57 – Summer vacation (5)

The car went over on the opposite lane and crashed to the ground.


Surprised, Han Min-ha gasped for breath and opened his eyes wide.

Then another car flew through the air and over there.

In a sudden situation, all vehicles stopped and horns rang out from all directions.

“Professor! What?!”

“It’s a villain.”


No need to double check.

If cars fly on the highway in broad daylight, there is no reason other than the villain.

“What should I do?”

“Wait. Maybe the local hero will be there. I’m safely in the car.”

He put a shield on the car and reassured Han Min-ha.

There is no need to step out.

It is dangerous to wander around without knowing the location or shape of the villain.

This is because there is a very high probability that the dispatched heroes will attack by mistake.

It is the same logic as not being shot when the suppression team comes in to subdue the hostage.

Above all, it is a bigger problem to be in the shape of stealing the achievements of the heroes who have been dispatched after recklessly stepping out.

In fact, it’s worse than being mistakenly attacked.

In the position of active duty players who need to kill at least one more villain in order to be promoted, a retired former hero suddenly steps in and sorts out the situation?

There will be nothing more exhilarating than that.

“Professor! There! There it is!”

Han Min-ha got excited and pointed in front of me.

Beyond the median in front of me, I saw something large, black, waving its arms.

It doesn’t look like an exoskeleton suit since it moves its arms so freely…

Is it a biological villain?

strengthened body? Or a mutation? what do you mean

Every time the villain swung his arm, the car flew all over the place.

“Professor…! Shouldn’t we step in…?!”

“No. In this case, it’s better for you to just be for your own safety. Heroes go faster than fire trucks anyway. Here they come.”

I saw a green light flickering in the sky farther than the villain and flying quickly this way.

After slightly lowering the altitude, the green aura that curves sideways and flies up stops above the villain’s head.

Let’s see.

A low-key suit in the form of green zentai.

Also, the shoes aren’t combat boots, they’re just sneakers.

I don’t know who.

It seems that he is a new hero who has just debuted or has become independent from sidekick.

Still, if you came alone without a sidekick, it seems that your skills are guaranteed to some extent.

It’s clothes, in fact, whatever you wear is your own mind.

As the hero secured the top of the villain’s head and stretched out both arms forward, thick vine-like strands of green and brown mixed with each other stretched out and began to entangle the villain.

People who got out of the car clapped and cheered and took pictures with their phones.

“Take a close look, student Minha. That’s the ‘site’.”

“Yes! I see, professor!”

Han Min-ha opened her eyes wide and focused on the sight of the green hero fighting.

The villain, who was bound by the vines, opened his mouth wide and struggled with his big arms.

The biovillain is beaten, and it seems to be a mutation by looking at the shape of the head.

human? Or is it a monkey or something similar?

When the villain resisted, the green hero created more vines and tied the villain’s joints and neck.

“Wow… that’s amazing…!”

Han Min-ha held her hands together and her eyes lit up.

That type of ability is definitely easy to fight.

It’s enough to just spew vines or tentacles and tie them up.

Of course, this is only possible if you have superiority over your opponent.

Unfortunately, that hero seems to be lacking in strength.

As the villain pulled his arm wrapped around the vine and grabbed the vine with his other arm, the hero began to be dragged little by little.

“Huh? Professor!”

Normal heroes act alone and do not intervene in cases with other heroes.

Perhaps no other hero will come to help that hero.

“Looks like it’s a bit daunting. Here it is.”

Seeing that the hero was enduring with an aura, I immediately opened the car door and went outside.

Anyway, if a hero is defeated, then I like it or hate it, but I have to step in.

“Turn it off…!!”

As I went outside, I heard the groans of a struggling hero.

“cheer up!” “Fighting!”

Onlookers cheered for the hero by making horns and blowing whistles.

I kept walking forward, pushing people away.

At that time, the villain grabbed the vine with both hands, pulled it backwards once as if whipping it, and then slashed it forward.

“aaa!!” “Mom!!”

As people screamed and closed their eyes, I ran forward and put up a shield amidst the vines the villain was slapping.

The barrier that was rapidly raised from the bottom to the top cut off the vine like a blade.

Then, the green hero flew diagonally toward the ground at terrifying speed.

If it’s a normal hero, it won’t matter if you hit the floor that much, but I don’t think that hero will.

Dozens of layers of shields were placed on the flying trajectory of the hero to mitigate the impact.

As the shield that hit the hero was shattered, it continued to absorb the impact, and the hero was able to safely land when he almost touched the ground.

“Heh-uh… Heh-uh…”

The hero who stepped on the ground looked back in disbelief and let out a heavy breath.

