The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2917: shameless

Li Zedao was secretly relieved while standing at the highest point of morality and accusing the princess Black Fox. He was quite thankful for his previous actions, so he can now accuse this terrifying woman as a matter of course, so that he might get a glimmer of life.

Princess Black Fox's lips twitched violently, and her heart was trampled crazily by a large group of Cao Nima, making her whole person bad.

Willingly refute, how can this be a fact.

No matter what the reason this guy had, suddenly his conscience discovered that he was facing a powerful ice dragon. He did protect her behind him.

Although the protection was so weak that it could hardly bear the ice dragon's slobber, it also bought some time for his father's arrival.

And at that moment, she was even moved inexplicably.

So she is indeed not qualified to say that he is shameless.

Li Zedao changed his face and said indifferently: "Of course, although this son saved you, you don't need to take it seriously."

"You know, my son has always done good deeds without asking for anything in return, so Princess Black Fox, you must never repay my son for his life-saving grace, just don't avenge him."

The muscles on Princess Black Fox's face were twitching.

When did this princess admit that you are her savior? Are you a foreign **** with a high-quality cultivation base in your area, qualified to be the savior of this princess?

Besides, even if you really saved this princess's life, this princess didn't say to repay you.

The faces of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier were even hotter, and they were embarrassed to death. Having such a shameless brother is really a shame.

They were really wondering, why didn't they know this shamelessness was so shameless before?

The soul tree was very angry, this guy dared to be so rude to the princess.

As a result, the cane that tightly strangled Li Zedao's body was tightened instantly, and it was directly strangled into Li Zedao's flesh and blood.

Li Zedao was so painful that his face was directly distorted, but he forcibly resisted the pain, and said sadly: "Princess Black Fox, this son wants to tell you a story."

Princess Black Fox didn't want to listen to what the shameless person said, and said coldly: "This princess advises you to quickly take out the Horcrux from this princess, or be careful that your soul is strangled."

Li Ze Daoxin was slightly happy, it seemed that the black fox family seemed unable to take out the **** plum blossoms in the soul of the black fox princess.

It's nothing to say that the black fox clan is the most powerful existence on the snowy mountain.

But with a sad face, he continued: "This is a story about a handsome and powerful boy and a snake."


Princess Black Fox was already on the verge of collapse.

The cane is tightened tighter.

Li Zedao's face was even more distorted, but he continued to tell the story.

"By the way, there used to be a handsome, strong and kind-hearted young man. One day he saw a black fox about to be killed..."

Princess Black Fox almost couldn't help but slapped her ugly face with a big slap, and hissed, "Damn it, you shut up!"

A cane sprang out from the darkness, and fiercely strangled Li Zedao's mouth.

Li Zedao couldn't make a sound anymore, but looked at Princess Black Fox with extremely contemptuous eyes.

Those eyes are clearly saying that you are an ungrateful shameless person!

The black fox princess shivered slightly with anger, and almost pulled out his eyes without holding back.

She exhaled and inhaled deeply, finally calmed down, and returned to the noble and indifferent state of the past.

Her eyes that looked like a black hole stared coldly at Li Zedao's contemptuous eyes, no longer disturbed by them, and said, "Let him speak."

The rattan that held Li Zedao's mouth suddenly disappeared.

Li Ze said that the corners of his mouth split open, and blood kept flowing out.

He didn't bother to continue telling the story, and continued to stare at Princess Black Fox with contempt.

Two pairs of eyes, you look at me and I look at you, finally the black fox princess can't stand it first.

She said coldly: "Take out the Horcruxes from this princess and the two subordinates of this princess, and this princess can let you go."

"It is to let us go." Li Zedao corrected, "I and my two sisters, you must let them go."

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er both trembled slightly, their noses suddenly a little sore, especially Dong Huang Mei'er.

In any case, under this circumstance, this wimpy brother can still think of her, which makes her somewhat moved.

Princess Black Fox said blankly: "You guys!"

Li Zedao looked at this very beautiful woman with suspicion and asked, "Are you credible?"

Princess Black Fox said coldly: "You are questioning your shamelessness when you question this princess's credibility."


If it weren't for the miserable situation and the pain intolerable, Donghuang Meier could not help but clap her hands.

Princess Black Fox, you are so right, this wastefulness is really really shameless.

The corner of Donghuang Linger's mouth was also torn off, thinking that Princess Black Fox was justified.

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched wildly, feeling that the black fox princess misunderstood him too deeply.

"This son is not shameless at all." Li Zedao angrily said.

"It doesn't matter what you think you are." Princess Black Fox responded with a sneer.

