The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2919: Marry you as a concubine

Seeing that this wimp was so tortured, Donghuang Mei'er was quite relieved at first, and even thought that this wimp was a suspicion.

Then I remembered that I had been extremely unkind to the black fox princess before. After the black fox family had tortured this **** uselessness, they were afraid that they were about to torture themselves, so their face gradually became pale, because the fragrant shoulders of fear were shaking gently .

Princess Black Fox looked at this scene coldly, and even felt puzzled.

"This is a black soul fly carefully raised by my black fox clan. This black soul fly will inhabit your soul, but you can rest assured that it will not eat your soul, it will only bite your soul. Hundred holes."

There was no emotion in the Black Fox Patriarch's voice, as if he was saying something insignificant.

Donghuang Mei'er listened, her scalp really felt numb.

Bite the soul can be said to be the most severe and vicious punishment, no wonder this wasted so painful.

"Of course, for me, this kind of punishment is still far from enough, so next I will throw you into the Xueyuan and let you fend for yourself. But after three days, if you are still alive, I will let go. You guys."

"If you die, I will also let you and the two women in front of you."

"Of course, if you are lucky enough that this space enters an unstable state again in these three days, I won't let your souls fly away before you are sent here by that power."

"Send him to Xueyuan." The black fox chief said finally.

Donghuang Meier secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that her back was completely wet.

Behind the black fox patriarch, a black shadow reached out to Li Zedao and made a grasping motion.


Li Zedao's distorted ugly flesh was instantly caught in the hand by the black shadow, as if a cat was holding a dying mouse.

Donghuang Ling'er's complexion changed and she felt that she should do something.

She took a deep breath, raised her head hard, looked at the terrifying shadow, and summoned the courage to speak: "Please also send me to that Xueyuan."

After saying this, I don't know why, the fear that filled my heart just disappeared, and her eyes showed unprecedented determination.

Before she entered the snowy region, she had thought about all kinds of dangers, but what she had never expected was that since entering this snowy region, she had returned to the strongest realm and was saved by Donghuang Xiaochen’s useless brother many times. Thanks to him, they escaped several fatal dangers in a thrilling manner.

Now Donghuang Xiaochen's soul is bitten by the black soul flies, and he is about to be sent to a place that is afraid of being extremely dangerous to let him fend for himself, so it is time for her to protect him.

Even if it can only protect him for a few more breaths, it is good, at least he has a clear conscience.

Seeing Dong Huang Ling'er actually made such a request, Dong Huang Mei'er's complexion became extremely stiff, and she was really annoyed in her heart, wishing a sword to kill this bitch.

She looked at Donghuang Ling'er sharply, her mouth opened, and she couldn't say a word after all.

There was a hint of surprise in the indifferent and cold voice of the Black Fox Patriarch: "Give me a reason."

It really didn't expect that this woman would make such a request. After all, it had decided to let them go, and she didn't have to go to die.

"He is my brother, I have to protect him." Donghuang Linger took a deep breath and said seriously.

When I said the word "brother", my heart was shaken uncontrollably.

As the core child of the Eastern Royal Family in Donghuang Villa, when did you have the so-called sibling affection? Especially that is a half-brother.

But at this moment, she treated her as her own brother, and she really wanted to protect him.

The black fox patriarch was surprised, and it didn't expect to say that it was such a reason.

"That's the case, but you should be clear that you can't protect him, and maybe you will die. Although Xue Yuan rarely sees powerful creatures, some of them are not something you can deal with at the same level of low-grade cultivation, so Have you considered it?"

Donghuang Ling'er looked at Li Zedao, who was no longer human because of the pain, and said without hesitation: "Then die with him."

"I didn't expect you to be so affectionate, I like you very much."

Perceiving that the voice of the black fox owner was a little more ambiguous, Donghuang Ling'er looked weird and responded: "Thank you."

"Then follow along. If you don't die, I can consider marrying you as a concubine."


The muscles on Donghuang Ling'er's face twitched uncontrollably, she couldn't believe what her ears heard.

Is it humiliation? Seems! But why can it be said to be a gift to you?

I humiliate you, you still have to be flattered?

Before she could think about it, the terrifying coercion that had enveloped her suddenly disappeared.

Donghuang Ling'er bowed his hand to the terrifying and tall black shadow, and said, "Thank you, Black Fox Village Master."

"No need to, after all, you might become my concubine. I don't like my concubines being too polite to me. I don't like them being afraid of me."


With this, Donghuang Linger didn't know how to continue.

