The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2870: Don't eat it temporarily

The gray figure said, "This is my prey!"

The voice is low, it seems a little stiff, but it gives people an unquestionable feeling.

"How can you be so domineering?"

"Because I am better than you!"


The gray figure said seriously: "If you dare to talk nonsense with me, I will really beat you half to death."

Li Zedao's eyes widened at once, and he felt that these words were really overbearing and full of excitement!

He decided that when he met someone weaker than him in the future, he would also try to say this in this tone.

Butterfly Wing is really lazy to even complain. When are your sisters so cheap? Why don't you hurry to die?

"You...I'll go back to the patriarch and let his old family be fair to me!" The ladyboy roared extremely angry, then turned into a cold breath of himself, and quickly disappeared in front of Li Zedao.

Looking at the gray figure in front, the muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently, naturally he didn't think his goddess of luck had appeared.

If the ladyboy is a wealthy wolf, then this gray figure can be said to be an extremely domineering lion that snatches food from the jackal's mouth.

Li Zedao couldn't escape the chase of the jackal, and naturally he couldn't escape the hunting of the lion, so he could only clenched the long sword in his hand again, staring at the desperate gray figure in front of him, and proceeded. Preparation for a dying struggle.

Then he continued to pray that his thighs appeared, even if it was Miss Luohua who appeared, he would be grateful, and then he shyly fell into the arms of Miss Luohua.

Butterfly Wing was completely speechless, how could this weak master be so cheap?

It feels more and more that it is really dangerous. Affected by this guy, it returns with horror that it is getting cheaper and shameless. What should I do!

At this moment, the gray figure turned around, and then Li Zedao saw a scary egg face.

The difference is that this face is not white, but gray, just like the bitter egg.

"It's not as good as white." Li Zedao whispered secretly.

A doubtful voice rippled in Li Zedao's ears: "The butterfly wings are on you? Who are you to eat the fire?"

Li Zedao was stunned. He really didn't expect that the ladyboy who appeared behind would ask himself such a question, so this ladyboy was not trying to grab food from his companions and wanted to eat himself, but he knew Chuanhuo?

"Inheritor." Li Zedao replied, adding to his tone, his chest was straightened out, and his posture was beyond doubt.

Butterfly Wing wanted to despise this weak master, your sister's successor, can you still be shameless? You are obviously a thief, OK?

Thinking that he was inexplicably swallowed by this weak fellow, and even somehow established a soul connection, Butterfly Wing felt that he was insulted to death.

You know, if you want to become the owner of such artifacts as it, in addition to having strong strength, you also need to have an indescribable connection between each other.

But the connection between this shameless and despicable weak man and it would be so strong, so strong that it recognized him before it even reacted.

This undoubtedly made Butterfly Wing so depressed that she wanted to blew herself up.

The gray figure believes what Li Zedao said, because this explanation is quite reasonable.

In its view, only the successor can have the butterfly wing that eats fire.

"Where's the fire?" the gray figure asked again.

"The soul is gone." Li Zedao fell silent and said truthfully.

Then he added: "I don't know why, I was ordered to kill by the world."

After the silence lasted for a long time, a low voice rippled in Li Zedao's ears: "That's it."

Then he said: "I have been rescued by Jihuo once, so if I don't eat you for the time being, it can be regarded as repaying the life-saving grace of Jihuo."

Li Zedao thought that there should be such a thing, and he was secretly relieved.

As soon as the other people entered, they were divided and eaten by these ladyboys who were ready to eat. Their souls were still imprisoned in the soul-locking bottle, and they would soon become unconscious wandering souls, but they could meet the past. The ladyboy who was rescued by the devouring fire was really lucky.

So, Huo Huo has also entered this primitive space?

Do you want to ask it some questions about this primitive space?

The gray figure immediately said: "But..."

Li Zedao's slightly fallen heart suddenly raised again, he hated hearing the words "but" most.

"Although I will eat you temporarily, it doesn't mean that my people won't eat you. I can't stop all my people from eating you."

The gray figure said, "Although the patriarch will not blame me for robbing the people of the food, but if I knew that I didn't eat you immediately and didn't imprison your soul in the soul lock bottle, the patriarch would be very angry."

"I can't bear the anger of the patriarch, so if you don't want to die, you can't stay here anymore. You must leave now."

"That...Excuse me, how can I leave this primitive space?" Li Ze asked.

