The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2667: Remaining man

Tian Meng was still reluctant to kill Li Zedao with a single sword.

Mainly because I don't know where to find such durable and fun toys.

She moved the long sword in her hand from Li Zedao's throat, and then pointed to the colorful wall that Li Zedao had spent a lot of effort to repair.

"Hey, Xiao Daozi, you are so easy to use. My sister is really reluctant to hit you with a sword for the time being. Then I have to use this colorful wall to test the power of this ugly soul sword."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, and Cao Nima's heart was trampled crazily.

He really felt that the words "very ugly and extremely ugly" were really superfluous. Doesn't she think this sword is like a natural artwork? This woman has no taste at all.

I think this woman is too much.

She even planned to use that colorful wall to try her sword. How could she disrespect the fruits of her labor so much?

It took me a year and a lot of hard work to repair it.

Li Zedao decided to despise his character from the heart.

"Sister Tianmeng, in fact, you can go outside and try to hack that mountain of Gods and Demons. That mountain is not said to have evolved from Pangu's head. It is extremely hard. Sister, you can try."

Worried that this woman would draw her sword and face each other again, Li Zedao cautiously suggested.

"Extremely hard?"

Tianmeng smiled disdainfully: "The valley of the devil was cut out with bare hands by my previous sister."

"..." Li Zedao's self-esteem was seriously injured, and he felt that he was despised to death.

The point is that after being despised, he didn't even know how to refute it.

But I probably know that the reason why the Gods and Demons Mountain is insurmountable (unless you become a powerhouse of the level of Chilong) is because it is indeed evolved from the head of Pangu’s flesh, and it has an extremely terrifying effect. The coercion.

And whether it is a mortal, **** or demon, in the final analysis, they are descendants of Pangu. When they have not grown to a certain height, they may have overtaken Pangu's head?

But Tianmeng was not a descendant of Pangu at all, so the terrifying coercion of God and Demon Mountain could not cause much harm to her.

In addition, her strength back then was a bit stronger than now.

Therefore, she didn't take much effort to open up the Valley of Demon, so that Chilong's plan to lead the group of demons to invade God's Domain could be realized.

"Furthermore, it's smashed into pieces, you can just build it up later."

Tianmeng chuckled, and slightly squeezed the soul sword, and the next moment, no fancy sword pierced it.

In an instant, terrible thunder bursts from this nameless hole.

Li Ze was stunned, this woman would actually know the Lei Che Sword Art that she is good at? When did you learn it?

But remembering that when Pangu opened up the four domains, this woman already existed, and Li Zedao felt that no matter what she knew, it was not surprising.

Li Zedao has now cultivated Lei Qi Sword Art to the highest level, so Lei Qi Sword Art is also one of his strongest moves.

Before, he started a long confrontation with Chi Long based on Leiqi Sword Art.

After a breath, a stunned thunder that made Li Zedao madly attacked the colorful wall in front of him. The terrifying power made Li Zedao **** in cold air repeatedly, and his scalp became extremely numb.

His Lei Che Sword Art is not comparable to this woman's Lei Che Sword Art... this is naturally impossible, the key is that this woman is holding the soul sword, then this thunder is essentially different from his thunder Up.

If your own Lei meets this woman's Lei, he will be directly smashed to pieces.

It's like two equally good soldiers, but with a knife in one hand, and a looter with countless bullets in the other, the difference in weapons is too obvious.

As Li Zedao sucked in cold air, the thunder slammed against the colorful wall.


There was a deafening muffled sound, it seemed that the entire invisible space had cracks, and the entire nameless cave shook violently.

Li Zedao's scalp became more numb, and his little heart trembled violently.

Immediately, the thunder burst open and scattered everywhere, just like the bursting fireworks, disappearing into the invisible after a moment.

Although the colorful wall remained intact, Li Zedao clearly felt that it made a strong moan-groan, and it was suffering tremendously.

He could feel this wall because he barely built it.

Sure enough, the two couldn't breathe, Li Zedao clearly saw that a terrifying crack appeared.

Tian Meng didn't stop there. While her beautiful eyes showed a look of wonder, another terrifying thunder appeared, blasting fiercely on the colorful wall.

This time, the gap became bigger, and the wall shook violently, and it might collapse at any time.

Tian Meng did not continue to draw the sword, she no longer needs to draw the sword, otherwise she would insult the sword in her hand.

With an extremely charming smile on her face, she wandered to the already eclipsed colorful wall, and blew a breath of fragrance at the colorful wall.


Such a colorful wall, which was able to withstand the Lingyu Realm powerhouse for thousands of years, was blown gently by Tian Meng, and it collapsed directly, and the colorful stones were scattered on the ground.

