85 – From the End of the Journey Without You

Several days had passed since the night Elpecia was retrieved.

On that day, Harthe fainted immediately after meeting the Pope. When he finally opened his eyes after a long time, he found himself surrounded by darkness.

He later realized that this place was the punishment chamber within the temple, where sins were managed.

Therefore, he was unaware of the current situation.

A visitor spoke to Harthe, who was curled up in the dark space.

“The Demon King has perished, and the High Priest has lost his life. Moreover, half of the demonic realm has been destroyed.”

He stated the facts calmly.

“The demons can no longer surpass humans. However, humans will not invade and destroy the demons.”

Next, he asked.

“How long do you think peace has lasted historically?”

Harthe could only shake his head. He rarely had the opportunity to learn about it in detail.

The number the man mentioned after a brief pause was astonishing.

“It’s been approximately 300 years. Of course, there have been small-scale clashes between the two species, but the number of casualties is negligible compared to a ‘real war.'”

The man asked again.

“Then, how long do you think peace has lasted between humans?”

Harthe shook his head again. He had only been active outside the temple for about a year, and his historical knowledge was lacking.

“Since the founding of the Empire… or rather, the establishment of the ‘Humanity Defense Pact,’ it has been unprecedented. This is because the demons, a common enemy of humanity, united humanity. Therefore, if humans want to counter the demons, who have formed a monarchical system by species, they must stop fighting and unite.”

In short, the man’s point was simple.

“The leaders of humanity at the time did not want conflict. They want to maintain this well-woven peace. Therefore, the demons will continue to exist as a necessary evil.”

The man didn’t make any comments about it. He knew that getting involved in politics would be an overreach of his authority, so he made a wise decision.

“… It’s just that. It’s not a story that evokes strong emotions.”

A deep sigh followed. Then, he gazed at Harute with a tormented expression and continued speaking.

“Originally, it shouldn’t be like this… I want to respect the remaining years of your life. Above all, Harute, you have the right to turn away, to face it, and to exist…”

Finally, he opened the door.

Even on a gloomy day, the outside was brighter than the solitary confinement.

A faint light invaded Harute’s vision, irritating his eyes. His eyes hurt because they had been deprived of light for too long.

The man was surprised by Harute’s rough breathing, a sight he had never seen before. It was a shocking, unfamiliar scene that made his heart ache.

“I hope you’ll avoid the chapel, Harute. You don’t want to show yourself to Ivia and Elete right now.”

“…… I understand. Your Holiness.”

A rough, raspy voice scratched the Pope’s ears. It was a voice that had lost its former beauty, like a flower that had withered away.

Harute led his trembling body out into the hazy sky, his feet carrying him forward silently.

It seemed like it would rain at any moment.

Yet, he couldn’t help but look up at the sky. It was a crime to project his feelings onto the sky, and he felt ashamed.

In the past few days, as he cooled his head, he began to realize the reality.

He realized the weight of his own guilt, which followed him like a shadow.

Even so, he wanted to see her.

Even if he could only catch a glimpse of her from afar, he didn’t care.

It was okay if she didn’t recognize him again.

He just wanted to watch over her well-being until the day he died, even if it was from afar.

It was a foolish wish.

He didn’t even know that it was an excessive desire.

He didn’t realize that a sinner like him didn’t have the right to dream.

He just walked.

Out of the temple.

Leaving behind the comfortable shelter where he grew up, he headed towards the cold streets.

Harute’s world was already outside.

The world he desired was, in fact, very small and weak.

He wanted to add even a little bit of strength to it.

It was the only value left in the ashes that remained…

He just walked.

To see the world that had been created for him.

It was a day when the heavens seemed to be torn apart.

As soon as he stepped out of the temple, a sweltering heat enveloped the streets. The atmosphere was like a festival. However, the faces of the people gathered there were filled with various emotions.

Anger. Expectation. Jealousy. Happiness.

