The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2466: Stormy

The new chrome alloy from the hands of Han Yang Ji Jifeng began, and the big wave caused by it finally ended with the announcement of the highest level.

In this big game around Jifeng, Ji Jia won a big victory!

The Wu family was hit hard!

As for Chen Jia...

When this notice was issued, Chen’s father was very angry and insulted. He even spurted out a blood test. He was sent to Yanjing Hospital on the same day. However, after emergency rescue, he has no self-care ability. The whole person has been abolished. At his present age, I am afraid that I have not lived for a few years!

However, Chen Youdao was controlled after the highest level investigation team arrived in the northeast. The evidence in Ji Feng’s hands was enough to make the Chen family’s officials almost uprooted. So many of them were taken down, Chen Youdao even There is no problem with the body, and it will never be spared.

What's more, when many officials saw that Chen's family had already fallen, and he still didn't understand the truth of Mingzhe's protection, he sought to sin and sin, and Chen Youdao's crimes were almost added to the point that he was crushed to death!

Waiting for him, or heavy punishment, or ... is the death penalty is not impossible!

Chen family, completely down!

A big game is finally over, but the storms and effects caused by this big game are far from over.

Especially in the northeast, the forces that have long been entrenched and entangled have suddenly fallen, and the influence brought about by the Northeast is even more intriguing than the martial arts.

The vibration of the Wu family, the vibration of the northeast, and even the places visited by the investigation teams sent by the quarters are also shaking!

After this battle, the influence of the Wu family was sharply reduced, the reputation was greatly damaged, and its own strength was a heavy loss. Originally in some provinces with strong influence of the Wu family, a large number of officials of the Wu family were taken down enough to make the Wu family angry.

Intentional analysis, if the Wu family wants to return to the previous strong, I am afraid that no five or six years is impossible!

After five or six years, will Jijia give Wushu such an opportunity?


This turmoil is to make Ji Feng's prestige almost reached the apex. Throughout the whole process of the game between the two sides, Ji's means of playing can be said to be quite beautiful, especially sending out the investigation team to attack the martial arts on all sides, but also let many people Sudden in my heart.

Although this method is beautiful, if you don't have enough foundation and strength to support it, you can't play it.

At least, it is not the general leadership that can be decided by a few high-level investigation teams. This is enough to reflect the strength of the quarter!

As for the last season of Feng Feng's move, it has caused a lot of people's curiosity. How did Jijia reach an agreement with the military, so that he could let the liberation personally come to Baoji Feng?

Even at the end, even the Central Office and the National Defense Building jointly issued a notice. How did Jijia do it?

Ji Zhenping was equally puzzled, so when he came to the Northeast, he directly found Ji Feng to ask about the situation. At this time, he had already returned to Yanjing to Jiefang, and Ji Feng had already come out of the military camp.

"Laser gun?!"

When I learned about the situation from the eternal battle, I almost jumped up in shock: "Kid, can you really make a laser gun?"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "If you have a suitable energy source, you can always do it!"

Ji Zhenping was amazed. Regarding the laser gun, he was more in-depth than the one who learned from the liberation. This thing is that even the experts of the military have no clue. Can Ji Feng actually make it?

Just this source of energy...

“Give me a year to find the source of energy!” Ji Fengdao, “If I can't get a qualified laser gun within a year, I will go to the military court!”

"Your kid is really... it’s just a mess!" Ji Zhenping didn’t know what to say. "Is the military order so casual?"

"There is no way, seeing that I am going to be arrested. Although I know that I am doing something wrong, my heart is not like jail!" Ji Feng spread his hand. "So, I have to find the chief, so I can avoid it."

"You are too anxious!" Ji Zhenping shook his head. "Do you think that this is safe? Do you know that if you don't receive a call from home, your father is ready to use his hand, you think he Really, you will see you in prison?"

Ji Fengyi said: "The back hand? What is my dad's hand?"

Ji Zhenping said: "I don't know about this, I am afraid that only he knows it!"

Ji Feng was nodded thoughtfully. It seems that the arrangement at home is really quite a lot, but I am a little worried.

"Kid, although you are free now, it does not mean that the trouble is completely solved!" Ji Zhenping said, "I also received news when I came here. There are some remarks in the society that are bad for you, those The people who were killed by you, their family members are also a little emotional, although now that Luo has already arranged for people to appease them, it is a curse after all!"

Ji Feng is somewhat silent, and he is not surprised.

No matter who changed to see who his loved ones were killed, the murderer eventually did not receive any punishment and would not understand.

