The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2846: Crazy move


The heart-piercing vomiting sound continued. At the end of hearing, even Li Zedao felt that he had done a little too much, especially since the Eastern Emperor Sage was still a female.

It is too much to let a woman who is obsessed with cleanliness take a bath in such a pool.

"But, I really don't know that you are a female." Li Zedao was aggrieved.

Yun Yu continued to gloat and exclaimed, "Tsk tsk, so heartbreaking, I'm afraid I ate a few mouthfuls of shit."

Li Zedao was almost crying, and he wanted to use his mouth to block Miss Yun's mouth tightly.

Miss Yun, do you have a sense of public ethics? The sages of the Eastern Emperor are already so miserable, so don't gloat for misfortune, okay? Don't you know that every time you gloat, the Eastern Emperor Sage hates me more?

In the end, it seemed that nothing was vomiting out anymore, and the vomiting finally disappeared, and after a while, an extremely cold voice came.

"you shut up!"

Before the words fell, the densely packed eyes disappeared from the continuous bombardment of the defensive soul formation.

For a while, the space became clearer again, and Li Zedao felt that he was finally able to breathe a little.

The next moment, another pair of eyes appeared, but Li Zedao's breathing stopped again and his heart almost stopped beating.

This is a white figure that looks extremely graceful. This is a thrilling face that a man will beat at the first sight. This is a pair of **** and white eyes.

But it was these eyes that made Li Zedao's breath stop again in fright, and he almost fell into Yun Yu's arms without holding back, seeking a sense of security.

The dim light from these beautiful eyes was too terrifying, even more terrifying than Miss Luo Hua's squinted eyes.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Li Zedao felt that he had been thrown into an ice cave, above his head, ice water was constantly splashing on him.

It was as if there was an ice knife, cutting off his flesh piece by piece.

Yun Yu lifted his head and looked at the Eastern Emperor Sage with cold eyes, and snorted coldly: "If you say shut up, this lady has to shut up. You think your Eastern Emperor Realm is the Glory Family, and your Eastern Emperor Sage is there even more. The strong man who left his name on the sky list, do you think that eating **** and drinking urine is great?"


Li Zedao once again had an urge to block Yun Yu's mouth.

"who are you?"

Donghuang Shengjun's eyes finally left Li Zedao's face and fell on Yunyu's small face.

In her eyes, the person who defiled the holy pool was an ant who had to be tortured because of the torture, but she had to pay attention to this woman with a dirty mouth.

This woman turned out to be an extremely rare natural-born spirit body. People with natural-born spirit bodies have extremely terrifying talents in the soul formation.

The talent is second. Her origin, the Eastern Emperor, Saint Monarch can also be temporarily put aside, mainly because even she can't break the powerful soul formation that this woman has arranged at this time.

Not to mention, she clearly knew her identity and dared to make such unscrupulous mockery. From this, we can see that her origin is great.

The Eastern Emperor Sage is not afraid of those powerful forces, but he doesn't want to provoke those forces in vain.

Yun Yu felt that the Eastern Emperor Sage was an idiot, just like the ugly monsters, she had already said it just now, why didn't she understand?

So she said: "You think Eastern Emperor Realm is the Glory Family, and your Eastern Emperor Saint is the strong man who left a name on the sky list. Your Eastern Emperor Saint even ate **** and drank urine, this lady will Obediently tell you who this lady is."


Donghuang Shengjun thought that his temper was getting better and better. This **** had already humiliated himself so much that he didn't even plan to do anything to her.

"Withdraw the soul formation, leave him behind, you leave."

Donghuang Shengjun's eyes that scared Li Zedao's soul was about to leave his body, looked at Li Zedao again.

She didn't say any threatening words, her voice was very flat, but Li Zedao clearly felt the strong danger.

Yun Yu was quite angry, and hummed: "Eastern Emperor Shengjun, you are ugly, who do you think this lady is? Although the idiot is stupid, shameless and ignorant, he is the perfect host to this lady. You took him away. Did you let this lady go to find such a perfect host for a while?"

Listening to this, Li Zedao felt a little uncomfortable.

If you say that she is not the perfect host, she will kick herself for no reason...Please, you are insulting the beauty and charm of a beautiful young man in the world, okay?

If this young man's women hear this, be careful they beat you!

Li Zedao also wanted to tell Yun Yu seriously, this son absolutely believes that you are not the kind of villain who will abandon his partner.

"You have the ability to break the soul formation set by this young lady! If you can break the soul formation set by this young lady, you will let the ugly monster drag it away."

Li Zedao was even more reluctant to listen to this, and wanted to break off friendship with this woman.

What does it mean to let you drag it away? Is this what people should say?

The Eastern Emperor Sage fell silent and said, "I can help you find another perfect host."

