The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2911: Black fox family

Dong Huang Mei'er smiled in anger, glanced at Dong Huang Ling'er, and mocked: "Tsk, it turns out that the lady is such a reasonable person, what does sister Ling'er think?"

Although she was a idiot when she was useless, it sounded cool to see him slander the Tang family and slander the eldest lady so much.

Donghuang Linger's face was cold, and she didn't speak.

Li Zedao agreed with Donghuang Meier's remarks and said: "Sister Meier is right, the eldest lady is indeed sensible."

He had no good feelings about the lady who wanted to kill him, so Li Zedao naturally didn't mind slandering her to death.

Donghuang Meier hehehe twice, she has reason to believe that this scumbag would have become a dog of the lady like the lunatic Donghuang Dachen, otherwise the eyes and ears of this lady will never reach the place. , How about kneeling and licking the lady with no lower limit?

Li Zedao looked extremely humble, and said: "In fact, the eldest lady does not need to severely scold the Tang family for this, and ask the Tang family to send a gift to apologize. Really, after all, even if the younger brother is the core child of the Eastern Royal family, it is a waste.

"The Tang family humiliated Su Yinxuan's uselessness. That is an extremely normal thing."

Donghuang Ling'er's hand holding the long sword was trembling, she really didn't know what she was still hesitating, so she slashed it over and talked about it.

Donghuang Meier giggled and said, "Maybe it's because the eldest lady also wants you to betray the third wife, Xiaochen, and recognize her as a mother."

Li Zedao held an insulted posture, raised his chest slightly, and said loudly: "Sister Meier is joking, and the younger brother will never betray your mother."

Donghuang Meier mocked: "Haha, is it?"

Li Zedao was serious and nodded wildly, "Yes!"

Donghuang Mei'er smiled even more happily, and asked, "Brother Xiaochen, why did your crazy brother betray the third lady and run to be the lady's dog?"

When she said the word "dog", she deliberately increased her tone.

Li Zedao looked extremely angry, his breathing was short, and he looked forward to killing the traitor, Donghuang Dachen.

Finally, he reproached himself: "It may be because the little brother's light is too bright and completely suppressed him. He is an extremely proud person and naturally can't stand it, so he betrayed Su Yinxuan and ran to Luoxuexuan to shine. "

Li Zedao blamed himself incomparably: "This is all my fault. Why do you say that it's okay to suddenly become so good? How can this make others live."

Dong Huang Mei'er and Dong Huang Ling'er looked at each other, and both could see the face of the other party that was convulsing violently.

They were wondering how to say that Donghuang Xiaochen took such shameless words so for granted. How thick-skinned is this to do this?

And what do you mean by that?

Donghuang Dachen was firmly pressed by your light in Suyinxuan, so he could only run to Luoxuexuan to shine and shine?

In this way, our two core children, who are as famous as Donghuang Dachen, are not as radiant as you. Standing with you, the radiance will be completely covered by you?

Donghuang Meier's breathing became rapid, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Donghuang Xiaochen, this lady really wants to kill you!"

Li Zedao bowed his hand and sighed: "Sister Meier, it is completely understandable that you want to kill the younger brother. When the Donghuang Dachen betrayed, he also said that he wanted to kill me. Hey, the younger brother finally understands, a good person. It's always easy to provoke the jealousy of others."


Donghuang Meier stopped speaking, and a terrifying sword intent madly attacked Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was shocked, and quickly hid behind Donghuang Ling'er.

Donghuang Linger stopped this powerful sword intent in time.

Donghuang Meier was furious, another sword.

This time it was not killing Li Zedao, but blasting on the ice and snow in front of him.

Snow flakes everywhere, and a huge crack appeared on the ground.

Donghuang Linger wanted to give herself a slap in the face, why did she stop Donghuang Meier? Wouldn't it be okay to kill this angry guy?

At the same time, the terrible screams continued and became weaker and weaker in the end, but the pain contained in the voice increased unabated.

Although they were in the snow, the three women's severely distorted faces were constantly bursting into cold sweat, which quickly condensed into ice.

Li Zedao felt that it was almost done, he looked at the woman coldly, his mind moved slightly, and the **** plum blossom stopped temporarily.

The unbearable pain instantly disappeared without a trace. The woman's mouth opened wide and gasped instinctively, but she was so weak that she couldn't even open her eyes.

It wasn't until a while before she opened the twisted eyes that were still pitch black like a black hole, and stared at Li Ze.

Li Zedao couldn't help but sigh. Although he changed a pair of skins, he still couldn't hide his coquettishness.

You see, his cultivation base is the weakest among the three of them. He should have been the most ignored, but now he has become the focus of this powerful enemy.

