124 Mountain Beyond Mountain

***[Heroine Oscar]***

Ahead of the spring inspection, the inside and outside of the mansion became quite busy.

Each wagon to be used during the inspection is inspected by an engineer, and the winter fabric used indoors is replaced or covered with something suitable for spring.

Horseshoes were changed, people assigned to accompany inspections, and lists were made of what to be instructed in my absence.

Everyone is crazy busy.

So did Catherine.

The final inspection of the pre-made dresses, hats, and shoes is in full swing.

Designers came in and out, and Catherine was dressed in a variety of clothes and accessories every day.

When visiting the estate, you will stay at the house of the Bongsin family.

It is also necessary to dress appropriately for each family’s family tradition and situation, so prepare various types of clothes and props.

Catherine, who had just become a duchess, was still short of clothes even though she frequently matched them.

Thanks to that, it seems that he is standing stiff like a mannequin because he is basting every day.

I also did it a few times because I had to match several suits even for couples.

I always thought of it, but Katrin, surrounded by ladies-in-waiting and designers, looked like a divine Barbie doll.

An invisible hand appears to be playing with Katrin.

It was pitiful to see her blinking and dozing off, but she was very cute.

Since the inspection was within the territory, the counselor’s wife decided not to follow.

Because Catherine’s mother and counselor’s wives assured her that she would be fine on her own.

I was a bit nervous, but everyone kissed me.

It’s only in front of me that Catherine’s appearance becomes strange.

Other than that, she has the appearance of a perfect duchess.

“There’s no harm in being like that in front of our duchy. You’ll be treated favorably. Don’t worry, Oscar.”

Her mother laughed as she said that, but, well, maybe it’s a problem that she doesn’t have much dignity as a duchess.

I was kind of worried, but when my mother and the counselor’s wives all said they were okay, I wondered if I was like that too.

Anyway, Katrin’s motivation was very high at the fact that she was accompanying her to the spring inspection this year, and her smile deepened day by day, even though she had to put on a dress that required her to stand still without moving.

If it were me, I wouldn’t have been able to endure such a harsh schedule even for a single day.

However, Katrin seems to have a harder time being the counselor’s wife than Gabon.

One day, right before going to sleep, I lay in bed and murmured.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to do it even if 10, no, 20 wives of counselors follow me on this inspection.”

Is the counselor’s wife so picky and awkward?

I laughed for a while and asked, but there was no answer.

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Just saying that, probably tired, and Catherine fell into a deep sleep.

‘I must be tired.’

I noticed a stain under Katrin’s eye and ran my finger over it.

Then, something touched my arm.


It’s strange.

Catherine’s chest, which had been flat until yesterday, felt soft for some reason.

There was something beyond the soft linen pajamas.

‘Maybe magic…’

I thought so briefly, but no, no, it can’t be.

No matter how many gods and magical powers there are in this world, there is no magic that can make your heart run wild in one day.

But I couldn’t check her breasts, so I forcibly closed my eyes, suppressing my curiosity.

And it must have been thirty minutes.

I was tossing and turning, unable to sleep for some reason, when I found something soft on the bed.

Katrin has a bit of a bad sleeping habit.

Sleeping while holding me tightly with my limbs is a daily routine, and I also rolled around the bed.

Maybe in the meantime, something tied to my chest came loose.

“… This.”

I held the round pouch with a drawstring in my hand and let out a small sigh.

It’s a fabric I’m not familiar with, but I think it might have been used from a demon.

There were fake breasts made of something like leather that was thin enough to see through and filled with water.

It looks like Earth’s bra, but it’s laced up at the back.


Where else did this happen, and I thought so, but I remembered Catherine whispering with the designer a few days ago.

‘Is it then? Anne and I were talking about something secret.’

When I entered, I was startled and shut my mouth.

At that time, I wondered if we were talking about underwear, but was it about these fake breasts?

Well, if this is underwear, then it is underwear.

