The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2456: detention

"Hey, your kid is really hidden!"

In Harbin City, a small nurse is changing the medicine for Ji Feng. Ji Feng is naked on the upper body. The muscles on the body are one by one, which is particularly conspicuous. The little nurse responsible for dressing change can't help but look red. Magnificence is even more amazing.

He Hongwei said: "Don't say it, you don't seem to be so strong when you look at it. I didn't expect the clothes to be muscles underneath."

Laughing to Yongzheng: "The speed of recovery of this kid is also very scary. It’s only a few days, it’s going to be disconnected. It’s really... this shot is just like playing.”

Ji Feng listened straight to his eyes, and said with no anger: "Play? Nothing, how many shots do you take to try?!"

Haha laughed at Yongha: "Is it okay to go to the sin?"

Ji Feng couldn't help but scream, this guy is standing and talking and not hurting, but to a few people who can come to war, it is to make Ji Feng feel very good.

Right now is the time between him and Chen Jiawu's family. When he comes to the Yong war at this time, whether it is on his own behalf or on behalf of the whole home, Ji Feng secretly nods.

In fact, even if it is a representative of himself, if he does not nod his family's elders, he will not be allowed to come over. This has already explained the problem.

As for He Hongwei, let alone be said.

It was the arrival of the eldest brother Ji Shaodong, which made Ji Feng somewhat surprised.

However, since everyone has come, Ji Feng will not think so much, just say hello to Fang Wei, let them be allowed to come in and visit.

In fact, even if Ji Feng does not say, Fang Wei will not block, although this is not in line with the rules, but this surveillance residence is actually just to prevent suspects from fleeing or confessing with people, you can look at the identity of these people, they Is it necessary to use a string?

As for the flight, it is even more outrageous. Does Ji Feng need to flee?

Therefore, Fang Wei readily nodded and promised. This kind of fluentness does not do nothing. If you can reverse this because of the sudden surveillance of the residence so that Ji Feng has caused him a bad feeling, Fang Wei really can't ask for it. .

"Miss nurse, my brother's injury is no big deal?" Ji Shaodong is more concerned about Ji Feng's injury.

"It's already getting better."

The nurse said: "The wounds healed very well. It is estimated that you will be able to remove the thread tomorrow, and then you only need to nurse well."

Ji Shaolei smiled and said: "Thank you for the nurse, please ask for dinner."

The nurse turned red and quickly went out.

Ji Shaolei smiled and said: "That's so, say shouting..."

His words have not been finished, and suddenly he saw his eyes open to the eternal battle: "Speaking shunly? So you said that your kid often said?"

Ji Shaolei stunned, and immediately he felt a pain in his waist, and suddenly he took a breath: "Hey--"

However, he was stunned by Yu Yu.

The people in the room are laughing.

Ji Feng put on his clothes, Ji Shaodong said: "Three children, this time you may have to suffer some grievances, and the final result is still not known. If you really want to be sentenced... you must be mentally prepared."

Wrinkle to Yong Bing: "Is it really necessary to sentence?"

He Hongwei also looked at Ji Shaodong. This is said from the words of Ji Shaodong. I am afraid that it is the meaning of the parents of the season.

Ji Feng was very calm and said: "Nothing. My dad has already called me before, and I also communicated with him. Big Brother, you can rest assured, I have a lot of thoughts."

Ji Shaodong nodded slightly and said: "You don't want to be a good boy. When things are not over, there is definitely room for manoeuvre."

He knows that Ji Feng seems to have any way to finally guarantee that he is not in jail, but this thing has been doomed from the beginning, and the Wu family will certainly not watch the Ji Feng push off all guilt.

Therefore, the only way to get rid of Ji Feng is to take the sword away.

However, if this kind of thing is not done, it may lift a rock and lick its own feet, so Ji Shaodong advised him not to be impatient and wait patiently.

"I understand." Ji Feng nodded.

"In addition, I have already arranged the arrangement, if it is not..." Ji Shaodong did not say it, just a little bit.

Although everyone knows it well, no matter what, there are now He Hongwei and the presence of Yong Yong, some words can not be said too bright.

Ji Shaolei snorted and said: "I heard that the old man of Chen's family personally went to Yanjing."

Ji Shaodong nodded and said: "Well, I went to Xishan."

He Hongwei said: "It seems that this is to go to the Wu family to ask for help, but I don't know, the Wu family wants to judge Ji Feng, but Chen Jia is to protect Han Yang, how will this contradiction between the two sides be resolved? ""

Ji Shaolei said: "I will definitely sacrifice one. I guess, it is almost impossible to let the three of them be arrogant, so it is likely to sacrifice Hanyang in the end..."

