The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2620: Sister loves it

Li Zedao squinted his eyes to look at the huge pillar in front. He vaguely felt that those eyes were behind the pillar, and those eyes seemed to be able to see himself through the pillar.

At the moment of frowning, Taoist Li Ze was already standing above the pillar.

His sharp eyes looked down, but there was no one behind the pillar. At the same time, the feeling of being peeped disappeared.

Li Zedao's mind roared fiercely, his heart was full of vigilance, his back was a bit cold, and the palm of his hand holding the long sword even sweated.

It can be considered that the soul is damaged once to produce the illusion, but twice in a row, and the feeling of being peeped is stronger, then it is really peeped.

Li Zedao remembered that when he left the five caves, he was spied all the way by the **** of fire, and even the **** of fire was quite awesome and even created a Sumiyu out of him.

Li Zedao hasn't been able to do such an awesome thing yet.

Although he inherited some of the memory fragments of the Vulcan, he can now be said to be beyond the existence of the Ninth-Rank Soulsmith, but his attainments in the soul formation are still not as good as the Vulcan.

There appeared a soulsmith who was as scary as Vulcan or even worse than Vulcan?

Li Zedao had that beautiful body that made his body instantly hot. Could it be that woman named Tian Meng?

Since the woman disappeared into the golden hut quietly, Li Zedao has always been in awe.

Even compared to the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Ambassadors, the woman whose origins are unknown and she doesn't know what terror means she possesses made Li Zedao more frightened.

Li Zedao knew that sooner or later that woman would come over and make trouble for herself. After all, she defeated her man, or is it a toy? friends with benefits?

Women are terrible creatures, and women who are not satisfied are even more terrible!

Li Zedao was dripping with cold sweat on his forehead, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Or, seriously recommend yourself to that woman with terrible demand? Li Zedao's unswerving life is also quite good, and he should be able to satisfy her.

No way, no way. From the previous situation, this woman seems to be a bottomless pit. If she gets drained by that woman, how can she confess to Princess Long? Headache!

After pondering for a moment, Li Zedao took a deep breath and cautiously said: "Yes, Miss Tianmeng?"

The sound spread far away, and finally disappeared invisible.

The ancient city of Nuo-Da was still shrouded in terrible silence, without any response, and no figure was seen.

Li Zedao exhaled heavily, trying to calm himself down.

He didn't know if it was that woman, and even he wasn't sure if he was suspicious...Of course, this was just comforting himself, except for that woman, Li Zedao could not think of anyone else.

Li Zedao's nerves were tense, and he sat down on the pillar, trying to calm himself down.

The gloomy blood-red moonlight sprinkled on Li Zedao's tight body.

The feeling of being peeped appeared again!

For example, the kind of hiding before, this time it is an open peep!

Li Zedao clearly felt that those eyes were behind him! It even seems to be less than one meter away from his back!

Li Zedao clenched his fists at a speed that was suffocating, and slammed behind him severely.


The sound of the air explosion was endless, as if the entire space had been smashed to pieces.

Li Zedao had already turned around the moment he punched.

No one in front of you!

Li Zedao's body was directly tight, and his blood seemed to be coagulated.

Because of someone! There are really people!

People are behind him! Those eyes are behind him!

In other words, the moment he turned around, those eyes moved behind him at a speed that he couldn't even notice.

The cold and playful gloom from the eyes made Li Zedao's hair roots stand up, and the whole thing was as if falling into an ice cave, terribly cold.

Li Zedao tried to calm himself down.

With a thought on his mind, his body was covered by a mysterious golden light, which was a golden cover.

With his current cultivation base, once the golden shield is used, even if the eight main gate masters work together to make a single blow, don't even think of completely breaking this protective layer for a time.

At the same time, Li Zedao quickly took out the Demon Eye and set it on his forehead.

The Eye of Demon possesses an extremely heaven-defying ability, and it can help Li Zedao see everything behind him.

When the eyes of the demon that looked like a black hole opened, Li Zedao clearly saw everything behind him, but he didn't see those eyes.

At the same time, the feeling of being peeped disappeared.

Dou Da's cold sweat came out of Li Zedao's forehead, his scalp was slightly numb, and his small heart trembled.

He knew that the other party was planning to play with him slowly. When he was a mouse, it was a fun toy, otherwise he would have done it long ago.

Li Zedao couldn't help swearing in his heart, Nima's ability to show up, melee combat is okay, this son, if you toss you to death, this son is not a gods domain person!

At this moment, Li Zedao's pupils shrank violently, and his mind roared violently.

