The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3016: Strange feeling

What happened to Shao Jie’s attack did not seem to stir up any waves. The Jiangzhou police did not seem to regard it as a major case, and the Wu family did not react much, although the outsiders did not seem to have anything because Shao Jie was only a general manager of the Nanyue Brilliant Group. assistant Manager.

If it was attacked by Yan Yadong, then some said it, but now only Shao Jie is attacked, but not many people pay attention.

Ji Feng feels a bit strange, this atmosphere always makes him feel a little awkward, but in the end where he is awkward, he can't say it, but his heart is always uncomfortable.

To this end, Ji Feng also made a phone call to He Hongwei.

However, He Hongwei’s reaction made Ji Feng somewhat surprised. He Hongwei smiled on the phone: “You said Shao Jia’s attack? What am I doing? Brother, such a villain, you are also in your eyes. ?"

Ji Fengyi frowned: "Little man?"

"Is not it?"

He Hongwei said: "Do you understand the background of Shao Jie? This person is a student with Wu Zhihe and a Yanjing. Because of his relationship with Wu Zhihe, he relies on Wujia, and his brother Shao Wen is said to be I also benefited from it, yes, I heard that last year you seem to have cleaned up Shao Wen’s meal. How come you don’t understand?”

Ji Feng nodded and said: "I know all of this, I am just a little strange." Shao Jie's identity Ji Feng certainly knows that Qin Shuzhen's jewelry transport car was detained in Yanjing, that is, Shao Wen is a ghost in it, for which he He also smashed his wrist with the Wu family, and the Wujia Laosan Wu Zhengxin was sent to the prison.

At that time, Ji Feng had a detailed understanding of the situation of Shao Jia, and there was nothing surprising.

"What are you strange about?" asked He Hongwei.

"I can't say it, I just think that Shao Jie's arrogant behavior in the week always gives me the feeling that his position in Wujia is not just Wu Zhihe's classmate. If I didn't investigate him, I thought he was a child of Wujia. !! Ji Feng said.

"Hey! The villain is ambition, of course he is arrogant!" He Hongwei was very disdainful and said: "When the Wu family used to be arrogant, you didn't know that the style of action was quite overbearing. That Shao Jie thought that he was relying on Wujia. It’s not hard to understand how to do things."

Ji Feng silently nodded, and He Hongwei said that there is some truth. He asked: "How did the Wu family react this time?"

He Hongwei said: "Is this still not easy to understand? There is a saying how to say, poor people in the downtown no one ask, rich in the mountains have distant relatives, to the status of the Wu family, do not know how many such classmates like relatives To climb the Wu family, Shao Jie is just one of them. The Wu family is now a bit self-sufficient. How can you think about the life and death of such a small person?"

"This is also true!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said: "It seems that this Shao Jie is really too arrogant." Even the martial arts of the martial arts are not counted, just a small man climbing the dragon with the phoenix, actually dare to be so arrogant!

Ji Feng had dealt with Shao Jie several times. He found that this person is quite arrogant. Even if it was the original Wu Zhi and lived, I am afraid it is just that!

Shit people!

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile and smile. It seems that he thinks too much.

"What do you think of this thing in the Yanjing circle?" Ji Feng asked casually.

"How can I see it? His little character simply can't attract everyone's attention. If it is not his relationship with the Wu family, I am afraid that no one will know his name, let alone pay attention to him!"

He Hongwei said: "If it was attacked by Yan Yadong, then you can pay attention to it, a Shaojie in the district... Hey!"

He didn't say anything more, but the meaning in that sentence was clearly expressed.

Ji Feng smiled, these Yanjing's sons and people in the circle are all eyes above the top, and those in the general place may not be able to be seen by them, unless they are particularly outstanding, now only A small person who climbs the dragon with a phoenix, naturally can't enter the eyes of such a young master!

"Brother, I heard that your steel plant is under construction?" He Hongwei suddenly asked, he was not interested in continuing on the topic of Shao Jie, but more concerned about Ji Feng's handwriting.

"It is being built."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "But the specific situation is not clear to me. In this respect, Rong Peng is responsible. How, you are also interested in Ho Dao?"

He Hongwei smiled and said: "Of course! You may not know it? Now, any commercial project that has a relationship with the Ascendas Group, I don’t know how many people are staring. It’s the sweetness in people’s eyes! Brother, how? So, is there any plan to cooperate?"


Ji Fengyi, then understand the meaning of He Hongwei, he smiled: "Hongwei brother, I am afraid this time."

