The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3009: Monopod!

"Wu Zhiyong, you haven't run yet!"

"Ji Feng! you!?"

When I heard the sound coming from the phone, Wu Zhiyong couldn’t help but jump a few times between the eyelids, and his face suddenly subsided. "Ji Feng, you..."


Wu Zhiyong’s words have not been finished yet, and then he heard a sound coming from the phone, and then it was a busy tone. An angry moment rose from Wu Zhiyong’s heart and then went straight to the head.

Ji Feng did not wait for him to talk, he hung up the phone directly!

It’s too deceiving!

Wu Zhiyong endured and endured this pressure to throw the phone away, but his face has become iron and blue, his eyes raging and biting his teeth, the words seem to be coming out of the teeth. .

"Ji Feng! You are deceiving too much!"

At this moment, Wu Zhiyong really hated it. Ji Feng called him for no reason, just to play with him. This simply regarded him as a three-year-old child to play!

Wu Zhiyong’s heart is full of anger, and I can’t wait to have a life and death contest with Ji Feng!

However, when he took a few deep breaths and calmed down a little, he suddenly thought of a problem - just now, it seems to be the phone call from the front desk of the hotel?

Wu Zhiyong and the subconscious surprise, how can there be the sound of Jifeng in the phone at the front desk of the hotel? Doesn't this mean...

Ji Feng personally came over? !

Wu Zhiyong immediately responded. Since the front desk of this hotel has the sound of Jifeng, it means that Jifeng must be in the first floor lobby of the hotel. That is to say, Jifeng has already arrived at the house where he lives. The hotel is here.


Just to find him!

Otherwise, if Jifeng only has something else and accidentally comes to this hotel, then if he knows that he lives in this hotel, he will definitely pretend not to know, so he will pass, and will not specialize Call over.

You must know that with the relationship between the two of them, there is absolutely no need for superficial guise. In fact, since the death of Wu Zhihe, the two of them are already dead!

Ji Feng is here!

When this speculation... Strictly speaking, it should be the conclusion. When this conclusion flashed in Wu Zhiyong’s heart, his heart could not help but subconsciously smoked.

Wu Zhiyong's face suddenly became iron blue, and then slowly rose red... He found that in his heart, it seems that some of the faint is afraid to see Ji Feng!


Wu Zhiyong snorted, didn't know whether he was trying to cheer himself up, or he was dismissive of the idea he had just made. He didn't think about it anymore, but put the phone away, then opened the chair and gave it to himself. Pour a cup of tea and sit at the window and close your eyes.

Perhaps, even Wu Zhiyong himself did not realize that, in fact, his faction has already had the meaning of being an enemy!

In the past ten minutes and a second, Wu Zhiyong slowly picked up the teacup on the table and was preparing to drink tea. He suddenly heard the knock on the door: "Hey!"

Wu Zhiyong said with no expression, slowly put down the teacup and asked: "Who is this?"

There was a man’s voice outside: "Wu Zhiyong, open the door to welcome guests!"


Wu Zhiyong’s face was gloomy and scary. He heard it. This is the voice of Zhang Lei’s friend Zhang Lei, and the kid of Yanjing’s children’s family. He couldn’t help but kill the machine. It’s really a tiger’s bullying. What a cat and a dog dare to jump in front of him!

Although he heard the sound outside, Wu Zhiyong did not get up and did not plan to open the door. Instead, he took the tea cup and slowly drank the tea, and did not speak.

Wu Zhiyong has his pride and conceit. Since Ji Feng has no openings, he naturally will not speak again. As for Zhang Lei, Wu Zhiyong really did not put him too seriously. The identity and status of the two sides are very different. They are completely incomparable.

If it is placed before, if a person like Zhang Lei dares to talk to him like this, he will definitely not be so good, but now, Wu Zhiyong chose to ignore it.

Wu Zhiyong does not speak, but the three people who can stand outside are not waiting to be so stupid, Ji Feng said: "Lei Zi, people do not intend to open the door for us to go in, what should I do?"

Zhang Lei grinned and said: "It's easy!"


The next moment, Zhang Lei's heavy foot squatted on the door, this heavy foot, actually opened the door in an instant. Zhang Lei sneered and slammed the door and went inside.

Yang Bin followed closely to Ji Feng and went in with it.

As soon as the three came in, they saw the cold face of Wu Zhiyong and the anger that flashed in his eyes.

"Wu Zhiyong, did you hear that you are welcome to open the door to welcome you, and your ears are smashed?!" Zhang Lei said unfortunately, he did not have the slightest fear for Wu Zhiyong's cold look.

"You are looking for death!" Wu Zhiyong stared at Zhang Lei coldly and said.