He clearly saw that there was an extra line of words on the sand below.

The handwriting is graceful, very elegant, but it exudes a frightening atmosphere.

"The Nasumi area you built is very special, so special that it doesn't look like a mortal thing. My sister likes it very much!"

Li Zedao's eyes became scarlet, and his breathing became rapid! The whole person was in a state of six gods and no masters for a while, and didn't know what to do.

He thought that the Xumiyu he was building was first blocked by the special "natural danger" of Panlong Temple, and the eight main gate masters and the eight spiritual gods did not dare to approach.

Moreover, even if they came to the door last, even if these sixteen terrifying powerhouses shot at the same time, don't even think of breaking in for a while.

But I didn't expect that someone actually went in, and even seemed to go in quite easily, just like returning to my own home!

"Who is it? Get out!"

Li Zedao's extremely suppressed roar spread far away, and the whole person was like a headless fly, spinning around in circles.

The surroundings were still shrouded in weird silence, without any response.

Li Zedao's pupils were scarlet and almost dripping with blood. He was very worried about the safety of Princess Long and the others, and no longer hesitated, he wanted to leave the desert and return to Panlong Temple.

At this moment, the feeling of being peeped reappeared behind a collapsed wall.

"Go to Nima!"

Li Zedao, like a beast in a violent state, clenched the long sword in his hand and rushed forward.

There was still no one behind the wall, but there was another line of cold words on the ground.

"You have a lot of tricks in playing with women. Your women's **** sounds are very beautiful. My sister likes them very much."


Li Zedao's eyeballs were about to jump out of his eye sockets, the blood on his body directly solidified, his body was tight into a ball, his heart was born with an unprecedented huge wave, his mind roared so that he could not feel it at all.

So, when I was studying the structure of the human body with those women in Nasumi, those eyes were watching with interest?

Nima, can you stop being so perverted?

The builder of Sumiyu himself didn't even notice that someone had sneaked into his territory. What did that mean?

Not only did Li Zedao want to kill people, he even wanted to dig out those evil eyes, crush them and feed them to the dog.

Li Ze said that if these terrifying eyes wanted to kill people, Princess Long and the others would have been so fierce! Therefore, any of his worries are unnecessary, and it doesn't even matter whether he returns to Nasumiyu.

Because even if he was there, he wouldn't necessarily be able to protect them!

Li Zedao's heart was cold and bloody, just like the blood-colored moon in the sky, but extremely messy, like the terrible **** storm in the desert.

After struggling for a while, under the trend of strong willpower, Li Zedao's expression completely calmed down, and his tight body also relaxed.

The long sword was sheathed, and Li Zedao sat cross-legged, no longer struggling.

Not giving up struggling, but because he knows better than anyone that such a headless struggle is useless, not to mention that the other party is quite happy to see him angry, helpless and painful.

Up to now, you can only get yourself in the most peaceful state and accept all this indifferently to get the chance to fight back.

Soon, the feeling of being peeped appeared again, this time in a half-collapsed building behind him.

Li Zedao's state of mind is like still water, unmoved.

Even if he wanted to be more generous, he took off all his clothes and let the other party appreciate it.

When the first ray of sunlight shone on Li Zedao's face in the morning, Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief.

Because the feeling of being peeped completely disappeared.

That woman is a terrible astral body, and the astral body has a fatal weakness. They can only live in the dark. Once exposed to the sun, they will be extremely painful, even soul-stirred.

This is why the devil who had escaped from the demon cave before heard of the so-called pure sun formation, and their bodies were trembling with fright, and they didn't have the courage to leave the domain of the eternal night demon.

Li Zedao continued to close his eyes and recharge his energy, he knew that there would be a fierce battle tonight!

As the setting sun fell, terrible coldness enveloped this land again.

Li Zedao continued to close his eyes and rest his mind, and I would not move if the enemy did not move.

The blood-red moon rose, and the cold and **** moonlight fell on Li Zedao's motionless body.

At this moment, Li Zedao slowly opened his eyes.

The feeling of being peeped appeared again.

Li Zedao remained unmoved, just as he didn't notice anything.

At this moment, a golden cloud appeared silently on Li Ze's face.

Li Zedao's body suddenly tightened into a ball, his eyes slightly squinted to look at the woman in a rather sultry posture on the clouds, her complexion colder than the blood-red full moon, and bloody.

Sure enough, it was the woman named Tian Meng!

It was the woman who broke into her mind from time to time these days, making her body hot and her small heart trembling.

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