Sacrifice a little hue.

Dak learned the location of the books related to Maomaocao from senior sister Pandora, and soon found a copy of "Thousands of Mimics in the Plant World" in the library.

There were relatively few people in the library on a Friday night.

Dak poured himself a cup of unscented black tea, then looked through it carefully.

"Mimicry refers to an ecological adaptation phenomenon in which one organism imitates another organism or non-organism in terms of shape, behavior and other characteristics, so as to benefit one or both parties. It is a special behavior formed by organisms in the long-term evolution of nature."

"The biological phenomenon of cat cat grass is derived from mimicry."

"A typical mimicry system consists of a mimic, a simulated subject, and a dupe."

"Take cat cat grass as an example."

"The mimic is the cat cat grass itself."

"The simulated object is a cat."

"And the deceived are human beings."


"The six major organs of plants: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds."

"Segment the cat grass according to the plant structure."

"The part buried in the soil is the root."

"The tail is the stem."

"And the hair all over its body is... leaves?"

Seeing Dak here, the whole person is stupid.

According to his initial imagination, he originally thought that the "cat" part of Maomaocao should belong to the "fruit".

But that doesn't seem to be the case now.

The cat's hair is a leaf, and the body, limbs, and head are the same as the main body of the cactus, which belong to the fleshy stem.

As for the flowers and fruit...

Every spring and autumn, beautiful flowers will grow above the head of cat cat grass.

When the petals wither, they will bear fruit.

As for the seed, it is naturally in the fruit.


Dak continued to read the books, and gradually had a more detailed understanding of the ecology of catmaow grass.

When they are about to bloom, they will transport most of the nutrients in the body to the top of the head, and then give birth to flower buds, develop into flower buds, flower buds, and finally bloom flowers, pollinate, and bear fruit.

"It's a very important process."

Dake drew the whole process as a graph in his notebook, and then drew a circle on the top of Maomaicao's head, convinced that he had found the reason.

In order to prove his idea, he checked a lot of materials, and he didn't borrow another copy of "The Dress Up Master" until 9 o'clock in the evening, and left the library.

Senior Pandora is not always in the library, Ms. Bella is still on duty most of the time.

After Dake returned to the dormitory, he turned on the light first, put the borrowed book on the table, and then walked into the balcony.

"Meow ~"

Maomaicao came over on its short legs, and Dak squatted down to scratch its chin, while with the other hand he carefully groped for the [Arrogance] coat of arms on top of its head.

Then it was discovered that there was a small granulation in the middle of the [Arrogance] coat of arms!

Feeling the tactile sensation of the bulge against his fingertips, Dak was suddenly a little excited.

What kind of fruit can the cat cat grass that absorbed [arrogance] produce?

"Speaking of fruits, there are countless potions made from various fruits, and even some magic wizard cards require special fruits as core materials. Before it successfully bears fruit, I may be able to research related potions Or the making of wizard elves."

Because he had expectations for Mao Maocao, he once again felt the joy of sucking cats.

The backlog of [Furious Rage] in the mind also disappeared a little.

After a while, he took the cat grass to the bathroom and rinsed it, and then placed it on the bedside table. After watching "Dress Up Master" for the last time, he fell into a deep sleep.


But Friday night wasn't over.

Diana and Rose were still rowdy in the common room.

After the tea party, Emma was invited to the reading club of the Academy of Magic, and stayed up all night tonight.

After Pandora calmed down, she was preparing for tomorrow's magic duel competition.

As for Werther and Robert, after playing wildly for half the night, they returned to the dormitory very late.

But not long after returning to the dormitory, Werther quietly opened the door, glanced at Robert's room, and slipped out of the tower of the Knights Academy.

Walking into the silent castle, Werther couldn't help but recall his experience in the afternoon.

Emma's last ripple was too heartbreaking.

This made him almost make the wrong decision.

Fortunately, Robert offered to go to the library to study, which gave him hope for change.

"Think of your dead parents!"

Although Werther never met his parents, he grew up listening to the stories of brave men.

The brave has always been the object of his longing.

The day he learned that he was the son of the brave from the mouth of Principal Arte, he was really happy and crazy!

At this time, I will look back at what I have done for more than a month.

He wanted to find a hole in the ground and bury himself completely!

→He really thought so when he first entered the library.

→He also set a small goal for himself, to surpass Dak Dimon before the end of this semester!

But after two hours, the tough arithmetic homework sapped his will.

After looking at each other with Robert, the two brothers reached an agreement, work and rest!


Duck's teaching, they also learned!


The sound of footsteps alone echoed in the corridor.

Werther drew out [Forbidden Love], and only input a little magic power, and the pink mist drilled out of the card surface, gradually converging into a blurred human form.

The only thing he didn't forget was his small goal - surpassing Dak!

But to do this, the conventional method seems to be no longer feasible, only to find another way.

Following the guidance of the Pink mist, Werther came to the small temple that he had visited last night again.

Those "tinkers" clamoring for a holy war are not here.

He looked around carefully, and after confirming that no one was hiding in the corner like himself last night, he came to stand in front of the statue.

The statue's skin became more and more delicate, and the fair face exuded a soft halo, as if it could open its eyes at any time.

Werther took out the "Old Chapters" that he had borrowed from Robert in the afternoon from his shoulder bag, and then looked carefully at the face of the god.

"Old Chapters" records the gods who ruled the worlds in the past.

They existed at least five epochs ago, they came from the starry sky, they walked in the abyss, they were once great, they once ruled the world... They have long been forgotten by history, they are The Great Old One buried in ancient dust!

half an hour later.

There was joy in Werther's eyes.

He found the god with a similar face to the idol.

"She was born on the moon and descended on the earth; she is both the god of the moon and the mother of the earth; she is dedicated to the reproduction of all things, and she is not stingy with the blessings of the earth; she is the most beautiful goddess, the master of the night, her Beauty is eternal, she is divine, noble, presides over fertility, fertility, and love..."




The Old Ones in this article take the literal meaning, the scope is very general, and there are a lot of original parts, not just the gods in the Cthulhu mythology.

Everything is based on the setting of this book.

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