Li Zedao was distressed to death, and a year of hard work was in vain.

Tian Meng was quite satisfied with sweeping the ruins in front of him, then looked back at Li Zedao and exclaimed: "Xiao Daozi, the soul sword you refined, except for its uglier appearance, the others are especially in line with sister's requirements, even better than sister. It is stronger than imagined."

Li Zedao said dullly, "Thank you, sister."

Isn't this nonsense? This is the soul sword that I carefully polished, how could it not be powerful?

"Congratulations, you are not shameless this time, you have the character of'keeping your promises' again in your body."


This time Li Zedao couldn't even say "thank you".

He smiled bitterly, didn't take the kind of ridicule of this woman, and walked to the ruined wall, picked them up one by one and put them in the Sumeru Ring, thinking about finding time to build them.

Or help yourself build a powerful defensive weapon? In this way, there is no fear of the sword in that woman's hand.

No, no, if I used these colorful stones, wouldn't God's Domain be equivalent to losing an extremely important defense barrier?

At that time, Chilong once again led the group of demons to invade God's Domain, what should be done?

Li Zedao sighed softly. At this time, he was still concerned about the safety of God's Domain. It was so great that he was so moved by himself.

Tian Meng looked at the exposed conveyor belt, and suddenly smiled charmingly: "Xiao Daozi, my sister will take you to the Demon Realm to kill Chilong. Are you OK?"


Li Zedao was taken aback by this woman's thoughts, and the colorful stones in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Tianmeng’s voice is full of temptations: "Xiao Daozi, think about it carefully. If Chilong is dead, those demons will not be able to toss up the storm, and you don’t need to worry about saying that one day in the future. Chi Long once again led the group of demons to invade God's Domain or something..."

"Xiao Daozi, you don't have to pretend to be miserable over there, saying that these colorful stones should be reserved for God's Domain, and you can use them to refine a defensive weapon with a sword."

After years of getting along, Tian Meng knows how hypocritical this shameless person is. Seeing such a look when he holds the colorful stone, Tian Meng knows the mind of this shameless person.

She blinked her big eyes, and her voice was extremely playful: "Is this bad?"


Li Zedao hesitated.

I thought this seemed really good, but the point was that he actually didn't want to do anything with Chilong.

He said that he was afraid of Chilong. Li Zedao actually didn’t want to see Chilong’s accident. He also wanted to say that one day, he might fight alongside Chilong against the woman in front of him, and even against the unimaginable sky. .

Tian Meng seemed to know what Li Zedao was thinking, and the charming face was replaced by a cold smile.

"Xiao Daozi, you still want to fight your sister with Chi Long after all?"

Tianmeng's voice is not as charming as it used to be, how gloomy and gloomy it is.

I just feel hopeful and even frustrated. She has given him the most precious body, so he still wants to kill himself?


"If this is the case, my sister can only let this God's Realm... um..."

Tian Meng's eyes widened suddenly, **** little Daozi, how dare he attack himself so domineeringly? He really thought he couldn't bear to cut him with a sword?

Li Zedao's lips blocked Tian Meng's mouth domineeringly, like a gluttonous baby, sucking happily.

Grandma's, let you disrespect the fruits of my labor, let you call me cheap, let you call my refined soul sword ugly, let you threaten me?

See if I will kill you!

The soul sword slipped from Tian Meng's hand, her hand was very busy now, and she had no time to hold this powerful soul sword.

"Sure enough, Xiaodaozi is the best to use, the one who understands his own mind best, and knows best how to make himself comfortable, I am afraid that I will never find anything better than him. I have a headache." Tianmeng has a headache. .

Immediately, her mind also began to blank, and temporarily set aside those worries.

I don't know how long it took, everything was calm.

"Kill Chilong!" Li Zedao said murderously.

Tianmeng glared like silk and giggled and said, "Little Daozi, would you be too embarrassed?"

Li Zedao decisively shook his head: "It's not difficult at all. I think Sister Tianmeng is too right. Chilong is dead, and many problems can be solved."

"As you said, it's too bloodthirsty and too idiotic."

"Since you want to kill Chilong, Xiao Daozi, my sister will naturally accompany you to kill... You see that my sister is so good to you, but I always want to kill my sister in my heart." There is so much resentment in Tian Meng's eyes. Faint.

"..." Li Zedao felt that it would be better to fight this shameless woman for 300 rounds now.

"Scumbag! No rebuttal!" Tian Meng faintly cursed, giving Li Ze a grimace.

Li Zedao was so depressed that he didn't even have the strength to raise his head.

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