132 Why are you doing this to me, Goddess?

***[First Class Investigator]***

When tracking information, you also need to know how to stop at the right place.

Because you can’t boil all the seawater in the world.

I had dug up the information I wanted to find out to some extent, and now I thought I should finish it and move on to the next one.

“Ha ha. I don’t think there was anything wrong with my judgment.”

The investigator let out a long sigh.

Whether or not to continue the investigation after this depends on the judgment of the superior.

He had already made a detailed report and sent it to the Duke for judgment.

At the end of the report, he wrote down what he thought he needed to find out and what he judged to be important.

The upper part sent a message that another investigator was conducting a related investigation, so it was okay to go home and rest for a while.

Of course, it was his father who made that decision.

He is a father who abuses his son until he becomes a lousy figure, but he must have known that he was nearing his limit.

I really missed my home and wanted to eat home-cooked food to the point of dying.

You were so happy to be allowed, when was the last time you headed home?

However, when we arrived, it was a strange place.

“I was definitely headed home. I got into the carriage going home and walked in the direction of the house.”

However, the place he arrived was not home.

I was sure I was heading home, but I had arrived at the wrong place before I knew it.

Even after arriving here, he set off on his way home several times.

But every time I came to my senses, I was back here.

What the hell is a ghost doing?

The ground disappears and a deep sigh comes out.

The man who had been looking at him with a stupid expression laughed as if he couldn’t help it.

“How can we humans go against the will of the goddess?”

“But I haven’t been able to go home for several years already. If the Goddess has something to say, wouldn’t it be okay if I go home? ?”

“I’m a little embarrassed too. To be honest, I have nothing more to say to you. Why does the Goddess keep bringing you here… Ha, I don’t know.”

The person who said that was the person who built a stone tower on a fictitious day for the Goddess of Blessing, and was the village headman.

“I also left the village to pray soon, but when I regained consciousness, I found myself at the entrance of the village again. I don’t know why, but the will of the goddess seems to be stronger than before.”

The investigator faced the village chief and sighed at the same time.

It’s the village chief, but it won’t matter.

He was originally a person living in this village, and he had a disposition to rejoice when the will of the goddess fell on his body.

‘Even if I’m locked up in this town for 10 years, I’ll be happy with that person.’

However, the situation is different for investigators.

Her home was not here, her family was elsewhere, but above all, her face, which she had kept all her life, was at stake.

And maybe bones too.


The investigator looked up at the distant sky.

‘It was some time ago that I wrote a report and sent it to the duchy.’

Even if you think about it roughly, you have already passed the time when you should have arrived home.

His family is mostly from investigators, and his father is his superior.

His sons are also investigators.

By now you’d be starting to suspect that he wasn’t arriving until too late.

Besides, his father knew more about his schedule than he did.

You clearly know that something has happened.

The investigator looked at the blue sky and let out a long sigh.

‘I never thought that would happen in my lifetime, but I guess a rescue team will come. damn it! To think that a first-class investigator would do such a shameful thing.’

It’s not even really in danger.

Power came into my fist spontaneously.

Investigators mostly work alone, so they don’t know when or where they might be in danger.

In addition to being exposed to danger while working, you may encounter bandits in a really ridiculous way, and sometimes you may be stranded in a shipwreck somewhere.

In life, sometimes a reality that is more shocking than the absurdity of a storyteller arises.

Because of that, the inspector reported his location and situation above whenever he moved.

Each situation is slightly different, but if we don’t hear from you within the set period of time, we send someone from upstairs to check what happened.

If it is judged to be not serious, a novice who has just become an investigator first comes and looks for an investigator, but when the news of an experienced investigator is cut off, a senior officer who is close to retirement is mobilized.

They check what happened, whether they are not in danger, whether they need help, and sometimes the military attaché of the Duke’s family is put in.

Of course, officials are also dispatched for negotiations and threats with other territories or countries.

A large number of people are mobilized for one investigator.

Sometimes, a high-ranking official of the duke’s family stepped forward directly, and when the skilled investigator lost contact, the situation escalated.

A huge amount of manpower and money is being used for just one person.

Of course, that’s rare, but it wasn’t nonexistent.

And I think this will be such a rare case.

‘driving me crazy.’

What is this when you get older?

Besides, the old father is a man of deep love, even though it is difficult to manage his son.

Maybe your eyes are red with worry by now.


And if you knew nothing had happened, you would surely get hit with several fists.

It wasn’t his fault or intention, but he would definitely beat him up to get paid for worrying his father.

‘If I get beaten up at this age, I’m sure I’ll get a bone disease.’

My father is a person with a good body that is hard to see as an investigator.

He is strong and uses his weapons well.

The bigger your worries, the stronger your sincere fists will surely break your bones with one hit.


It seems that the bones that are about to break are already painful.

***[Heroine Oscar]***

Gather all the lizards and eggs, burn them, and prepare to camp some distance from the reservoir.

While the soldiers searched the reservoir area once more, several village chiefs from nearby villages came running, and they were again ordered not to approach the water.

They are also given a strict warning that if they disobey the order, they will be punished severely this time.

The faces of the village chiefs were literally as white as a sheet of paper.

In the meantime, it seems that there are not one or two people who have caught fish in this reservoir without permission.

