92 – Precious Hands?

A quiet night in the mansion.

The sound of an owl’s hooting mixed with the mountain breeze in a certain bedroom, and Cardi’s eyes snapped open.


His body was drenched in cold sweat. Cardi looked around, trying to distinguish between dream and reality, and let out a sigh of relief.

“That’s right… it was a dream.”

He had a dream that projected a future that shouldn’t be, and in that dream, he was living his life three years from now. He heard some terrifying words that made his heart skip a beat.

[You’re too old to play with Grandpa!]

[Now, isn’t it more fun to attend a tea party than to play with Grandpa?]

[You don’t even know my heart, and Grandpa keeps calling me, making me upset.]

… It was all said by 15-year-old Tina, who was in the midst of adolescence. Her granddaughter, who was once full of affection and love, was now gazing at Cardi with a cold, unfamiliar gaze.

He felt despair.

The reality of his beloved granddaughter changing into someone else was a sight he couldn’t bear to see.

“What the hell, it’s not like I’m going to find that Lloyd guy. He’s just a foolish illusion, making me feel all sorts of emotions. He’s as cunning as that old man, Chandler.”

In reality, he was the one who initiated the conflict, yet he was unilaterally blaming others.

Although it was still early morning, his sleepiness had disappeared, and he couldn’t fall back asleep. As he grew older, he realized that sleep was becoming more elusive, and today was the first time he felt it so strongly.

“Maybe I’ll feel better if I see the kids…”

Since he was still stuck in the remnants of his dream, it was difficult to fall asleep. Cardi diagnosed himself and got out of bed, putting on a comfortable gown.

Cardi’s footsteps were quiet.

Unlike him, Tina, who slept a lot, saw him off with half-opened eyes, as if she knew exactly how to receive affection. She was a clever kid, and Cardi didn’t want to disturb her sleep, so he tried to make his footsteps as silent as possible.

Eventually, Cardi arrived at Tina’s bedroom door and carefully opened it. The newly replaced hinges worked smoothly, without making a sound.

“Cooh, cooh…”

He heard Tina’s gentle breathing. How could someone’s breathing be so adorable? The thought of this Tina growing up and becoming an adult was unbearable.

“Cooh… cooh… Kkkkh!!!”

Then, suddenly, Tina let out a loud snore.


Cardi thought he had awakened Tina and was startled. He soon calmed down, realizing it was just a normal snore.

“I don’t know who my future husband will be, but if I have to share a bed, I’ll have to work hard.”

What could he do?

This was an era where separate bedrooms were not uncommon. If someone were to criticize him for that, he was ready to unleash his wrath.

The only thing he couldn’t help was the unpleasant feeling that arose when he imagined Tina getting married. He hated the approaching adolescence, and he hated the thought of sending her off to get married. He was aware of his own stubbornness as an old man.

“It would be better if I could keep her by my side and see her get married to Glen.”

Cardi really liked Glen, aside from his bloodline. Glen didn’t speak nonsense and had good manners. He was a hundred times better than those who had received early education and training.

As someone who had distanced himself from the social circle of the nobility, Cardi thought so even more strongly.

“But it’s hard to recommend him since he’s a child who’s already captured someone’s heart. I’d rather find a husband who is polite, unrelated to politics, and doesn’t easily get angry.”

Yes, someone like the 3rd Prince, Ascalion – a man who was the exact opposite of that foolish boy. It would be the best result if they could spend their lives together, but unfortunately, it was realistically impossible. Everyone has their own awakening to reality.

“Ugh, it’s early morning, and all sorts of thoughts are coming to me.”

I’ve seen enough of my granddaughter’s face.

It’s time to return to my bedroom and get some rest.

When Cardi was gradually distancing himself from Tina, Tina murmured with a sleepy face, “Hehe… I won the staring contest… Dad’s the best…”

She let out a faint laugh, and her silly breaths came out, accompanied by tears welling up in her eyes.

After my wife passed away, I had forgotten, but this is what family is all about.

A strange relationship where people like each other without any particular reason.

People who connect with each other without any calculation, just because their hearts are linked.

Those who give us a sense of fulfillment are the ones who truly are family, something I had forgotten for a long time.

