The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2967: invisible

Tang Shan looked up, his extremely stiff face flushed, and his eyes were full of ferociousness.

He gritted his teeth and roared: "Donghuang Xiaochen, I'm already so humble, why don't you let me go? Don't go too far!"

"Yes, although I wanted to humiliate you before, but I was humiliated by you in turn, okay? I was kicked by Miss Linger..."

Speaking of the previous incident, Tangshan was so wronged that he almost cried.

It stands to reason that Donghuang Ling'er was the one who gave him, how could he kick him flying for this damned wimp?

It's too much, she deserves to have failed to come out of the snowy area.

Li Zedao looked at Tangshan as if looking at an idiot, and asked, "How many people are extremely humble in front of you. Have you let them go?"

Tang Shan's complexion suddenly stiffened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "So, are you trying to express a bad anger for those people?"

Li Zedao felt insulted, and said speechlessly: "Be your sister, vent your anger! This son does not let you go to help those who have been humiliated by you get back. This son is not that cheap."

Li Zedao pointed to the people around him and said: "Look at these people who have been humiliated by you, they are obviously good people who repay their grievances with virtue. They have forgiven you. You see that they sympathize with you so much, feel you are very pitiful, and feel that I am so aggressive. It's too shameless."

Many people under Guiyi suddenly felt that their faces were slapped several times by an invisible big hand, and they were very painful.

They really wanted to die, and even wanted to let this humiliating **** die.

What happened to repaying grievances with virtue? What happened to sympathizing with Tangshan? Do you think you Donghuang Xiaochen are despicable and shameless?

"The reason why I don't let you roll is because you rolled so well. I am really worried that these people underneath will draw their swords and commit suicide ashamed when they see the heroic posture when you roll." Li Zedao patiently explain.

"If they all commit suicide, how can this son humiliate them?"

Tang Shan's body halted suddenly, almost spitting out a mouthful of muffled blood.

The bodies of those strong men in front of Guiyitai twitched violently, really wanting to scold you as a bitch, but worried that all the **** in the heavens began to protest.

Whenever possible, they are even willing to die with this bastard.

"Young Master Tang, stand up, take out the arrogance that you used to stop this son, and continue to'humiliate' this son." Li Zedao encouraged again.

Tangshan's fat body trembled, and his complexion turned gray.

Finally, he stood up, his fat face was seriously distorted, he was panting heavily, his eyes were full of viciousness, and he stared at Li Ze.

Just when everyone thought Tangshan was going to hit the rock with a pebble, Tangshan made a move that stunned everyone.

His knees were soft, and he knelt heavily in front of Li Zedao. The vicious and hideous face on his face had long been replaced by pity and humbleness. He pleaded with his nose and eyes: "Young Master Chen, you have a lot, please. Let me go, please..."

"You are really upset, why are you beating me? Just don't beat me to death, please..."

The muscles on everyone's faces twitched wildly, their minds roared violently, and they really had an urge to beat Tangshan to death.

No one knew that in the depths of Tangshan's pitiful eyes, there was a strong viciousness hidden!

"Dong Huang Xiaochen, go and die!" Tang Shan roared in his heart.

At this moment, Li Zedao's pupils shrank violently, and there was infinite chill in his heart. At the same time, there was an extra black soul umbrella in his hand.

At the moment when Li Zedao showed the black soul umbrella, a terrifying force that was ready to go suddenly burst out and directly blasted on the black soul umbrella.

If it hadn't been for Li Zedao to notice and open the Black Soul Umbrella in time, this terrifying power would directly hit Li Zedao's chest.


There was a deafening muffled sound, the terrifying power directly exploded after hitting the Black Soul Umbrella, and the terrifying energy exploded, heading towards Guiyi Platform in all directions, shrouded in madness.

Still kneeling there, Tang Shan, with his vicious face, didn't even react, and was directly shattered into blood mist by the overflowing aura.

In front of Guiyitai, there were hundreds of people who were crushed into pieces by this terrifying aura in an instant. Even if the others were still alive, they lacked arms and legs. Almost all their souls were hit hard, and they were terribly miserable. The screams fell there in all directions.

All of a sudden, the house was completely red with blood, and the blood flowed into a river, as if it became a **** on earth.

Under the black soul umbrella, Li Zedao's complexion was pale, his body was trembling slightly, and scarlet blood was slowly flowing from the seven orifices.

His hands that were still holding the Black Soul Umbrella were shaking violently, and the flesh on the top had already exploded and turned into two **** hands.

And the fan of the Black Soul Umbrella had already appeared countless cracks.


Li Zedao raised his head, his **** eyes looked around, showing strong vigilance and emotion.

Even though he had been accustomed to seeing blood and gore for a long time, the tragic scene of Gui Yige still caused his stomach to be twisted uncontrollably, and he breathed in cold breath uncontrollably.