Up close, Hero was a very young woman.

Did you just graduate, or was it your baby?

“Come to your senses. There are enemies in front of you, but what if you look behind you?”


Startled by my voice, the hero suddenly shoots a vine at me.

He twisted his head slightly to avoid the vines, and with his hand he pointed at the villain coming over as he smashed the median barrier.

“We have to deal with the assigned villain until the end.”


A glimmer of despair flashed in the hero’s eyes as he looked at the villain.

Of course, the villain approaching us now was enormous.

Judging from his appearance and behavior, it seems that the traits of a villain are manifested in wild bears.

Such villains are surprisingly easy to deal with.

It’s strong and agile, but it’s not very intelligent, so it’s enough to play with it moderately and subdue it with one shot.

But this green hero who uses vines seems to be daunting even for me.

“Hey… I’m sorry, but are you a hero…?”

The green hero looked at me with a desperate voice and asked.

“Not a hero… a professor at Grafford.”

“Huh?! Professor…? Excuse me, but could you step back?”

Activists never do things like sharing performance.

In addition, if you see yourself receiving help from others while so many people are watching, it will take a considerable blow to your career.

But even taking that into account, I don’t think this hero can do anything to that villain…

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I can do it!”

The green hero clenched his fists and shouted furiously.

“Yes. Then…”

As soon as I stepped aside, the hero exploded his aura and soared upward…

Suddenly, the mutant villain, who came right next to us, stretched out his long arm and grabbed the hero’s ankle.

“Ssss! Let go of this!”

The hero stretched out his hand, but all that came out of it was a vine.

It’s the best technique when limiting the opponent’s movement, but it’s very inappropriate to shake off the enemy’s arm that grabs your ankle.

Wouldn’t it be better if I squeezed it hard and cut it off or cut it, at the level of that hero…

“Hey… Hey…!”

A hero desperately trying to rise with his ankle caught urgently called me.


“Don’t say anything else later.”

“Okay…! Ugh…! I think I’ll break my ankle…!”

I organized my thoughts by wiping my forehead, which was starting to sweat in the summer sun, with the palm of my hand.


It’s not a particularly malicious villain, but a mutant biological villain who moves according to instinct.

There is no such thing as information that can only be obtained by capturing it alive.

But he’s not worth studying, so it’s much easier to just kill him.

I formed a large, flat, saucer-shaped shield in the sky.

“Aww…! Hey…! Hurry up…!”

Little by little, the hero shouted as he was dragged into the gaping mouth of the villain.

“I’m doing it. Wait. And even if you break your ankle, you can fix it right away.”

Hero urged me to, but I calmly continued to apply aura to the shield to increase the weight.

It’s a law to do something that should be done in a hurry.

“Hey… Hey… I’m a teacher… I’m sorry… Please make the shield invisible… Please…”

The hero, white with pain, begged in a thin voice.

Even though I told you to help, I ask you not to show it to others.

Anyway, even if I show condescension just because I killed a villain, it won’t help my career and I have no intention of doing so.

Already, the hero was dragged to the point where he could feel the bad breath of the villain.

“Okay, so I’m holding on. I’m almost done.”

The barrier that continuously compressed the aura finally reached the weight I wanted.

“Ahhhhh !!

Just as the villain was about to put the fist holding the hero into his mouth, I cut off control of the shield.

The extremely heavy barrier fell on the Villain’s head.

The shield that dug into the top of the villain’s head cleanly cut the villain’s body from front to back like a circular saw blade.


Seeing that, Hero forgot the pain in his ankle and opened his mouth wide.

The villain’s body, which had been cut like a cake, began to slowly spread back and forth.

The hero desperately exploded his aura and freed himself from his clutches, and immediately after that, the mutant villain’s gigantic body shook the ground and fell to the ground.

Like a roller coaster, the hero who made a big circle in the sky landed next to me.

“Thank you so much… my God… how could this…”

Hero stuck out his tongue as he looked at the clean cut with almost no blood.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Except for my ankle… ah… it hurts…”

The hero raised one leg, stumbled dangerously, and grabbed my shoulder.

“Oh, sorry.”

“Professor! Are you okay?!”

Just then, Han Min-ha ran and shouted.


Seeing the hero holding my shoulder, Han Min-ha slightly opened his mouth.

“Does anyone know…?”

“No. This is the first time I’ve seen it. I hurt my ankle and I’m about to fall, but I’m barely holding on. Don’t get me wrong.”

“Ah yes.”

Han Min-ha let out a sigh and laughed awkwardly.

Then he raised his hand and gently grabbed the hem of my shirt with the tips of his fingers.

His eyes were still on the silver-haired hero standing on the other side.

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