Li Zedao stared at the blood-red snowflakes that were desperately cutting the soul formation like a provocation, but he couldn't help but marvel again and again.

This Horcrux is really powerful, powerful enough to make people jealous.

Not to mention the broken copper and iron in his soul ring, even the butterfly wings seemed to be scum in front of him.

In the soul, Butterfly Wing scolded quite depressed.

You are the scum of your sister, and your whole family is scum.

Upon seeing this, Mo Xue's complexion became extremely ugly, and there was a deep panic in her eyes.

Since these powerful Horcruxes could easily cut through the soul formation she had arranged before, naturally they could also cut through the soul formation she had arranged now.

Once the soul formation is cut open, she and Young Master Xiao Chen will be instantly enveloped in the surrounding large amounts of snowflakes, and they are afraid that they will be unable to move for a while.

Then these terrifying Horcruxes will be cut into their bodies, their souls.

"What kind of Horcrux is this?" Li Zedao asked.

Mo Xue shook her head slightly: "I have never seen it before. It must be the latest powerful Horcrux manufactured by the Tang family."

Li Zedao said: "The Tang family really value me."

Mo Xue was silent and said, "Without the eldest lady nodding, the Tang family shouldn't dare to do this."

"Oh, to put it another way, the eldest lady really can count on me." Li Zedao said.

Mo Xue pumped, she didn't know what to say, she caught a feeling of "proud" in Master Xiaochen's voice, it was already at a critical juncture, Master Xiaochen actually thought it was worth it. Proud thing?

Li Zedao did not continue to be proud, he slightly clenched the long sword in his hand and said: "We must return to the ground."

Mo Xue thought this was nonsense, all fools knew that if they wanted to get more life, they had to return to the ground first.

But he nodded with deep approval and said, "Young Master Xiaochen is very true."

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the thick white snow above his head, and said: "After a while I say'withdraw', and you will withdraw the soul formation."

Before the words fell, the breath of the whole person suddenly changed, like the sharp blade that was out of the sheath, so sharp, it seemed that there was nothing that couldn't be cut.

Mo Xue took a deep breath, her eyes became cold.

She naturally knew that Young Master Xiao Chen was planning to split the unexplained thick snow above her head and escape back to the ground.

This is the only way.

"Pay attention to your own safety and be careful of those Horcruxes." Li Zedao said again.

There was a strange look in Mo Xue's eyes, Master Xiaochen actually knew how to care about these humble underlings?

There was no response, all the strangeness in his eyes turned into coldness.

Li Zedao took a deep breath and let out a low growl: "Withdraw!"

Before he finished his words, the soul formation that had enveloped him disappeared without a trace in an instant. At the same time, a sense of horror and oppression from a large number of snowflakes came crazy.

At this moment, Li Ze said the sword, in other words, he was the sword, he was the powerful sword intent.

That fierce sword seemed to be condensed from ten thousand thunderbolts, from bottom to top, madly slashing towards the countless snowflakes above the head.

Wherever the sword intent went, the snowflakes were cut to pieces in an instant, forming a channel from bottom to top at once.

Li Zedao was as fast as lightning, but the blood-red snowflakes were not slow, and they chased away at once.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xue still stood there quietly, she was still in the soul formation.

Her indifferent eyes looked at the passage that appeared above her head, and there was a cruel arc at the corner of her mouth.

"Master Xiaochen, please go to death." She said in a voice that only she could hear, but it was extremely vicious.


Li Zedao's body, which turned into a powerful sword intent, gave a violent stun, and his pupils went round suddenly, his mind went blank, and he couldn't believe it was true.

Because he slammed into a soul formation, which was hidden among countless snowflakes.

No matter how thick the snow is, his sword can blow it away, but he can't cut this soul formation.

Because of this Intermediate Soul Formation, let alone him, it can't even be a low-grade one.

Below, a strong smell of blood surged.

The few blood-red snowflakes appeared, as if a poisonous bee was staring at an enemy who dared to stab their honeycomb.

Li Zedao lowered his head and glanced at the snowflakes that came from the attack, and saw that Mo Xue hadn't followed, and he also saw Mo Xue's vicious eyes below, so he understood what was going on.

The Tang family's Horcrux is undoubtedly very powerful, but it is not powerful enough to cut through the intermediate defensive soul formation.

So the few snowflakes were put in by Mo Xue at all.

But why did Mo Xue do this? Why did she betray the third lady?

Li Zedao no longer had any thoughts to think about this issue, because the blood-red snowflakes had already attacked him fiercely, exuding a terrifying smell of blood.

