The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2480: Unexpected discovery (middle)


Ji Feng shook his head and said: "The darkness here does not affect my sight, but you can't. I just go to see the situation and come back soon."

Baizhu still wants to say something, Ji Feng said: "You stay in the dark, you can also adapt to it, if there is anything, you are my ambush!"

Bai Zhu suddenly did not speak.

Of course, she knows how much difference should be made in response to no one in action, and it is still in such a dark jungle!

So Ji Feng said so, she can only nod.

However, Baizhu still has some doubts, whispered: "The season is small, in this deep forest, and it is still a big night, how can anyone be infested?"

Ji Fengdao: "So this is suspicious!"

Baizhu whispered: "Is it going to the captain?"

From the time I received the news to Yongzheng, I took people to hunt down the murderers. Until now, they have not received a half-point message to the eternal war. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to throw two of them into this mountain. No matter what the old forest did not ask, Baizhu only doubted that Ji Feng said that he saw a bright light, would it be to return to the war with people?

Ji Feng is shaking his head: "I don't think so!"

Although it is among the deep forests, it has little effect on Ji Feng.

Ji Feng clearly remembers that he is completely different from the two, and they have been away for so long, even if they have completed the mission forever or failed to complete the task, they have come back here. The possibilities are small and small, and it can be said that there is almost no.

Therefore, Ji Feng was very alert and said: "White beads, don't say so much now, no matter who the other person is, I will see it in the past. You will immediately go to the tree, remember, hide yourself, don't let People found it!"

Baizhu nodded immediately and said, "Yes!"

Then, Ji Feng took a small hand to shoot Bai Zhu, turned and hurried, disappeared into the dark jungle, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

Since Ji Feng has made a decision, then Baizhu will not be discounted, so she quickly followed up when Ji Feng just left.

Ji Feng has been running a long distance.

Ji Feng has been staring tightly at the front, especially since he saw the direction of the light, but what surprised him was that he ran for ten minutes, and there was still no movement in front. As for seeing before. The light that came to it has never been seen again.

“Is it really an illusion?” Ji Feng couldn’t help but frown, and the speed slowed down. He tried to force the bioelectric current on his eyes and began to scan around, but found nothing unusual.

Ji Feng couldn't help but shake his head. It was surrounded by big trees. His eyes would be blocked. He couldn't see how far, but he firmly believed that what he had seen before should not be an illusion, that is a bright light!


Suddenly, Ji Feng’s eyes suddenly slammed and suddenly turned his head.

Another flash of light!

Moreover, this time the light is so obvious, it is like someone swept a flash in the jungle with a flashlight.


Ji Feng whispered, and he no longer had the slightest hesitation, and went straight in the direction that the light flashed.

While running, he did not forget to turn his head and look at the white beads behind him. Seeing that she did not lose it, I was relieved. Just now, in order to track the light, although he did not run all the time, the speed was quite Fast, Baizhu will not be affected by the flashlight in this dark jungle, and the speed is naturally not as fast as him.

Now that Baizhu can keep up, it is obviously very hard work!

Finally, Ji Feng slowly stopped. He leaned behind a big tree and looked sideways. It can be seen that in the jungle ahead, there is a shadow of light, where people seem to be moving, just It’s too far away to see what they are doing!

But this has made Ji Feng very excited!

No matter what these people are doing, at least Ji Feng found them. The light that I saw before was not an illusion. There are people in this jungle!

Ji Feng Chong Baizhu made a gesture, then took out his mobile phone and flashed twice.

Baizhu immediately noticed, and she stopped at a distance not far from Jifeng. Then she chose a big tree with a suitable position and height. Several of them jumped straight up and caught a branch. One body turned over and turned over the tree directly!

The smaller white beads, in this dark night, are like a dexterous jungle elf, disappearing into the dense canopy in the blink of an eye, quietly!

I believe that even if someone comes to this big tree at this time, I am absolutely unaware that there is a person hiding on the top of his head, and it may also be a female comet with a beautiful appearance but with a killing machine!

Seeing that the white beads are hidden, Ji Feng puts it down, then he puts everything on the phone, and then pulls out the pistol from behind the waist, slowly approaching the bright spot!

