saw that woman too, and thought this was the Sister Shui that Xianggong said?

She was more concerned about the state of mind of the father-in-law at this time. She was worried that he could not hold back the violent conflict with the spirit pig. With his strength, he could not face the spirit pig and the spirit turtle at the same time.

Li Zedao's nose was sour, and he came to Shui Feiling, quietly looking at the still extremely charming face.

He stretched out his hand to grab her cold little hand and glanced at Shui Feiling's belly, his brows were already frowned.

After a while, he looked up at the child who had fallen into a coma lying there, and then at the old ghost.

The old ghost said: "He is not your child, your child is dead."

It is natural to deceive the weak, and the weak dare to question your lies and slap them to death.

But deceiving a powerful person of this level is undoubtedly a rather stupid behavior, for fear that it will completely provoke the opponent, so the old ghost did not continue to lie.

Li Zedao frowned even more, and the scarlet eyes stared at the old ghost fiercely, but his voice was calm and cold-blooded: "You said, before I bring the Sky Axe back, you can guarantee that she will not die. "

Li Zedao increased his tone: "You can also guarantee that the child in her belly will not die!"

"Although I am not at all optimistic that you can bring back the Sky Shake Axe, I have already let her take the Hell Fruit, otherwise you will know her situation, and she will not be able to survive now."

The old ghost said lightly: "It's just that the **** fruit is too insidious, and it directly killed the child and damaged her soul, so she was in a coma."

Li Zedao's voice was still calm: "You promised it!"

"Little tortoise promises it, it doesn't matter to me."

The little tortoise was angry and cursed: "Old ghost, my sister, can you be more shameless? When will the tortoise promise?"

"You said Infernal Hell can make this woman, and you brought them here, but you didn't tell the little Daozi the consequences." The old ghost glanced at the little turtle.

The little turtle was so guilty that he could only curse: "Your sister's!"

The old ghost looked at Li Zedao and said, "Besides, you didn't bring back the Skyshaking Axe, did you?"

"In that case, why should I guarantee their lives? On the contrary, you still owe me because I finally gave that woman a **** fruit."

"What if I bring the Skybreaking Axe back?" Li Zedao calmed down.

The old ghost looked at the idiot child who was stunned by the little tortoise: "Then he is your son. If there is no blood flowing through your body, then your head is green... If you don't believe it, hit me and hit me. Until I admit my mistake."

This world, after all, speaks by strength.

Although Li Zedao already had the same level of strength as them, it was not enough.

He succeeded in drawing their attention and fear, but he was far from letting them surrender.

Li Zedao looked at the child, his expression still calm.

"Either take her away now, or let me see if your current strength is as scary as the monkey said." The old ghost said indifferently.

The old ghost glanced at Princess Long, then glanced at Concubine Shui Ling, and said, "However, she will die, and she will die too."

In the eyes of the old ghost, Long Mai is no different from garbage, and it kills without any psychological pressure.

The weight of this threat is not heavy!

Li Zedao was silent for a while, and he hugged Concubine Shui Ling.

Be like a little turtle, shrink your head when you should shrink your head.

Princess Long looked at that figure back, somewhat depressed.

From the beginning to the end, she did not help, just because she knew better than anyone, the so-called dragon veins were not much different from **** in the eyes of Lingzhu, and her words had no weight at all.

Even, it may arouse the resentment of the spirit pig and the spirit turtle. After all, she is the dragon vein, and even the best candidate for the position of the future dragon king.

But now, she is rebelling against the meaning of the spirit turtle and spirit pig, which is disrespectful!

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