A few people nodded slightly, and they all knew what the Wu family's style of action was. This matter has a ten-eighth nine-nine development according to Ji Shaolei.


Just then, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Then, I saw Fang Wei walked in with a few policemen. Fang Wei’s face was a bit of a sly color, which seemed to be a bit embarrassing.

Ji Shaodong said: "The party director? I don't know if the party director came here at this time, it is for..."

"Ji Feng."

Fang Wei went straight to Ji Feng and said: "According to the evidence currently in the investigation team and the final discussion and judgment, I decided to detain you!"

Ji Shaolei said: "What?! Party Director, you mean, you are going to officially go to the legal process for my brother?"

Fang Wei nodded and said: "Yes."

Ji Shaolei’s face suddenly sank, and his eyes were about to speak, but it was stopped by Ji Shaodong.

Ji Shaodong asked: "Is the party director, is it going to sue?"

Fang Wei shook his head and said: "No, just preparing to enter the legal process, the evidence collection will take some time... Mr. Ji, sorry, please cooperate, this is the notice..."

"Fang Director!"

He Hongwei frowned: "Can't you delay for a few days?"

Fang Wei shook his head and said: "How can this delay? I am sorry..."

Suddenly speaking to Yongzhan: "It’s okay to be a long-term director. It’s okay to delay. However, it should be okay for a ten-minute period. Should it be okay?"

“Accepted?” He Hongwei also said.


Fang Wei hesitated and nodded. "That's good, fifteen minutes."

To Yong Yongdao: "Thank you."

From the beginning to the end of the season, Shaodong did not say anything more, just nodded, it was the other side of the road thank you. Fang Wei smiled and waved his hand, turned and walked out with his men. If he could, he would not like to come. This is too sinful, and the offender is not an ordinary person.

Look at the people in this ward, if you are hated by these people, hey, the future will be cool!

"Brother, it seems that the Wu family is working hard!" After Fang Wei left, he said directly to Yongzhan: "Now you have to hesitate, how about, consider my previous proposal?"

"What proposal?" asked Ji Shaolei.

Ji Feng shook his head slightly and said: "Not needed for the time being, old-fashioned, if I promise you, then you can get involved, there is no need to be tired of you."

Wrinkled with the brow of Yongyong, said: "Ji Feng, I remember that you were not such a mother-in-law. How can you be so ruthless now? If I am afraid of being in a permanent battle, I will not come!"

Ji Feng still shook his head and said: "Old, your kindness, I have received it, but it is really not necessary, and your approach is not a solution once and for all, or I will handle it myself."

"You deal with a fart!"

To Yong Yong said: "Now you have to be detained. If you officially enter the judicial process, your kid will soon leave the case, you do not understand?!"

Seeing that Ji Feng was still unmoved, he couldn’t help but turn to Ji Shaodong: "I haven’t talked to this kid... Shaodong, you listen to my proposal, I plan to let Ji Feng join the special battle. The brigade, giving him the status of an active serviceman, and also a special soldier, so that the local police system and the court have no right to run him, and must be handed over to the military, and the room for maneuvering is large!"

“Join the army?” Ji Shaodong frowned slightly and asked, “Three children, what do you think?”

"This method is OK!" Ji Shaolei said.

"No need to!"

Ji Feng was firmly shaking his head and said: "Old, your mind I understand, but really don't, I have a solution!"

Spread the hand to Yongji: "I see your kid is also a rib, the way I have already given you, as long as you nod, the rest of the things I will do for you, before you are actually approved by the procuratorate, you have the choice chance."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I won't wait until that time."

"You can blow it!" Shake his head to Yongzheng.

"Three children, are you sure not to think about it?" Ji Shaolei is a little anxious. In fact, he did not think about it. It was to let Jifeng join the Red Arrow Brigade, but the uncle couldn’t pass it, let alone the uncle. And the old man there, they certainly will not agree with this tricky means.

But now that I have come forward to the Yongzheng, it is really simple to operate this thing with the energy of the home. Ji Feng still does not agree?

Ji Feng is laughing: "Do not worry, nothing."

Helpless, a few people had no choice but to persuade Fang Wei to come in. Considering Ji Feng’s injury, he did not wear him a handcuff.

Ji Feng was detained!

The news was quickly passed out, and many people could not help but be surprised.

Is this a strong counterattack of the Wu family? !

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