The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 30 Dak Dimon's Exponential Explosion Story

This is obviously Robert's biggest concern at the moment.

If the credits of this class are not counted, the debt between him and Werther will be completely over.

"So, why is there something wrong with this class!"

Robert roared inwardly, feeling a little agitated.


But Dak is the first substitute teacher, how do you know if the credits count?

He thought for a while and decided to try it out: "Very well, Bloheim's question is very constructive. It seems that everyone is very concerned about this question. How about we do an experiment?"

Robert: "What experiment?"

Dak suddenly said loudly: "Broheim, deduct five points!"

Robert's face suddenly changed!

He hurriedly picked up the sorting card to check, and it really deducted five fucking points!

Dak asked, "How is it? Is there any deduction?"

Robert nodded with an ugly face, "Deducted."

Dak smiled slightly: "Broheim, add five points."

Although he didn't know the reason for this, he obviously already had the power of the professors in this class to control the credits of the students.

As a substitute teacher, he has been rectified.

And sure enough, when he realized that this student of the same grade could actually deduct points for himself, those students who were dissatisfied with him all restrained themselves a lot.

Duck said: "Since everyone has no questions, let's start the class. Please take out the exercise set and turn to page XX. By the way, no one should have done their homework, right?"

Facing his doubts, the students of the Magic Academy were slightly dismissive, and someone from the Knight Academy even unfolded the exercise set for him to read.

Speaking of which, the last arithmetic class was last Thursday, and it has been five days since now.

As long as it is a normal student, it is impossible not to finish it, right?

Impossible, impossible?

Originally, according to Professor Lily's practice, the exercises would be collected before the end of this class, and then after being corrected, they would be distributed in the next class, and the homework for the new week would be assigned by the way.

But Dak wanted to spend more time, so he planned to give the homework directly today.

Anyway, he is often the one who corrects the first grade homework.

After finishing the lecture today, I also saved the trouble of correcting!

But just as he was about to open the exercise book, he suddenly looked up and found that there seemed to be something wrong with Robert's expression!


Something was wrong with Robert, he almost wanted to cry!

Because he really forgot to do his homework!

Of course, Werther beside him didn't write a number up at all!

It's just that Werther's emotional control is stronger than Robert's, so he didn't show it much.

The homework for the arithmetic class is assigned on Thursday, because it is close to the weekend, so many students would do it together on the weekend.

But last weekend was the first open day of Traveler Street!

Witt and Robert spent huge sums of money to buy the latest Magic Chess, and they have been playing with Magic Chess all weekend since Friday afternoon.

Under the playthings, how can they remember their homework?

And on Monday, that is, last night, they have been trying to find a way to borrow credits, and it is even more impossible to do homework!


Robert suddenly felt a pain in his thigh, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Werther.

Witt withdrew his hand and quickly winked: pretend, pretend, you!

But how can I still pretend...

Darke didn't want to care about it at first - he really didn't want to care about it, but Robert's performance was so obvious that even the students of the Noble Academy who were separated by an aisle noticed.

One student even looked at him maliciously and slowly raised his hand!

If you don't care about it at this time, it's really unreasonable.

Dak said helplessly, "Powell, what do you want to say?"

Powell stood up slowly, pointed at Robert and said triumphantly: "Dear Dimon, I saw a mouse hiding the exercise book in his crotch."

Darke turned his gaze to Robert, then glanced at Werther next to him, and said simply: "Gothe, check Bradheim's homework."

Werther lowered his head helplessly and reached for Robert's exercise set.

You can't take it!

Because he didn't do either!

At this time, I can only abandon the car to save my handsomeness!

After pretending to check it, Werther said helplessly: "Sorry, it seems that he really forgot to do his homework."

Dak's face became "gloomy": "Very well, Bloheim, do you still remember how many points are deducted for not doing homework?"

Robert gritted his teeth.

Duck said blankly: "Broheim, deduct ten points!"

Werther clung to the corner of the problem set.

An extremely ominous premonition suddenly appeared in my heart!


Dake didn't delve too deeply into it, but copied the exercises on the blackboard and explained them one by one.

He occasionally asks questions, and he also quotes stories to explain some difficult questions, explaining the profound things in simple terms, which is far superior to Professor Lily's scripted teaching!

The students gradually discovered that those extremely difficult exercises seemed to suddenly become easier!

And Robert in the audience looked ashamed.

Werther did his best to pretend he was listening. He had never hated himself so much for not doing his homework.

Obviously they are all first graders.

They are obviously the sons of the two swords of the kingdom.

Now one is giving lectures on stage, and the other is in the audience for fear of being found out that he didn't do his homework!

He gripped the pen holder with unprecedented force.


The explanation of the exercises was much smoother than Darke expected, especially in terms of delaying time =_=!

Ten minutes for questions, half an hour for exercises, and forty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Dak looked at the clock and knew that it was time for him to speak some useful knowledge.

So he followed his original train of thought and told the story about the "exponential explosion".

Of course, he can't really talk about the index, after all, it's too super-classical.

This idea came from the debt dispute between Emma, ​​Werther, and Robert that I ran into yesterday by chance.

Although Dak didn't hear the specific content clearly, it didn't prevent him from recalling a story about a millionaire's bankruptcy.

Today, since he is standing on this podium, he must leave something behind.

So he started to talk along his own train of thought: "The famous dragon egg magister Da Vinci once said that arithmetic is the foundation of all magic! Some of you think that arithmetic has little effect on magic duels , don’t study hard, and don’t even do a little homework. This kind of behavior is very stupid!”

"If you don't even know the basics of arithmetic, let alone a magic duel, even if it's just a normal life, you may be played by others."

"Once upon a time, there was a millionaire named Jamie who went bankrupt because he didn't know how to count!"

Afterwards, Darke told the story.

One day, a strange thing happened to millionaire Jamie.

A man named Weber said to him: "I want to sign a contract with you. I will give you 100,000 holy coins every day for a whole month. You only need to give me 1 point on the first day, and you will give me 100,000 holy coins every day after that. twice as much as the day before."

Jamie only saw the difference between 1 point and 100,000, and said in surprise: "Really?! You mean what you say?"

Jamie was ecstatic when the contract came into force.

On the first day, Jamie spends 1 point and earns 100,000.

The next day, Jamie spends 2 cents and earns 100,000.

On the 10th day, Jamie received a total of 1 million, and only paid out a total of 5.12 holy coins.

On the 20th day, Jamie got a total of 2 million, while Weber only got more than 5,000 holy coins.

Jamie couldn't help thinking: "It would be great if the contract could be signed for two or three months!"

But from 21 days onwards, the situation has changed!

On the 21st day, Jamie spent more than 10,000 yuan and earned 100,000 yuan.

By the 28th day, Jamie spent more than 1.34 million and earned 100,000.

As a result, while Jamie received 3.1 million holy coins within one month (31 days), he paid Weber more than 21 million holy coins in total!

Jamie is broke!



Robert's roar resounded through the classroom.




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