“Yeah… what’s the difference? Nothing will change, anyway…”

Even if adolescence arrives, the memories we’ve shared won’t disappear.

Once the tumultuous period passes, the bonds we’ve formed will return, like old memories.

If only adolescence didn’t exist, like Elpis…

But expecting that is just an excessive desire.

“If you want something, you can have it, so why can’t you wait for just one thing?”

The next morning. It was Cardi’s day off.

With a determined look, Cardi let out a drink, which mostly returned to the cup he was holding like a ghost. “What did you say?”

Cardi asked, as if he had heard an absurd statement. Elpis replied with a calm face, “I’ll try to bring about a ceasefire agreement with the demons, Father.”

“What? You can’t be serious… You’re not in your right mind. Do you think the Human Defense Pact, which led a kingdom to destruction, is just a joke?”

“If you advocate for peace, then that’s what it is. What I’m planning is a ceasefire, not peace.”

The young girl was pushing forward a massive agenda, without batting an eyelid. This was Elpis, who was confident in herself.

“Whether you like it or not, the next emperor will be Uri… no, Ascalion. The only obstacle is his age, which prevents him from having a coronation ceremony.”

“… I know there’s no other alternative.”

“That’s right. So, it’s the perfect timing. We can create a great achievement before the coronation ceremony.”

“If the emperor was assassinated, wouldn’t proposing a ceasefire be seen as a national shame?”

“It’s all about how you present it. We can spread propaganda about the prince prioritizing the people’s livelihood over revenge.”

“What if the former first prince’s faction calls us cowards?”

“If you want war, then conscript their eldest son first. Of course, it’s not easy to say that, but ironically, since the emperor was assassinated, Ascalion will have the greatest imperial power when he becomes emperor.”

“… The next in line for the throne is the second prince.”

“Yes, even the remaining imperial family members will be on Ascalion’s side. If he receives a dukedom in the future, it will be like the empire’s two dukes supporting the emperor.”

Listening to the outline, it was a plausible plan. Since it wasn’t a foreign royal’s assassination, the pressure from other countries would be light…

The victimized empire would take the initiative in seeking peace, and many countries would follow suit.

“Since it’s not a peace treaty but a ceasefire, the Human Defense Pact is still valid. In that case, it’s unlikely that internal conflicts will arise…”

Cardi, who had been analyzing Elpis’s explanation from various angles, looked tired, rubbing his temples.

“So… you want me to support the third prince in bringing about a ceasefire?”

“To put it simply, yes.”

“What’s the specific plan?”

“I’m sure Father has a rough idea, don’t you? Since he overheard our conversation that day.”

That day’s conversation referred to the time Glen revealed the secret of being the descendant of the Demon King. However, it was unclear how his daughter had found out, and the son-in-law’s embarrassed face, avoiding eye contact, caught his attention.

“Ahaha… I only told the Duke about Glen’s whereabouts.”

“… Why didn’t you stop him back then? You’re making people uncomfortable, son-in-law.”

“As you know, the atmosphere in the room was a bit… tense at the time. More than anything, I thought it would be burdensome for Glen if the Duke knew the truth, so I kept it a secret.”

“Hmph, I just didn’t want to be criticized for eavesdropping as the head of the family.”

“Ah… um.”

Harte glanced at Cardi and Elphisia, then spoke as if he had discovered a new truth.

“Elphisia really does resemble the Duke.”



The son-in-law’s sudden, embarrassing remark made the woman’s face turn red. However, Harte didn’t stop there and continued to speak his mind.

“Moreover, you’re so similar to Yurian that sometimes I think you’re his grandchild instead.”

“Who resembles whom, Harte!”

“That kid’s too young to follow in my footsteps; it’ll take a thousand years!”

The old saying goes that strong denial is strong affirmation. Harte believed in the reliability of that old saying.

Afterwards, Harte, who had calmly accepted the anger of the Duke’s family, spoke casually.

“To be honest, it’s not just for Yurian’s merit that I’m doing this. I also want to give Elphisia the opportunity to meet her biological parents, especially Glen.”

Harte then gazed at the golden particles gathering in his palm and concluded his statement.

“And I can make it happen right now if I want to.”

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