142 Words that don’t work

***[Prince Emile]***

Areas close to the grassland tribes are often poor.

Although he receives support from the royal family, his life is always difficult and he lacks people.

These days, the drought seems to have made the situation of the steppe tribes more difficult.

I heard raids happen more often.

Because of that, it is said that subjugating the demons has become more difficult.

The forest was overflowing with demon beasts.

“Back off! Back off! Soldiers, get out of the woods!”


While the subjugation captain is shouting, the soldiers run outside.

Emil urged the soldiers in the middle of the fleeing ranks.

“Run if you want to live! You pick up stuff over there! Get that later! Everyone, don’t stop! Run like your ass is on fire!”

It’s been three days since I went deep into the forest in pursuit of the Witchbeast.

Emil and the soldiers are running away after witnessing a group of demons fighting.

There were dozens of monsters with long noses and horned monsters.

Both groups are carrying cubs.

Maybe it was a territorial fight, or maybe a fight broke out between one group aiming for the offspring of another demon beast.

Either way, both groups were excited and running madly at their opponents.

Trees cracked and the ground trembled as the gigantic demon beasts collided with each other or struck the opponent with their noses and horns.

The entire forest is buzzing with the breathing and crying of the excited monster.

The moment a few of them spotted a human and flashed their eyes excitedly, everyone started to run away in unison.

I couldn’t see the monster now, but I could still hear the thumping sound, and somewhere, the demon beast that seemed to be their companion was howling.

The sound is coming closer, it seems to be coming this way.

If you mistakenly intervene in the fights of such demons, humans will be trampled to death.

You must run away in haste.

As the soldiers pressed on, Emil also backed away little by little, but suddenly the horse roared loudly and started running in the wrong direction.

He tried to stop by pulling hard on the reins, but he was too excited to obey orders.

The horse was running in the direction from which the demon howling was heard.

The moment I thought I was in big trouble, someone’s shadow stretched beside me.

“Come this way!”

Duke is a person.

He was the captain of the soldiers that the duke contributed to subjugate the demons.

Without thinking, Emil took his outstretched hand.

The moment he pulls with strong force, Emil also floats.

As he left his horse and mounted the captain’s horse, another ducal soldier grabbed the reins of Emile’s horse.

Emil and the duke’s horse slowed down, but Emil’s horse continued to run.

The Duke’s soldier grabbed the reins and jumped on top of them while running together.

Grab the reins and pull your arms straight.

Somehow, Emil’s horse lifted its paws high and stopped while crying.

“Thank you, Captain. If it weren’t for you, I would have died this time.”

When Emile spoke while riding on the captain’s back, he shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing.

“Nothing to say. What I did wasn’t a big deal… Well, I just came running after seeing it by chance.”

It’s a lie.

At first I thought it was a coincidence, as he said, but this wasn’t the only time it helped.

He has already been saved from death several times.

If he hadn’t kept watching Emil, there wouldn’t be such a chance.

The soldiers of the royal family are criticizing them for being idle while subjugating the beasts, but if you look closely, they are not playing.

As if moving in groups, a certain number stayed near Emile.

Anytime, anywhere, there was a duke’s soldier right nearby.

In a way that other people don’t notice, lounging around and playing.

But from the standpoint of being protected, you can’t know.

Their mission is not to subdue the beasts, but to protect Emil.

Maybe someone who tried to kill him noticed.

Glancing at the soldier pulling Emil’s horse, the head of the duke muttered to himself.

“Something seemed to have splattered the horse. Well, it must have been a stone or a sharp piece of metal or something. It looked like it had sprung from the left side. I’d better not ride it today, as it might hurt.”


Emil closed her eyes.

To his left was an escort.

He has been by my side ever since I was in my late teens.

Now, the head of the duchy said that the escort tried to kill him.

He who has been by my side for a long time.

He wanted to deny it, but Emil himself was vaguely aware of it.

After coming here, I realized that he was trying to kill me.

Because I saw guilt and conflict in his eyes many times.

Perhaps the first queen caught a weakness.

‘1Does the queen want to kill me like that?’

Robert has everything.

A mother’s family to support her, a mother who is strong against scheming, and a legitimate lineage to anyone’s eyes.

Even if Emil is left alone, his position as crown prince will not be overturned.

Even so, the first queen seems to have an eye for Emil.

