The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2844: Defile the Holy Pool

Li Zedao said: "I naturally know what I'm doing, I'm writing a fact! Don't you, an idiot and ugly monster, think I'm wrong?"

"..." Yun Feihe was so angry that his nose was crooked.

Li Zedao expressed his understanding: "Yes, Eastern Emperor Shengjun is a stupid idiot than I am. As his subordinate, you are a fighter among idiots. You, a fighter among idiots, feel that this young man is not right! "

"You...damn it! Damn it!"

Yun Feihe naturally didn't know what a fighter plane was, but she knew that this **** guy was insulting her to death.

When the look below was abnormal, he punched it out without reservation: "I killed you!"

The next moment, a powerful breath burst out.


The powerful aura hit the soul formation fiercely, but it spread out and turned into invisible.

Yun Feihe's face was seriously distorted, because of the excessive shame, even a trace of shocking blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he almost fainted.

Li Zedao glanced mockingly at Yun Feihe, then looked at the corpse with a trace of apology in his eyes.

He should have been shamelessly beating her half to death, in this way, she might be able to escape.

He turned around and looked at the woman trapped in the soul formation, seeming to be a woman desperate for life, piercing in a cold voice, and said: "If this son is right, then the idiot Lord Sage shouldn't know. Someone washed their faces in that holy pond, right?"

Li Zedao clearly remembered that this woman chose to destroy her dantian because she was afraid of being subjected to some kind of cruel punishment at the beginning.

It is conceivable that the Eastern Emperor Shengjun is an extremely cruel and extremely abnormal person. He is afraid that he will not kill the men who made the mistake, but will only torture them to death.

But this woman is killing people, and there is only one reasonable explanation.

The murder of this woman was not the order of the Eastern Emperor, but her personal behavior. She was worried that the sacred pool was defiled by the Eastern Emperor, so she concealed the news.

Li Zedao looked at the corpse again and sighed softly: "You are such a idiot!"

Yun Feihe panicked in his heart, but said gloomily: "I only know that you have defiled the holy pond! You also humiliated my Eastern Emperor Sect! I promise you will end badly!"

"Since the holy pond has not been defiled, it means that the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch can go to the holy pond to bathe at any time. If so, this son will sneak a pee in the holy pond." Li Zedao said to himself Language.

Yun Feihe's already stiff and hideous face twitched violently again.

The holy pond was only washed by this guy. Although it was already defiled, Lord Shengjun should not be aware of anything.

But if this **** guy is peeing into it, in case the holy monarch notices something...

The muscles on Yun Feihe's face twitched even more severely, and there was unprecedented panic in his eyes.

She roared in a hostile voice: "Dare you?"

Li Zedao was not paying attention to the woman who was already furious, she picked up the corpse and swept forward.

After a few sticks of incense, Li Zedao dug a hole on a hillside, buried the woman's body, and then carefully swept towards the water pool.

Only half an hour after Li Zedao left, a woman in white rushed over.

"Master Yun Feihe, are you okay? This... it turns out to be a middle-ranking soul formation?" The woman's expression was suddenly extremely solemn, and she was not willing to believe what she saw.

She accidentally found the body of Su Yi who was in charge of the holy pond, but she did not see Yun Feihe. It was expected that something went wrong, so she hurriedly found it all the way.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that Yun Feihe was trapped in a powerful soul formation.

"Master Shui Liuyun, hurry... there is an arrogant who is going to pee in the holy pond... Now maybe he has succeeded, you quickly stop Master Shengjun." Yun Feihe was so scared that his soul was almost gone. There was even a hint of crying in his voice.

If this is to let Master Shengjun take a bath in the holy pool with dirty sinner urine, Yun Feihe dare to be extremely sure that Master Shengjun, who has always been so careful, will definitely notice something.

She also knew that she would definitely not die, and her family would not die either...their whole family would not be able to survive, not to die!

"What did you say?" Shui Liuyun's complexion turned pale to the extreme, and he couldn't believe what his ears heard.

You know, Lord Shengjun is now on the way to the holy pond, preparing to take a bath and change clothes.

At the moment, he didn't care about Yun Feihe, so he quickly got up and tried to stop Master Shengjun from going.


The lake is still clear and calm, and the surrounding scenery is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fairyland.

Li Zedao looked at the lake quietly, still unable to let go.

He is not a stingy man, but still can't accept this humiliating thing to death.

But after washing my face, why is it stained?

Even if there is some saliva mixed into this waterhole, how can I detect it in such a large waterhole?

Besides, how can you be sure that no poisonous insects and beasts came to this pool to drink water or even urinate?

