The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2420: This is not over!

When I saw that Ji Feng was getting a bit gloomy when answering the phone, Yao Yueran was a little surprised. "Is there something wrong?"


The gloomy look on Ji Feng’s face disappeared, shaking his head and smiling, saying: “You go on to say, that surnamed Han, and what happened to Chen’s family!”

Yao Yueran looked at Ji Feng with a strange look. The gloomy face of Ji Feng’s face and the murder that he flashed in a flash was not fake. Yao Yueran clearly felt it. Therefore, Yao Yueran believes that something must have happened and angered Ji Feng.

However, since Ji Feng is not willing to say, then Yao Yueran will not continue to ask, she is not a gossip.

"Ji Feng, if there is anything you need to help, don't be polite with me!" Yao Yueran said, "Don't forget, when you were in Yanjing, you also asked me to drink coffee. If you say it, it is a sin of me. ......"

"There is really no problem." Ji Feng smiled. "If I need help, I will definitely say it. It would be polite to find a friend to help me."

"That's good."

Yao Yueran was very satisfied with Ji Feng’s answer and said, “So I will continue to talk about Han Yang?”

Ji Feng nodded.

Yao Yueran said: "Han Yang is also a Harbin city. His father is Chen Youdao and is the executive deputy governor of the Black Province."

"How come he is surnamed Han?" asked Ji Feng.

"He is following the mother's surname." Yao Yueran said, "When the **** was in the same year, the Chen family was also the target of the fight. Han Yang's mother took him and made a clear line with Chen."

"It turned out to be."

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said: "Do you know about Hanyang?"

Yao Yueran said: "He used to pursue me. Do you know if I understand?"

Ji Feng is a slight glimpse.

"However, I refused!" Yao Yueran said, "because I think that this person is too cloudy, not like a man, the most important thing is that he is involved in black!"

“Qiu San? Bao Bang?” Ji Feng blurted out.

"This is just one of the forces!" Yao Yueran said, "In the provinces of Liaoning and Kyrgyzstan, there are also underworld forces attached to Hanyang!"

"This is no wonder!" Ji Fengdao.

It is said that although Qiu San is a gangster, he is not likely to be so lawless in the black province. He even heard that he can be called a brother and sister with the leaders of the city. If there is no backing on the mountain, how can Qiu San do this step!

Any leader, I am afraid that I will not be willing to be a brother and a brother with a gangster. In this case, I am afraid that there is more to avoid Han Yang!

However, just a son of a deputy governor, dare to be so arrogant?

"Because the Chen family is still alive!" Yao Yueran said, "He is like your father, but also came from the war years, but in terms of level and prestige, there is absolutely no way to compare with your father." ”

"It turns out that the old man is working!" Ji Feng was relieved. It seems that this Chen family is also an old generation.

"There is still a message, but I don't know if it is true or not." Yao Yueran suddenly said, "I once inadvertently listened to my father when I was at home. Chen’s father is not really a hero, but his greatest credit is Saved a big man in Yanjing, so I was able to calm down..."

It’s no wonder that Ji Feng’s time is a little bit stunned.

Originally, he was still wondering why this Chen’s father was an old man who came over during the war years. Why didn’t he stay in Yanjing? Now, I’m afraid that this Chen’s father is not enough.

But since the level is not enough, but there is such a power, there is actually such a reason!

"What big man did he save?" asked Ji Feng.

"do not know."

Yao Yueran shook his head slightly and said: "I only heard that it was a big man in Yanjing. My father's name at the time was 'the old man'. I don't know who I am. I didn't want to know at the time!"

Ji Feng brows a wrinkle: "The old man?!"

Yao Yueran nodded and said: "I think, this is probably a super big man!"

"This is the capital of Han Yang's Zhang Zhang!" Ji Feng Shen Sheng.

"In our small place, there is such a capital that can be completely traversed." Yao Yueran said, "In these years, Han Yang’s desperate efforts to make money have become more and more arrogant, especially after he took the line of Yanjing. This is even more so."

“Yanjing’s line?” Ji Feng asked. “What do you mean?”

"You will know later!" Yao Yueran said, "Now I don't want to say, why not eat first?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "That's good, place you to choose, I will pay for it!"

For a girl like Yao Yueran, Ji Feng is not a bad question. She is not the same as other girls. She will not be afraid or jealous because of her identity. Moreover, Yao Yueran can say these now. It is already a lot of help.

At least, the original season maple is just a wild guess, thinking that Qiu San’s mastermind may be the surname Han, because he has a strong surname in the northeast, but he did not expect it to be confirmed here.

