The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3032: Hot

Now that Yang Xiaoai is still at work, Ji Feng will bring Yang Bin directly to the hospital.

For this hospital, Ji Feng is not familiar with it, because in the days when he was injured, he only looked at the injury of Bai Zhu. There was no time or mood to control anything else.

Fortunately, he knew that Yang Xiaoai was in the intensive care unit, so it was easy to find the nurse station, but when he came to the nurse station, he found that Yang Xiaoai was not there.

Asked a few nurses, they did not know where Yang Xiaoai went.

"I just saw Yang Xiaoai, she may go to the ward!" said a nurse.

"No, I haven't given her a ward in the last few days!" Another nurse shook his head and said to Ji Feng, "If you call her directly."

"Thank you."

Ji Feng nodded politely.

At this time, a nurse suddenly said: "Yes, I just saw Dr. Hu coming to Yang Xiaoai. You can go to Dr. Hu's office to see."

Dr. Hu?

Ji Feng asked to know that Dr. Hu was his own doctor at the beginning. He thanked him and immediately walked toward Dr. Hu’s office.

The doctor's office is located at the end of the corridor. Because it is an intensive care unit area, the doctor here is naturally quite weighty, so the doctor has a separate office. Ji Feng came to the door of Dr. Hu’s office and just prepared to knock on the door. He heard a vague voice coming from inside.

Ji Feng immediately stopped, he heard the name of Yang Xiaoai.

"Xiaoai, don't cry, you don't have to cry now, I see, or else you can call the mayor hotline directly. The police station of the police station doesn't care, is the mayor hotline useless?" This is a man's voice. .

"The mayor's hotline is definitely also to transfer the problem to the people below, useless." A girl's voice sounded, Ji Feng immediately heard it, this is Yang Xiaoai talking.

"This... Hey! What should I do? Your father is also, what is wrong, you have to gamble... Xiaoai, where do you want to go for such a large sum of money? Otherwise, I call on our department. Doctors and nurses in the house, let everyone donate?"

"It's useless. It's just a glass of water." Yang Xiaoai said, "Doctor Hu, thank you, I will find my own way."

"You kid, thank you!" The man’s voice came and said: "I always think that you are a good boy and work hard, so I don’t want to see you so embarrassed. So, in the past few days, your class has been I don’t know how to do it for the time being. I believe everyone can understand it."

"Thank you, Dr. Hu."

"Okay, let's go back to rest, I will go to the rounds later."

Gradually, the voice inside was small, then I heard the footsteps sound, and then the office door was opened. The first thing that came out was Yang Xiaoai, a nurse.

Yang Xiaoai saw that Ji Feng, who was standing at the door, was a glimpse, and immediately she reacted. "Mr. Ji?!"

Ji Feng smiled and nodded, saw Yang Xiaoai's red eyes and asked: "Xiao Ai, how did you cry?"

Yang Xiaoai’s eyes flashed a stunned look, shaking his head and not talking.

"You guys... Hey? Mr. Ji?!" Just then, a male doctor came out of the office and saw that Ji Feng could not help but be a little surprised.

"Doctor Hu, hello." Ji Feng smiled and nodded. "See you again."

This male doctor is none other than the doctor who was responsible for his injury when he was hospitalized.

Dr. Hu immediately shook hands with Ji Feng very politely, and Ji Feng responded politely.

"Xiaoai, you asked Mr. Ji to help, then there is no problem. Really, you don't say earlier, everyone who is hurting is still worried about your problem. Now, Mr. Ji has come forward, Your father will definitely not have something!" After Dr. Hu saw Jifeng, he immediately understood it. Yang Xiaoai was looking for Ji Feng to help. Otherwise, how would Ji Feng appear here for no reason?

Yang Xiaoai shook his head, and some were not very funny. She is not particularly familiar with Ji Feng, but she only knows Ji Feng because of her work relationship. Now she is asking people to come and help. This is somewhat snobbish. Yang Xiaoai is not very natural.

However, this fell in the eyes of Dr. Hu, but it has another meaning. Yang Xiaoai’s embarrassment, when Dr. Hu understood it, felt that there was something between her and Ji Feng.

Is it...

Yang Xiaoai was given by Ji Feng?

It’s not impossible to think about it. Ji Feng is a young man with a lot of money, and he has a lot of people. The appearance is also very handsome and tough. The little girl like Yang Xiaoai is very normal to him.

However, Dr. Hu is somewhat worried about the ending of the two of them. Ji Feng, the rich family, is not just playing with Yang Xiaoai. If that is the case, Yang Xiaoai will probably be hurt at the end.

He greeted Dr. Hu, and Ji Feng left with Yang Xiaoai. Looking at their backs, Dr. Hu could not help but shake his head.

