Li Zedao walked to the small window and looked forward.

But seeing the mountains in the distance, towering into the clouds, seems to be covered with a thin blue veil, looking spectacular and mysterious.

There, there is a Yinyou Mountain called Bichi Holy Spring that is said to be hidden.

According to the guy in the shop, every day someone enters the Yinyou Mountain, trying to find the sacred spring of the green pond, and get that great good fortune.

But it seems that apart from the past, no one has ever succeeded.

I heard that many people were buried forever in that Yinyou Mountain and became food for some powerful poisonous insects and beasts.

That thought continued to bounce happily in Li Zedao's mind, lingering.

Li Zedao always believes that any rumors are not groundless, so do you want to go to Yinyou Mountain to try your luck?

If you really let yourself find the Bichi Sacred Spring, get that great fortune, and become a powerhouse at the level of the fire, then if Miss Luohua dares to drool at herself, she will slap her to death. Up.

But what if you die tragically in that deep mountain and old forest?

Your sister, it would be great if there was Young Master Liu Shui. It is really not good. Miss Luo Hua can also think about it a little bit. In order to become stronger, what is virginity?

With this level of power being protected by the side, the Yinyou Mountain Range will also become less dangerous.

"Hmm... I slept so well!" A lazy meow came from behind him.

Li Ze was overjoyed, why did he forget this thigh?

This woman has not been seen for a long time, and Li Zedao was careful to guard against all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts along the way, and when he arrived in this small town, he began to refine the big idiot, so she really took this woman I forgot.

Turning around, she saw that little loli stretched out with a comfortable face, making a lazy sound that would make people easy to commit crimes.

If it were not for Li Zedao to be an upright gentleman, his thoughts had always been extremely pure, I was afraid that he would think that this woman was seduce him.

Li Zedao showed what he thought was the most handsome face, and smiled: "Miss Yun, you are awake."

Out of the most primitive instinct of a man, Li Zedao glanced at the slender waist that is easy to commit crimes, then at the slender thigh, then at the full chest, and finally landed on the pink beep. Little face.

Then gave the most pertinent evaluation.

Although this woman is quite rude, her figure is quite predictable.

Look at it should be thin, long, and curled. With the cute baby face that makes people easy to protect their desires, those big eyes that often show innocent emotions, this is really true A pretty perfect loli.

You see, Li Zedao is such a sincere person, even if he has been despised by this woman and is ugly to be "insulted", he still tells the truth, instead of ignoring his conscience.

Perceiving a pair of squinted eyes rolling on her body, Yun Yu glared at Li Zedao and snorted coldly: "Ugly, if you are aiming at random, be careful that this lady will dig out your squinted eyes!"

Li Ze said with a smile, and said slightly: "Ms. Yun is so good-looking. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is the best-looking girl in the heavens, so I can't help but take a few more glances."

"I really have no intention of offending, please atone for it!"

"Huh, you have a foresight."

No matter what woman it is or where it is, the most acceptable thing is to be praised, even if the person who praises her is a rascal, a dick.

Yun Yu glanced around, and finally looked at Li Zedao's ugly face, and asked: "Ugly monsters, these hundreds of low-grade eighth-grade souls are all arranged by you?"

I can't tell, this poorly weak ugly monster would even arrange a soul formation.

Can arrange so many 8-Rank soul formations...Well, for the sake of his vision, then he will be better off.

Li Zedao already knew that this girl was an extremely powerful soul formation master, the kind of formation eye level that could find an intermediate third-level soul formation at a glance, if she could get the girl's guidance, then it would be better.

Quickly looked at the woman and nodded: "I arranged it, how does Miss Yun feel?"

"Not bad."

Yun Yu yawned, and affirmed: "A little better than Xiao Hei. This lady taught Xiao Hei for a while, and Xiao Hei can only arrange a seventh-rank soul formation... Ugly, you are smarter than Xiao Hei."

Li Zedao was overjoyed to be so affirmed.

It seems that after this woman was praised by her shameless boast, she was planning to point herself, otherwise, why would she mention the little black who had been pointed out by her, and said that she was smarter than that little black... Of course. It's nonsense.

You can go and find out, who in the heaven is smarter than this son? not a single one!

Of course, we still have to be humble, even not only humble, but also humble.

"Where is it? Miss Yun passed the award. My talent in the soul formation is naturally inferior to Senior Brother Xiaohei, but I will definitely study hard and I will definitely not let Miss Yun down."

When Yun Yu heard this, his big eyes fell on Li Zedao's humble face, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he was looking at an idiot.

Quite contemptuously said: "Ugly monsters, have you misunderstood something?"

Li Zedao was taken aback: "What?"

Yun Yu waved his hand as if he was driving off annoying flies.