He Hongwei asked: "Is it because of the military? I know... but my brother, if there is any good business project next time, you can't eat any more food! Brother, I am looking forward to wearing it!"

There is cooperation between the Ascendas Group and the military, and He Hongwei is clear. Although he did not know about the laser gun project, he vaguely knew that the Ascendas Group was working with the military on new projects. He could still find out the news.

However, the military's business is very good. The special effect current of Hejia, Xiangjia and Tengfei Group's tripartite cooperation has made He Hongwei a huge profit, and understands how big the opportunity is.

But now that Ji Feng can't say it, it is definitely not convenient for him to get involved, so He Hongwei did not insist.

“Good business project?” Ji Feng heard the words and shook his head with a smile. “I can’t say this. Anyway, there will be business projects in the future, but it’s not a good project. This is a matter of opinion.”

"Oh, this is my slippery." He Hongwei laughed. "That way, as long as there are any commercial projects, I will consider my brother first. As long as it is a project launched by the Ascendas Group, I definitely have nothing to say. I must participate. ?"

"If it is appropriate, it will be fine." Ji Feng laughed.

"You kid..."

Hearing that Ji Fenglian promised to be discounted, He Hongwei was somewhat helpless. He knew that Ji Feng’s mouth was strict, but he did not expect it to be succinct!

In fact, He Hongwei is very keen to cooperate with the Ascendas Group. The Soaring Group has not launched many projects. Although it is a group company, it does not involve many industries like other large groups. Soaring Group has only done two things so far. One is a medicine, the other is a TV set, and both of them are in a mess. Every product is top-notch in the same industry, and there is no product that can compete with it!

Whether it is Kangyuan slimming powder in the pharmaceutical and health care products market, or 3D TV, so far it has swept the market, even those large multinational groups, at most, only with a wide sales channel, etc. Ascendas Group is competing, but in the product itself, no one dares to say that their products are better than the Ascendas Group!

As for other products such as the browser launched by Soaring Network, it is only the Ascendas Group, the two main products of slimming powder and 3D TV are like two fists, and they are invincible!

In fact, in addition to this, He Hongwei also knows that the Ascendas Group has a special effect current product. This is a heavy artillery. If it is not because of the agreement with the state, now this product is absolutely crazy in the international market!

I believe that no soldier can refuse this kind of medicine that can almost be said to be a life-saving medicine on the battlefield!

So take a closer look, every product launched by the Ascendas Group has such lethality, especially after the 3D TV is popular in the international market, now the Ascendas Group has almost become the focus of the entire Chinese business community.

Every action of the Ascendas Group is closely watched!

He Hongwei, who knows more about the situation inside, naturally does not want to miss the opportunity, so today, let Feng Xisong loosen it anyway.

"Brother, everything is good to say, but if you have the intention of cooperation, you must first think of me, my brother is here to thank you first!" He Hongwei said with a smile: "Then we will say so."


Ji Feng couldn’t help but smile. I haven’t promised it yet. But He Hongwei’s words are all about this. Ji Feng’s really is not good. “No problem, since you have a big mouth, then there’s nothing wrong with it. Yes!"

He Hongwei couldn't help but laugh: "That's good, let's just say it!"

Hanging up the phone, He Hongwei couldn’t help but feel good. Now he has the business empire of his family. However, because of the problems of the Chinese system, perhaps he is also the core of the family after ten or twenty years, but it may not be The only core, depending on whether or not there is a better talent in the family, and it depends on whether he can bring more of the company!

Cooperation with the Ascendas Group will undoubtedly be a beautiful road!

Especially after the 3D TV set has started the brand in the world, the road of Soaring Group has been destined to shine. Next, let's see how much he can cooperate with Jifeng!

"This guy……"

Ji Feng put away the phone and couldn't help but smile and smile. He Hongwei also learned to use this trick when.


Ji Feng suddenly thought of something, could not help but move, he finally thought of what was wrong!

Shao Jie's attitude!

Strictly speaking, it should be Shao Jie’s attitude towards Yu Yadong, which makes Ji Feng feel very problematic!

When I saw Shao Jie for the first time, I was in the office of Yan Yadong, the headquarters of the brilliant group in Nanyue. At that time, he was the first to see Shao Jie. It was the first time that he knew that he was so arrogant, but this is not the focus. Yes, Zhai Yadong was still there, but Shao Jie’s attitude did not seem to put Zhai Yadong in his eyes.

At that time, Ji Feng felt that Shao Jie seemed to have a more position in the brilliant group than Yan Yadong. It was the general manager of Yadong, and Shao Jie was only an assistant to the general manager!

This is the wrong place!

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