Even if the policemen are bad again, they will be defeated, but in the eyes of their loved ones, they may all be good husbands and good sons.

This bane is definitely buried!

Ji Feng sighed in his heart and said: "This is also a no-brainer. I have different positions from them. It determines that the way we think about the problem and the angle will be different. They definitely want to judge me, even It is best to sentence the death penalty so that they can solve their hatred, but I..."

Ji Feng smiled helplessly and said: "I can't do it. Even though... I know I am wrong."

"Light knows the mistake can be useless!" Ji Zhenping snorted and said: "You can change it!"


Ji Feng Zhang Zhang mouth wants to say something, but in the end he did not say anything. In fact, he would like to say that if he encounters such a thing again next time, he will still resist the end, and he will never be embarrassed.

If he is caught, no one knows if someone will take the opportunity to poison the hands, or whether Han Yang and Chen will do anything to him under the wrath, and no one can say anything wrong.

If there is no such thing in the world, Ji Feng will never give them this opportunity, so it is useless to say anything now.

"How is this thing handled?" asked Ji Feng.

"I heard that your case has been combined with the case of Chen Youdao and others. The illegal income of Chen's family will be fined and used to compensate the families of the dead policemen." Ji Zhenping said, "Although I am your little one." Uncle, but objectively speaking, this thing is wrong with you and Chen. The Chen family is using the police to make a gun, but you are too cold and ruthless!"

Ji Feng suddenly asked: "Uncle, if you say that you are in a situation like me, what would you do then?"

Ji Zhenping did not hesitate: "I will be like you!"

Ji Feng suddenly did not speak, and his mouth showed a smile. His choice was right, his position was different, and he could not help himself, so he could only do that!

In fact, Ji Feng still has no words to say - fortunately, Zhang Lei did not die. If Zhang Lei was killed at that time, even if he was the one who killed the presence, he did not hesitate. At that time, already No time to think about right and wrong!

If you look at your brother's death in front of you, but still indifferent, Ji Feng will not forgive himself!

After the arrival of Ji Zhenping, everything did not need Ji Feng to ask again, so he first went to visit Bai Zhu and Zhang Lei. After determining that there was no problem for both of them, Ji Feng went to the Yao family. Visit Yao Jinlong.

At this time, Yang Haoran was already full of shocks, but according to Ji Feng’s instructions, he followed Zhao Kai to the Yao family.

As for Ji Feng, he was very low-key and temporarily stayed in the military district guest house. Although it was impossible to say that it was a passionate part of the time, at least the families of the deceased would definitely not have any affection for him. In order to prevent the people from taking it. After talking about things, Ji Feng and other things in the Northeast have been treated with a trace of regret and embarrassment, leaving the Northeast.

At this point, the Chen family in the northeast has completely declined, and the Wu family has returned from the feathers. The losses have been heavy, and the forces of the family have officially extended to the northeast.

Ji Zhenping left the Northeast before Ji Feng. He was a soldier. He did not participate in political affairs. Some people in the faction naturally stood up to deal with this matter. Therefore, before Ji Feng left, he sent Ji Zhenping back to Yanjing.

However, after Ji Feng sent Ji Zhenping to leave, when he was about to leave the airport, he was very surprised to see an old acquaintance...

"Wu Zhiyong?"

Ji Shaolei frowned, "Three children, is that Wu Zhiyong?"

Ji Feng suddenly followed the eyes of Ji Shaolei, and I saw that a young man with a suit and a suit was striding toward the terminal, but was Wu Zhiyong?

The matter was behind Wu Zhiyong, followed by two bodyguards, Ji Shaolei could not help but sneer: "This bastard, I am afraid that it is a bad thing to do more, for fear that others will harm him, always bring two bodyguards! Three children, Didn't you ask anything from the mouth of the killer?"

Jifeng shook his head and said: "No."

Thinking of the killer who had been smashing him in the crowd, Ji Feng couldn't help but shake his head. He thought he could ask something from the mouth of the killer, but beyond his surprise, the killer actually had nothing. I don't know, it's just a professional killer, saying that it was a temporary attack on a policeman, and his police uniform was hidden in the crowd...

This makes Ji Feng feel very sorry. Since he came to the Northeast, he has wanted to put him to death several times, but now he still doesn't know who did it.

"I will meet him!" Suddenly, Ji Shaolei fangs and strode over.

"Second brother!" Ji Feng grabbed him, but he already shouted out: "Wu Da Shao, so eager to go back, burning his ass?"

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