"Don't be delusional, this lady doesn't bother to point you to this ugly monster."

Yun Yu's rather ruthless words immediately caused Li Zedao to pour Li Zedao's head like a large basin of cold water.

"Why?" Li Ze said pitifully.

You attached a spirit to the soul of the son without the consent of the son. Did the son say anything?

Not to mention that this young man just ignorantly said that you are the best-looking woman in the heavens.

Now, but you are not willing to give me advice? Too bully!

Yun Yu said disgustingly: "Because you are too ugly. Although Xiao Hei is not as smart as you, he is far cuter than you. Point you? This lady can't afford to lose that person."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he was so angry.

This stubborn kid is a member of the Appearance Association. She even said she is not cute?

Could those big charming eyes simply fail to display?

"Miss Yun, I don't want to listen to you..."

Yun Yu's little head arrogantly raised his head and hummed, "Then don't listen."

Li Zedao felt a sulky breath blocked in his chest, how uncomfortable and uncomfortable he was, and said angrily: "This son can still be uglier than Xiao Hei? You let Xiao Hei come over, do you see if he sees this son's coquettish handsomeness? Ashamed of being filthy, I quickly dig a hole and bury myself!"

Yun Yu's mood suddenly became low, and he looked very sad.

He whispered: "Xiao Hei, he is dead."


Yun Yu's eyes were red, and she looked at Li Ze and said sadly: "Ugly, you really don't know how cute Xiao Hei is. He is the cutest and cutest spirit dog I have ever seen."

"After Xiao Hei died, this lady won't raise spirit dogs anymore."

"Spirit dog? Xiao Hei... Xiao Hei... Xiao Hei is a dog?"

Li Zedao seemed to be struck by the sky and five thunders, and his whole body was tender and tender.

For a while, he couldn't hear anything, and the whole person was going to be messy and messy.

This woman actually compared the prestigious vice-master of Hanfengzong, the deputy master of the quasi-Sanskrit Palace with a dog named Xiaohei, and finally found that the deputy master of the quasi-Sanskrit Palace was better than the dog named Xiaohei. Smart...just smarter, not too much.

What caused Li Zedao's body and mind to be severely hit was that a dog can arrange a seventh-rank soul formation, but he can only arrange an eighth-rank soul formation... it's extremely shameful!

Li Zedao really had no face to meet people, so he wanted to dig a hole quickly and bury himself.

Yun Yu's mood became more and more low and sad, and his big eyes were so red that I really felt pity.

Even if Li Zedao was already mad at this woman at this time, he was about to be ashamed, and seeing her like this, he couldn't help but hug her in his arms, so he could comfort him.

Subconsciously, Li Ze's Taoist hand was about to stretch out, and quickly retracted again.

If this woman misunderstands that she is a disciple, will she be beaten to death?

"Ugly monsters, why don't you ask how Xiao Hei died?" Yun Yu glared at Li Ze angrily.

Before Li Zedao had time to answer, Yun Yu cried and said: "Woo, ugly, do you know how Xiao Hei... how it died? Wu Wu..."

The crystal clear teardrops began to roll down, and Li Zedao felt distressed. He couldn't help but stretch out his eager hand again and hugged it tightly in his arms.

Li Zedao can only say sincerely: "I don't know."

Yun Yu said angrily: "Ugly, why are you so stupid? You don't even know this."

Li Zedao was wronged and started crying. You have to think that I am stupid. You just say that, anyway, this son is already used to it. Why bother to bully people like this?

What does this have to do with being stupid? How could you possibly know what this son is not yours.

"Woo, Xiao Hei was kicked to death by that ugly monster in Yunwu, oooo, this lady hates that ugly monster..."

"Yunwu?" Li Zedao thought this name was quite familiar.

Li Zedao's eyes widened all of a sudden, wait, isn't the name of the Palace Master of Medicine Domain Mansion exactly Yunwu?

Li Zedao hurriedly asked: "Miss Yun, don't rush to cry. Let me ask you something. Do you think that ugly monster named Yunwu is the Palace Master of Medicine Domain?"

Yun Yu gritted his teeth and said: "Who else can anyone besides that ugly monster?"

Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing.

Swallowing a sip of water, and asked: "Um, Palace Master Yunwu won't be yours, right?"

"Hmph, after Xiao Hei was kicked to death by him, this young lady broke off his relationship with him. This young lady will never admit that the ugly monster is my fifth brother." Yun Yu said bitterly.

Then I was even more sad, teardrops dripping like broken pearls.

Li Zedao was dumbfounded again: "What about Yun Jiao?"

"Hmph, this lady won't admit that that ugly monster belongs to my seventh brother."

Li Zedao paused, it turned out that it was such a relationship.

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