The gray figure is a little unwilling to answer this question which seems to be an idiot to it, but remembering that he is the heir of the fire devouring, he can only say: "When the original space becomes unstable again, the exit will open, and then you can go away."

Li Zedao thought for a while, and he was not sure: "This primitive space seems to be very stable now, right?"

"You are right, so you can't leave this primitive space." The gray figure thought this guy was an idiot.

How could such a domineering fire-eater pick such an idiot as his successor?

Li Zedao felt that his IQ was crazily rubbed by this dead ladyboy on the ground. Your sister yourself also said that this primitive space is quite stable. In that case, how do you let this son leave?

"Although you can't leave this primitive space, you can go to Red Valley." The gray figure said again.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Red Valley? What is that place?"

"This primitive space is bounded by the weak water river, forming two completely different places." The gray figure said, "One side is the gray world where you are now, and the other side is the red valley I'm talking about."

Li Zedao was very surprised, but he did not expect to say that in such a primitive space, it was divided into two parts with the river as the boundary.

"My people and I can't step into the Red Valley through the weak water river, but you can." The gray figure said.

Li Zedao felt a little dry mouth, so he swallowed a mouthful of water and asked, "I don't know that Honggu, is it dangerous?"

If it's as dangerous as here, then go for a fart.


There was a slight sneer in the low and dull voice, but he didn't answer this question which seemed even more idiotic than the previous one.

If it wasn't dangerous, if there wasn't that terror restraint, its people would have crossed the river and ate all the red wolves in the Red Valley as food.

Of course, it is also possible that red wolves crossed the river and ate them as food.

Li Zedao was frightened, watching that Red Valley was not much safer than here.

The gray figure said: "Keep moving in this direction, and you will see the weak river."

"Thank you."

After Li Zedao was serious about the gray figure, he asked again with uncertainty: "I will not meet your people on the way to Ruoshuihe, will I?"

The gray figure thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

Li Zedao felt that there was really no way to talk this day.

"I only give you time to escape with two sticks of incense. After two sticks of incense, I will start chasing you. If you let me catch up, I will eat you." The gray figure said again.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, and he couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. He immediately asked, "Didn't you say you don't eat me?"

"I just said I won't eat you for the time being."

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, messy in the gray, and trembling in the gray.

Indeed, this dead ladyboy only said that he would not eat for the time being, and he did not say that he would not eat, your sister!

Li Zedao didn't dare to hesitate anymore, a butterfly wing appeared on his back, and he immediately swept in the direction pointed by the gray figure.

Along the way, everything around was extremely depressing gray, but I didn't meet those shemales with egg faces.

It was just as if there was a cold air behind him that was approaching quickly, so scared that Li Zedao had all the strength to **** up, and ran forward desperately.

During this period, Li Zedao asked Butterfly Wing if he had ever been to this primitive space, and Butterfly Wing said it had forgotten.

Although it is very powerful, it is not a human being after all. It is a Horcrux. Besides, it has existed for too long and too long. How can it remember so many things?

He immediately criticized the ladyboy with sorrow. It was obvious that the food had already been delivered to his mouth, but he didn't even eat it. He also pointed out a way to escape, and gave two sticks of incense time to escape, which simply lost the face of the ladyboy.

If it is the patriarch of the ladyboy must punish the ladyboy severely and let it go away hundreds of times!

Li Zedao was so depressed that he wanted to personally peel off the butterfly wings from his soul. Don't worry about such a Horcrux that is unfaithful to his master.

I don't know how long it took to escape forward, and a turbulent river that did not know where it was flowing appeared in front of Li Zedao.

For a while, Li Zedao was so shocked that he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

But I saw that this was a very strange river, and the water that was making huge waves was split into two parts.

The color of the river that Li Zedao was on at this time was the desperate gray, but the other half was red, blood-red.

The gray river water exudes a strange and extremely cold breath, as if the gray water has mixed into a lot of souls.

And the red part, not so much a blood-red river, is more of a flowing magma, setting off a terrifying heat wave.

Fire and water are incompatible!

Therefore, although the icy gray water and the extremely hot magma flow in the same river, they are distinct.

The gray river water cannot extinguish the magma, nor can the magma cover the gray river water.

On the other side of the river, it seemed to be a fiery world, looking from a distance as if it were a huge coal pit being burned by a raging fire.

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