It is said that this Horcrux named "Invisible" can even kill a strong man who left his name on the sky list in one fell swoop, and it is not exaggerated at all.

If it weren't for the timely reminder from the center of the earth, at that critical moment, he showed the black soul umbrella and stopped the "invisible" scary Horcrux from being attacked. Now he, like Tangshan, would directly turn into a blood mist, and his soul would disappear. .

Li Zedao knew that the "invisible" was missed, and he obviously wouldn't stop there.

So he didn't dare to relax his nerves, so he wanted to take out a black soul umbrella again.

At this moment, a white figure appeared out of thin air.

Li Zedao saw the white figure, his body suddenly relaxed, he hurriedly bowed his hand and said respectfully, "Grandpa."


Luo Xuexuan.

"Failed? You said... failed?"

Because of the extreme anger and the unbelievability, the madam's graceful and noble picture was directly twisted into a ball, which looked extremely ugly.

Intangible, it was an absolutely powerful existence that could kill a strong person who left a name on the sky list, but it failed to kill the Donghuang Xiaochen who was arrogant and only a low-grade low-grade cultivation base. NS?

Could it be that Donghuang Xiaochen is still hiding his clumsiness, he is not at all the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of the return?

Behind the elder lady, the several elders of the Tang family trembled, their faces pale as paper.

"Donghuang Xiaochen seems to have seen through the'invisible' attack, and he still has a black umbrella in his hand. That black umbrella is obviously an extremely powerful defensive Horcrux..."

One of the elders explained cautiously, with a strong bitterness in his voice.

It's really hard for them to imagine that there is a Horcrux that can defend the "invisible" without a single attack!

If the black umbrella was refined by Dong Huang Xiaochen, then it meant that Dong Huang Xiaochen's attainments with Horcruxes were not weaker than their Tang family.

Such a talented person with Horcrux, plus he is now in charge of the Glory Token, the eldest lady should even put down her body and treat her with courtesy, but what is she doing?

The elders felt that the eldest lady had done it, but they never dared to say it.

Who made her the eldest lady of Donghuang Villa? Moreover, even if she returned to the Tang family, that would be the most powerful existence, and the Tang family had to rely on her strength and status.

What made them even more unimaginable was that the "invisible" could perfectly hide their aura, and Donghuang Xiaochen, who was at the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of Guiyi Realm, should not notice his killing intent.

In addition, Tangshan’s performance should be able to completely attract Donghuang Xiaochen’s full attention, but the result is that Donghuang Xiaochen seems to know that "invisible" has appeared, so he opened the powerful black early. umbrella.

Thinking of what, these elders looked extremely frightened, and their bodies trembled extremely badly.

Killing Donghuang Xiaochen with "invisible" is nothing, after all, it was killed at the feast of the mountain villa.

However, the serious consequences that they had caused afterwards were really unexpected.

The elder took a deep breath and continued to report in a small voice: "The unreserved blow of the'invisible' completely hit the powerful defensive Horcrux, causing the breath to burst completely. The bursting breath is too great. For the sake of being strong, and the people in Guiyi Pavilion didn't have any precautions, one hundred and seven people turned into blood mist on the spot, and their souls were scattered."

"In addition, there are a hundred and twenty-one people who have suffered heavy souls and fears that they will not survive..."

The eldest lady's face stiffened directly into a ball.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

She kept muttering to herself, and the whole person looked like she had no ordinary soul.

"I wanted to continue to let the'invisible' kill Donghuang Xiaochen, who would have thought that at this moment, the old village owner of Donghuang appeared."

Another elder spoke with difficulty, with an extremely bitter voice: "The old man of the East Emperor asks you, Madam, and the Tang family gives him an explanation for the whole East Emperor Villa."

The eldest lady's body took another violent halt.

After a long time, she lifted her extremely stiff head and looked in the direction of the Donghuang Bieyuan, but her stiff face showed a trace of sarcasm.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Old fellow! You are so calculating, so vicious!"

The several elders of the Tang family instantly panicked. They felt that it was wrong for the elder lady to accuse the old man of the East Emperor in such a way.

Panic to panic, they know the truth better than anyone else.

The old owner of the Eastern Emperor was too good at calculating, and too vicious.

Give him an explanation? How to give? I am afraid that only the Tang family's powerful Horcrux "invisible" can calm his "anger"!

These Tang parents knew for a long time that the old owner of the Eastern Emperor had long been worried about the "intangible" of the Tang family, but there was really no suitable excuse to take the "intangible" as his own.

Now finally there is an excuse.

After so many people died, the old owner of the Eastern Emperor was angry?

No, he would only be very happy, he would have long waited for these people to die.

Because, since these people choose to go to the Guiyi Platform to challenge Donghuang Xiaochen, they are equivalent to questioning him!

Dare to question others, die!

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