In the meantime, the official was happy to secure the lizard skin.

Right now, I’m catching one of the soldiers, removing the dirt stuck under the skin, and drying it.

Catherine and Anne said they were about to vomit, and their faces turned blue, but even in that state, they often went to look at the lizard skins the official had secured.

And when the lizard’s skin is shaken by chance, they squeal as they hold each other’s hands tightly.

The soldiers pretended not to see and laughed secretly while spying on the two.


Of course, I am also the one who laughs at the two of them.

Catherine must have known that atmosphere to some extent, but she seemed to be curious about the lizard’s skin.

And when you stand in front of the lizard’s skin, it seems that a scream comes out by itself.

Although I don’t think Katrin is the type to be frightened by a dead beast’s skin.

‘Ah, maybe it’s just gross.’

Women especially like furry animals and hate smooth reptile skins.

Yes, it seems so.

As the day got darker, torches were lit, and sad birdsong was heard from the bushes around the reservoir.

For some reason, it seems more miserable than usual.

It felt as if the birds were realizing the death of the egg they had laid, and my heart sank a little.


The next morning, the lord came running with his soldiers.

The city where the lord lives is quite far from here.

In order to arrive at such an early hour, he would have had to run without stopping for an hour.

‘Send officials and soldiers.’

You don’t have to come in person.

It would have been enough to send soldiers to search the reservoir.

In fact, the person I sent would have told me that too.

I thought so, but as soon as the lord found me, he quickly scanned my body with his eyes.

‘Oh, I see.’

It seems that they ran not simply to search the reservoir, but because they were concerned about my safety.

You should know enough that I am strong, but the people of the duchy are really worried.

The lord got off his horse and stood in front of me.

Even though he is quite old, he is like a swallow full of water.

He might be better than me if he was simply skilled with a sword or a horse.

No, most of the military personnel belonging to the ducal family are like that.

Perhaps the only thing I’m better than them is my arrow accuracy and magical power.

‘Because the bow’s hit rate has risen mostly because of magical power, there’s no corner to win anything except for magical power.’

I wonder if the people of the duke’s family are so worried about me because they know that?

As if relieved, the lord breathed and lowered his eyes.

“Duke, I’m glad you’re safe.”

After saying that, the lord bowed his head deeply.

“I’m sorry. That there were people who disobeyed orders and fished in the reservoir, and even the fact that the Duke’s footsteps stopped because of that… It’s all because of my mismanagement of this place.”

It seems like he will say that if he does something wrong, he will step down from his position as lord.

Before I could say that, I held the lord’s hand.

“Never mind. If it hadn’t been for this incident, there could have been a bigger accident. It was nice to find out early.”

“Looking at the results, it might have been, but this is my fault to the end.


I made a little stern face.

“It’s embarrassing to say that. You are the ones who know me best and support me in this world, and I can’t back down on this. I still need your help.”

“… Duke.”

After making the people around me withdraw with my gaze, I continued with a low voice.

“Besides, this time I’m giving up on Prince Robert, who I’ve supported so far, and trying to push Prince Emile out. I need your strength more than ever.”


The lord’s eyes widened.

Then, he gave strength to the hand he was holding.

“You’ve thought about it well, Duke! Even so, we were very upset with Prince Robert’s attitude toward the Duke. Thinking of such a person as king would make you wake up in a fit of rage even in your sleep.”


Um, did you hate Prince Robert that much?

I already dropped the word crown prince and referred to him as just a prince.

Come to think of it, until now, every time I met with the lords and brought up this story, there was no objection.

I just came back to say that I would follow my will.

Changing the prince you support requires family support.

It wasn’t just because I made that decision on my own.

However, it was somewhat uncomfortable to say that it was so smooth, but maybe the people of the vassal family continued to hate Crown Prince Robert.

I looked at the lord and smiled.

“So don’t think of stepping down. I need your strength now.”

“If I can help my lord, what will I save? I have to run until these old bones are worn out.”

No, I don’t ask for that much.

I’m the bad guy if I work that hard.

I smiled and slightly lowered my eyes.

I am always embarrassed by the exaggerated words of these people.

Perhaps because of the feeling, his cheeks felt a little hot.

“Thank you. Thanks to you guys, I can do things the way I want.”

At my words, the lord smiled and nodded several times.

“Anyway, you’ve thought of it really well. Prince Emil tends to respect the power of the duke, and comparing the two, that way is much better. If that’s the case, we’ll have to accelerate the training of our soldiers as well.”

“… I have no intention of doing anything by force.”

When I said this with a worried heart, the lord laughed out loud wahahahaha.

“Of course, Duke. I’m well aware of it. Don’t worry.”


Somehow, it seems that the previous lords muttered that they needed to train more soldiers, and they started to worry a little.

It might be a good idea to make it clear at a later meeting with the lords that you have no intention of using force again.

‘Come to think of it, it’s time for other families to reply to the letter I sent.’

You can speak openly to the people of the duke’s family, but you have to approach other families little by little while watching the atmosphere.

For that reason, he sent letters to important families before going on an inspection tour.

If you check the reply coming this time, you will know which family had a lot of dissatisfaction with Crown Prince Robert.

‘How many places are sensitive to the atmosphere I created?’

The difficulty of the task changes accordingly.

I took a small breath.

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