At this time, Li Zedao was not afraid that this woman was using pupil surgery.

He owns the golden pupil himself, and naturally knows the pupil technique very well.

The use of the pupil technique had to use a lot of breath, and was brutally devastated by the **** plum blossoms for almost half an hour. The breath in this woman's body was almost exhausted now, even if she had the heart, she had no strength.

Therefore, Li Zedao stared at those eyes very seriously, and said, "I think you can definitely answer every question I put forward now, right?"

The woman looked viciously at the other's face that was indistinguishable from the devil.

She wanted to scold you to die quickly, and wanted to say that I would not answer any of your questions, because you are not even qualified to let this princess answer any of your questions.

But the pain caused by the cutting of the soul by the powerful Horcrux already deprived her of the courage to say such things. Gradually, the viciousness in her eyes was replaced by fear.

After that, fear was covered by coldness.

Obviously, in a very short time, this woman has completely calmed down.

She knew she had to compromise, so she nodded to show that she understood.

Li Zedao was very satisfied, and said, "The first question, how many powerful creatures are living in this primitive space?"

The expressions of Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er also became solemn, which is also something they desperately want to know.

As long as you have enough understanding here, maybe you can get a glimmer of life.

The woman looked a little proud and said: "On the side of the snow mountain, my black fox clan is the absolute overlord, and the other creatures are insignificant."

Her cold eyes fell on Li Zedao's face, and she added: "As weak as you are."

When he said that, there was a sense of humiliation in my heart, and tears were about to come out of my grievances.

He possessed the powerful blood of the Black Fox family, and he was still at the peak cultivation base of the First Stage. Who would want to be defeated by a weak person who came in from the outside.

If this is passed back to the clan, it will definitely become a laughing stock.

Will even my father feel deeply ashamed and kill himself with his own hands?

Donghuang Meier sneered and sneered: "What does it mean to be as weak as we are? This young lady can let your soul fly away at any time now, so you are the weaker side?"

The woman first glanced at Donghuang Meier with disdain, then stared at Li Zedao fiercely, ironically: "If you didn't have this person's Horcrux, you would have been killed by my men."


Donghuang Meier didn't know how to refute, so she wanted to go over with a sword, and cut her tongue first.

Li Zedao hurriedly stopped her and smiled: "Sister Meier, you calm down, you are so beautiful, noble and broad-minded. You can't be stunned by such a low-level and ugly woman. You really lose your identity."

Being so flattered, Donghuang Meier was not at all happy, but looked at Li Zedao with a look of monsters.

In my impression, this wimpy half-brother of the same father should not be such a sly and silly person, but extremely wimpy. They always bow their heads and dare not say anything when they see him.

But now the flattering is so proficient, I really want to kill him with a sword.

Inferior and ugly?

The woman was so angry that her nostrils were about to smoke. Her black-hole-like eyes were full of murderous aura, and she looked noble and powerful and said: "Humble foreigner, you can hear clearly! I am the princess of the black fox family. The fox family, this princess is the embodiment of beauty, strength and wisdom!"

"This princess advises you to release me as soon as possible, otherwise my father will definitely not bypass you."

Li Zedao casually teased, and of course said perfunctorily: "It turns out to be the princess of the black fox family, disrespectful and disrespectful."

It turns out that this woman has the blood of a black fox, is she born so beautiful, and the blood is still black... Wait, what a black fox is, this son seems to have never heard of it.

So Li Zedao looked at Donghuang Linger and asked, "Sister Linger, what is the black fox?"

Donghuang Linger was paying attention to the surrounding movement, and was too lazy to respond to such idiotic questions.

She has always believed that words are the weapon of the weak, so she has always disdain to use any words to attack each other.

Li Zedao said: "Forget it, it's not important anyway."

The black fox princess is almost mad with anger, this **** lowly person, you have humiliated my black fox clan so much, if my father knows about it, this princess promises that you just want to die, which is extremely difficult.

"Wait, you mean the snow mountain? Is there a snow mountain here?"

Li Zedao paid more attention to this matter than what the black fox was.

Looking up, there was a white snowfield around him, and no high mountains existed. Obviously, the mountain was far away from here.

It can be seen that this original space is much larger than he imagined.

Princess Black Fox's expression became awed, and said: "Yes, we don't know the situation on the snowy mountain, because we can't get over that snowy mountain."

Li Zedao frowned and nodded.

This turned out to be a mountain that even the black fox family living in this primitive space could not surpass.

It seems that it is not because the snow mountain is too high, but because the original soul formation exists, so it cannot be surpassed.

Just like the original space that was entered in the previous conference, the weird river divided the original space into two.

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