The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3040: Angry Liu Gang!

Liu Gang sprinted a few times and broke out in the woman's scream. He turned over and the two women on the bed immediately got up and cleaned him, and gave him a cigarette and handed it to his mouth.

Liu Gang haha ​​laughed twice, while enjoying the services that the two women brought to him, he said: "Jie Shao is not bad, once three, my old Liu also had this kind of record when he was young! It’s not working now, and both are a bit hard at one time.”

The two suddenly laughed.

"Right, I saw that the general car seems to be outside, he is here too?" Liu Gang suddenly thought of something, asked.

"In the front hall box." Shao Jie said, "I don't bother to listen to him there, so I will ask you to come over and refresh."

"Why don't you call me together, everyone exchanges feelings." Liu Gang laughed.

"Call him?"

Shao Jie grinned and said: "That is an old fashioned man. It is obviously a 40-year-old person. It is just like the 70-80-year-old man. His mouth is broken. I have a headache. I am doing something. I have to say a few words, which makes me a little annoyed!"

Liu Gang laughed twice, did not speak, involved in the brilliant group of things, he is still not very good to say, but try to follow Shao Jie said that it is definitely right.

"To the old Liu, I see that you are now very good at going out. It’s even a lot of bodyguards when you come over to find a woman's suede. Are you too careful?" Shao Jie laughed.

"If you don't care, you know, the one who made it is directed at me. Before I swept his face in the hotel, he would definitely not be willing to give up!" Liu Gang shook his head and mentioned Ji Feng, he The good mood is gone, and the name Ji Feng is like a mountain in his heart. If he does not leave Guangdong for a day, he will not be able to relax.

Shao Jie said: "Old Liu, you are really the younger the more daring, Ji Feng is so terrible?"

Liu Gang shook his head and smiled. Ji Feng is not terrible. He didn't know it personally, but one thing he knew very well. In his capacity, if he is against Ji Feng, he probably won't have a chance.

Unless he wants to die.

However, at that time, he was really not afraid of Ji Feng. He couldn’t go abroad after he made the season maple. With his current assets, he could live the life of the emperor after going abroad.

However, after all, his roots are in the country, in South Guangdong, if not a last resort, he really does not want to go abroad.

"Do not worry, Ji Feng can't wait for a long time." Shao Jie said.

Liu Gang immediately heard a little taste from this: "How, plan?"

Shao Jie shook his head and said: "The plan is not, but Ji Feng is so powerful, it is impossible to reach into South Guangdong, you will earn your money with peace of mind!"

"When oh..."

Suddenly, a ring of mobile phones rang.

Liu Gang patted the full-bodied **** of a woman who was giving him a hot massage and said, "Go, take my mobile phone."

The woman who sat on Liu’s leg hurried up and squatted to the bed to get the phone, and the other woman took advantage of her position.

"Prince brother." The woman took the phone and handed it to Liu Gang.

"it is good."

Liu Gang took a look at the phone and couldn't help but frown, but still connected the phone: "Baby, what's wrong, miss me?"

"Just, just brother, you, come back soon!" On the phone, there was a woman’s horrified voice, with a hint of trembling.

"what happened?"

Liu Gang immediately asked: "What happened?"


The woman had not had time to answer, and a sudden shot was heard on the phone. Liu Gang’s hand holding the phone suddenly tightened and his face suddenly changed.

problem occurs!

Liu Gang called up and hurriedly asked: "What happened? How could there be a gunshot? Ah?"

However, there was no sound in the receiver, and the phone was hung up.

Liu Gang’s face suddenly became extraordinarily ugly.

"Old Liu, what's wrong?" Shao Jie saw Liu Gang's face gloomy, could not help but ask.

"Jie Shao, I have to go back and see." Liu Gang couldn't wait to say more, pushing the woman down from the body and shouting: "Bring my clothes over, hurry!"

Shao Jie frowned and asked: "Old Liu, what happened in the end, so eager to go back?"

Liu Gang said: "Some things, I have to hurry back."

During the conversation, he hurriedly put on his clothes and his face was very gloomy. I just called him one of his most hurt lovers, and most importantly, he left two of the eight King Kong, but his lover just called when he was very scared, which means there may be A strong enemy is coming, he has to go back.

Shao Jie smiled and said: "Old Liu, you come out to play, it will not be a fire in the backyard?"

Liu Gang smiled and shook his head: "Jie Shaoxiao said." Then he quickly left.

