The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2401: Li Ruoan's boyfriend?

Li Ruo-nan is somewhat unnatural, saying: "Jianyuan, I know that the previous things are not good for me, but..."

However, if Li Ruo-nan’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Jian Yuan.

"You, this is really not the case." Jianyuan said: "I heard the aunt, you work very hard, often go home in the middle of the night, how can this work, even if you work harder, you can It’s always so hard, the body can’t eat it!”

"...nothing, get used to it." Li Ruonan knew that the original Jianyuan was to say this.

"It’s just getting used to it!" Jianyuan said: "It seems that no one is taking care of you. It is really impossible. From the time of middle school, you will not take care of yourself... Go, I will take you to dinner, to be obedient! ”

Said, Jianyuan came forward, hand on Li Ruo-nan's shoulder, smiled and pulled her out.

Li Ruo-nan said: "I will clean up..."

Jianyuan smiled and said: "Listen to me today, okay? How come, old friends come back from abroad, no one will come to you directly without looking for it, this face is not given?"

Li Ruo-nan hesitated, and nodded, saying: "That's alright."

Jianyuan said: "This is right. Let's go, I haven't eaten anything since I got off the plane. My stomach is hungry. What is delicious in Jiangzhou, do you recommend it?"

Li Ruo-nan said: "You haven't grown up in Jiangzhou since childhood. Are you still not familiar?"

"You still don't know me?" Jianyuan smiled. "I have been staying abroad for a few years. This time I came back and found out that the change in Jiangzhou is really too big. I don't know many places." Where else do you know what is delicious?"

"What do you like to eat?" Li Ruo-nan asked.

"How, I don't remember my taste?" Jianyuan smiled and looked at Li Ruo-nan.

Li Ruo-nan’s face was slightly reddened and said: “I don’t know if you’ve been abroad for a few years, and the taste has changed...”


Jian Yuandao: "Nothing at all."

Li Ruo-nan said: "You are not used to local life at all?"

Jian Yuandao: "How do you say that habits must be used to it, because you are not used to it, even if you are not used to it, you always have to survive?"

Li Ruo-nan nodded: "This is also true."

Jian Yuandao: "So, my change abroad is just to survive, so strictly speaking, I can only say that I have adapted to the local life, but I am still a Chinese in the bones. I really miss the taste of China every day. ""

Li Ruoman grinned and said: "Then you have been outside for a few years, isn't it very hard?"

Jian Yuandao: "It’s hard to talk about it, because after you get used to it, you won’t feel too bitter. Moreover, there are Chinese restaurants there. The bosses are authentic Chinese people. I also go to visit often. Fortunately, there are them, otherwise, I am afraid that this time I will come back, you will be a fake foreign devil!"

"Ha ha!"

Li Ruo-nan was unbearable by what he said, and grinned and said: "That said, you have been a good foreigner?"

Jianyuan shook his head again and said: "Actually... the problem of suffering and not suffering in life is not big. Men, the ability to adapt is still slightly stronger. Besides, I am not a too serious person. You also Know... In foreign countries, the most difficult thing is actually loneliness!"

"Lonely?" Li Ruo-nan stunned.


Jianyuan nodded and said: "In foreign countries, you look at it and see almost all foreigners of various skin colors, and you will lose occasional yellow skin. It is also a boundary person or a Cree, my city. There are not many Chinese people."

Li Ruo-nan asked: "Are you not good with foreigners?"

Jianyuan shook his head and smiled: "It is too simple to want to have a good relationship. It’s just that they have a good relationship with them, but none of them can be used. And the most important thing is that they will miss everything at home. For example, old friends, everything before."

During the talk, Jian Yuan’s gaze fell on Li Ruo-nan’s face: “There are also friends who can share the heart. Confidant.”

Li Ruo-nan’s face is slightly reddish, and some are not very natural. “Yes, I know there is a place where the dishes are especially delicious. It’s not too late. Let’s go as soon as possible, otherwise there is no seat……"

Seeing that Li Ruo-nan shifted the topic, Jianyuan did not have the slightest difference. He smiled and nodded. "Okay, but today I can only sit in your car. I haven’t drove in the country for a long time. Some are not used to it."

Li Ruo-nan said: "What is this, you are welcome."

At this time, the young policeman who came to Li Ruo-nan before, but it was a bit of an accident, but he first saw Li Ruo-nan.

