The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2443: Thunder Wan Hao (18)

"Mr. Ji!"

When Luo Lin’s secretary of the municipal party committee Luo Lin appeared on the scene, Ji Feng finally understood some, because during this period Qu Feng and he briefly introduced Luo Lin’s situation.

Luo Lin and Chen Youdao do not agree!

In other words, Luo Lin has been subject to Chen’s constraints in the province of Black.

Knowing this news, Ji Feng understands why Fang Wei personally led the team to catch the scam in the police force and protect foreign investors.

Luo Lin, this is in this way, against Chen Jia!

Ji Feng’s hand threw Liu’s political commissar to the side, reached out and shook hands with Luo Lin.

"Mr. Ji, you have been wronged. This is because our work is not done well, please forgive me!" Luo Lin said sincerely.

"The story of Luo Shu is heavy!" Ji Fengdao said, "No matter where you are, there are black sheep! Fortunately, Luo Shuji rushed in time, and finally it was shocking!"

Luo Lin smiled. Ji Feng said that he certainly understood what it meant. When he saw the blood on the chest of Ji Feng, he suddenly became stunned: "Mr. Ji, are you injured?"

Ji Fengdao: "A little bit hurt."

Luo Lin immediately said: "Come, come and send Mr. Ji to the hospital..."

Ji Fengdao: "I have been in the past. I have a car over there. I have a friend who has been seriously injured. It is more appropriate to go to a military hospital."

Luo Lin did not insist, nodded and said: "Hey! In the surgical field, the technology of the military hospital is relatively strong, and it is not too late, the party director, and quickly arrange for people to send Mr. Ji in the past."

Ji Feng did not resign, but turned and walked toward the commercial car.

At this time, Liu political commissar shouted: "Ross Secretary! How do you... this person is a murderer, how can you be so polite to him!"

Luo Lin’s face suddenly sank, and coldly said: “Liu political commissar, you are the leader of the military region, why should you bring people to help you?! How do you relate to the scum in those police teams?”

Liu Zhengzheng suddenly stunned: "What?"

"On this matter, the provincial party committee will definitely ask the military region for a statement!" Luo Lin finished, coldly screamed, turned and left.


Liu political commissar was paralyzed.

Although his level is not comparable to that of Luo Lin, he can occasionally encounter it before, Luo Lin will be gracious to him, how today... Liu political commissar feels that his brain is not enough.

Seeing the back of Luo Lin, Liu Zheng’s heart was particularly annoyed. Luo Lin was the secretary of the municipal party committee, and the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee was not fake. But in the future, there is no place in the work that needs to rely on the troops?

Qu Feng is a mocking smile, said: "Liu political commissar, have not figured out the situation? Do you know why Luo Shuji will be so polite to the season?"

Having said that, he suddenly lowered his voice and said: "Forgot to tell you that Ji Shao is a child of Yanjing Jijia. I heard that it is the son of Minister Ji Zhenhua!"

Liu Zhengzheng suddenly looked at it, and it seems that there was no reaction at the moment.

Qu Fengdao: "I don't know yet? Let's just say, General Ji Zhenping, the captain of the Red Arrow Brigade, is the younger brother of Ji Shao!"

Hum ~!

Qu Feng’s voice was not big, but it was like a thunder in the flat, and it exploded in the ear of Liu’s political commissar. His scalp was numb and his head slammed.

General Ji Zhenping!

Season home!

Liu political commissar was a stiff body and stayed there.

He is a soldier, and he looks forward to being in the army. So when he first heard the Jijia, he did not react at the same time. However, when Qu Feng said the Red Arrow Brigade, Liu’s political commissar immediately understood.

To say that there are some of the most mysterious and top-notch special forces in the country, the Red Arrow Brigade is absolutely the first to bear the brunt, and even the special war brigade that was later established cannot be compared with the Red Arrow Brigade!

The Red Arrow Brigade is really prestigious, and some of their achievements are also spread throughout the army, including the fifteen-day battle between the special forces of the three countries on the border, and eventually the other party will not be annihilated, such as the Red Arrow. The brigade straddles China and enters the 100,000 mountains in the southwest. It is closely related to the Vietnamese soldiers who have entered the country. It is said that the Red Arrow Brigade has only dispatched ten people, but it has killed more than 100 people!

This kind of record is really thunder!

Therefore, no one wants to join the Red Arrow Brigade, except for the regular army, especially the regular field army.

As the leader in the army, Liu political commissars naturally know more than other military personnel, and also know what the origin of the Red Arrow Brigade team leader Ji Zhenping.

But he never thought that Jifeng turned out to be a family of Jijia!

Moreover, it is the son of Ji Zhenping, the son of Minister Ji Zhenhua!