"Mr. Ji, thank you."

Came outside the inpatient department, Yang Xiaoai said.

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Thank you? I haven't done anything yet, thank you!"

Yang Xiao Ai snorted and said: "I want to thank you anyway." From how long she called Ji Feng to now, Ji Feng has already arrived, just to rush this to explain Ji Feng This is very heart-warming, she has to thank Ji Feng.

"Okay, don't say anything about the guest." Ji Feng waved his hand and said: "Simply tell you about the situation. I came to see a friend and let him help save people, according to the understanding. In the case, your dad is in the hands of Prince Edward, but my friend has some energy, and it will take a long time to save someone."

Yang Xiaoai suddenly heard a surprise: "Really?" But immediately she suddenly reacted and her face changed: "Prince? Just? Is my father offended by Prince?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Of course it is true! Wait a second, there should be news soon."

Yang Xiaoai is really a surprise. She didn't think that she was as eager as an ant on a hot pot. It was impossible to ask people everywhere, but it was so easy to solve the problem here in Jifeng!

However, Yang Xiaoai's face at the moment has no slightest joy, because Ji Feng said that the prince just three words, so that her heart's joy was instantly crushed.

Prince just!

If there are many people in South Guangdong who have not heard of this name, but in the city of Guangdong, the name is really too loud.

In particular, Yang Xiaoai is responsible for the intensive care unit. Some of the people who have access to it are more likely to have status or have money. So I have heard of this name more or less, and I know that this person is a big rich, but at the same time he is said to be The Tao is also a well-known figure, the power is great, and I heard that this person is very hot!

Can such a person promise to let people go so easily?

"Mr. Ji, you, what are you talking about?" Yang Xiaoai remembered the rumors he had heard, and his pretty face could not help but be somewhat whitish. "Is it really Prince?"

"The news I got is, you still don't know?" Ji Feng is a little surprised, Yang Xiaoai doesn't know this?

"I don't know, just my dad called me, then I went..."

Ji Feng realized that Yang Xiaoai just received a fierce phone call, and then his father’s screams. After she went, the other party told her to take the money to change people. She didn’t even know that her father had offended the Prince. .

However, thinking about Ji Feng will be relieved. Yang Xiaoai’s father is just a gambler. How can he directly offend Prince Taigang? It should only owe the debt of the casino under the Prince’s hand.

"Do not worry, there is no big problem, my friend still has some energy, whether it is a prince or someone, can save your father." Ji Feng smiled and comforted.


Yang Xiaoai gently snorted, but still worried.


As he said, Ji Feng’s mobile phone suddenly rang. He took a look at Zheng Yuanshan’s call. He couldn’t help but smile: “It’s my friend’s call. It seems that your father should have been rescued...”

Yang Xiao Ai Deng hoped for it.

Ji Feng connected the phone: "Zheng Shu, how? People saved?"

"Xiao Feng, Zheng Shu can't stop you." Zheng Yuanshan said.

"what happened?"

Ji Fengyi asked, immediately asked. His brow wrinkled up, Zheng Yuanshan's words, how does it sound a bit unpleasant?

Zheng Yuanshan sighed and said: "I was one step late. When I called the phone and got a call, my driver reported that the little girl’s father had been fractured with a broken rib, right hand..."

"What happened to the right hand?" Ji Feng immediately asked.

"The right hand was cut!" Zheng Yuanshan said, the tone is a bit heavy.

Ji Feng immediately became angry: "Zheng Shu, you say it again!"

Zheng Yuanshan sighed: "Xiao Feng, this is Zheng Shu can't stop you. If you receive your call, you will go to the person immediately. Maybe... Now that the person has been taken to the hospital, do you want to see it in the past? Look?"

"Which hospital?" asked Ji Feng.

"The Second Hospital of the City." Zheng Yuanshan said, "Xiao Feng, what are you going to do with this matter?"


Ji Feng directly hung up the phone. Just turned around and saw Yang Xiaoai’s gaze. He suddenly felt his face burning, especially when he saw Yang Xiaoai’s hopeful eyes, his mouth was open and Zhang, but I don't know how to open it.

Yang Xiaoai saw the look of Ji Feng, and seemed to realize what it was. His face gradually became white. "Mr. Ji, is there any, what is the problem?"

Ji Feng bit his teeth and said: "Xiao Ai, your father has been rescued, but..."

"but what?"

Yang Xiaoai hurriedly asked.

Ji Feng said: "But your dad was hurt, and he was beaten there..."

However, Ji Feng found that Yang Xiaoai’s expression was so loose after he heard this. He couldn’t help but be surprised. He heard his father being beaten. How did Yang Xiaoai suddenly feel relaxed?

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