The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 20: There is no shame in shaking people!

Chapter 20 It’s not shameful to shake people!

“This day has been really fulfilling.” After checking the shelter and arranging sentries, Cun Yunsheng finally lay on the bed, thinking about what he had done during the day.

 The smile on his lips almost reached the sky.

  I have finally established a foothold in the shelter.

His prestige has been established, and several thorns have been recruited by him.

 All that remains is to fulfill your previous commitments.

 There is no shortage of oceans for the time being, but weapons and equipment are a problem.

  I couldn’t help but have a headache when I thought about this little cloud.

 Just by cutting down trees, we don’t know when we will be able to gather the equipment for a regiment.

Even if he had to stay here for a month, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to get it all.

 And the equipment required by a regiment involves all aspects.

 If nothing else, there is a huge shortage of just one medic.

 I tried my best to get one.

According to his estimate, the entire regiment has at least 2,000 people, and it must be equipped with at least a dozen health workers, and preferably a doctor who can perform surgery.

But this thing is simply unimaginable.

 They obviously have a better future, so why do they want to fight you to the death?

 “It’s difficult.” Cun Yunsheng murmured.

 Fortunately, he can still influence people. With the kindness of his eldest uncle, the eight sons of the Cun family were all promoted quickly after joining the army.

 Even though he is the third generation, his promotion speed is very fast.

  The lieutenant colonel leader in his twenties is rarely seen anymore.

Although he is just the leader of a miscellaneous army, he is still the leader after all.

 The remaining eight people joined different warlords respectively, so in fact the influence of the Cun family is still very large.

"It looks like I can only shake people." If it were the original person, he would definitely feel it was very embarrassing to shake people, but for Cun Yunsheng now, not only is it not embarrassing, but it is very honorable.

What's more, he used people to get resources to better fight against the little devils.

 How could it be embarrassing?

“Let Xue Tian send people to deliver letters tomorrow to several uncles for support.” Cun Yunsheng muttered and prepared to fall asleep.

 At this time, the idea of ​​cutting down trees in my mind was updated again.

  It was still an opportunity to cut down trees, which made Cun Yunsheng shake his head.

 If you want to upgrade, you can only go to the battlefield and kill the devils as soon as possible.

His thoughts turned into giant axes and chopped down towards the big tree in the sky.


 There was a flash of colorful light.

 A lot of things fell down with a crash.

 Cun Yunsheng's heart skipped a beat and he became nervous at the same time.

 You can’t be so lucky, right?

 It exploded again?

 It’s not his fault for being so nervous, it’s just that he is too short of equipment right now.

“M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle*100, bullets*50,000.”

 Looking at the feedback, Cun Yunsheng opened his mouth wide for a moment, not knowing what to say.

 White, green, blue, purple, orange, red, gold.

Is there a chance that I will hit gold?

 Otherwise, how could there be such a high explosion rate?

 Usually they are mostly white and green.

 Occasionally, a blue burst occurs, which is the level of a mortar.

Even if it was a big explosion last time, you didn’t expect it to happen again this time?

After looking at it clearly, I found that it was just orange.

 Far from the highest golden color.

“Is gold so difficult? But it’s true. The odds of just a few tenths are almost the same as winning the lottery, but it’s also true. At least it’s a little better than it.”

"It seems that the only way is to upgrade the military rank, otherwise it will be too difficult." In fact, Cun Yunsheng was more curious about what the golden color could explode.

 Tank battalion?

 Or the heavy artillery battalion?

  Or a squadron?

  Or an aircraft carrier or something?

Of course these are just thoughts.

 With these one hundred rifles now, he can form an American infantry company.

 At least control people's hearts first. When others see so many beautiful weapons and equipment, they will naturally not run away.

With a better and better mood for the future, Cun Yunsheng finally fell asleep.

It was silent all night, and the occasional noise could not wake up even a single person.

It was just dawn, and it had become the shelter of the Independent Regiment Headquarters. A dozen large pots in the yard were already steaming.

 Outside the door, there were hungry and defeated soldiers.

 From a dozen people at the beginning, it is now close to a hundred, and more people are pouring in.

 Especially watching the dumplings being dropped into the pot, everyone’s mouths watered.

If there weren't soldiers with loaded ammunition standing guard at the door, they would have pounced on them long ago.

"Does it smell good? I ask you if it smells good? Forget it, you can't eat it anyway." Kang Huoyan held a bowl of dumplings and picked one with chopsticks, constantly tempting the defeated soldiers.

 At the end, I ate it in one bite with a look of satisfaction on my face.

 According to Cun Yunsheng's instructions, these members of the cannon fodder regiment were all assigned important tasks.

 That is to recruit troops for him. No matter what tricks they use, Cun Yunsheng only needs soldiers.

Furthermore, Cun Yunsheng promised that as long as he found enough soldiers, he would give priority to appointing officers.

He doesn't care whether the opponent follows the methods of his fellow countrymen or comrades-in-arms, as long as he finds soldiers.

 He doesn’t care whether there will be some kind of rural party or something like that.

We are about to enter Myanmar to fight, and we must leave the back to reliable people, and our compatriots in this era are definitely very reliable.

"Kang Ya, don't be too careless. We are all fellow villagers. Be careful of being sapped at night." A defeated soldier who was from the same hometown as Kang Huoyan couldn't stand it and said a harsh word.

"Hahaha, as long as you join the independent group, you can eat dumplings. Not only that, you will have meat to eat every day from now on. Why go back to eat grass." Kang Huoyan didn't care. Everyone knew it and didn't care about a few threats. if.

 “Hmph, let me think about it again, is your commander really too arrogant?”

 In fact, many defeated soldiers did have the idea of ​​​​not letting the hawk know the rabbit.

 After all, they have seen too many empty-handed officers, and this time they must see the actual ocean before making up their mind.

Even if they die, risking their lives can still be worth a lot of money.

“Of course, more than a dozen people saw it last night, and the box was filled with oceans. How could I lie to you?” In fact, Kang Huoyan was a little embarrassed in his heart, but he still boasted **** his face.

"If it's true, I can consider selling this life to your commander."

“Yes, we have to see the ocean, right?”

"that is."

Just when Kang Huoyan was about to speak, Cun Yunsheng stood behind him.

"Of course it's true. As soon as I have breakfast, I will start to reissue the ocean, and there will be three months of military pay."

Hearing the voice of the regiment leader, Kang Huojian quickly turned his head and prepared to salute.


“Well done, are these your fellow villagers?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile and patted his shoulder.

"Yes, they will press their thumbprints on the roster in a moment, and they will be soldiers of our regiment from now on." Kang Huoyan was obviously very smart and explained quickly.

Hearing this, the smile on Cun Yunsheng’s face became even bigger.

 “Not bad, do a good job.”

"Yes, Tuanzuo." Kang Huojian was extremely excited, and then looked at his fellow countryman.

“Stop talking nonsense, quickly press your fingerprints, take a bowl and eat dumplings. Each one has eaten grass for half a month. Do you still want to go back to eat grass?”

With these words, the rest of the defeated soldiers stopped talking nonsense and immediately lined up to press their fingerprints.

Continue to ask for support!



 (End of this chapter)

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