Liu Zhengzheng seems to have been exhausted all the strength, the whole person sitting on the ground, his eyes black.


Seeing the look of the political commissar of Liu, Qu Feng couldn't help but sneer, so that you were so arrogant, but fortunately Ji Feng was only injured, and there is not much problem, or else... oh!

The political commissar of Liu went to the extreme and sat down on the ground, facing the warriors he came to, and did not know what to do.

And his wolf, but no one noticed... no one will pay attention to him again!

"The hall, the director..."

A policeman swallowed hard.

Fang Wei frowned: "What's wrong? Why don't you deal with it?! These scums, the arrest, the hospital should be sent to the hospital..."

The policeman’s face still had an unspeakable horror: “No, don’t you have to catch it, you have to go to the hospital, or... mortuary!”

"What?!" Fang Wei stunned.

"Director, you still have to check it out!" The policeman said with a hard time: "... many people have died!"


Fang Wei suddenly felt a shock, and quickly went to see, but when he came to the scene to see, suddenly could not help but scalp numb.

I saw that the policemen who were knocked down to the ground were being carried on the bus. Among them, there were very few people who could make a painful sorrow. Others, there was no movement at all!

Fang Wei quickly stepped forward and touched the neck of a policeman, but suddenly found that the man had no pulse at all.


Fang Wei thought that the man was hurt, so the pulse was too weak. When he was just working hard, he suddenly felt that his hand was loose, and he saw that the man’s head was pulled directly.

His cervical spine is broken!

Fang Wei quickly turned to look at other people, and he was shocked to find that this situation is everywhere.

Look at the broken shield, the batons and electric batons that are scattered all over the place, and the bodies that have no movement...

"The hall, the director, I just asked, there are two guys who are slightly lighter, and all this is done by the young man alone! This is still the case when these riot police besieged him. Fight with bare hands!"

The policeman said that he still couldn’t help but scream a few times. He was shocked to the extreme. "And, I don’t think it will take long before or after!"

Fang Wei was shocked and exclaimed: "What?! One, one person doing it? Unarmed?!"

The policeman nodded.

Fang Wei suddenly yelled: "Nonsense! These scums are probably the ones who have been instructed to frame others! You are not short with me, do you believe in this ridiculous thing?!"

"Director, I didn't believe it at first, so I secretly asked a soldier..."

The policeman hesitated: "But it is true from their mouths that this is true! All this is done by the young man! You see, the shield is obviously broken by the students, you see that person There are footprints on his trousers, and his knees are kicked off by human feet!"

Speaking of this, the policeman's face showed amazement, although he has gradually accepted the information, but now he said, but there is still a shock that can not be erased.

This is simply unbelievable!

Fang Wei is even more difficult to believe that the subordinates said all of this, but he also climbed up from the grassroots level, and the experience of handling cases is naturally lacking, so when he kneels on the ground, carefully observe the traces around him, and those injured. The injury, traces on the body... He was shocked and came to a conclusion.

The ones just mentioned by the subordinates are all true!

All the signs on the scene indicate that the shield of the riot police was indeed smashed by the students, although they did not know whether they were beaten by fists, but the footprints of those people, their broken bones, and the cervical vertebrae. The fist marks on the broken neck are all explained, this is true!

At this moment, Fang Wei’s mind showed such a picture - before he came, a large number of police besieged Ji Feng, and under the wrath, Ji Feng fought back, but all the policemen who fought were defeated!


Fang Wei suddenly stood up and glanced at the back of Ji Feng, but he clearly remembered that Ji Feng was shot wounded!

in case……

Ji Feng still caused such a huge damage after being injured. It turned out that dozens of riot police officers have made such a look. This is really... incredible!

Do not!

Not like this, this is simply a massacre!

Moreover, it is a unilateral slaughter!

Rao is Fang Wei’s case for many years. No matter what the wicked criminals have touched him, even some horrible crime scenes, or some incredible crime scenes, he has all involved, but at this moment, he still has a kind of The chill in the bones is spreading rapidly!

"This person..."

Fang Wei opened his mouth, but could not find any suitable words to express his passionate mood at the moment. In the end, he could only wave his hand and said: "First deal with the scene according to the procedure, and the rest will be said later."

The next nodded: "Yes!"

Fang Wei took a deep breath and looked at the back of Ji Feng. His eyes became a bit weird, but at this moment, he saw Ji Feng suddenly stopped.

Then, I saw Ji Feng suddenly turned around.


A gunshot.

Fang Wei was shocked, but he did not wait for him to respond, but he saw that Ji Feng had already rolled on the spot. He did not know where to pick up a shield and stood in front of him, and there was a sparking star on it.

Immediately, Ji Feng suddenly leaped high, and the shield in his hand was smashed out in one direction, as if it were a meteor!

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