The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2418: Reaction (below)

"Three Lords, you will get rid of the gas first." The middle-aged man who helped the gangs carefully said: "The doctor said that you can't be too excited, or it is not good for your wounds..."

"cool down?"

Qiu Sanwen suddenly became even more angry: "Today, my Qiu San was almost wiped by a man, so many security guards, so many brothers, no one can stop them, how do you let me out? Ah?!"

The middle-aged man did not dare to speak, only Nono.

Instead, one of the uniformed police officers asked: "Sanye, what is going on today, do you know the origins of the few murderers? Or do you have any clues?"

Qiu San heard the words, suddenly silenced.

Does he know?

Of course, he knows the origins of the murderers. He knows more about the cause and effect of the incident. However, he can’t say, especially if he can’t tell a few of them here, even if these people are all themselves, he can’t say !

Because he is very clear, once he said the identity of the several murderers, then perhaps the brothers of Bao Bang will definitely listen to him, but the two policemen are not so good to say.

Because the identity of the murderer is too prominent!

"Is there a few people who have escaped?" Qiu San asked.

"not yet."

The two policemen shook their heads, one of them said: "We have already transferred the direction from the Qiu Group Building to them. All the intersections include surveillance videos of the entrances of the community and the mall. We also saw the commercial vehicle in the surveillance, but that The car has no license and the monitoring is not complete. It is not too easy to find it."

The middle-aged man who helped the gang: "I also sent all the brothers who can work, and they have already gone out to find it!"

Qiu Sandao: "What about the result?"


That middle-aged humanity: "There is no result yet, Sanye, I am not doing things..."

Qiu San suddenly angered: "I don't want to listen to the explanation, what I want is the result!"

The middle-aged mankind: "Sanye, although I didn't find those people, I found the people of the Ascendas Group. I know that they are living in a hotel. Two of them are in the hospital, Sanye. Otherwise, if I control people, I will not believe that few people will not show up!"

Even if there were two police officers present in the ward, he was unscrupulous to tie people, and then look at the two policemen, but there is no such thing as the slightest. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the words of this middle-aged man. Like.

However, Qiu San did not immediately agree, just bite his teeth: "Give me to continue to find! Must find people in the shortest time!"


Both police officers, including the two police officers, are respectful.

"and also!"

Qiu San added: "Remember, after you find someone, don't rush to do it. Even if there is a conflict, don't let it die... No, you don't have to do it anyway after you find someone, just monitor it. ,Did you hear that?"

A few people looked at each other and couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

The order of Sanye is so strange!

A few people feel a bit strange in their hearts. If it is in the past, who dares to offend the three masters, I am afraid that the three masters have already ordered people to interrupt their legs and throw them to the street to beg, and where to say what not to do, only responsible What about surveillance?

"Sanye, do you want to be hands-on?" the middle-aged man asked. "You can rest assured that I will catch people in front of Sanye's bed, let them swear in front of the three grandfather, and then torture them. they……"

"I don't understand what I said?!" Qiu San eyes a sigh, cold voice.


The middle-aged man was shocked, but his heart was somewhat wronged. He was bent on giving the three masters a sigh, how...

In fact, where does he know that Qiu San is still in the middle of the moment!

Qiu San was annoyed, angry, and hated the extreme, because for so many years, no one has dared to offend him like this, but he has a bit of jealousy in his heart, because the person who moved him is Ji Feng!

That is a no matter what the origin of the identity is no less than the big difference, even more than a small number of more than a few!

Even if Qiu San is bold, he will not easily decide to poison the hands of Ji Feng.

Can go to this step today, Qiu San is not a fool.

But if they don't find Ji Feng, he is very reluctant, and the fire in his heart is going to make him crazy. Therefore, Qiu San must find Ji Feng!

However, as for what to do after finding them, Qiu San has not yet thought about it, and he is still undecided in his mind.

"Remember, after I find someone, if I let you do it, let the brothers in the Gangs do it, and everyone else will avoid it, remember?" Qiu San said again.


Although a few people are very confused, it is strange to Qiu San’s order, but no one dares not to listen.

But they do not know, in fact, Qiu San himself is also the heart of the fire, knowing who the enemy is, but not dare to do it easily, this feeling he Qiu San really has never been, really too wrong!

"Okay, let's go!" Qiu Sanyue wants to get angry, can't help but say.

"Oh shit!"

After a few people left, Qiu San couldn’t help but scream: “It’s good to have a good family! Mother’s...”

