The Ultimate Sword Master

Chapter 2596 Nightmare Spirit Gu Han!


But in a moment, the sword light had already fallen, and it swept across Hing Kong's body, but... it didn't even cut off a single hair of his!

"Nightmare world?"

Sensing all these changes, the strange color in his eyes became more and more intense, and his voice was full of passion and longing as he praised: "Led by fear, based on the power of the dream path, and combined with the power of the key fragments... …Make your dreams come true?”

It's not just him.

As immortals in the Great Chaos Realm, those members of the Mayfly Clan who were suppressed by the Mayfly Clan were knowledgeable and could naturally see the mystery and extraordinaryness of this nightmare world at a glance!

Mei Yun said nothing.

That's exactly what he did.

According to common sense.

Although the old Taoist left a dream seed to him, if he wanted to fully understand it, he didn't know how long it would take him, and he might even never be able to pry into the secret of the real dream power in his lifetime.


He chose a trick.

It’s all a dream anyway!

That nightmare counts as a dream!

Although he has been fighting against heaven and earth all his life, fearless, and even the old Taoist does not look down on him, at least in dreams, there are still people who are afraid!

Gu Han!

The student he cared about most in reality, in that dream, showed no mercy to him and killed him, which brought him great fear!


Xingkong looked at Mei Yun and said with regret: "With your ability, you can't exert one ten thousandth of the power of this dream seed, and your so-called fear can't have the slightest impact on me! This dream seed gives me It’s such a waste of money to lose you!”

Mei Yun still said nothing.

He couldn't hear what Xing Kong said at all, he was already immersed in the dream, immersed in the dream of being killed by Gu Han and dying miserably!

"no, do not want……"

The body trembled more and more violently.

He experienced death again and again in his dream, and faced the invincible Gu Han again and again. The fear and despair in his heart finally reached its peak, causing him to collapse on the spot!

"Gu Han..."

"One of our own, don't do anything, Gu Han!"

Mayling: "?"


Before she could speak, the dark sun hanging high in the sky turned into a strange and evil giant eye. There seemed to be an endless curse lingering in the eye. It turned its gaze stiffly and stared at it. The ephemeral sky below!

In an instant!

From all over the dream world, curse auras filled the air, like living creatures, and spread to every corner in an instant!

The small world is not that big.

But at this time, under the combination of the power of dream seeds and curses, it became increasingly difficult to determine the reality and reality, and there was a feeling of endlessness and boundlessness!


Transformed by one thought.

As big as the thoughts are, the dream world will naturally be big.

For all to see.

There are glimpses of light and shadow everywhere, bizarre, dream-like, and strange. The boundary between reality and dream has become extremely blurred!


Boom boom boom!

Before Xing Kong could open his mouth, a sharp edge cut through the boundless black clouds, and fell from the sky again. The sword light was more than ten times stronger than before.


In the flash of lightning and flint, the sword light had already reached in front of Xing Kong, blowing his robes and hair flying, and the mighty Qi poured out and spread, instantly drowning everything in the field!

After a while.

Rest only when there is movement.

Mei Yun and Xing Ling have disappeared. Xing Kong still maintains the previous expression and position, but gently raised his right hand to catch a twisted black sword formed by the power of dream path and curse!

not far away.

The suppressed Mayfly tribesmen glanced subconsciously, and their hearts suddenly jumped!

Who is this?

In front of Xing Kong, there was an additional figure.

A young man in black!

The body is the same as the black sword, slightly twisted, seemingly existent but not existent. The curse breath and the power of the dream path are intertwined with each other, like an invisible cloak. There are no pupils in his eyes, only a touch of scarlet, which is weird and terrifying, and between his eyebrows , surprisingly has a dream seed mark!

Look at looks.

Shockingly, he is 99% similar to Gu Han!

Nightmare, Gu Han!


A few strands of hair were swept by the sharp edge of the black sword and drifted down slowly, but the sky didn't even look at it, and said quietly: "One thought is true and false, one thought is false and one is false, one thought is life and death... The effect of this dream seed is better than I imagined. Even stronger!”

That sword just now was very strong.

As far as cultivation is concerned, it is actually a bit stronger than the ephemeral spirit. To a certain extent, it is no different from the real immortal state.

Mei Yun's fear comes from Gu Han.

Naturally, his fear reached its peak, and Nightmare Spirit Gu Han's strength also reached its peak!


From Xing Kong's point of view, no matter how powerful the Nightmare Spirit is, it's just a matter of waving his hand!


Turning his eyes, he glanced into the distance and smiled deeply: "Silly girl, where do you think you can escape to?"


As soon as the words fell, a trace of peak immortal energy fell, covering everything in front of him!

The body trembled!

The Nightmare Spirit Gu Han exploded on the spot!


In less than half a breath, a figure walked out from the boundless power of the curse again with a sword in hand. His figure was still blurry, his eyes were still scarlet, the mark of the dream seed between his eyebrows was still clear, and under his crotch... he was riding... A nightmare horse, eerie and a bit chilling and majestic!

Xingkong suddenly realized something was wrong!

Brush it!

Before he could take action, Nightmare Spirit Gu Han raised his head, and his scarlet eyes suddenly stared at him!

In an instant!

In the uncertain curse power behind him, scarlet colors also lit up, and all eyes were on him!

A rough count.

There are more than 300,000!

Silently, a figure walked out of the curse power. Although he was also a nightmare spirit, his temperament... was born with a sense of loyalty!

"Report to General Gu!"

He clasped his fists and said respectfully to the nightmare spirit Gu Han on the magic horse in a low and strange voice: "Three hundred thousand border troops, assembled!"

Nightmare spirit Gu Han did not speak.

He raised the twisted black sword in his hand, took the lead, and rushed towards the sky!


A series of low and strange roars sounded, mixed with the neighing of the magic horse and the sound of galloping horses, and an endless black torrent swept over, instantly submerging the sky!


Another place in the nightmare world.

The spirit of the elves kept fleeing with Mei Yun, and the more they fled, the more frightened they became, and the more shocked they were!


Too big!

The big dream world was actually very small, but under the blessing of Mei Yun's dream, it became vast and boundless, as if it had no edge at all!

"Dream seed..."

Seeing the dream seed mark between Mei Yun's eyebrows, a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly reached out to take it!

Dream seed!

As long as she refined it during this period before the elves came, and successfully survived the eighth life and death tribulation, she would be able to achieve the peak immortality even if she didn't want the ultimate fruit of the Tao, and have the capital to compete with the elves!

At least, at least!

She could save her life!


Looking at Mei Yun who was still immersed in the dream, she apologized secretly in her heart.

A common man is innocent, but he is guilty of holding a treasure.

You, a big ugly freak and a pig head, should not be the apprentice of Senior Huang...

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