Li Zedao hurriedly swung his sword to the nearest snowflake, and instantly chopped it into pieces.

But what made Li Zedao's scalp numb violently was that the red snowflake was obviously not afraid of slashing, or that the sword in his hand could not destroy it at all.

But breathing, the chopped snowflakes suddenly re-condensed, but it exudes a stronger smell of blood.

It seems that the more you attack them, the more powerful they will burst out.



Two weird sounds sounded.

Li Zedao had a violent halt, and his face was as pale as paper.

Looking down, he saw a blood hole in his chest and abdomen.

"Puff puff!"

A few more weird sounds sounded, and another scary blood hole appeared on Li Zedao's thigh, buttocks and forehead.

The five red snowflakes with a pungent and **** smell have easily cut his flesh and entered his body.

No, not only entering the body, but into the soul, the red snowflake actually began to cut his soul.

That is no different from the most terrifying Ling Chi in the world.

Suddenly, the pain of being unable to guard against was surging, Li Zedao's face was severely distorted in an instant, Dou Dao's cold sweat continued to emerge, and his hand could no longer hold the long sword in his hand.

Even, his body couldn't continue to stagnate there at all, and he fell down.


He smashed back to the ground heavily, and lay down at Mo Xue's feet in an extremely embarrassed manner.

Then, his body began to struggle weakly and began to twist ugly. He bit the trembling teeth to prevent himself from screaming.

Even more terrifying pain struck, and Li Zedao even hoped that the snowflakes in his body would quickly smash his soul into pieces.

But they didn't do that, they cut very carefully and slowly.

Mo Xue looked at Master Xiaochen who was struggling in pain, with a nervous smile on her face. She felt that this scene was very relieved, very fun, and quite pleasing.

She lifted her foot, stepped on Li Zedao's **** distorted face, crushed it in humiliation, and said with a smile: "Master Xiaochen, do you have today?"

Li Zedao panted heavily, and squeezed out these words with difficulty: "Why... why?"

He was really curious, why this girl betrayed the third lady.

Mo Xue looked at Li Zedao as if looking at an idiot, and sneered: "Why? Haha? You asked me why? You **** asked me why?"

With a smile, Mo Xue waved the snow sword in his hand, and a large amount of blood spurted out of Li Zedao's body instantly.

Mo Xue didn't avoid it, letting the blood spray on her body and even her face.

She was full of enjoyment, enjoying the wonderful taste of the enemy's blood.

She even licked the blood at the corner of her mouth with her tongue out, and she looked no different from the ghost who crawled out of Ali from hell.

Li Zedao's continuously distorted face instantly solidified into a ball. Even though he was suffering from great pain, his still awake mind was instantly blank, and he couldn't believe it was true.

He was not only in pain, but also quite aggrieved, and he almost cried.

what happened? Why was it cut again?

Although it can still grow out, it's always gone for a while, which is really helpless.

Could it be because there are too many women, so God is envious and jealous, so he keeps torturing himself like this?

But it doesn't matter if there are many women. The charm of this young man is really bursting. It is a fatal temptation for women. What can I do?

"Why?" Li Zedao struggled to squeeze out these words.

Mo Xue's voice became sharp, as if an evil spirit demanded his life: "You **** ask why? Hahaha...why? When you raped and insulted me with Donghuang Dachen, did you ever think you have today? "

Li Zedao gasped heavily, not dare to believe what his ears were hearing.

He naturally knew who Donghuang Dachen was.

Donghuang Dachen is the brother of Donghuang Xiaochen, with a very talented cultivation ability.

At this time, the cultivation base has already entered the state of returning, besides the Eastern Emperor Sage, is one of the three strongest core children among the core children of the Eastern Royal family of this generation.

Such an outstanding figure of Tianjiao raped Mo Xue? And Donghuang Xiaochen was also involved in this useless waste?

Naturally, Li Zedao was not clear about this kind of thing, because the information provided by Qinglong didn't explain these things.

Mo Xue's stern voice continued to sway violently in Li Zedao's ears: "You two brothers are disgusting perverts, **** kind!"

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful sword intent struck Li Zedao's body, so Li Zedao clearly felt that his left hand had been separated from his body.

But for some reason, the pain of the original soul being cut disappeared.

Without warning, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Li Zedao was a little confused for a while, not knowing what happened, why the five Horcruxes that entered his body did not continue to cut his own soul.

Tired, take a break?

At this moment, Butterfly Wing's voice that seemed quite annoyed suddenly came in his mind.

"Your sister, although this master is weak and quite shameless, but at any rate this master still lives here, you guys dare to come in and disturb this master?"

"Your sister, little stones, smash them to death!"

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