The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2989: Soulware store

Li Zedao raised his brows slightly, and his figure quietly retreated to the corner.

The bright smile on the beauty shop owner's face had long since disappeared, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes. Obviously, he never expected to say that there would be a strong person from the first realm to visit her little Horcrux shop.

At this moment, a ghost-like figure floated into the Horcrux shop.

This is an old man with a short stature.

The old man's eyes were constantly shining with hideous light, which was obviously not a good kind.

Li Zedao stayed quietly in that corner, his body still trembling uncontrollably, and the young man in the dungeon looked really scared now.

The beauty shop owner hurriedly bowed his hand to salute, her hot body was also trembling slightly, obviously extremely nervous.

For a time, the small Horcrux shop was shrouded in a strange dead silence, and the atmosphere almost condensed into ice.

The old man's eyes ignored the existence of Li Zedao and the beautiful shopkeeper, and instead swept towards the Horcruxes around.

"It's all rubbish."

The old man's voice was sharp and harsh, as if he were about to pierce the shop, making Li Zedao's ears really uncomfortable.

Of course, Li Zedao still agrees with the old man's words.

With this old man's cultivation base, he is indeed qualified to say that these Horcruxes are all rubbish.

The head of the beauty shop owner is lower, and even if he is dissatisfied with such a terrifying powerhouse, he dare not refute it.

The old man's gloomy old eyes fell on the beauty shopkeeper, and then he didn't move away.

In an instant, the beauty shop owner seemed to fall into an ice store, her body became extremely stiff, and her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

At this moment, the old man smiled, very coldly.

"Although these Horcruxes are rubbish, you still can barely live in this shop. You can barely be my servant."

"From now on, Lao Tzu will live here, and you are Lao Tzu's servant."

The old man smiled and said, "Climb here first and lick the dust off Laozi's shoes first."

The beauty shop owner's face became bloodless, and her body trembled violently again.

Li Zedao in the corner frowned slightly, isn't this **** old man going too far?

The beauty shop owner suppressed the fear in his heart, and tried to squeeze a smile that looked so ugly on his face: "Senior..."

The old man interrupted the beautiful shopkeeper's words sadly, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Jie Jie Jie, I only give you ten breaths. After ten breaths, if your tongue has not appeared on Lao Tzu's shoes, Lao Tzu definitely Will make you regret being alive..."

Originally encountering a strong person in this situation, based on the principle of absolute safety and absolute low-key, Li Zedao would obediently take a detour.

But the point is that the beauty shop owner and Nintendo know each other seven times, and Li Zedao really can't bear to watch him be insulted to death.

So Li Zedao directly interrupted the old man's words with a kind of strong and domineering words.

"Old man, you are too noisy."

The old man's face suddenly stiffened.

The beauty shopkeeper's body stiffened suddenly, instantly forgetting the fear, and his face was dull.

She couldn't even imagine that in this situation, the guy who had just planned to cheat him would actually help her.

Didn't he know that this old man was an extremely powerful person in the first stage, and he could easily stab him to death with just one finger?

The old man raised his head slightly and looked at the ant in the corner that was completely ignored by him with a deadly look. With his red tongue sticking out, he licked his shriveled lips and said with a smile: "You are talking to Lao Tzu. say?"

Li Zedao smiled and said, "You are so smart, you know that this son is talking to you."


The old man suspected that the lifeless ant seemed to be humiliating himself.

The smile on his face was even hotter and cruel, and said gloomily, "It seems that your background is not small."

Li Zedao nodded proudly: "What do you think?"

As the servant of the Ninth-Five Master, he is destined to become the deputy sect master of Han Fengzong, the most powerful sect force in the heavens in the future, and the “benefactor” of Heaven’s righteous daughter Tianmeng, Li Zedao is indeed qualified to be quite proud to express His background is not small.

The old man said sternly: "Do you really think that if you have a strong sect behind you, you can be fearless?"

Before the old man's words fell, "Ka!" a soft sound echoed in this Horcrux.

However, Li Zedao's index and middle fingers were already sandwiched between a black snake that was only the size of an ordinary loach.

This little snake continued to struggle and utter a message, and first gave out an aura that seemed so cold and dangerous, but it couldn't get rid of Li Zedao's **** anyway.

The expression on the old man's face was already stagnant, and his eyes narrowed slightly, emitting such a terrifying light.

Not only was the little snake he raised was so easily controlled by the opponent, but also because the aura on the opponent's body had completely changed!

In his eyes, this ant, who was just as **** as the Horcruxes around him, turned out to be a powerhouse at the peak cultivation base of the lower grade of Guiyi Realm. This is really a mistake!

It seems that he dares to be so unscrupulous, not only because of his great background, but also because he does possess arrogant capital.

