The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 34 Dak Dimon Doesn't Understand The Darkness Of Night

Dak wasn't stupid enough to stay up all night waiting for the [Pride 2] CD to pass.

Waking up in the morning, the hazy light shines through the patterns of the curtains, printing out mottled spots.

Duck shot [Arrogance 2] at the blinking little evil beast.

"Ah-hahahaha? ( ̄v ̄)/!"

The little evil beast that flew into the air looked down at its master from a height, and laughed arrogantly against the ceiling.

Dak didn't care about such trivial things: "Little evil beast, use another skill against the wall."

A familiar cannot resist a formal order from a magister.

At this point, the magic elves without similar valves have more autonomy.

Of course, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a magic elf with an intelligence level of 2.0 to have the idea of ​​disobeying his master's orders.

So despite all the reluctance of the little evil beast, it still used another skill against the wall - it suddenly widened its eyes, and two spiral light waves burst out from the dark Gold's pupils!

If it wasn't for the fact that there was nothing wrong with the wall, Dak would really have thought that it had learned some kind of skill like "Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon (Eye)".

But he soon realized that this was most likely a skill specific to creatures.

So Dak immediately summoned [Magic Beast: Eevee].

Although the magic wizard is not a creature in the traditional sense, it can be regarded as a pseudo-life.

Sure enough, the spiral light waves shot from the eyes of the little evil beast finally worked, and Ibrahimovic's eyes gradually blurred, and finally fell asleep!

→【Nirvana: Demon Hypnosis】

→ [Demon Hypnosis: Launch hypnotic waves from the eyes to hypnotize the enemy. 】


After completing this small experiment, Darke began to formulate the next goal.

"There are still five points of [Arrogance] this month... I still feel that it is not enough?"

"The three-day shelf life of the thinking bottle is too short, maybe you should get some credits and buy a more Advanced one."

"Also, I want to try to make magic cards from other big crime series."

"Hmm~ let me see, the closest indicators to 100 points are rage and bliss..."

"Wait, why did I have such an idea?"

"Dak Dimon, danger!"

Dak quickly discarded this dangerous idea, and the main purpose now is to lower the value of [Arrogance] before proceeding with other experiments.

After a month of tempering, his self-control ability is getting stronger and stronger, except that [Bliss] is not easy to control, and there is a hidden worry in [Rage], that is, [Greed] is a little bit dangerous.

As long as the most difficult to control [arrogance] is lowered, there will be no problem in the short term.

When the self-control ability is stronger, you can try to control a specific crime to fluctuate around 100...

"Hiss! Dak Dimon, your idea is dangerous!"


With St. Marianne the sky is overcast.

First Years ushered in this week's second session of Potions.

Dak still came to the classroom ahead of time to wait, but to his surprise, there were two more people in the classroom that he would never see normally.

Werther and Robert, which is rare today, came to the classroom early!

"What's wrong with them? Has their head been caught by a familiar?"

Although he discovered that something was wrong with these two two days ago, Dak didn't think too deeply.

But this morning the situation is particularly obvious!

Although Witte is not as flamboyant as some people, he is actually a person who usually pays attention to his image.

Dak had never seen him with a head as dickish as today!

And what's wrong with those eyes?

Was it bullied?

Is there anyone besides me, Dak Dimon, who dares to bully the Son of the Brave?


What is that thing tied to Robert's forehead?

"Must win?"

Do you want to debut at the C position?

Duck was speechless.


As the class time drew closer, the number of people in the classroom gradually increased.

Someone couldn't help asking.

Werther bit the tip of his pen and gnawed at the book, his face gradually became ferocious.

Robert had already been out of his body and his soul was separated, so he responded in a daze: "It's nothing, it's just the price of learning!"


It turns out that learning needs to pay such a high price?

You guys won't be reading all night long, will you?

Go to bed at ten o'clock, wake up at six o'clock, and take a half-hour nap in the afternoon to maintain energy and improve efficiency for the day.

Staying up all night is not advisable!

Dark wanted to pass on his experience to them.

But it seems impossible.


The bell rang exactly at eight o'clock.

Professor Thompson stepped into the classroom on the clock.

"Today is theory class."

Just one sentence blocked the students' interest.

Although the experimental class will be more difficult, compared to the boring theoretical class, the first-year students obviously prefer the experimental class of brewing potions by themselves.

But Werther and Robert's eyes were red!

"Lucky isn't it, Robert."

"Yes, Werther. It seems our efforts have been favored by Lady Luck."

"Today's Potions class, I will score five points more than you!"

"Hahaha, are you kind? Werther."


Five minutes into class.

Professor Thompson finally asked the first question: "How to purify the spirit honey juice in the process of configuring it? I remember talking about this issue last week. Does anyone remember?"

Werther raised his hand violently!

But before Professor Thompson noticed, he quickly let go.

This up and down is really frightening, like an elevator out of control and falling straight to the bottom of the building.

Werther wiped his sweat and became sober.

Robert anxiously said: "What's going on? Werther."

Werther looked embarrassed: "Hahaha, how could I know what I said last week? What about you, Robert?"

Robert looked blank: "You don't even know, how could I know."


Thirty-six minutes into class.

Werther pinched Robert's thigh hard.


Robert jumped up like a grasshopper, but gagged himself just in time.

Professor Thompson, who was writing with his back on the blackboard, didn't notice them.

Just now, Robert has dozed off for the third time.

Falling asleep in Professor Thompson's class is no joke.

Professor Dee Dee, who teaches History of Magic, deducted ten points at most - deducted all the basic points of a class.

Professor Thompson will deduct negative points for you!

Robert was sweating profusely, his eyes felt swollen again, and his eyelids were as heavy as iron.


Class sixty-third minutes.

Professor Thompson finally talked about what they previewed last night - how to use magic power to assist potion preparation.

Werther is the only one who is confident in his magic power.

When Professor Thompson poured a "rainbow liquid" mixed with various colors into a full 5L beaker, and then pulled out a mercury glass rod filled with mercury in the center, he was about to call a student from the audience As a demonstration, the rainbow liquid is magically mixed into seven distinct colors.

Werther, whose eyes were already swollen like toads, immediately raised his hand!

"Huh? Werther Gold, come on."



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