Half an hour later, Liu Gang hurried back to the villa area with his men, but when he first came to the courtyard gate, he couldn't help but change his face.

At the entrance of the villa, two police cars were parked, and the warning lights on the roof were still flashing.

The villa was brightly lit, but Liu Gang’s heart continued to sink because he saw an ambulance parked next to the police. Several people wearing white coats were carrying the stretcher to the car. On the stretcher, there was a corpse lying on it, covered with a white cloth.

Someone is dead!

Liu Gang immediately stepped forward. On the way, he kept calling his lover and two left-behind people. But the phone was connected but it was never answered. Now when he sees this, he immediately realizes Things are not good.

"What happened?!" Liu Gang asked with a calm face.

"Liu Zong!"

The leading policeman came over and wanted to reach out and shake hands with Liu Gang, but Liu Gang did not intend to shake hands with him at all. He just asked: "What happened in my family?"

The headed policeman had some embarrassed retraction, but did not dare to have any unpleasant expressions, just said; "General Liu, we received an alarm from the community security guard, saying that we heard the gunshots here, and when we arrived, I found that there were two bodies in the villa and one woman fainted..."


Liu Gang heard the words suddenly angry, two bodies, and a woman who passed out? He rushed to the ambulance in a few steps, regardless of the staff's blockage, went straight to a white bra that covered the stretcher, and suddenly saw the embarrassing face.

These two people are actually his men, two of the eight King Kong.

One of the brains had a blood hole. At this time, the blood had solidified, and the other one had widened eyes. On the surface, it did not know how it died.


Liu Gang roared: "Bastard!"

"Wang Ba Gu! Who did this work?!"

"I want to kill him!"

Liu Gang's several men, the other eight people in the eight King Kong saw this scene, suddenly all of them were angry to the extreme, could not help but glare.

"There is another one?" Liu Gang said.

"In the police car, the emergency personnel have already rescued her after the arrival, but the ambulance can not sit so many people, so they are arranged in the police car, ready to be..."

The policeman’s words had not been finished yet. Liu Gang went to the police car and pulled the door open. He immediately saw his lover and was horrified in the back of the car.

"What the **** is going on? What happened?" Liu Gang grabbed her and shouted.

"Gang Ge? Just brother, you are back!"

The woman suddenly cried and cried: "Someone broke in. I saw them killing on the second floor. I will call you..."

In this woman's intermittent narrative, Liu Gang probably knows that two people have come in, not only killing his two most capable men, but also going upstairs.


Liu Gang’s face changed again. He said that he left the woman directly and ran towards the villa.

"General Liu, protect the scene..."

Liu Gang did not care at all. He went straight to the building. When he saw the picture that was taken off, and there was a big hole in the back, he suddenly stood on the spot.

Safe, gone!

"Ah-!" Liu Gang couldn't help but roar. "Who is the bastard, who is doing it, if you let Laozi catch it, you must live with you!"

The two most powerful men were killed, and a lot of cash and gold diamonds in the safe were stolen. These are not as important as Liu Gang’s emphasis on the other thing - a USB flash drive in the safe.

Only Liu Gang knows what is stored in the U disk. Once this thing is circulated, he will definitely die without a burial place.

"Check! Check it out immediately! Even if you turn over to Yuezhou, you must find out who did it!" Liu Gang said.

"Prince, the monitored hard drive was taken away!" said one of the men.


Liu Gang’s angry voice can’t speak, almost wants to vomit blood. Even the hard drive has been removed, and the monitoring has become a display!

"Check! Ah-!"


There is nothing in this world that is faster than the spread of news and gossip. The next morning, a residence about Liu Gang, the godfather of Jiangzhou Road, was attacked. The news of the eight King Kong died two. Spread throughout the Yuezhou Road.

The entire Yuezhou Road was shocked!

Someone dared to move Liu Gang, who only covers the sky? Moreover, he also killed two of his eight King Kong?

Many people didn't believe it first, thinking that it was just a rumor, but when the news was confirmed, it was silent.

The person is not good!

Liu Gang’s identity is not necessary to say, and his two men are also very powerful. He has a name in the South Guangdong Road, especially one of them killed, and the whole Yuezhou Road is killed by a curved knife. The chill is the right arm of Liu Gang.

However, even he was killed!

And I heard that it was not shot. I heard that although he was shot, the two shots were not fatal. His real cause of death seemed to be excessive blood loss...

This is alive and bloody!

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