It was amazing to see so many conflicting elements gathered in one place.

On the other hand, the diverse, colorful gazes were sharp.

It was like a volcano on the verge of eruption. If it received even a slight shock, it would explode with a loud roar.

If you listened closely, you could hear the sound of whispers and curses.

It’s finally over. Even someone like that will eventually fall. Justice still exists in this world. And so on.

Among them, there were also sarcastic remarks that pierced Harte’s heart.

It was when Harte was pushing through the crowd, wandering aimlessly.


Harte was caught off guard and stumbled, almost falling.

“What’s going on? You’re really annoying.”


“Ah, it’s okay. I can tolerate it just for today.”

A man with a merchant-like physique spat on the ground and walked away, effortlessly parting the crowd with his body. Every time he pushed people away, it was like the crowd was splitting apart.

Harte saw him do it.

In the crowd that was difficult to navigate, a path was somehow created. Harte took it as an opportunity and secretly followed him.

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If they went out to the main road, they would easily be able to find Elpisia.

It was a shame to meet her in such a state, but Harte thought it would be okay to just take a look.

With that small hope, Harte blended into the crowd.


“What’s that awful smell?”

“I guess it’s okay to come out and take a look around…”

Every time Harte passed by, people’s faces turned ugly. It was a miracle they didn’t get into a fight. Maybe it was because the crowd was too dense, making it hard to even throw a punch. Harte thought so.

As they went further, the density of the crowd became even more extreme. The man with a merchant-like physique let out a deep sigh, as if he had no choice.

It was a declaration of surrender.

But the man seemed to be satisfied.

After all, they had come out to a scene that was more crowded than the Founding Day festival.

Clang, clang!

From a tall building, a guard in uniform was testing a tool. As soon as Harte recognized the tool, he was shocked.

It was a guillotine.

A dreadful device used for public executions, reserved for the most heinous criminals. It was unbelievable that people had gathered to see something like this.

But Harte didn’t know.

A guillotine was a disposable item set up only when a public execution was to take place. The Empire didn’t leave it out in a public place to instill fear.

In other words, the guillotine being set up meant that a criminal worthy of public execution had been caught.

And it was someone who would make the Empire’s citizens tremble with fear.

After confirming the setup, the guard loudly announced:

“The time has come to execute the criminal who has disturbed the Empire!”


The crowd erupted in cheers. Some people jumped up and down, waving their hands, while others shed tears of joy.

The guard added some grandiose language.

“The traitor of humanity and the greatest villain, Elpisia Lumine. We will bring the criminal to this place.”

“… What?”

Harte unconsciously asked, wondering if what he had heard was true.

But when he saw the woman being dragged out, bound by ropes, from behind the guillotine, Harte felt his mind go blank.

Her appearance was extremely pitiful.

There wasn’t a single spot that wasn’t bruised, and her fingernails were all torn out, as if she had been subjected to cruel torture. It was as if her toenails had been ripped off as well.

Moreover, her hair, which had once shone with a lustrous glow, was now as rough as a horse’s tail. It was as if someone had torn it apart with their bare hands, leaving it in a tangled mess.

“Elpisia… Elpisia…”

Harte murmured.

No matter how disfigured she was, it was impossible not to recognize her. Although her appearance had changed drastically from the last time he saw her, her crimson eyes remained unchanged.


Her gaze was ghastly, as if her eyes had been gouged out.

Her clothes were torn and tattered, with wounds covering her body like a lattice. These were the scars she had obtained from being whipped. Due to the festering wounds, pus oozed out continuously.

Yet, Elpisia remained expressionless, as if she was numb to the pain. It was a unique face, one that only those who had lost hope and vitality could possess.

“Kill her!”

“Kill the wicked woman!”

“You deserve to be executed!”

Countless malicious intentions pierced Elpisia like a sharp knife. Even just hearing the words made Harte’s heart ache. He wanted to grab Elpisia’s hand and flee immediately, so he mustered all his strength to push through the crowd.