The beauty shop owner has turned into an idiot directly, and an unprecedented violent wave is set off in his heart, and he can't believe this is true at all.

This silly boy turned out to be a strong man at the pinnacle of the lower grade of Guiyi Realm!

Li Zedao's **** pressed slightly, and an extremely powerful breath instantly wrapped the little snake in it.


The little snake that was struggling desperately was crushed into blood mist in an instant and ceased to exist.

The old man smiled again, that kind of cruel smile.

"Jie Jie Jie, it turned out to be the peak cultivation base of the Lower Grade of the Returning One Realm. This really surprised Lao Tzu, but I still don't see it enough in front of Lao Tzu!"

Li Zedao also laughed. He took out the invitation card that exuded colorful mysterious light given by Mr. Qinglong, and mocked: "Old man, being too narcissistic is not a good thing."

The smile on the old man's face became rigid again.

It turned out to be an invitation soul card! He even received a token of glory!

This means that this guy is not an ordinary low-grade peak cultivation powerhouse at all, he is already fully equipped to challenge those powerhouses on the sky list.

Li Zedao smiled very playfully: "You must have such a brand in your hand too, right? Or we don't have to wait anymore, how about you and me now competing here?"

The old man's eyes were lost in a gap that seemed so dangerous, and then he snorted and turned to leave the Horcrux shop.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that his back was soaked.

This old man obviously valued the opportunity to challenge the strong on the sky list this time, not wanting to over-expose his true strength in advance, let alone getting hurt.

Otherwise, he would start vomiting blood.

Li Zedao put away the invitation card, looked at the beautiful shopkeeper, and saw that she was looking at herself with a dull face, and couldn't help feeling that this robe on her body simply couldn't stop her coquettishness.

You see, this son is just showing off casually, and there is another beauty who is fascinated by herself and can't help herself.

"That old man is obviously a despicable and shameless person, and I am afraid that he will be disadvantaged to you later. My son recommends that you hurry up and leave this town as soon as possible."

Li Zedao cleared his throat and reminded him to leave.

"Senior, you... wait a minute."

The voice that seemed so grateful but timid came from behind.

Li Zedao turned around to look at the woman who seemed a little confused, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The beauty shop owner hurriedly bowed his hands and bowed with gratitude: "In Xia Xiaoliu, I would like to thank seniors for their life-saving grace."

Li Zedao nodded slightly: "You don't need to be so polite, just raise your hand."

Li Zedao knew that if this woman didn't look a bit familiar with Li Mengchen, he would probably... still stop the old man.

Li Zedao said with emotion, who made this son so kind?

Xiao Liu looked up at Li Zedao and then quickly lowered his head. The whole person looked so embarrassed and helpless. He whispered: "Just now...just now I wanted to deceive you, senior, and please don't take offense, senior."

Li Zedao smiled and shook his head.

Xiao Liu hesitated, and then seemed to have made up a certain determination, and said, "Senior, Daen, Xiao Liu has nothing to pay for..."

Li Zedao's mouth was tossed, and he firmly believed that this woman was going to agree with her body, and quickly interrupted her, saying: "Raise your hand, you don't need to take it to your heart. Besides, that old man is not a kind person, so You should leave as soon as possible..."

"In the eyes of Senior, this is a simple effort, but in Xiaoliu's eyes, you are a great benefactor. If you are not Senior, Xiaoliu is afraid that you will encounter inhuman torture and humiliation."

Xiao Liuyi said seriously, "So senior, please..."

Li Zedao didn't dare to listen any more, so he wanted to leave.

"Accept this thing, if you don't accept it, Xiao Liu will never feel at ease for the rest of his life."

Li Zedao's stature was stagnant. It turned out that he wanted to give his own things to show his life-saving grace, not just to promise him.

Your sister said that she was so scared that my son was sweating.

Right now Li Zedao looked at the box in this woman's hand that didn't seem to be special.

Although the box looked nothing special, it exuded a cold air, and was obviously a Horcrux.

"this is?"

Xiao Liu was a little embarrassed, and said, "Senior, I don't know what this is. Master and his old man left the box in my hands very solemnly, saying that this is an extremely powerful Horcrux. You must keep it away."

Xiao Liu's expression became even more embarrassing: "It's just that I really can't see the power of this Horcrux. It looks like an ordinary pill in this way."

After a pause, Xiao Liu said seriously: "But the old man, Master, won't lie to me, so I can't see where this Horcrux is powerful. It must be because my cultivation base is too weak and my vision is too low to know the goods."

Li Zedao looked at this woman suspiciously, thinking that I am a strong person in the First Realm, and I am still your savior. Wouldn't you still want to lie to me?

At this moment, Xiao Liu's eyes were red, and his voice was a little choked, and he whispered: "Master said, when he comes back, he will give this box to him, but he will never come back."

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