Emile bit his lip.

The head of the duke ran in the same direction as the fleeing soldiers with Emile on his back.

Say nothing.

I didn’t even look back.

The soldier holding Emil’s horse was also turning his head away from him.

Probably because he knew that Emile was holding back his tears.

The shade of the forest created by the trees stretched over the two of them, hiding the tears in their eyelashes.

He is 24 years old this year.

Haven’t even gotten married yet.

They were engaged once, but broke up because of the first queen’s faults, and since then they have not even had a fiancée.

It was because the first queen, who hated the possibility of having a child, interfered every time.

The marriage talk that came to him was only the position of the family where he had to enter Daryl’s son-in-law.

If that happens, you will be removed from the royal register and become a member of that family.

At one point, I wondered if it would be better to do that, but considering my mother, I couldn’t.

If he leaves the palace and becomes a member of another family, the mother is left alone.

Being alone in the palace is a very difficult and dangerous thing.

The foolish mother is sure to fall for the scheming of the 1st queen and get kicked out after taking on a sin she did not commit.

1Because the queen hates her mother to the core.

You can’t tell from the outside how much she hates her mother.

Only those who have suffered directly can know the persistent hatred.

Fortunately, his father, the king, said that it was not okay for Emil to enter another family, so he had been living in the palace until now.

Perhaps as a reserve in case something happened to Robert, or perhaps as a protective gear left by his father to protect his mother.

But that life wasn’t easy.

It was humiliating, miserable and difficult.

The queen and the prince each receive a set amount of money.

However, it is difficult to live in the palace with that money alone.

Even a single set of royal clothes costs a lot of money, and when you buy clothes, you have to prepare accessories accordingly.

It wasn’t just one or two outfits like that.

Every time you interact with the nobles, you have to change clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other accessories, and you have to spend money for the person who works for you.

Even drinking a cup of tea, there were things I had to personally prepare.

The first queen, the princess of another kingdom, has support from her parents’ family, and there are also things and money that other nobles give her in various names.

Anything like that could be done luxuriously, but my mother’s family was poor and there were no sponsors to support her.

Every day was miserable, and it was normal to think about how to go out in front of people with a less shabby appearance.

The reason why Louise went to the steppes was because she had no strength.

If I had the strength, my younger brother would never have gone to such a place, but my heart was torn because I felt miserable, unfair, and pitiful for that child.

Without the Duke’s patronage, the child would have been even more miserable.

From Louise’s coma to the procession leaving the kingdom, the Duke’s breath touched her.

Thanks to the Duke’s hard work, the child was able to leave this country as a princess and settle down there.

It was also thanks to the Duke that her mother was able to receive news from Louise.

A person from the duke’s family regularly delivered Louise’s letters, and delivered those from her mother to the child.

The other day, when my younger brother and his wife were invited to the kingdom, I was really relieved.

I could see with my own eyes that they were living happily.

Even now, the duke seems to be constantly sending things to Louise.

I don’t know why the duke would do that.

But it was clear that if she wanted to live as long as possible, if she wanted to keep her neck attached to Robert after he became king, he would have to be intimate with the duke.

The Duke’s favor is his lifeline.

After discovering that the duke was friendly towards them, Emile tried to put the duke face to face whenever the opportunity to get close came.

The result of that effort may be today.

I still don’t know what the duke was thinking, but at least someone was sent for him.

Thanks to that, he survived.

Emile dried the tears in his eyelashes and spoke softly.

“Thank you… I’m grateful… Please tell the Duke.”

The head of the Duke’s family, who was running, opened his mouth as if he had suddenly remembered.

“Ah, the duke said he’s coming here. You can tell him yourself.”


“I’m sorry. I got a call a few days ago, but I forgot to tell you.”

Wouldn’t it be troublesome to forget something so important?

Thinking so, I asked why the duke was coming, and the captain tilted his head slightly.

“Well, I don’t know that much. Our duke sometimes acts strangely. The person below me has no choice but to diligently follow him around so that his crotch is not torn.”


crotch? torn?

Contrary to what he looks like, his words are rough.

But why did the duke come to such a dangerous place?

For some reason, Emile was embarrassed inside because he couldn’t understand.

‘Did something happen in the royal capital?’

I got a little anxious.

Anyway, if the duke is coming, you have to make some preparations in your own way.