“This is insane!”


A passerby’s carelessly thrown punch hit Harte in the jaw.

For a moment, the world spun, and when he regained his senses, he found himself leaning against the passerby who had blocked his way. The crowd was too dense, making it impossible to fall.

“Damn it.”

In a daze, the person he had leaned against cursed. But it was okay. He wasn’t going to be bothered by someone else’s words when the person he was truly concerned about was right in front of him.

“Haa… haa…”

His knee strength began to wane. Nevertheless, he continued to move forward. It was as if the people surrounding him were good luck charms. If the crowd hadn’t been packed tightly around him, he might have lost his balance and fallen.

However, the reality was cold and harsh, unlike the heated atmosphere.

No one gave way, and Harte had to muster all his strength just to push through a single person.

Unlike Harte’s struggling steps, the cruel reality took a step forward.

“Put the noose around her neck.”

The executioner received the order and forcibly made Elpisia kneel, then pushed her head into a small hole.

When everything was about to come to an end, the executioner asked a final question.

“Are there any last words?”


Elpisia hesitated for a moment before speaking in a voice that sounded like a faint smile.

“I want to see…”

Those words were Elpisia’s final wish.


The guillotine’s blade fell, severing Elpisia’s neck with a loud, gruesome sound. The merciless cutting sound echoed, drowning out the surrounding noise. Although the crowd was cheering, it felt like that to Harte.


Elpisia’s head rolled off the guillotine. Her eyes remained open, and a thick liquid flowed out of her lifeless neck. Harte let out a scream-like cry the moment he saw it.

“A… aah… aah…!!!”

Strangely, Elpisia’s head had fallen right in front of Harte. It was as if she had fulfilled her final wish, even in death, by coming to rest at his feet.

Harte carefully knelt down and picked up her head.

“Elpisia… Elpisia…!!!”

Tears fell.

It was the first time I had shed tears since I became self-aware.

A massive hole had opened in my chest, and a sharp, evil blade was mercilessly stabbing into that hole, as if it would never stop.

“Hey, old man, are you crying?”

A man jeered at Hart, as if he was ridiculous.

“Anyone would think you’re his lover.”

“There’s no way that’s possible. Just look at the age difference. If she were your granddaughter, maybe…”

They were right. At least, on the surface, it was certain.

A withered old man with a head of white hair, wrinkles etched on his face, sagging skin, and a hunched back. The smell of death clung to him. All of this was the price Hart had paid.

The result of forcibly using power beyond the limits of the vessel, exceeding the boundaries that the owner of the Holy Name should maintain.

The physical time allowed to Hart was only about a week.

His current appearance was the result of Hart having aged decades, his body worn out, and his life force dwindling.

“Elpisia… Elpisia… Ah…”

Hart held Elpisia’s head tightly in his arms. Even though her body was lifeless, he wanted to protect her from the evil that targeted her, and not let her be tainted by the cruel gaze of others.

However, the enraged mob would not let him be.

It was a festive day, a day of celebration, for the evil woman who had been executed. People coveted the final moments of humanity’s traitor, the spoils they wanted to display.

I don’t know who was the first to attack. But someone kicked Hart’s back, and in that instant, madness erupted.

“How dare you shield humanity’s traitor? Are you out of your mind?”

“Of course, it’s the same kind of traitor! They’re definitely the same!”

“Let’s kill this guy too!”

It was the start of a group assault.

In an instant, Hart was dragged to the execution grounds, feeling intense pain in his knees. When he realized it, his legs had already given out, and he had collapsed. Immediately after, the sound of his nose bone breaking echoed.


A bitter taste filled his mouth. A warm, sticky liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth to his chin. Even as blood flowed profusely, someone continued to kick Hart.

He strongly sensed death approaching.

