The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 829: Regret medicine

"The vision is really good." Li Zedao said with a smile. Girls have a simple mind about buying things. They buy things because they look good, regardless of whether they already have them at home or not. Willfulness is as simple as that.

" seems to have been overcast." Li Zedao shook his head slightly, and came forward without thinking.

"It seems like that." Wu Xin nodded in agreement.

I saw four vans roaring and blocking their way, and all the people in the car got off. There were a total of twenty numbers. These people were holding steel pipes or watermelon knives in their hands. Umbrellas or raincoats have cruel and playful smiles on their faces, and they are pulled like two hundred and five, letting the not too big rain drop on them.

Some of the hair was long and some shook the hair in a cool motion, dropped a few drops of rain, and looked as though they were so handsome.

Li Zedao was still very confident about his methods. He knew that the taxi driver who was knocked out by him must have not woken up yet, so naturally he couldn't call someone.

When I drove over, there was no one behind me, and the village was surrounded as soon as I left the village. Then there is only one reasonable explanation, that is, these people were called by Gao Niu at all.

"Wait for me." Li Zedao handed the umbrella to Wu Xin and said, "keep the umbrella well, don't catch a cold in the rain."

"Okay." Wu Xin smiled softly and nodded. She didn't care about the gangsters who came around. She knew very well that all these people combined would not be enough for Li Ze to stuff his teeth.

At this moment, a very unhappy voice came over: "Brother Dafa, this bastard, you must avenge me, damn, I punched Lao Tzu yesterday, and today I found my home to humiliate me. , And stepped on me several feet... Damn, I've never been so embarrassed."

The crowd parted, Gao Niu appeared there, walked to a man with a fierce appearance, nodded and bowed, then stared at Li Zedao with unkind eyes, and his mouth was cursing.

Some new injuries appeared on the face of his steamed bun, and there were a few more muddy marks on his body, as if he was curled up on the ground and kicked several times, and it was even more embarrassing.

Li Zedao looked at him, the corners of his mouth curled up with a strange range.

"Don't worry, didn't I bring my brothers here to help you get revenge?" Dafa brother looked at Li Ze, with a cruel smile on his face, "Xiao Gao, you have done a great job this time, thanks to With your phone call, Lao Tzu knew that Lao Zhao was overcast by this kid again. Originally, Lao Tzu thought that Lao Zhao was taking this kid around with him."

"Brother Zhao...wouldn't it be the same as me?" Gao Niu asked with his eyes on the taxi parked not far away.

"Well, I guess where the fainting is." Dafa brother looked at Li Ze and said in a harsh tone, "Boy, it seems you have some tricks."

"Not a bit, but a lot of points." Li Zedao corrected his words.

"Heh." Brother Dafa was amused for a while, his eyes gleaming darkly and said, "Then let Lao Tzu see, how many tactics do you have... Brothers, listen well, give me the best , Don’t show mercy under your hands...Oh, you don’t have to be polite to the **** standing over there, you should slash your face."

"Okay, Brother Dafa."

"Tsk tusk, this woman knows that'Kung Fu' is very good at a glance, and this kind of arduous task can be left to me..."

"Is the kung fu in bed very good?"


Those little gangsters started to booze, the kind of lewdness in their eyes stared at Wu Xin's chest and thighs undisguisedly, and all kinds of filthy and unpleasant words and whistles continued.

Wu Xin was not affected by their words, she just looked at Li Zedao with gentle eyes.

Li Zedao looked at the so-called Dafa brother who had made a phone call before, and shook his head slightly and said: "You are indeed a stupid, because smart people don't dare to speak rudely in front of my women. , Your fate will be even worse."

"Really?" Dafa brother sneered, and then shouted loudly, "Brothers, go..."

Unfortunately, before his brothers had time to react, Li Zedao had already ‘goed’.

With a slight force on his legs, he jumped up to Dafa brother, and then slapped the guy's face with a slap.

Because Li Zedao was just teasing them to play, he controlled his speed and strength very well. In addition, Dafa brother is also a fierce fighting master, so he reacted quickly and suddenly raised the steel in his hand. The stick shook it.

"Pop!" With a muffled sound, Brother Dafa's steel rod was slammed on the opponent's palm.

One blow succeeded, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Dafa's mouth. This guy is really stupid. Do you think you are Iron Man and your hands are made of iron?