Ten of eight `9 is the ghost of the surname Han!

"What are you going to do next?" Yao Yueran asked when he was eating.

"Cold!" Ji Feng smiled.

"You'd better be careful!" Yao Yueran said, "Qiu San is particularly hot, and his hands are full of human life, I am afraid there is more than one."

"Can he still make me out?!" asked Ji Feng.

"You don't know these people who are gangsters, so you don't know how hot they are." Yao Yueran said: "You'd better be careful!"

Ji Feng’s eyes squinted a little, saying: “If Qiu San really has this courage, then I hope he can move quickly. Otherwise, even if he doesn’t come to me, I will go to him!”

Some things will never give up!

When Ji Feng left the Qiu Group, he was not threatening Qiu San.

This is not the end!

Qiu San and the mastermind who stood behind him, Ji Feng will not let go, no matter who, and regardless of the identity of the other party!

Wash your neck...wait!

Yao Yueran heard that there is no accident, what is the identity of Ji Feng, and what is Qiu San?

He also admitted that Qiu San, such a guy on the underworld, was so embarrassed in front of him?

If this time the Soaring Group is not Jifeng, then there may be some room for buffering. Maybe he can sit down and talk to him, but since Ji Feng personally came, can he still sit down with a black person to negotiate?

I am afraid that in the eyes of these top and young people in Jifeng, Qiu San, the gods of the northeast of the Megatron, the black-and-white godfather in black and white, is actually just a jumping clown.

In fact, in the eyes of Yao Yueran, Qiu San is also not influx.

"However, this person standing behind Qiu San..." Yao Yueran looked at Ji Feng and said: "What are you going to do?"

"Everyone is bullied on my head, and I have to say a little bit!" Ji Feng smiled slightly, but his heart was cold, "Chen Jia, Han Yang..."

"Missy, the phone of the master."

Just then, Yao Yueran’s bodyguard suddenly came over with a mobile phone.

Yao Yueran immediately took the call: "Dad... um, yes, he is here, just sitting across from me..."

After a while, Yao Yueran grabbed the mobile phone microphone and looked at Ji Feng. He said: "Ji Shao, my father wants to meet you, will you give this face? If you agree, my father will leave now... ”

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Thank you for watching Zun, but now I still have things in my body. When I finish this matter, I will definitely visit the order."

Yao Yueran conveyed the meaning of Ji Feng to her father. After a few more words, she hung up the phone.

Because there is still something to do, Ji Feng did not drink, and the speed of eating was much faster. Soon the meal was over.

Later, Ji Feng made a speech.

Yao Yueran just wanted to say something, her mobile phone rang again, when Yao Yueran saw the caller ID, the brow did not smash up.

She looked at Ji Feng and said, "Han Yang called!"

Ji Feng was slightly stunned and did not speak.

Yao Yueran turned on the phone and said: "Han Yang, I remember I told you that if there is no business, I hope you don't bother me!"

"……how do you know?!"

After a short time, Yao Yueran suddenly asked with vigilance: "Do you send someone to monitor me?!"

The phone didn't know what to say. Yao Yueran frowned and looked at Ji Feng. He said, "Let's wait, I ask him what he means."

Said, Yao Yueran whispered to Ji Fengdao: "Han Yang wants to talk to you."

Ji Feng did not rush to answer, but turned to the cigarette that had not been lit, and asked: "How does he know that I am here?"

Yao Yueran said: "Do you doubt me?"

Jifeng shook his head and said: "I am just a little curious, but I believe that my whereabouts are definitely not revealed by you! Because this is not your character!"

Yao Yueran did not sell him. His Ji Feng is not a fugitive. He is only a small man and is on someone else’s territory. Therefore, he is temporarily at a disadvantage, but even if he falls in the hands of Qiu San or the police, those people will not Dare to have his life!

So Yao Yueran has no advantage in selling him!

However, Ji Feng is somewhat curious. How can Han Yang’s news be so well-informed? When he came to see Yao Yueran in less than two hours, Han Yang already knew his whereabouts!

Yao Yueran said: "Because now the entire city of Harbin is looking for you! Bao Yibang almost all dispatched! Also, I received the news before you came, the police have also sent a lot of police force, also looking for you! ”

"This is the legendary vigilance of a family?!" Ji Feng smiled.

"The name of the police is to protect you!" Yao Yueran said, "And, the people who help the band don't say that they are looking for you, but they can only see it. Han Yang is still waiting for the call, you still see it. ?"

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