They are currently camping near the forest, but there is a lord’s house nearby.

You will need to send someone there to tell them to prepare for the Duke, and prepare clothes as well.

It was when I almost got out of the forest with such thoughts.

A group of soldiers could be seen beyond the tent for camping.

And I see a very large demon beast.

stood next to the peacock.


I guess my eyes got weird.

“You’ve already arrived. You seem to have run that long distance without stopping. Our duke has an impatient personality.”

The voice of the head of the duke’s house was heard.

Are you happy to meet the duke?

For some reason, the captain’s voice is excited.

Perhaps the Witchbeast could only be seen in Emil’s eyes.

The head of the duke’s family did not mention the Witchbeast at all.

But now is not the time to care.

Emily shrank in embarrassment.

‘It’s embarrassing.’

Like a child, he was riding behind the duke’s soldier, and meeting the duke with such an appearance, I could hear the blood draining from his face.


In my 24 years of living, I want to die the most right now.

***[Heroine Oscar]***

As they approached the forest where Prince Emil was said to be, they heard the cries of animals in the distance.

It’s small, but it probably sounds like this when Tarzan calls a beast in the jungle.

The beasts were howling wildly.

In the far sky in the forest, birds are flying in the sky.

It seems that the magic beasts are rampaging.

Fortunately, I saw soldiers coming out of the forest.

One of them was Prince Emile.

‘thank god.’

I don’t know what happened in the forest, but I think I got out in time.

As dangerous as it may have been, Prince Emile was riding behind a soldier sent by the ducal family.

It was not very nice to see two large men sitting on one horse.

Not only does it look shabby, but Emile’s eyes are also a little red, and he doesn’t look like royalty anyway.

‘I’ll have to pretend I didn’t see this.’

I slightly turned my head as if I hadn’t spotted him yet.

I’ve heard that there are often cases where a village has turned into a wasteland because the demon subjugation was not done in time, but this place seems to be especially worse.

I leaned my head towards the captain of the escort following me.

The escort captain put his horse close to my side.

“I need to attach some more soldiers to Prince Emile. You yourself choose someone from among the soldiers of the duchy. Someone who is good at guarding.”

“All right.”

It was then.

Pooh, who was shaking his ears in all directions, suddenly started crying.


The throat is incredibly large.

I had to cover my ears.

After crying out loud, Puu ran to the forest shaking his hips, then suddenly stopped.

Shaking his body as if embarrassed, he runs back to me.

‘Are you happy that you met a colleague?’

if so.

I tapped Pooh’s head.

“If you want to meet your comrades and go there…you can go. You can’t make a mate if you’re among people. You’d better go find your group if you can.”


Pooh cried loudly again and waggled his tail.

He seems to be happy for some reason.

His eyes were sparkling, and on the other hand, he seemed to want to play.

In any case, it seems that the words exchanged between the two of us do not communicate at all.

I can’t understand Pooh’s words, and Pooh doesn’t seem to know what I’m saying at all from his expression.

Pooh cried a few more times towards the forest, but he refused to leave my side.

Since I had visited without notice, I stopped for a moment at a place far away from Prince Emile.

It took the form that they hadn’t officially met yet.

Meanwhile, Prince Emile hurriedly went into the tent, dressed up, and came out.

As I waved the reins and went forward, Prince Emile also walked towards me.

“Duke Weiss, welcome.”

“I came without even giving notice of the visit. Please forgive the rudeness.”

At my words, Prince Emile slightly bowed his head.

“You’re welcome. The Duke’s visit is always welcome. Nice to meet you.”

When the eyes of the two met, no matter which one came first, they smiled.

It was then.

It looks like a tree has fallen from a distance.

Birds fluttered away again in the distant sky, and Pooh, who was next to him, abruptly cried out loudly.


Seeing the prince startled, I slapped Pooh on the nape of the neck.


Pooh opened his eyes wide and moved his thick short neck a little.

this guy! Even if you tilt your face while pretending to be so cute, this time you’re wrong.

As the soldiers in the back began to laugh little by little, Pooh happily shook his hips and cried again.



After all, this guy can’t understand people’s words at all.

Suddenly, the prince murmured in a low voice.

“… the real witch… was here.”


I don’t know what he’s talking about, even though he’s a human being who can communicate.

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