His physical body, which had only a few days left, was too fragile to withstand the violence.

Death didn’t frighten him.

But leaving Elpisia alone was terrifying.

He worried about her being thoroughly trampled and abandoned after he was gone.

That was all.

She wouldn’t even be left with a complete corpse, and nothing would remain of her except her infamous reputation as a wicked woman in history. Even after death, someone would surely defile Elpisia’s name.

That’s why he wanted to protect her as long as possible.

Even if it was just a lifeless body.

Even if his flesh rotted away, leaving only his skeleton.

In reality, he wanted to stay by her side, who had become desolate.

That desire filled his chest, and by the time Hart’s lips moved on their own, it was already too late.

“Just give me one more chance, please…”

Elpisia had changed gradually after meeting Hart, but it was too late.

The timing was off.

If the bond between the two had formed just a little faster, their fate would have changed dramatically.

“For Elpisia… for her… please give me just one chance to change…”

Harte didn’t pray for his own salvation. Even if he were to be trampled in the world of the dead, he wanted to save Elpisia at least. He wanted to ensure her safety, even if it meant sacrificing himself.

“… Baptismal name.”

The time left for me, burning with each passing moment.

Harte lit a candle on the short fuse.


The start of the baptismal name.

By directly invoking the name of God, he forcibly activated his divinity.

A faint golden light appeared.

It was a precarious light, like a dying ember, on the verge of extinction.

Harte, with a faint glow, slowly opened his mouth.

“Grant my wish…”

There was only one thing he desired.

“Please, turn back her time…”

He pleaded with a cracking voice, like a sinner seeking forgiveness, hoping for a thin thread of hope.

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God did not respond to his prayers.

It had always been that way, and it would continue to be so.

But just as Harte lowered his head, a dreamy voice pierced his consciousness.

─Take back the offering.

It was a cold command. Yet, Harte held Elpisia’s head even tighter, refusing to give in.

“Once more, I beg of you, please turn back her time…”

For a while, there was no response. Still, Harte’s will remained steadfast, like iron. Even as his faint life force was dwindling, he continued to pray.

A little later, a gentle voice whispered in his ear again.

─If you truly love her, pluck out your eyes so you can never see her radiant smile again.

“The love I know is not bound by eyes. Even if the world is dark, I have ears that can hear her laughter.”

Harte said so, and then plucked out his own eyes. His optic nerve was torn, and the world went dark, with blood gushing out. He felt the end of his wretched life approaching.

Just then…

Someone forcefully broke Harte’s wrist. He felt Elpisia’s head rolling off his knees.

Thud, thud, crash!

A sound like something shattering echoed in his ears. Next, the divine voice tempted Harte.

─If you truly love her, kill all those who mock her death. I will grant you new power.

“Don’t test her, not her. She has repented and let go of her anger.”

Elpisia would never wish for such a thing.

She had clearly repented in the realm of the demon king. She was a woman who had been wronged, with a beautiful face twisted in sorrow, who had been made to accumulate resentment towards me. It was wrong to refuse Elpisia’s will and kill people.

After that, the voice did not respond for a long time.


Harte’s body convulsed.

This time, the pain of his internal organs being twisted and torn apart tormented him. Harte’s journey was gradually coming to an end, like being pushed off a cliff just a few steps ahead.

─I will make you an avatar, granting you the power to dominate the world. Women will follow you, and you will experience the greatest pleasure, with all treasures protecting your well-being.

“It’s unnecessary. To me, her smile is more precious than any magnificent gift from God…”

Please let me know if you need any adjustments!

Harte added with a self-deprecating tone.

“… Extremely selfish, indeed.”


The sound of his heart stopping echoed.

His entire body lost strength, and his breathing became labored.

His consciousness, which was on the verge of collapse, completely vanished.

An unavoidable fate befell him.

It was death.

In his final moments, a voice filled with affection echoed in his ears.

─Your faith has reached the name of God.

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