"I don't want to be a big brother for many years..." Suddenly, a cell phone ringing sounded, and Qiu San’s cell phone rang.

Qiu San couldn't help but frown. The one he liked most was this song. He really didn't be a big brother, because now he is the godfather of the underworld, and he is black and white.

But now, Qiu San is suddenly disgusted with this song. What about being a godfather of the underworld? But still not being beaten like a dead dog? !

And know who the enemy is, but still dare not retaliate!

Qiu Sanyue wanted to get angry. He couldn't help but scream, using the hand wrapped in gauze, stuffed the earphones into his ears, and poked the keys on the headphones with the one-finger finger. phone.

"Who, if you have something to say!" Qiu Sandao.

"Qiu San, take the gun medicine? It's so hot!" There was a low voice on the phone.


Qiu San suddenly got a glimpse of his heart and said: "Large and small, I can't help, I just... I feel a little bad..."

The other party said: "I know, so I only call you! Qiu San, I heard about your business. Is it convenient for you to speak now?"

Qiu Sandao: "Convenient, I am in the ward, now I am here, the nurse is outside."

"Hey! Qiu San, I ask you, the person who hurts you today is Ji Feng, is it true?" asked the other party.

"Yes, big and small."

Qiu San bite his teeth: "The little beast... He claimed to be Jifeng from Jiangzhou."

The other side said: "What does he look like?"

"He is very tall, short hair, and doesn't look too strong..."

Qiu San described the appearance of Ji Feng, and said: "Beside him, there is a small beast, especially hot, not to be merciless to start... Yes, there is a woman to follow!"

After listening to the other party, said: "Well! This is right, it is indeed Ji Feng! The person who said that you are particularly hot, should be a good friend of Ji Feng, Zhang Lei, as for the woman, I am afraid it is Baizhu, she is Ji Feng's personal bodyguard!"

If people who are familiar with Jifeng hear this, I am afraid they will be deeply shocked. Because this big and small is really too familiar with Ji Feng, even the people around Ji Feng, he is actually so clear!

Qiu San heard that Da Shao confirmed that the little beast was really Ji Feng. He didn’t have a heart. He hurriedly asked: “Da Shao, Ji Feng came personally, this...”

"Are you afraid?!" the other asked. "I know that Ji Feng came personally. Are you afraid of Qiu Sanye?"

"I am not afraid, just... that season maple is not ordinary after all." Qiu San hesitated.

"How is the identity not normal?" The other party sneered, "Don't forget, here is the Northeast, not Jiangzhou! What's more, what you have to do is to shock the market of the Soaring Group, not the life of Jifeng, commercial. Things, even if his season maple is coming back, can you block others from doing business?"

Qiu San was silent and frankly said that he really had a little horror in his heart, or that he was afraid.

The other party seems to know what Qiu San is thinking, saying: "Qiu San, it seems that you are really scared, but if I tell you, someone can block Ji Feng, so that his identity is nothing, what do you think? ?"

When Qiu was suddenly stunned, he immediately asked: "Large, you mean... you are blocking Jifeng?!"

The other side said: "Yes! Qiu San, you don't understand the above things. You don't understand the things in our circle, but you only need to know that I will not benefit you if I hurt you. Are you not? Can you rest assured?"

Qiu San heard that there was no subconscious nod.

Indeed, he gives a lot of money to the big and the young every year. Moreover, his social circle is not small. I don’t know how many leaders have benefited him. If he falls, I am afraid that those leaders who are first restless are the leaders, not his Qiu. three!

Moreover, there are big and small to block Ji Feng, what else is he afraid of?

"Qiu San, you have to remember, here is the northeast!" The other side said, "What about Ji Feng? You Qiu San is so arrogant?"


Qiu San bit his teeth and said: "Large, I understand. I listen to you!"

The other side said: "This is right! Qiu San, rest assured, this time we will join hands and let Ji Feng plant a head in the northeast! Falling his nose and face swollen!"

Qiu Sanxin suddenly became hot!


At the same time, a young man hangs up in a villa complex on the outskirts of Harbin.


The young man couldn't help but sneer: "You actually came in person. It seems that my judgment is correct. This Northeast market is really worthy of your attention!"

He grinned: "Then I will break your entire Northeast market, including the channels of exporting Russia, I would like to see how worried you are!"

"The family is big and small?"

The young man sneered: "I am also a young family, but your old man has lived longer..."

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