The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 1206 Old Man Turtle!



The two of them were furious and scolded Gu Han. If they were not afraid that fighting would cause changes, they would tear him to pieces on the spot.

The old turtle seemed to react a little slowly.

After a full breath of silence, he slowly said: "The aura of the two of them really disgusts me."

The two of them felt cold in their hearts.

"It's just that."

The old turtle changed the subject and said: "Little guy, are you bullying me because I haven't woken up yet? Or are you bullying me because my eyes are blurry? That sword just now was clearly cut by you!"



As he spoke.

Its big head came over in an instant, and in the whistling wind, it stopped when it was ten feet away from Gu Han.


The sapling and the ball looked at each other, and instantly let go of Gu Han's thighs, and retreated to a distance together.

Very fast!

Feng Shiliu was very entangled.

As an undercover agent, according to the second of the three principles, he should stand up and help Gu Han now, but... let alone his cultivation in this skin, even if he showed his true body, he would never be the opponent of the old turtle!

On the contrary, Feng Xi.

With a calm face, he still stood side by side with Gu Han.

Gu Han's scalp tingled!

The old turtle's head... was ridiculously big!

At such a close distance, he felt like he was facing a huge star that blocked out the sky and the sun. Not to mention the full view, even a piece of scale armor on the old turtle's head was enough to compare to a super large square. Among all the creatures he had seen, only the real body of the ancestor dragon could surpass the old turtle in size.

It's his own fault!

Deng Yan sneered in his heart.

Harming others will eventually harm yourself!

Cui Hu's eyes showed a hint of pleasure.

The two smiled at each other, quietly waiting for Gu Han to be blown to pieces by the old turtle in one breath, and his soul and consciousness were both annihilated!


The result was destined to disappoint them.

Gu Han was not shattered to pieces, and in order not to hurt him, the old turtle even deliberately restrained his energy, so as not to blow Gu Han to death with a big breath.

What... is going on?

The two were stunned.

"Senior Turtle."

Gu Han gritted his teeth and resisted the tendency to vomit blood, explaining: "I actually have no ill intentions..."


Before he finished speaking, a trace of pain suddenly flashed in the old turtle's eyes, and he gasped in pain. In an instant, the strong wind in the void was so strong that Gu Han was almost sucked into his nostrils!

"Senior Turtle!"

Gu Han stabilized his body, "Please go easy on me!"


After a long time, the old turtle sighed softly, "This old problem is getting worse day by day."

"Senior Turtle."

Gu Han asked bravely: "May I ask... what is the old problem?"

"Waist pain."

Gu Han: ...

Turtles also have waists?

Everyone was stunned, and this thought flashed through their minds subconsciously.

"Do you know why my waist hurts?"

The old turtle asked again. Although he controlled his momentum, he still shocked Gu Han's blood and qi, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited blood.

Gu Han blinked, "Senior Turtle, I admit that my sword just now was a bit heavy..."

The old turtle was silent for a moment, "Are all the little guys nowadays so arrogant? Your sword can't even be considered as tickling an old man like me!"

Gu Han stopped talking.

A little embarrassed.

"But maybe."

The old turtle sighed and continued, "My waist pain problem is indeed related to you."

"What... relationship?"

"Your sword."

The old turtle spoke slowly, "It reminds me of someone."


"He also holds a sword."

The old turtle gave a rough description, "But he is not as smart as you, a little stupid."


Gu Han's heart moved.

He could tell that the old turtle didn't seem to have any ill will towards him, so he asked, "Senior, can you describe in detail what other characteristics he has?"

"It's been so long, I can't remember."

The old turtle thought hard, and then said, "But your sword is a little bit like his... By the way, he once said something to me."


"He said that he only knows one sword."


Gu Han blurted out.

Sword cultivator.

Looks silly.

The sword is a bit like his, and more importantly...the other party only knows one sword!

No need to eliminate the process.

The first person he thought of was the Xuantian Ancestor who had been missing for 100,000 years!

The old turtle nodded slightly, and the strong wind he brought almost blew Gu Han apart.

"So, he is your ancestor."

Gu Han:...

"Senior Turtle, ancestor and ancestor are two different things..."

"Is it important?"

"It's not important!"

Gu Han did not explain the difference between the two, and continued to follow the old turtle's words, "I didn't expect that you actually knew my ancestor, so it's very appropriate for me to call you Senior Turtle!"

Hearing this.

Deng Yan and Cui Hu felt a chill in their hearts!

"I have met him once."

The old turtle said slowly: "And, this waist injury of mine was left by him."

Gu Han's face froze.

Deng Yan and Cui Hu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to gloat again.

Even the sapling and the ball, who were about to hug Gu Han's thigh again, stopped and retreated secretly.

"Senior Turtle."

Gu Han hesitated for a moment, "To tell you the truth, I have never met the Patriarch in person. He has been missing for too long, and I... don't know him very well."

"It doesn't matter."

The old turtle shook his head slightly and said slowly: "I didn't blame him either."


Gu Han's expression remained unchanged, "He is my Patriarch after all, and I still miss him very much. I wonder what the Patriarch... did to you, Senior Turtle?"

"It's nothing."

The old turtle added: "It's just a few words carved on my body."

"One thing to say!"

Gu Han said seriously: "Although I am a junior, I think what the Patriarch did is really a bit too much!"

"I agreed."

"I just said that the founder can't be such an unreasonable person."

"But I didn't expect that he would be so harsh."

"Senior Turtle, I would like to apologize to you on behalf of our ancestor!"

"He has already apologized."

Gu Han:......

He couldn't continue. Every time Old Turtle said something, his mood would rise and fall. He was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. He suspected that the other party was deliberately making fun of him.

Deng Yan and Cui Hu were also so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood.

It's just the opposite of Gu Han.

When Gu Han is happy, the two of them feel cold, and when Gu Han feels cold, the two of them are happy.

"Senior Turtle!"

Gu Han couldn't help it anymore, "What...what do you want to say?"

"After being carved by him."

Lao Gui said helplessly: "I have a problem with back pain, which happens every now and then. Over the years, I have not been able to eat well as an old man... That's okay. The key is that I can't sleep well. I finally took a nap, and then I was woken up by you, alas... I haven't had a good night's sleep in many years, old man."


After a lot of verbosity, it finally said: "Little guy, can you help me treat my back pain?"

There was a pause.

It promised: "When it's cured, I'll thank you."


Gu Han tentatively asked, "What if it can't be cured?"

"Can it be cured?"

The old turtle threatened nakedly: "Little guy, you are so young, you don't want to have back pain for the rest of your life, right?"

Gu Han:? ? ?

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