“Catherine, you.”

I smiled and gently pinched Katrin’s pointed nose.

Then Katrin twisted her body a little and muttered.

“… uh… yes… Mr. Oscar… no… then… it’s too embarrassing…”

What are you dreaming of, Catherine?


My heart, which had been calm for a while, was shattered into pieces by the news Benno had brought.

It was a report that Igor seems to have been in Gleuk’s ruined country.

It is said that he was doing something by offering a child as a sacrifice.

“I haven’t confirmed the name Igor, but I don’t think there are many men like that in the world.”

After saying that, Benno looked at me quietly.

“The investigator suspects he may have cursed the ducal family in the past.”

“What are you talking about?”

When I asked in surprise, Benno’s face darkened.

“This was right before the Duke was born. There was a time when Annette was in a very bad condition. There were nightmares, and there were times when I couldn’t even get out of bed because of the pain as if my stomach was twisting.”

In a world without advanced medicine, pregnancy and childbirth are very difficult for women.

Giving birth to a child and growing properly after birth did not go according to human will.

Because of that, at the time, he said he didn’t think it was anyone else’s fault.

In addition, since hands are a precious house, it was recognized that it was natural that it was originally difficult for the fetus to be properly positioned and born.

“In order to increase the survival of the baby in the womb even a little bit, I immediately donated a large amount to temples across the country and made them pray.”

On the other hand, I bought an amulet that was rumored to be useful and decorated it in my room.

“I don’t know at all now which of them worked. But I bought all the talismans and piled them up in my room, and thanks to the dame’s wearing them, they were stable by the time my master was born. Now that I think about it, The story of the amulet’s effectiveness is also strong evidence that a curse has been wrought.”

As if recalling that time, several blue veins appeared on Benno’s temples.

It is only now that I realize how dangerous it was back then.

With a grim face he continued.

“I agree with the inspector. Seeing him here and seeing your wife’s nightmares, it’s absolutely nothing to do with the old days.”


“Because the priest also declared that his wife’s nightmare is a curse.”

I put down the report and closed my eyes.

‘Is it the coercion of the novel?’

Igor is a person who was not in the original story.

But to appear out of nowhere and stand by Robert’s side means the world hasn’t stopped trying to kill me, even when the situation has changed.

Robert’s hatred towards me is getting worse day by day.

‘If the coercion of the novel is to work, then I will be accused of treason.’

Even if the details are different, the main stem will be the same.

Now, if the royal family framed me and killed me, there would be no other way than treason, so that’s the way things go.

I opened my eyes and smiled a little.

I tried to avoid that, but it seems to not work.

‘Is this world somehow trying to kill me by turning me into a traitor? It’s really consistent.’

As long as Robert is the crown prince, the attempts will probably not stop.

Maybe it will continue until one of them disappears from this world, whether he dies or I die.

Benno was looking at me quietly.

“I’ll have to put off transporting food using the logistical unit until later.”

If done wrong, it could be seen as an attempt at treason against the royal family.

Benno lowered his head slightly.

“All right.”

Benno does not know the contents of the novel.

However, he must have known that the movement of the logistics unit would stir up unrest in the royal family.

I thought for a moment, then looked at Benno.

“Benno, do you have any loyalty to the royal family? At least a little bit.”


Without thinking for a second, Benno replied.

“My allegiance is only to the ducal family, to my master.”


That is why in the novel you would have died. As Oscar fell, he must have pulled them all and taken them to hell.

I said it in my heart and smiled.

I have no intention of rebelling.

That way, follow the flow of the novel and die?

Take all of my followers?


“Please make a list of Prince Emile’s patrons. How many people support him, whether there are people who sincerely want him to become king, where among the families that support Prince Robert are likely to break away… .”

Benno widened his eyes.

“The master.”

“Yes. I’m going to support Prince Emile from now on.”

So far, no matter how hostile Robert is, I have not changed my support for him.

It was because he thought that was the most amicable way to live with the royal family.