Although Li Ruo-Nan is also very kind to the police officers under him, but the requirements are also strict, and usually rarely jokes.

Now, it is rare to see Li Ruo-nan revealing a woman's side.

"Captain Li's boyfriend?" Suddenly, a voice rang from the side, but a young policeman did not know what came over, asked gossip.

"I don't know, but it seems that they have something between them."

"This man is not bad, handsome, look at the clothes he wears, it is not cheap at first glance, it is estimated to be a handsome man."

"I didn't listen to Captain Li before, she said she has a boyfriend?"

"Crap, isn’t Li’s captain telling you about any privacy?”

"...this is also true."

"I see, we still don't guess here. If you want to know, just ask Ding Ke, he has a good relationship with Captain Li, definitely know."

"I don't want to ask, let Captain Li know that there is no need to be embarrassed."

"Then I will go, don't ask me when you arrive..."

When two young police officers whispered, Li Ruo-nan’s car had already left the city council.


At the same time, in a hotel in Jiangzhou, Kato is convening a meeting.

"Jun Jun, I will go to contact with the Ascendas Group tomorrow. How are you prepared?" Kato asked.

"Already prepared."

“Is the collected information already collected?” Kato asked.

"Yes, Mr. Kato." A middle-aged man sitting next to Kato nodded. "The information about the Ascendas Group and all the information about the new chrome alloys are here."


Kato nodded with satisfaction and said: "So, have you collected the detailed information about the senior management of the Ascendas Group?"

The middle-aged man nodded again: "Yes, starting from the president of Kato Group, Xiao Yuxi, all the executives' information is here, including their preferences, resumes, and positions within the Ascendas Group, and the power they have. , all sorted out."


Kato stood up and said: "In this case, we will go to the Ascendas Group for preliminary contact tomorrow. You, previously, because of some other factors, we did not pay enough attention to the Ascendas Group, but it turns out that ours The point of view is that there is a mistake, so in the next period of time, we will have to adjust the focus of work."

Saying, Katoton had a meal, and this said: "Next, our main goal is to get the process and technology of the new chrome alloy. We must do everything we can to complete the task. This is what the temple owner personally explained. !"

Everyone is refreshed.

"Be prepared, tomorrow morning, gather here." Kato said.


Seeing that the subordinates have all left, Kato’s face has gradually gloomy, and there is no longer the determination during the meeting.

In fact, Kato is very annoyed.

Just a few months ago, he was very disdainful to humiliate Ji Feng, and at that time he was arrogant and prosperous.

Because he is a group, the most advanced alloy technology for China in the empire will make the empire make great progress in the materials and industry.

But who can think that in just a few months, his pride has become a joke!

Ji Feng, who was originally humiliated by him, became the object of his efforts to cooperate with him. The position of both sides almost had a complete reversal!

Now, he has to take the initiative to meet the people who have been humiliated by him and seek cooperation.

Anyone who changes to Kato will definitely not have any good mood.

"The **** Chinese people, it is really trouble!" When Kato thought of anger, he couldn't help but swear.

However, after he passed, he had to think twice, how to repair the bad relationship with the Ascendas Group, especially the bad relationship with Jifeng.

I remembered the fact that I was humiliating Ji Feng in South Guangdong. I think that I have to make contact with the Ascendas Group tomorrow. Kato couldn’t help but have some headaches...

"How can the backward Chinese people develop such advanced alloys!" Kato couldn't help but bite his teeth. "I hope this is just a nightmare!"

Until now, Kato is still reluctant to believe what he has heard. To be precise, this is already true.



"Lingxia Group?"

Xiao Yuqi took the phone and couldn't help but feel a bit stunned: "Does the people in the border don't know how to say hello in advance?"

After a while, she said: "Good! I know, you check if there is any important reception today, I will give you back later."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Yu said: "Han Zhong just called and said that the people of Lingxia Group contacted the reception department and wanted to hold talks with us."

Ji Feng heard a word: "Lingxia Group?"

Xiao Yuqi nodded and said: "It is the Lingxia Group that cooperates with the brilliant group. Ji Feng, the people in the border are definitely for the alloy. Do you think we should reject them?"

Ji Feng pondered for a moment and shook his head. "No! Don't refuse! You have to see if there are any important things today. If you don't have one, you will promise them. You can talk about them. Listen to their conditions and see them in the gourd. What medicine is sold?"

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