Can't help but curse in a low voice: "Defile? I defile Nima!"

Then, Li Zedao angrily untied his pants and aimed at the water surface.


A jet of hot water spurted out, and bursts of water splashed on the calm water surface, and bubbles appeared one after another.

In the soul, Butterfly Wing only feels ashamed, why is this master so boring?

Although Yun Yu said that her face was slightly red, her big eyes were wide open, with a strange look, and her sleepiness was gone.

"It turns out that this is how men pee, it's actually different from Xiao Hei's pee, it seems quite fun."

Thinking that the Eastern Emperor Sage was likely to take a bath in this pool, Yun Yu laughed even more gloating.

After sprinkling the bubble, watching the rippling water surface, watching the bubbles that look so crystal clear under the sun, and are still shining with mysterious golden light, Li Zedao is like eating a popsicle in the summer. , Every cell in the body is extremely comfortable.

This pee was so cool, it was the coolest pee he had so far!

When the cultivation base reaches his level, it can be said that he has already bigu, and eating is purely wanting to eat, not because he is hungry.

Therefore, naturally there is no need to excrete these filthy things.

But Li Zedao resolutely drank a large bucket of water to soak in the urine.

Put away the baby, and took out another bag.

The bag was filled with feces collected by Li Zedao on the way from unknown poisonous insects and beasts. These feces gave off a foul smell, and some were slimy and quite disgusting.

Li Zedao threw the entire bag into the pool, and when the bag fell into the water for a while, a small area had already turned pale yellow.

"Shit sacred pool! My son turned you into a dungpit!" Li Zedao cursed quite relieved, patted his butt, and left.

It turned out that Li Zedao wanted to quickly escape from this yin and secluded mountain range, but Ms. Thigh Yun obviously did not put the Eastern Emperor's sage in the slightest, and Li Zedao, who is a hairy leg, naturally did not put the Eastern Emperor's sage in his eyes, otherwise it would be Looking down on the thighs.

Li Zedao, who is extremely respectful to his thighs, is naturally impossible to make such a stupid move, so Li Zedao decided to continue to go deep into the Yinyou Mountains, looking for the holy spring of the green pond.

He wants to become stronger! He didn't want to happen again, but after washing his face, he was considered to have defiled the holy pool, this extremely humiliating thing!


Li Zedao left the water pool only half an hour later, and a group of people came to the water pool mightily.

A group of dozens of people were all women in white clothes.

These dozens of women in white clothes are like stars arching over the moon, surrounding the chariot that is also white as snow in the middle.

Pulling the cart are two white deer, with no half of their hairs on their bodies.

Of course, if Li Zedao saw this scene, he was afraid that someone would think that someone was dead and was going for a funeral. The two spirit deers were pulling the coffin.

Mainly, this is too white, so white that people can't feel the slightest sense of holiness and purity, but feel panicked.

"Master Shengjun takes a bath and changes clothes!" The voice of the woman in the lead yelled respectfully.

Before the voice fell, there were eight white figures like ghosts and charms, swept in eight directions, watchful for movement in all directions, and ensured that during the bathing of Lord Sheng, even a fly was not allowed to approach, so as not to disturb Lord Sheng. Yaxing.

At the same time, the other two women stepped forward, one on the left and the other, opening the white curtain of the car with respectful expressions.

But for a moment, a white figure floated out of the chariot like a ghost, stuck in the air.

"Welcome Lord Shengjun!"

All the women bowed and dared not raise their heads at all, and even the two Linglu kept their heads down.

The expressions of all people are so pious, so hot yet so respectful, it's like looking at that white figure more is a kind of blasphemy.

After a few breaths, a white dress floated down. A woman was extremely respectful, caught the dress, and then lowered her head again.

After a few more breaths, a figure that looked so graceful and ethereal swept into the pool, and immediately became the cheerful fish, wandering around.

After a few breaths, under the long snow-white hair, a pair of eyes that looked like natural stars wrinkled slightly.

The smell of this pool of water...wrong!

Wait, what is that thing floating in the water? What's wrong with this stench?

Those eyes that looked like natural stars turned round at once.


That graceful figure soared into the sky, and the face covered with drops of water was as cold as a thousand years of ice.

The entire space was instantly shrouded by a terrifying cold air, and it was plunged into an absolute silence, just like the tranquility before the terrible disaster.

Pious bowed their heads over there waiting for a group of women in white clothes who didn't know what was going on, so that the Lord Sage, who had just started taking a bath, even left the holy pond.

You know, in the past, bathing had to last at least an hour or so.

But they all know that the current Lord Shengjun is very angry!

Therefore, everyone was trembling and panicked.

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