But if he doesn’t intend to stop antagonizing me, if, no matter how hard he tries, if the novel intends to make me his antagonist and lead him to treason, there’s no need to keep pushing Robert’s back knowing that.

Although his position is inferior to Robert’s, there is one more person in this country who can become the king’s successor.

“It is also necessary to confirm how far the Queen’s parents’ family will support Robert. Find out if the situation is such that they can intervene in the fight for the throne of this country while going to war.”

No matter how great a country is, there is a limit to its ability to contribute to other countries’ struggles for succession to the throne.

The worst thing would be to use that as an excuse to invade the country when Robert was pushed out of the crown prince position.

Even if Crown Prince Robert or the first queen sends a letter requesting help, there is enough room for intervention.

However, if there is work in your home country and you are not in a situation to come here, their threats are just flattering words.

It was only the barking of the dog next door.

Benno lowered his head.

“Okay, we’ll start an investigation immediately. But once that’s been decided, there’s a lot of work to be done.”

“That’s right. It won’t be easy to gather supporters.”

Although the Marquis of Hoven or the Marquis of Patry are close to me, it is not easy to change the prince they support.

It is even more difficult if you have already established yourself as a crown prince.

I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

“Really, life is not easy. It feels like crossing a mountain leads to a bigger and more rugged mountain.”

But there are people who keep my back and become my feet.

When the tiger appeared, there were those who put out their bodies to protect me.

So even if a bigger mountain suddenly appears in front of me and I am enduring it, I can be prepared to overcome it with a smile.

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Just as expected.

Benno smiled and said.

“Don’t worry, master. No matter how steep the mountain is in front of you, we will move it on our feet.”

“You’re trustworthy.”

Well, I’m not trying to become the king, I’m trying to appoint another prince, so it won’t be that hard.

At least compared to stepping up to rebel, that difficulty would be fresh blood.

“What about Igor?”


I closed my mouth.

If there is proof that Igor sacrificed a child in the temple of Gleuk’s fatherland, things are easy.

You can’t use such a person as a fortune teller in the royal family, and Igor will be kicked out immediately.

However, such evidence is not easy to find, and there was no one to testify.

The brother and sister of the merchant family, who said they saw him when they were young, are not convinced either.

I think it might have been an illusion, so I can’t use it as a witness.

As I was lost in thought, Benno opened his mouth.

“I can figure out a few ways to kill him.”

“Assassination? Or Curse?”


It seems that he really thought of it that way.

A small laugh leaked from my mouth.

“No, Benno. Don’t touch him while he’s in the palace.”

There are spies in this world too, and there are people who secretly kidnap or torture to obtain information.

Such a job actually existed.

I don’t know for sure, but it’s probably in the Duke’s family.

Such dark things do not come up to me.

Only Benno and a few others knew.

I just gave orders, I didn’t have to know the dirty work behind the scenes.

However, people in such professions do not have special skills like ninjas or 007 in the movie.

They’re just normal people who talk and walk normally, and don’t have seclusion or high-tech gadgets that shoot poison needles.

“Even the royal family are not fools, so there is a risk that their traces will be revealed.”

“… All right.”

Benno quietly lowered his head.

he knows his heart

He wants to do something right now with Igor putting me and Katrin in danger.

will be heartbroken

But it was Robert, not Igor, who really mattered.

No matter how much Igor moves from behind, the force of the novel loses its power once Robert is not there.

I don’t know if another replacement character will pop out, but anyway.


If Robert was gone, wouldn’t there be no one other than René who could turn me into a traitor and kill me?

It’s just a feeling, but I felt that way.

‘Oh, there’s one more thing. steppe people.’

The invasion of the prairie tribes eventually played a decisive role in killing Oscar in the novel.

Seeing as Robert develops into a person who kills me even after the roles are changed, that war will also be a major threat to me.

‘It’s really a mountain beyond the mountain.’

I let out a small sigh.

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