Donghuang Meier's complexion is even more ugly. There are two villains in her heart who are engaged in the most violent life-and-death struggle, making her heart extremely messy, and she doesn't know what decision to make for a while.

Finally, one of the villains won an extremely difficult victory.

Donghuang Meier powder clenched her fist sharply, raised her head, looked at the figure that made her completely desperate, and said every word: "He is also my brother! So please send me to Xueyuan too. "

Donghuang Linger, you **** bitch, isn't it okay to wait here? Even if that wimp is dead in that Xueyuan, at least you and I can leave safely, right?

But you just want to accompany him to die, forcing this lady to follow.

Donghuang Xiaochen, you are useless, if you weren't too useless, how could this young lady get into such a situation?

Damn it! Damn you all!

Dong Huang Ling'er glanced at Dong Huang Mei'er in surprise. In her impression, Dong Huang Mei'er didn't seem to be someone who would do such a thing.

The black fox chief said: "Yes."

Then he said: "But even if you can come back alive, I won't marry you as a concubine, because even if you have made a decision, but you are still struggling, it proves that you don't care too much about the life and death of your brother, I do not like you."


Donghuang Meier directly stunned.

This black fox patriarch, is he a fool?

If you're not a fool, why would you just say marrying you as a concubine?

Before Donghuang Meier could react, except for the black fox clan who was holding Li Zedao in his hand, the rest, including the black fox patriarch and the black fox princess, disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the terrifying sense of oppression shrouded in this space disappeared, and the originally stagnant snowflakes continued to fall gently, making a very pleasant sound.

The ladyboy of the black fox clan turned his head, that pale face looked at Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier grimly and said, "Jie Jie Jie, let's go to Xueyuan, you follow me. ."


That black shadow instantly disappeared in front of Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier.

Donghuang Ling'er quickly chased after her eyes, while Donghuang Mei'er gritted her teeth and whispered that she was an idiot. Wouldn't it be good to stay here for three days? Why did she make such a stupid decision.

This is the end of the matter and can only be quickly followed.

Damn slut, dare to hang around in front of this lady?

Donghuang Meier gritted her teeth and left Donghuang Linger behind her.

After half an hour, a huge crack that lasted for tens of thousands of miles suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him, and even more icy white mist was constantly emanating from the crack.

Even though there is still a short distance from the crack at this time, Donghuang Ling'er and Donghuang Mei'er have clearly felt the dangerous chill.

Another stick of incense time passed, Donghuang Linger and Donghuang Meier were already standing in front of the huge crack, looking at the deep abyss that was shrouded in white smoke, their scalp became numb uncontrollably, and fell. Sucked a cold breath.

They clearly felt that there seemed to be an extremely terrifying absorption force continuously emanating from the snowy abyss, making them almost unsteady and being sucked in.

Donghuang Meier continued to curse that she was an idiot. Wasn't it okay to stay in the black fox's nest? Why did she come to this ghost place?

Damn slut, **** useless, if this lady is able to leave here and return to the Eastern Emperors Villa this time, I will definitely make you pay a painful price, so that you can breathe a sigh of anger.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's Xue Yuan for the next place, so let's go down here."

The **** of the Black Fox clan laughed gloomily: "Don't think about escaping back to this ground secretly for these three days, because I will always be here. Once I find you sneaking up, I will kill you. , Jie Jie Jie..."

The icy laughter rippled in this already icy space and spread far away.

Immediately, as if throwing a bag of garbage, Li Zedao, who was struggling desperately because of pain, was thrown into the bottomless Xueyuan at will.

Upon seeing this, Donghuang Linger's complexion changed slightly.

She immediately leaped down to Li Zedao's side, stretched out her hands and hugged him. At the same time, a soul cloud appeared under her, and this soul cloud took her to Li Zedao, where it originated from Under the absorption of the terrifying absorption force below Xue Yuan, it quickly fell downward.

Seeing that Li Zedao was thrown down, Dong Huang Mei'er instinctively wanted to jump down and hug him, but he didn't expect that Dong Huang Ling'er took the lead, making her teeth tickled with anger.

"Damn bitch, you have to take the lead in everything, why don't you die first?" She cursed with irritation and jumped down.

Being hugged by a beautiful woman with her face pressed against the soft spot, Li Zedao didn't feel the least enjoyment, because there was a fly in his soul that was constantly gnawing at his soul.

So at this moment, he was desperately twisted and trembling desperately, and that severely distorted face was rubbing desperately in that soft place.

His throat has long since made no sound, and only blood that smashes his teeth comes out of his mouth.

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