The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2547 The overall situation of the ages! The mysterious black hand! Su Han!

The edge is gone.

But Lao Ba's strength is actually ten times stronger than when he first arrived!

these years.

He often observes Gu Han raising his sword, and the benefits he obtains are much greater than observing the Xuantian Sword Monument. His cultivation level has increased, and he has already entered the third step of the Origin Realm!

Discuss combat power!

Second only to Ada!

Now there is no need for Gu Han to take action at all. He alone, with his heavy sword larger than the door panel, is enough to keep the new arrivals in check.

Compared to Gu Han.

He was even more ruthless. After all, in his eyes, these newcomers... were all despicable and shameless vegetable thieves who coveted his vegetable garden!

Time flies like a horse.

The years are like falling flowers and flowing water.

For Zhao Mengyou and Xue Yu, life here is not difficult. On the contrary, they are happier than anyone else, their faces are radiant, their spirits are high, and they are completely immersed in it.

Ah Si wanted to ask.

Just how brave is Gu Han to be able to nourish the two girls to such a level?

After all, he didn't dare to ask.

After all, he didn't have a good fourth leg.

Gu Han did nothing.

strictly speaking.

He looks like a living person now, but in the final analysis, he is still an obsession, a dead person, and has not yet been truly resurrected.

Of course.

He didn't admit that he was powerless at all, he just felt that he couldn't be a beast.

This day.

As usual, under Ah Si's envious eyes, he walked into the hut again, and then... closed the door.

"The young master is passionate."

Ah Si sighed with regret on his face and said, "Just like I treated those hundreds of concubines back then..."


Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by Ah San who came over.

"Are you passionate?"

"You are greedy for their bodies!"

"You... are despicable!!"

Ah Si looked unconcerned.

In his opinion, if you don't even want someone else's body, how can you still have the nerve to say you like someone else?

It's worse than a beast!


Asan looked at the hut, sighed suddenly, and asked: "Madams, how long have you been here?"

"Hundreds of years, right?"

Ah Si was startled, scratched his head and said, "I don't remember the details. Why do you ask this... huh?"

My heart moved.

He immediately understood what the other person meant and said thoughtfully: "How many years is the longevity of Xiaoyao Realm?"

Ah San didn't answer.

He just sighed again, a bit of desolation and loneliness flashed across his expression.


"Soon, we won't be able to drink tea or listen to music..."

Inside the hut.

Seeing Gu Han come in, Zhao Mengyou and Xue Yu were startled, and started another happy day.

Make tea. Make tea.

Translation of piano music.

Gu Han had nothing to do, so he simply sat aside, watching the two women busy with work, looking slightly startled, and felt a sense of familiarity in his heart again.

He felt vaguely.

He once had such a warm and comfortable life, and he also had a gentle sister who took care of the house... not the second daughter.

not far away.

The spiritual fire trembled slightly, the mist curled up, and the spring water boiled in the copper furnace. The sound was extremely clear, making the atmosphere in the hut become a little subtle and awkward.

Opposite Gu Han.

Zhao Mengyou was fiddling with the copper stove, a little absent-minded. Xue Yu seemed to be sorting out the music scores and adjusting the music, but he was also a little distracted.

One's eyes murmured.

One eye is crooked.

The two women's peripheral vision and even most of their energy were focused on Gu Han not far away.

It seems that I feel something in my heart.

Gu Han looked back.

The eyes of the two women trembled, like frightened deer, and they hurriedly ran away.

Gu Han was a little embarrassed.

"The stove is good."

He glanced at the copper stove and praised seriously: "The water is also good water!"

It’s not all about finding something to say.

Not to mention the Enlightenment Tea, this copper stove is a rare high-grade spiritual treasure. The spring water is also sweet and cool, and it is also a rare treasure in the world. It is a perfect match with the Enlightenment Tea!

“There was none of that at first.”

Goddess Zhao's chest trembled slightly, and she pretended to be calm as she explained: "This copper stove, spring water, and those tea sets were all gifts from Dean Li before he left."

"That's not all."

Xue Yu pointed to the fragmented music score in front of him and said: "This music score has gone through too many years and was originally incomplete. However, when Principal Li borrowed it for March and returned it to me, it was complete."

Gu Han was thoughtful.

In the two women's narrations, many names appeared that were familiar to him. Among them, the name Li Xun had a very special meaning, and the frequency of its occurrence was not unusually high!

Go up to the Alchemist Formation Master and War Master.

Go down to cook tailor breeder.

one person!

He actually holds hundreds of jobs!

Until now!

Gu Han still couldn't give a very precise positioning of the mysterious Master Li's abilities!

He believes it.

No one in this world can position the other person!

"If you go out."

"I must see who this Master Li is!"

The word "going out" was mentioned.

Zhao Mengyou's eyes trembled, and his movement to lift the stove was also stagnant. Xue Yu also flipped through the music scores randomly, feeling gloomy, and suddenly lost interest in playing the piano.

For Gu Han.

Going out means freedom.


For them, going out means waking up from a dream.


"It's a long way out!"

Gu Han naturally understood their little thoughts and did not expose them. He just sighed: "This sentence is a little bit long, a little over 100 million!"

The two women felt slightly relieved.

Looking at each other, they both saw the surprise and confusion in each other's eyes.

these years.

They also inquired several times as to why Gu Han was here, but Ada and others were afraid of exposing Gu Han's shortcomings, so they kept silent about it. Only Lao Ba, who was half crazy and half awake, said something.


life imprisonment!

When they learned about this result, they were actually a little happy. After all... life imprisonment means they will never be able to get out.


They were not surprised that Gu Han was a prisoner. After all, according to their understanding of Gu Han's behavior, life imprisonment... was considered a leniency.


In the midst of his secret joy, Gu Han suddenly said, "You really don't know a person named Su Han?"


The two women were startled and shook their heads.

these years.

Gu Han asked them this question more than once, but they knew a little about Gu Han's old friends, relatives, and even enemies, but they had never heard of the name Su Han!

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the reply was the same as before, Gu Han's face turned a little dark.

Countless years!

He has thought about it countless times as to who Su Han is, but he has never had a clue. Even now, this name has almost become his nightmare.

Although I didn’t think about it.

But there was only one thing, he was very sure. He had suffered an unfair injustice and was the scapegoat for that bastard named Su Han!

In other words!

Su Han is the really guilty one, and Gu Han is the innocent one!

"This person is not simple!"

His thoughts kept turning and he came to a conclusion.

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