Li Zedao felt that the words of the black fox princess were really **** reasonable.

As long as you can leave this extremely dangerous place, shamelessly shameless.

In addition, Li Zedao also felt that Young Master Black Fox really had no need to deceive himself.

So he said: "If this is the case, the son will first take out the Horcrux from your soul... Let these **** rattans not be so tight."

The black fox princess nodded blankly, and the cane wrapped around Li Zedao loosened in an instant.

Li Zedao slightly twisted his stiff body, and said, "Well, the Horcrux in your body has been taken out by this young man."

The black fox princess raised her eyebrows slightly and opened the palm of her right hand, but she didn't know when a scar appeared on her palm, and black blood was constantly pouring out.

At the same time, a blood-red plum blossomed with the black blood.

His eyes widened slightly, this is the Horcrux that tortured himself to death?

Unable to gnash his teeth, he must use powerful means to crush this damned Horcrux into broken foam.


The snow-red plum blossom disappeared all at once.

Princess Black Fox clenched her pink fist bitterly, and after feeling her body for a while, she looked up at Li Ze and said, "Let them go."


At the same time the gloomy voice of the soul tree sounded, the vines that entangled Li Zedao and the three of them all disappeared without a trace.

Donghuang Meier can be said to be the worst tortured by the cane, and her body is shaking so badly that she has to sit on the ground.

Donghuang Ling'er stretched out his hand to hold her but was thrown away by her.

"Bitch, don't care about it."

The tone slowed down and said: "I can't die."

"You can go now." Princess Black Fox pointed to the absolute darkness ahead and said.

Li Zedao nodded, didn't say anything, and walked towards the darkness.

Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier followed closely behind.

Subconsciously, they inexplicably took the "Eastern Emperor Xiaochen" as the mainstay and embraced it.

Subconsciously glanced at each other, and everyone could see the weird touch on the opponent's face.

Donghuang Meier's face became ugly, and she passed Li Zedao with a cold snort and walked in front of him.

The voice of the black fox princess came from behind: "The man you mentioned, I have never seen the black fox clan. If he has the kind of strength you said, the ice dragon should not be able to kill him, so it is very good. He may have crossed the snowy mountain and headed to the other side of the snowy mountain...if he is extremely terrifying in the soul formation and has good luck."

Li Zedao stopped when he heard the words, turned around and bowed slightly to Princess Black Fox and said, "Thank you Princess for letting me know."

Princess Black Fox responded coldly: "This princess hopes that you will encounter an ice dragon as soon as you go out."

Li Zedao's lips twitched. Is this woman too vicious?

But he asked: "I wonder if the princess can tell me where the snow mountain is located?"

Princess Black Fox looked at Li Zedao with the eyes Li Zedao looked at her before, and said coldly: "Why does this princess tell you?"

Li Zedao nodded in agreement: "Because Princess Black Fox, you are beautiful, noble and kind, no words in the world can describe your unique temperament."


The black fox princess has goose bumps. For some reason, being so complimented by this shameless guy, she has a feeling of eating a bite of shit, how disgusting and disgusting.

Dong Huang Ling'er and Dong Huang Mei'er had a slight body pause, and the face became hot again.

Both of them firmly believed that it was really embarrassing to have such a shameless brother. They secretly vowed that if they could leave the snowy area and return to the Eastern Emperor’s Villa, they must stay away from this shameless person, lest they become like him. Just as shameless.

Although it was disgusting, but the ghosts were so bad, the black fox princess still took out a dark soul card, but saw that there was a white arrow on the soul card flashing.

She threw the soul card to Li Zedao and said, "This is the soul card for the way to that snow mountain."

Li Zedao put away the soul card and said gratefully: "Thank you, Princess Black Fox."

Princess Black Fox said coldly: "Get out!"

Li Zedao smiled, turned and walked into the darkness.

After Xiaobanzhuxiang's effort, the endless darkness was replaced by dazzling white light.

But seeing the endless snowfield in front of him, snow falling all over the sky, the sound of landing is so ethereal and beautiful.

Behind him was a dark and strange thick fog. I couldn't see what was inside. It was naturally where the black fox's nest was. Only Li Ze said that they had walked out of the darkness.

Li Zedao looked back at Donghuang Mei'er and Donghuang Ling'er and said: "Two sisters, let's recuperate around here first. After the injury recovers, we will go to the snowy mountain according to the guidance of the soul card."

In their current situation, let alone encountering a terrifying beast like an ice dragon, even if they encounter a normal beast, they will be eaten so that there is no bones left.

Donghuang Linger nodded slightly, without objection.

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