Ji Feng is very vigilant!

Because he can be sure that there is a bright flash in the jungle, not a person. Although the distance is still far away, it is not clear, but from that shadow, you can know that there should be several or even more people. in.

That season maple can be confirmed, the other party should not be fighting forever!

If they are fighting for them, once they camp in the jungle and they are so big, it shows that they have already completed their tasks.

- Otherwise, which special forces will expose themselves so unscrupulously before they complete the mission, and still in the case where the enemy is also in the jungle?

This is not brave, this is stupid!

Naturally, it is impossible to make such stupid mistakes, so Ji Feng is sure that the people in front are definitely not fighting for Yongwu and his special warfare.

Not to fight forever, who will it be?

Who will come to the virgin forest of the 100,000 mountains in the middle of the night, and still not sleeping in the middle of the night, still lighting the lights, do not know what is busy...

It doesn't look like a good person!

Ji Feng’s eyes groaned, and the whole person was alert, slowly approaching the place where the light from the front came!

As Ji Feng slowly approached, the scene of the light made him roughly see some of it, but when he saw it clearly, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Ji Feng found that there were more than a dozen people in the light of the front, and I didn't know what was busy.

What really surprised Ji Feng was that the dozens of people were wearing camouflage uniforms and they seemed to be soldiers. Moreover, they still had weapons in their hands. Several of them had rifles in their hands, just Because the distance is still a little far away, Ji Feng can't see if it is a submachine gun or a rifle!

However, from the approximate length, it should be a rifle!

Ji Feng suddenly remembered the dozens of innocent villagers who were killed, most of them were killed by bullets, and according to the analysis, it seems to be an automatic weapon...

Ji Feng's eyes couldn't help but squat, carefully approaching some, and wandering from behind a tree. This time, the front scene suddenly fell into his eyes!

"this is……"

He suddenly discovered that this is not a small venue. At least four or five lights are hung on the surrounding trees. The lights are very bright. Some people are flashing their flashlights. They look around from time to time and look very alert and careful!

The curiosity in Ji Feng’s heart is even stronger. What are these people doing absolutely? !

In this quiet, uninhabited virgin forest, they are so vigilant, which is obviously enough to explain some of the problems... The more they are vigilant, the more they say that these people are definitely not doing good things, they are guilty, doing Unbelievable things!

But what are they doing?

Ji Feng continued to look at his eyes and found that at the end of those people, there were several tents, and it was not a general tent. It seemed to be a marching tent, which further confirmed the speculation of these people as soldiers. !

"Is these people the soldiers of China?" Ji Feng looked at the camouflage clothes on them, and felt that they were not quite like them, and that the behavior of these people was not like the Chinese people, but it was a bit sneaky.

"Is it..."

In the eyes of Ji Feng, there is a fine flash: "These are the little devils in the country? Are they killing the innocent villagers?!"

Ji Feng wants to get closer and see.

Now that he is in the dark, the other person is in the clear, and he can observe it calmly as long as he must test the other's sentinel.

However, at this time, Ji Feng suddenly heard a voice coming from the front: "@#¥%¥%......"

Ji Fengyi said: "Which national language is this?"

But the next moment, I saw the light in front of it suddenly smashed... all destroyed, and the front suddenly fell into a darkness!

Ji Feng's reaction speed is almost at the extreme, just in the moment when he sees the front lights off, he rolls on the ground and hides behind a big tree!

People are in the dark, vision is actually much better than when there is light.

He has already relied very close, and if the other party found him, it would be a little troublesome.

Moreover, he did not dare to confirm that the other party suddenly extinguished the light. Is it because he noticed his approaching, because he did not understand what the other party said?

However, even if the other party extinguished the light, there is no slight influence on Ji Feng. After he mobilized the bio-current, it is convenient for nothing!

"One, two... five!"

Ji Feng finally saw it clearly. The other party had a total of five tents. He also understood this. The reason why those people turned off the lights was because they had to rest!


Ji Feng did not have the slightest intention, still hiding behind the big tree, waiting until the other party all entered the tent, leaving only four people to be outside the police, he slowly retreated...

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