The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2683: Ride a dragon

Xiao Daozi was riding on Chi Long's head?

Tian Meng's eyeballs suddenly rounded up, and his mind roared violently, and a monstrous wolf rose in his heart, and he couldn't believe what his eyes saw.

But seeing Xiao Daozi standing there in a handsome posture, that face that was obviously very proud but pretending to be calm really made people want to slap over, then spit a few salivas, and raised his feet. Crushed a few times.

It's so cheap, you have to doubt yourself whether you have a tendency to be abused if you don't slap him in the face.

Because the sword net she fabricated was perfectly avoided by Chi Long, even if Li Zedao was holding a soul sword, she was not too confident in Li Zedao.

Tian Meng had imagined many possibilities, and even thought that Xiao Daozi would never be seen again. The pig brain of Xiao Daozi was afraid that he would die with Chilong.

But she had never thought about saying that Xiao Daozi would actually stand on Chi Long's head and appear in front of her as an absolute winner.

What terrible thing did he do to Chi Long, so that Chi Long was willing to become his mount?

Tian Meng thought that he couldn't do this kind of thing unless the **** confinement above his head was about to be broken.

If Chi Long didn't want to be destroyed by the powerhouse of the heavens, he could only come over and let her ride.

Chi Long felt the weird gaze of the idiot woman, and only felt that the whole dragon was not good, and he wished to find a gap to get in immediately.

What a shame!

Under Li Zedao's order, it slowed down rather humiliatingly and flew to Tianmeng.

Chi Long clearly saw that the **** woman's eyes became playful, revealing a strong ridicule, and her teeth were itchy, wishing that a dragon claw would go over her ugly eyes.

Nima's, what happened to Lao Tzu who just wanted to be ridden?

Li Zedao stood there, under the background of the rich devilish energy, like a lotus that was not stained with mud, white and clean.

Li Zedao couldn't help but admire in his heart, he was so handsome, he was so handsome that no one else could live.

You look at the dragon under your feet, you feel inferior to death, and you firmly believe that it is not qualified to be his mount.

Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng with a smile that he thought was the most handsome in his eyes. His voice was full of magnetism: "Sister Tian Meng, are you interested in riding a dragon with me?"


Chi Long was ashamed and wanted to die, and even wanted to let this idiot who humiliated him to death die!

I just let your **** idiot ride it, so why let this **** woman ride it? Don't you **** idiot know that she is from the heavens?

Don't you fear that when Pangu gets angry, a terrible dragon's breath will spit you to death?

Chi Long couldn't resist, so he could only close its big scarlet eyes, and tried to ignore the existence of this **** idiot.

Tian Meng was stunned for a while, and then the charming and explicit smile appeared on his face.

"Little Daozi, you really surprised my sister."

Tianmeng's mind surged fiercely, thinking about various possibilities.

Immediately, there was a clear emotion in her eyes, she probably knew what had happened.

Chi Long had perfectly escaped the strangulation of that sword net before, fearing that he had hidden in a space left by Pangu or in the formation.

Now it is reduced to a dog raised by Xiaodaozi...

So I want to know that in that space or soul formation, there is a ray of Pangu's soul, and only Pangu's soul ray can make Chilong so afraid and become a mount.

Li Zedao waved his hand, quite modestly saying that this is nothing remarkable at all, this is a matter of course, there is no surprise or surprise.

"Actually, there is no surprise, beast, if you are not obedient, you have to educate it, give it reason, use your charm to conquer it, and it knows that it is wrong and let you ride it obediently."

Chi Long was so angry that its huge body trembled. It knew that if it didn't let it out, it wouldn't know what it would do.

So it opened its mouth wide, and spewed out several dragon breaths fiercely at the huge pothole below.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Those few dragon breaths changed the color of the day, and the whole earth trembled violently, just like a terrifying earthquake.

Li Zedao saw that this **** dragon dared to be temperamental, his eyes glared, and he slapped the dragon's head with a slap, and slapped, "It's great to breathe dragons? Can you shut up? Can you stop shaking? Your sister? Yes, I almost shook my son down."

"Your sister, if you are so presumptuous, Sister Tianmeng, don't you think that your master's ability to control is so bad that you can't even control a mount? Your sister!"

Li Zedao became more angry as he spoke, and slapped the dragon's head fiercely.

Chi Long was almost fainted in disgrace, yet he had fear of Pangu from the depths of his soul, so he didn't dare to resist.

In order to prevent that **** hand from continuing to draw on its noble dragon head, it swallowed the dragon's breath that was about to be sprayed again, and closed its mouth tightly. The huge body was not Dare to tremble casually, to be as honest as possible.