Only quickly, his face changed slightly, because he found that no matter how hard he tried, the steel pipe couldn't be pulled back, because the other end of the steel pipe was already firmly grasped by this kid.

"You can let go." Li Zedao said.

Brother Dafa froze for a moment, thinking that he was stupid before letting go. The next second, he felt his arm numb, and the steel pipe had fallen into the opponent's hand.

"It feels good." Li Zedao weighed down the steel pipe, and then drew towards Dafa's face.

This time, although he still played with the other party and didn’t kill him, his speed has become faster, so Dafa brother hasn’t figured out what happened and why his steel pipe was taken away. He felt like he His face seemed to be hit hard by a high-speed car. In a trance, he felt that he was flying backwards, and he seemed to hear the sound of a broken bone, and then he knew nothing. Up.

Gao Niu was dumbfounded, and the other twenty gangsters were dumbfounded, ten seconds? Maybe the time is even shorter, and they haven't even reacted to it at all. Why did Brother Dafa be slapped with a stick on his face and then fly out? I saw that his one was sunken and bloody, and the sound of broken bones really made their scalp numb.

"Don't worry, it's your turn next." Li Zedao smiled strangely.


Next, the battle was naturally one-sided. Although there were more than 20 people in these gangsters, the machete and steel pipes in their hands were not props, they were all real guys, but they were not enough for Li Zedao to squeeze their teeth, and Li Zedao soon beat them. The wolf ran away crying for father and mother.

"Don't hit me...Don't hit me..."


"I was wrong, I won't dare anymore... My dad is Li Gang..."


"Grandpa, spare me, I am your grandson..."

"Bang! Bang!" This one hit one more stick, because Li Zedao felt that he was insulted. How could he have such a grandson?

In less than two minutes, the two dozen people who were originally murderous were lying on the muddy ground, unable to move, and they did not make any wailing...because they had fainted, and the blood was on the ground. The stagnant water was dyed red, and the only people standing were Wu Xin, Li Zedao and the tall cattle standing there like petrified.

Seeing Li Zedao's gaze on him, Gao Niu was like a gangbang, and his body trembled a few times. His trembling legs had already softened, and the whole person sat on the ground with a trembling voice: " Big...big...I...I..."

"What's the matter with you?" Li Zedao asked with a smile, "After I left, you still think you can't believe me after thinking about it, so you directly called your Dafa brother to come to the village to stop me, right?"

"I...I..." Gao Niu swallowed hard, trying to calm himself down, but found it sadly that his efforts were all in vain.

"But you are too shameless?" Li Zedao shook his head and said, "How many feet have I stepped on you? Is there such a thing?"

Gao Niu shook his head frantically with a horrified expression: ""

"Yes." Li Zedao said, "but I didn't step on it just now, but now I'm going to step on it." Li Zedao was rude, already kicking his stomach heavily.

Gao Niu's body was bent like a shrimp, his face turned black and purple, as if he was severely food poisoned. He couldn't say a word in his mouth, but there was a lot of food and liquid. The mixture flows out toward the corners of the mouth.

Then Li Zedao kicked it one foot after another, making a muffled sound of "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Every time Li Zedao kicked out, Gao Niu screamed, his body curled up on the muddy ground, his hands clinging to important parts of his head, he looked more miserable than a beggar.

Li Zedao kicked more than a dozen feet in a row until Gao Niu lost the strength to protect his head. Then he stopped, then squatted down and looked at this pig’s face and said faintly, “I’m really capable of helping you. Father, why don’t you believe it? Do you know why I came to Suzhou and Hangzhou? Because I came to Suzhou and Hangzhou to find a person called Gao Niu! Because I want to find this person? Because this person once asked the Tiandao Foundation for help and said he needed Help... So I came. I came to provide help on behalf of the Tiandao Foundation. This time, do you understand?"

Gao Niu's eyes that were almost closed suddenly widened, staring at Li Zedao, his eyes filled with consternation.

"Do you regret it?" Li Zedao asked.

"...Yes." Gao Niu's blood-filled lips squirmed, and his voice was full of bitterness. With a difference in his own thoughts, he pushed his father into the abyss.

"It doesn't matter, there are still regret medicines in this world occasionally." Li Zedao comforted.

"What...what do you mean?" Gao Niu didn't know where his strength came from, as if a drowning man encountered a straw, he clung to Li Zedao's foot.

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