Zhang Lei was laughing and said: "I have never done this stupid thing, but I am also a person who has climbed several times from the ghost gate. It is not afraid of death! But you are Wu Zhiyong, you don’t know if you like to die. !"

This is Zhang Lei, even if he knows that the opposite side is standing in the longhouse of Wujia, one of Yanjing’s top giants. If you talk about energy and wrists, they can easily play with him on Wu Zhiyong, but Zhang Lei However, he is not afraid of it, as long as he is identified as an enemy or an enemy, even if his opponent is ten thousand times stronger than him, he is not afraid!

Because, he never thought that he was afraid to solve the problem, fear, would the enemy be merciful to you? joke!

"Ji Feng, when did you learn to mix with the gangsters on the street, you have to rob the room?!" Wu Zhiyong asked coldly.

"If we are rogue, then what are you?" Zhang Lei sneered, "under the calculation of others, what do you think is a good thing?!"

Wu Zhiyong's face sinks: "Zhang Lei, do you want to play?"

Zhang Lei sneered: "How about playing with you? What tricks do you have? I am all with you!"

"I have a line!"

Ji Feng patted Zhang Lei's shoulder. "We are here to make an account, not a slap!"

He looked at Wu Zhiyong and said: "Wu Zhiyong, I am not looking for anything else today, just have a bill to calculate with you!"

"Account with me?"

Wu Zhiyong sneered aloud: "Ji Feng, is the Soaring Group going to close down, are you crazy? I don't know what accounts I have to count with you!"

Ji Feng said: "I want to settle with you!"

Wu Zhiyong sneered: "Oh! Then you are talking about what you want to count with me?!"

Ji Feng said: "On a few hours ago, a muck had to hit my car and directly smashed my car. I grabbed the driver of the muck and interrogated him. He said that you were instigating. ”

Wu Zhiyong suddenly heard his face sinking and frowned. "Do you believe what he said?"

"If there is a party, I have no reason not to believe it!" said Ji Feng.

"That said, even if I deny that you will still think that it is the person I sent, right?" Wu Zhiyong saw the situation of Jifeng and knew that today's things must not be good.

As an old rival, he actually knows Ji Feng more than everyone else. He knows that Ji Feng sometimes looks impulsive and likes to rush on the front line, but he is actually a very stable person. Very planned, and considered quite well.

Well, since today, Ji Feng has come here, naturally it will not be so lightly removed!

Ji Feng said: "I want to know, what do you think about this?"

Wu Zhiyong smiled and said: "I feel very sorry!"

"Sorry for your uncle!"

When Zhang Lei heard this, it suddenly became a fire. Ji Feng and Bai Zhu were almost killed by the muck. This **** actually only regretted it? Is this a little pity for charity, or is it pity?

Wu Zhiyong calmed his face and asked: "Ji Feng, don't you think, should you manage your mouth?"

"I think……"

Ji Feng smiled, suddenly his face sank, suddenly slammed into the past, slamming, this foot is kneeling on Wu Zhiyong's stomach, instantly throwing his whole person down, hula will be behind The table fell and the teacup and ashtray on it fell to the ground.


Wu Zhiyong snorted, apparently by Ji Feng, this foot is not light, he lay on the ground, looking at Ji Feng coldly, because of the pain, the blue veins on his forehead are rising high.

Zhang Lei couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect Ji Feng to really do it, and he was so unrelenting. He took Wu Zhiyong to the ground with a kick!

However, Ji Feng’s ankle is really cool!

Zhang Lei had long wanted to play this bastard. It was sinister to hide behind the calculations, and it was quite shameless. This kind of person should give him a lesson and let him know what it is!

"Ji Feng!"

Wu Zhiyong bit his teeth, cold and cold from the teeth to find these two words, look at his eyes, really hate Ji Feng.

The smile on Ji Feng’s face has disappeared, even if it is sneer, just coldly said: “Wu Zhiyong, today’s foot is just a lesson. We haven’t finished this account yet, I will follow You are slowly calculating! If something happens again next time, it is not a one-footed thing. If you want my life, then I will have your life first!"

The pico stood straight, and Ji Feng said slowly: "If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Wu Zhiyong bit his teeth, and his look reached the extreme: "Ji Feng, are you going to fight?"

"Your behavior is already in battle, I will accompany you to the end!"

Ji Feng said this, did not look at him again, turned and left.

Zhang Lei spread his hand: "Hey, is this comfortable?" After he finished, he pouted and went out.

Looking at the figure of the three people of Ji Feng disappeared outside the door, Wu Zhiyong's face was particularly embarrassing, he slowly climbed up, he licked his stomach with a hand, with a fierce look in his eyes!

"Ji Feng! I must let you die!" Wu Zhiyong whispered.

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