It silently swears in its heart that one day in the future, it will return all the shame it has suffered to this **** Nuwa descendant!

"This beast is owed, let Sister Tian Meng see the joke." Li Zedao looked at Tian Meng with a little embarrassment and said.

Tian Meng looked at Chi Long with pity in his eyes, so Chi Long continued to swear that one day in the future, he would also make this damned woman pay a painful price.

Tian Meng looked at Li Zedao, with a smile that was not a smile, and his red lips lightly opened: "Xiao Daozi, there is a trace of Pangu's soul in that big pit, right?"

Only a ray of Pangu's soul can make Chilong completely lose the ability to resist, and Li Zedao will ride on his head, humiliating and beating at will.

After all, even a strand of soul was enough to disperse the soul of Chilong.

It seems that Pangu has already given Xiao Daozi the important task of saving the four domains and even fighting against the sky.

The expression on Li Zedao's face narrowed slightly, and he nodded: "I can't hide anything from Tian Meng sister."

"So, are you here to kill sister?" Tian Meng blinked with big eyes.

There was no panic in the shining eyes, there was no even fun, but it seemed to be flirting.

Even a random look from this woman will make you feel that she is flirting with you... At least Li Zedao feels that way, he feels that he is electrocuted by those eyes.

Li Zedao seemed inadvertently avoiding Tianmeng's eyes, and gently shook his head: "Pangu didn't let me kill your sister."

After a pause, Li Zedao said again: "Even if he lets me kill, I won't kill."

"Oh? Really?" Tianmeng sneered.

Why do men like to "attack" girls with sweet words? Really think you are those little slut, you just lost your mind when seeing Xiao Daozi?

Li Zedao nodded affirmatively: "Yes!"

Tian Meng's smile was a bit playful: "What? I was completely fascinated by my sister and couldn't help myself."

Li Zedao lowered his head a little embarrassedly, as if he was a young virgin who had just started his love.

Chi Long had an urge to kill this shameless Nüwa descendant, and was actually bewildered by this **** woman? He was really insulting his noble Pangu divine vein.

"You think too much." Li Zedao stared at those eyes and said seriously.

Although it was an illusion, it also made Li Zedao even more wary of this woman, and also let him know that this woman can torture him to death at any time in order to break the imprisonment, and even make him frightened.

After all, he still failed to completely conquer her body, let alone her heart.

Therefore, Li Zedao would never give this woman any chance to threaten Princess Long and the safety of the four domains.

Tian Meng's smile was slightly stagnant, and there was an urge to beat this **** to death.

You obviously don't have that kind of thought in your heart, why do you show such a misunderstood expression? Your sister!

"I am not bewildered by my sister, just like my sister was not bewildered by my turbulent world." Li Zedao said positively, without any guilty conscience.

The Chilong at Li Zedao's feet just wanted to vomit. This man and woman are really shameless. Both of them are so ugly. Why are they so embarrassed to say that they are all over the world?

Chi Long felt that compared with these two extremely shameless guys, he shouldn't be too humble. He was so domineering and mighty, but he always felt that he was still not perfect.

For example, although the black scales seem overbearing and mysterious, representing absolute darkness, it seems that the golden body of the **** Panlong looks more noble, right?

At least in the eyes of fools, Panlong represents light, while its Chilong represents darkness.

"Then why don't you kill your sister? You are not afraid of angering Pangu, Pangu's soul will kill you with a single thought?" Tian Meng asked with interest.

"I don't kill because I always have a glimmer of fantasy. I imagine that one day in the future, you will be conquered by me, change your mind, and stand shoulder to shoulder with me to fight against the sky." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

"It's a lonely thing to fight the sky alone."

Tianmeng giggled as if he heard some funny joke.

Immediately, the smile on his face diminished, and there was no human emotion in his voice: "Xiao Daozi, you think too much."

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and smiled. This kind of thing can't be said, who knows?

"You really think too much." Tian Meng emphasized again.

The smile on Li Zedao's face is even greater: "Sister Tianmeng, can I think that you emphasized it again because of a guilty conscience? Because you, a powerful and proud you, disdain to emphasize anything."


I don't know why, Tian Meng really really wanted to punch that face that was quite awkward with a smile.

Why do you think there is such a narcissistic person?

"As for Pangu, he will not kill me because I don't kill you."

Li Zedao laughed at himself: "He saw in me the possibility of disgusting to heaven, even if that possibility is extremely small, but it is better than nothing, so he gave me a chance to save all the creatures in the four domains with great compassion."

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