Yun Yu sneered: "You think you are great after eating **** and drinking pee, you can find it if you want? This lady has been searching for so long, but I only found such an ugly monster.

Donghuang Shengjun was almost crazy, can you stop opening your mouth and shutting up just eating **** and drinking urine?

"I have a token of glory!" Eastern Emperor Shengjun took a deep breath and said.

Yun Yu despised: "Is it great to have a glory token?"

You give this girl to this kind of thing that can only be used once, and this girl is lazy to even look at it.

"And, are you willing to use the Glory Token to ask the heavens to help this young lady find another perfect host?" Yun Yu asked.

Li Zedao couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, what if this Eastern Emperor Sage was willing?

Before the Eastern Emperor Sage said anything, Yun Yu said again: "Besides, why does this young lady believe you? Just rely on your Eastern Emperor Sage eating **** and drinking urine? What if Miss Ben gave you the ugly monsters, but you What should I do if I am shameless?"


This time, not only the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch wanted to go crazy, but even Li Zedao was going crazy, right?

Besides, I eat **** and drink pee and it's up to you!

After a short silence, the voice of the Eastern Emperor Shengjun was still flat, but there was no doubt: "Remove the soul formation, leave him, and you leave, otherwise I will use the Glory Token, and I want your family to die!"

Originally, she did intend to use the Glory Token to help this vicious-mouthed woman find another perfect host, but she was so rude, the Eastern Emperor Sage also changed her mind.

She didn't mind letting the entire family power behind this woman be wiped out in an instant.

Yun Yu's eyes widened suddenly, and her small face became very ugly. She didn't think this woman was joking with herself.

Li Zedao was dumbfounded and almost fainted with fright.

This Eastern Emperor Sage actually wants to use the Glory Token for such a small thing, for such a small person like himself?

And have to make such a crazy move?

Is she crazy?

It seemed that the matter of peeing into the holy pond and throwing a large bag of poisonous insects and animal dung was indeed a serious stimulus to the Eastern Emperor.

"Are you sure?" Yun Yu frowned and looked at the Eastern Emperor Shengjun.

"I will give you time to think about the incense work. If you don't agree, this glory token will appear in front of the sky. At that time, not only will your whole family die, but before you die, all of them will be soaked in the cesspool!"

The Eastern Emperor Shengjun's voice was still indifferent, and there was a golden token in his hand.

Yun Yu's face turned pale again, and she glanced at the glory token with horror in her eyes, then turned back to look at Li Zedao.

Some apologies: "Ugly, this lady is going to leave her soul."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and nodded: "Withdraw, you can leave now... By the way, I am very happy to meet you, thank you."

Yun Yu stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, as if he wanted to meet this person again.

In her eyes, this ugly monster was extremely shameless and greedy for life and death. In order to survive, he didn't even mind soaking in Miss Luohua's disgusting saliva.

But at this time, he actually took the initiative to withdraw his soul formation, and even said thank you?

Thank yourself for what? Thank you for saving him many times in this period of time?

He shouldn't be begging this lady with a flustered face to say, Miss Yun, you must never leave me, or is it embarrassing to become angry?

Yun Yu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Although this ugly monster was far less important than his own people, he was a perfect host at best, but it seemed a bit too much to abandon him like this.

But the ugly monster of the Eastern Emperor Shengjun even threatened the lives of her entire clan, and she really had no choice.

"Ugly monsters, since you have said so, the young lady has withdrawn her soul formation."

Li Zedao helpless, Miss Yun, even though this young man doesn't want to hurt you at all, you can't hold on a little bit, at least to warm my young man's heart.

Yun Yu didn't withdraw the soul formation, she kicked Li Zedao out of the soul formation she had arranged.

She wasn't stupid, so naturally she couldn't withdraw the soul formation. If the Eastern Emperor's holy monarch didn't speak martial ethics, it would be bad.

In an instant, Li Zedao clearly felt a terrifying coercion over him, almost crushing his soul.

Without any accident, Li Zedao fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Yun Yu glanced at Li Zedao pityingly. Forget it, because you have been the host of this young lady for so long anyway, this young lady will save you once.

It's just that whether you can survive in the end depends on your own luck.

She looked at the Eastern Emperor Shengjun and said, "Eastern Emperor Shengjun, since you came to this Yinyou Mountain, you must have come for the Bichi Holy Spring, right?"

"You can go now." The Eastern Emperor Shengjun was extremely indifferent.

She didn't want to say a word to this woman who dared to taunt her, look at her more, she was afraid that she would not be able to help her.

This woman's mouth is too stinky.

Yun Yu curled his lips, saying that Miss Ben wanted to talk to you more, don't think Miss Ben didn't know that you not only drank pee, but also ate shit.

Miss Ben can smell a foul smell with your mouth.

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